Rachel's House Ch. 02

Edwina had a drink poured for me when I went into the blinde, her chestnut hair fell fully to her creamy shoulders, her short green silk tunic clung seductively to her slender figure setting off the glint of gold reflecting from her collar and wrist cuffs. She kneeled in front of me,.

She was one of the surprises I had not expected when Rachel had first proposed her wish for slavery to me. In fact Edwina was only one of twenty further delectable girls who had willingly put themselves completely under my power at Rachel’s instigation. She had said that no slave girl should have the exclusive attention of her master, she should have to compete with many others as attractive as herself the result was that I had acquired a harem of beautiful girls each one as masochistic as Rachel. These beauty spend their time between patpering me and being abused and bound for my amusement and sexual delight.

It did not even require any imagination on my part, enough ideas were embodiedin my book of instructions, two inches thick, written out for me by Rachel, which spelled out exactly what to do, even to the tiniest detail, which transformed every experience into something extra specially tittivating for me.

I couldn’t quite believe that Rachel alone was responsible for the whole book and later I was proved right, all of the girls had contributed to its writing and evidently they had spent much thought & time on it.

At this very moment six of the girls were strung into interesting positions of bondage, twelve were off duty sleeping locked in their slave pens, the last two were on duty and at my beck and call.

As I sipped my sherry Lena was cooking my dinner and I asked Edwina to read to me from “The Book.”

She sat at my feet and as I stroked the back of her neck above her metal collar, the barbarity of the words sounded strange when spoken in her wonderfully modulated voice. Her perfect lips carefully formed the obscene words and as a resultbeing twice as titillating, these words contrasted strangely with the luxury and the civilised air of our surroundings.

“Slaves must be constrained within tight bonds for at least three hours a day. Their cunts, tits and arseholes must be constantly kept employed. There is a basic need for this that they may attain the proper state of mind for complete servitude. Regular humiliation and the regular marking by whippings is very necessary for the well-being of every slave girl.”

-How do you feel about that Edwina?

-Oh we were all agreed about that, master, the full rigour of our position must be imposed upon us regularly so that we can be made to feel fully service.

-Go on.

She turned to a different place-

“Slaves are the property of the master and the usage of their bodies must be frequently given to Favoured friends with strict instructions that they be put to the fullest sexual use by them, it should be reported back to the master if the girl was not found fully suitable in which case it should be considered how the girl should best be punished.

The lot of each girl should be as hard as can be designed, ways should be sought to vary the conditions of servitude and always to design fresh torques to add to those already exercised.”

Lena came in and dropped to her knees lowering her eyes to the floor,

-Dinner is ready Master, she said.

I ate quickly and took coffee in the blinde. As I slowly drank it I told the two girls to disrobe and lie on the floor in front of me. I got them to stroke each other’s breasts until they were excited and then I told each to insert a dildo into the other to bring her slowly to an orgasm.

I really enjoyed watching them, eventually they came to an orgasm and they looked really beautiful they lay in each other’s arms exhausted on the floor,


I wandered into the sparse gymnasium to inspect my six bound charges, each tightly constrained in her bonds.

Marta, my blond amazon was strained horizontally across a hardwood frame strung as tightly as a drying fleece, a mechanical dildo was inserted at the entrance of her dark vaginal receptions, she was blindfolded and tightly gagged. The lips of her cunt glistened with the fluid of her desire.

-Do you want me to turn on the automatic fucking machine, darling? I asked.

She nodded her head vigorously.

I pressed the switch and the dildo slowly and inexorably moved in and out of her slippery vagina, her body tautened and she blew a gust of air from her widened nostrils past the gold ring that pierced the septum of her nose. A muscle in her abdomen trembled and her body quivered and tightened as the machine worked its blind will upon her, the muscles twisted her body this way and that in slow ecstasy.


I walked along to see Trudy, her knees were tightly bound under her arms, her tights drawn sideways and back. Her arms were alsotied behind her back and she was suspended about three feet from the ground from a rope that went under her armpits across her back and was tied together. It was passed over a pulley set into the high ceiling and secured to a cleat attached to the wall. I had arranged it so that her cunt was directly above a pressure hose jet set into a grille in the floor. The weight of her body centred her cunt over the jet and consequently the jet tended to push her body to one side or the other, there was a constant swinging set up of an irregular kind so that her private parts were in turn stimulated and spun around in turns. This treatment tended to bemuse her and set her into a distracted mood, half distant and half aroused. Water dripped from the points of her buttocks, her head was thrown back. As I came up to her, she murmured.

