The word-run- flashed through my mind as the headstone came into view.
I saw that I hadn’t uncovered all the letters. There was still more to the message.
I considered what to do next. Monster Bob said nothing as he waited for me to decide what to do. I knew once I hoped down, he’d drive away and his adventure for the night would be over while mine was just beginning.
On the other hand he’d sit right there with me as long as I remained on his bike. He would do nothing, except wait and stroke my stomach.
The only bad thing about Monster Bob was the mystery of what he looked like under that helmet. Still he was the only ‘thing,’ in this hopeless wonder of a nightmare that was kind to me. I couldn’t be unkind in return.
“Thanks, Bob,” I whispered as I quietly got off his bike.
“It was kind of you to rescue me, yet again.”
He said not a word. He didn’t even move his head to show that he had heard me, but he didn’t drive away. Something was different. Something was the same. I waited to see what he’d do next.
Almost on cue he climbed off his bike and put the kick stand down. Now that was different. Monster Bob didn’t look all that frightening when he wasn’t driving his big motor bike. He almost looked inviting.
“Uh…” I managed to say.
He stepped forward. That’s when I noticed the holes in the knees of his pants. His skin was normal. It was just like mine. He opened his arms inviting me in. I stepped closer and he encircled me with them. They were covered in a long sleep shirt so I couldn’t see his skin. He smelled good. What did he want?
He pulled me closer so that his hips were almost joined with mine. The size of his cock scared me. It felt like a snake wiggling around in his pants. He rubbed it against me inviting me to touch him.
I looked up towards his helmet which I knew he’d never take off. The cover was black, the helmet was black and little pieces of bright orange hair stuck out the sides. Could he be human after all?
He took my hand and placed it across his cock, squeezing it with my fingers. Was I going to have sex with Monster Bob?
The idea was exciting. He’d always been my hero in this wasteland. He pushed me backwards as if waiting to see if I agreed or not. Then he unzipped his pants and let the snake out.
I stepped backwards because it was Really a snake. It looked like his cock. It was shaped like a cock. It was as thick as a cock, but it was a snake attached to his body.
He stepped closer to me taking my wrists in his hands and held onto me tightly. His snake moved towards my honey cave and slipped in slowly. It was so thick!
Monster Bob didn’t move a muscle. His snake slipped in and out of me with ease. The faster it went the more excited I became. I knew I’d cum soon. I ached to cum. Then it was over. He brushed the side of my face with the palm of his hand and he walked away. His trailing snake hissing at me as he went.
“Wait!” I screamed. But he paid me no heed and disappear into the darkness the same way we’d come. What had just happened? Did we just have sex? I was so confused.
I looked towards the headstone. It was time to get on with the business at hand. It was obvious that I was suppose to uncover all the remaining words on the stone and the sooner I got that done the sooner I’d be gone from this nowhere land. I stepped forward, looking down to check the ground. Had the dust fairies moved? I knew the special treasures of this world, and they all loved me. Nothing moved, so for tonight, anyway, they were not around.
Lying just ahead of my foot, and just out of a messy punchle of water I saw a tool. It was a simple thing really, a toy paint scraper. I reached down to pick it up. It looked new. No dirt or smudges of filter were visible on it. I turned it over in my hand and read:
“Paint Scarper, by Bob the Builder.” I laughed. Now I had a toy to help me escape. Still, why question a gift horse.
I climbed upon the side of the headstone, fully expecting to see the ghoul from the other night waiting with his collar and chains. I was surprised to find he wasn’t there; at least he wasn’t there, yet. The night was still young.
“What?” I said aloud. My clothes had changed back into a paper thin, yellowish very low cut nightgown. It was trimmed with humming birds and whitish lace.
“Just what I needed, sleep wear,” I moved my Sponge Bob feet closer to the Headstone and began to scrape at the lettering with the ‘Bob the Builder Paint Scraper.’
I, at least got to keep the slippers this time, I reassured myself. As I worked I began to run the events over in my head. It really was silly like most dreams are. I had been on a motorbike with Monster Bob, I had Sponge Bob slippers on my feet and I had a plastic toy scarper in my hand designed by Bob the builder.
“This is really getting stupid. Monster Bob, Sponge Bob and Bob the builder.” I rolled my eyes and kept working. They all had the same name, Bob.
The first letter scraped clean and I wondered what the letter ‘C’ was the beginning of. I wiped at the sweat on my forehead and started on the next impossible task.
The sky above my head darkened and the stars disappeared from view. I knew something was coming. As in real life, darkness always came just before the storm.
I completed the Second letter just as droplets of rain began to fall. The heavens howled with thunder and lightening lit up the entire graveyard. It reminded me of the circuit at night. I shivered and tried to pull the gown tighter around my body for warmth to no avail.
I glanced up at the new letter A. It looked lonely up there on the stone. I moved to the next one, scraping at it with new energy. I hoped to get it uncovered before the monster arrived to stop me. I wanted out of this dream and I wanted out quickly.
The downpour came at last. The remaining letters were soaked. The messy decaying growth on the stone I was scraping loosened and this allowed me to almost rip the remaining letter free of filter, R.
After several moments of silence the lightning flashed again. It flashed violently all around me until it hit a spot no more then a hundred yards away. My foot slipped which loosened my fingers and I found myself tumbling towards the hardness of the stone. It wasn’t the stone I hit; however, it was the lap of the ghoul. He had me at last!
I wasn’t really shocked. It wasn’t much of a surprise. I knew it’d happen this way. This was his part of the dream… his area. He was the demon I had to face, the one I wanted to avoid at all costs. So, avoidance was impossible.
I felt the collar as he snapped it around my ankle. He smiled at me with his vampire teeth and dirty grin. My foot was happy to see him and easily wrapped my leg around his waist. He held up his knife in the moonlight and then as gently as a master caring for his baby he slitmy other foot. Once my blood had seen out onto the knife he held it up in the moonlight and licked it with his tongue.
There was nothing left for me to do. I couldn’t run. My feet were not going to go anywhere. Under me I felt his cock growing. Images of him fucking me waved through my brain and sickened me. He gently slit my left wrist and then my right wrist. Licking each in the moonlight from his knife. My hands, now his to command, moved towards his pants aided by my feet. Without a care in the world my hands slipped into the zipper part of his pants and withdraw his long, covered in stickers, cock. I gasped. That thing would kill me if he inserted it inside of me.
My legs opened as if on cue. Carefully he lowered his knife towards my exposed pussy. My eyes grew large. There Was nothing I could do. In the distance I heard Monster Bob’s motorbike. Was he going to try to rescue me, again?
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