Radio Show


I slowly opened My eyes, her face and hair above Me obscuring the expected view of the dark-green canvas. she had turned on a flashlight, providing a little illumination in the tent.


“What is it, little one?” I asked softly, reaching up to cares her face. “A bad nightmare?”

“No, Sir,” she replied. “i thought i heard a scream outside.”

That definitely grabbed My attention. “Nearby?”

“Not really, Sir. It sounded too soft to be nearby.”

I rolled this around in My mind for a few moments while I kept My ears alert. “Are you certain, little one?”

“Yes, Master.”

I thought a few moments longer. “That means someone is trespassing, right, Sir?” she asked.

“True,” I noted, “but it is not really the trespassing which would be the prime issue, but the reason for the trespassing. Could you tell which direction the scream came from?”

she thought for a moment, biting her lower lip. “No, Sir. i was too shocked bythe scream itself to notice the direction.”

I thought again, listening attentively, but the only sounds were of the standard night creations as the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze, plus the sounds originating inside the tent. “Quite some time has passed and I haven’t heard anything. Perhaps it was something from a nightmare that just seemed to be all-too-real?”

“Perhaps, Sir.” she laid upon the sleeping bag in which I lay, resting her head upon My shoulder. My arms wrapped around her, gently caresing her nudity. Almost instantly, My arousal began to make itself evidence, which I would normally not ignore.

But something had shaken my loving slave, and I needed to somehow calm her fears.

A soft, feminine scream then reached My ears, surprising Me. “Was the scream you heard Similar to that one?”

“Yes, Sir, it was. But now, i think i know what is happening.”

I looked at her questioningly, then heard the scream again. Then I understand her argumentt. It was not a scream of terror or panic or deep anguish. It was a scream of pain, but was so short that it announced an expected pain.

“Sir, do You think…?”

“I do.”

“Should You and i go do something about this?”

An arm left my slave’s wonderful body so I could feel around for My watch. Finding it, I pressed its backlight to check the time (1:28 AM), and had a plan form in My mind. “Let’s just lay here and listen to the ‘radio show.’ Then when they’re done, you and I can try to one-up them.”

she lifted her head to look down into My eyes. her own eyes sparkled beautifully as her smile beamed down at Me from within the curve of her lengthy raven-black hair.

Turning off the flashlight, I nudged little one off the sleeping bag, then unzipped the protective “sleeve” to invite her inside. Having two people inside the one-person sleeping bag was an extremely tight fit, but I definitely did not mind, and she seemed to truly relish the closeness as I rezipped the enclosure. Two bodies, warm and naked, happily entwined as the “radio show” began to pick up pace, with the intervals between screams descending with the sharpness of the screams ascending.

Despite the extremely snug confinement, My loving slave gently rolled her hips, continuously pressing against My hardened manhood. her actions were not designed to induce orgasm, but to slowly tease and tantalize. Between her slight movements and the increasing intensity of the “radio show,” I was thoroughly enjoying the unexpected events of the night.

This was indeed turning into a most interesting campout.

“What do You think is happening, Master?”

So many images flashed though My mind, but I finally settled upon one in particular. “It wouldn’t surprise Me if T/they are in the small clearing by the stream, with the slave naked and laying face-down upon that large fallen tree close to the water, ankle and wrist cuffs connected by chains to stakes driven into the ground with one or two other large, heavy chains securing her torso to the tree. I would imagine her Mistress or Master is using a riding crop.”

“That sounds delicious, Sir.” she pressed against Me more inevitably, slowly increasing the tempo as the “radio show” continued.

At last, the screams turn to a loud blubbering. Clearly, the female submissive was truly crying, yet there were still screams easily heard between the loud sobs. But from above Me, My lover’s breathing was becoming a bit ragged as she pressed her hot sex against Mine with more rapidity.

“you know you are not allowed to cum without permission, right?”

“i know, Master!” she admitted breathlessly. I thought I could see her plan, so I unzipped the sleeping bag to allow her more space to maneuver upon Me. she practically jumped at the opportunity: Within seconds, she was straddling Me, impaling herself.

No tenderness, no romance, no gentleness, no lovemaking – this was a pure, royal, intensity,brutal, primary fuck.

When her cries finally faded, My slave collapsed upon Me, softly whispering, “i’m sorry, Sir,” for having achieved orgasm without My permission. Just as serious an offense was that she had taken the initiative and ridden Me without ensuring My climax. Still softly repeating, “I’m sorry, Sir,” I was certain that she knew she would be punished severely.

Then again, that was almost certainly her plan, to ensure that she and I would put on a truly excellent “radio show” for the trespassers further down the mountainside.


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