-You must fuck me Johnny or I’ll be destroyed.

I swung her away from the jet and buried my penis straight into her and she soon came to an orgasm, these trEatments made them all so ready!

The loud hissing of the jet still sounded in my ears as I let her fall back over the jet and saw her form lazily twisting and turning above its power as I left her there.


Virginia was next, I found her kneeing in the corner of the room. Her slender neck and fine wrists were firmly locked in a heavy oak pillory. Her brown straight hair hung down in front of the closed beam.

The weight of the pillory rested on her neck and it was tethered to a wooden platform by a thick chain running to a bolted-in eye. She had been given drugs to make her lactate and her already ample breasts, further inflated with their heavy burden of milk swung heavily below the pillory, milk drops hung from the ends of each large successful dark pink nipple. Her eyes were tightly closed and her captive hands were clenched into fists because her udders were distended and she reached with the need to be milked. Two lambs in a pen were bleating with hunger, I let them free and they trotted over and fastened their lips upon Virginia’s swollen teas. The heights were cleverly arranged so that the lambs were in easy reach of their wet nurse. I saw her hands relax and a look of utter relief and contentment crept over Virginia’s aristocratic features as she let down her milk and her two babies sucked the milk greedily from her nipples.


Clare and Carol were shackled together on either side of a small cast iron seesaw set in the floor each was seated on a small platform through the centre of which protruded a wooden dildo that extended deep into their vaginas. The slightest movement of one moved the dildo inside the other and it was obvious that they had done plenty of moving. Their breasts brushed Together as they sat, sweat was drying on their bodies and they had a glazed look in their eyes above their gags. Although they were shackled to upright iron stanchions behind they were slumped forwardd in their bonds each head on each others shoulder, black body on white body. Their orgasms were in their own hands and they had obviously used the privilege fully. I left them and went on to the pens.


I walked along to see Trudy, her knees were tightly bound under her arms, her tights drawn sideways and back. Her arms were also tied behind her back and she was suspended about three feet from the ground from a rope that went under her arms across her back and was tied together. It was passed over a pulley set into the high ceiling and secured to a cleat attached to the wall. I had arranged it so that her cunt was directly above a pressure hose jet set into a grille in the floor. The weight of her body centred her cunt over the jet and continuously the jet tended to push her body to one side or the other, there was a constant swinging set up of an irregular kind so that her private parts were in turn stimulated and spun around in turns. This treatment tended to bemuse her and set her into a distracted mood, half distant and half aroused. Water dripped from the points of her buttocks, her head was thrown back. As I came up to her, she murmured.

-You must fuck me Johnny or I’ll be destroyed.

I swung her away from the jet and buried my penis straight into her and she soon came to an orgasm, these treatments made them all so ready!

The loud hissing of the jet still sounded in my ears as I let her fall back over the jet and saw her form lazily twisting and turning above its power as I left her there.


Virginia was next, I found her kneeing in the corner of the room. Her slender neck and fine wrists were firmly locked in a heavy oak pillory. Her brown straight hair hung down in front of the closed beam.

The weight of the pillory rested on her neck and it was tethered to a wooden platform by a thick chain running to a bolted-in eye. She had been gIven drugs to make her lactate and her already ample breasts, further inflated with their heavy burden of milk swung heavily below the pillory, milk drops hung from the ends of each large successful dark pink nipple. Her eyes were tightly closed and her captive hands were clinched into fists because her udders were distended and she reached with the need to be milked. Two lambs in a pen were bleating with hunger, I let them free and they trotted over and fastened their lips upon Virginia’s swollen teas. The heights were cleverly arranged so that the lambs were in easy reach of their wet nurse. I saw her hands relax and a look of utter relief and contentment crept over Virginia’s aristocratic features as she let down her milk and her two babies sucked the milk greedily from her nipples.


Clare and Carol were shackled together on either side of a small cast iron seesaw set in the floor each was seated on a small platform through the centre of which protruded a wooden dildo that extended deep into their vaginas. The slightest movement of one moved the dildo inside the other and it was obvious that they had done plenty of moving. Their breasts brushed together as they sat, sweat was drying on their bodies and they had a glazed look in their eyes above their gags. Although they were shackled to upright iron stanchions behind they were slumped forward in their bonds each head on each others should, black body on white body. Their orgasms were in their own hands and they had obviously used the privilege fully. I left them and went on to the pens.


I walked along to see Trudy, her knees were tightly bound under her arms, her tights drawn sideways and back. Her arms were also tied behind her back and she was suspended about three feet from the ground from a rope that went under her armits across her back and was tied together. It was passed over a pulley set into the high ceiling and secured to a cleat attached to the wall. I had arranged it so that her cunt was directly above a pressure hose jet set into a grille in the floor. The weight of her body centred her cunt over the jet and consequently the jet tended to push her body to one side or the other, there was a constant swinging set up of an irregular kind so that her private parts were in turn stimulated and spun around in turns. This treatment tended to bemuse Her and set her into a distracted mood, half distant and half aroused. Water dripped from the points of her buttocks, her head was thrown back. As I came up to her, she murmured.

-You must fuck me Johnny or I’ll be destroyed.

I swung her away from the jet and buried my penis straight into her and she soon came to an orgasm, these treatments made them all so ready!

The loud hissing of the jet still sounded in my ears as I let her fall back over the jet and saw her form lazily twisting and turning above its power as I left her there.


Virginia was next, I found her kneeing in the corner of the room. Her slender neck and fine wrists were firmly locked in a heavy oak pillory. Her brown straight hair hung down in front of the closed beam.

The weight of the pillory rested on her neck and it was tethered to a wooden platform by a thick chain running to a bolted-in eye. She had been given drugs to make her lactate and her already ample breasts, further inflated with their heavy burden of milk swung heavily below the pillory, milk drops hung from the ends of each large successful dark pink nipple. Her eyes were tightly closed and her captive hands were clinched into fists because her udders were distended and she reached with the need to be milked. Two lambs in a pen were bleating with hunger, I let them free and they trotted over and fastened their lips upon Virginia’s swollen teas. The heights were cleverly arranged so that the lambs were in easy reach of their wet nurse. I saw her hands relax and a look of utter relief and contentment crept over Virginia’s aristocratic features as she let down her milk and her two babies sucked the milk greedily from her nipples.


Clare and Carol were shackled together on either side of a small cast iron seesaw set in the floor each was seated on a small platform through the centre of which protruded a wooden dildo that extended deep into their vaginas. The slightest movement of one moved the dildo inside the other and it was obvious that they had done plenty of moving. Their breasts brushed together as they sat, sweat was drying on their bodies and they had a glazed look in their eyes above their gags. Although they were shackled to upright iron stanchions behind they were slumped forward in their bonds each head on each others Shoulder, black body on white body. Their orgasms were in their own hands and they had obviously used the privilege fully. I left them and went on to the pens.



I walked along to see Trudy, her knees were tightly bound under her arms, her thighs drawn sideways and back. Her arms were also tied behind her back and she was suspended about three feet from the ground from a rope that went under her arms across her back and was tied together. It was passed over a Pulley set into the high ceiling and secured to a cleat attached to the wall. I had arranged it so that her cunt was directly above a pressure hose jet set into a grille in the floor. The weight of her body centred her cunt over the jet and consequently the jet tended to push her body to one side or the other, there was a constant swinging set up of an irregular kind so that her private parts were in turn stimulated and spun around in turns. This Treatment tended to bemuse her and set her into a distracted mood, half distant and half aroused. Water dripped from the points of her buttocks, her head was thrown back. As I came up to her, she murmured.

-You must fuck me Johnny or I’ll be destroyed.

I swung her away from the jet and buried my penis straight into her and she soon came to an orgasm, these treatments made them all so ready!

The loud hissing of the jet still sounded in my ears as I let her fall back over the jet and saw her form lazily twisting and turning above its power as I left her There.


Virginia was next, I found her kneeing in the corner of the room. Her slender neck and fine wrists were firmly locked in a heavy oak pillory. Her brown straight hair hung down in front of the closed beam.

The weight of the pillory rested on her neck and it was tethered to a wooden platform by a thick chain running to a bolted-in eye. She had been given drugs to make her lactate and her already ample breasts, further inflated with their heavy burden of milk swung heavily below the pillory, milk drops hung from the ends of each large successful dark pink nipple. Her eyes were tightly closed and her captive hands were clenched into fists because her udders were distended and she reached with the need to be milked. Two lambs in a pen were bleating with hunger, I let them free and they trotted over and fastened their lips upon Virginia’s swollen teas. The heights were cleverly arranged so that the lambs were in easy reach of their wet nurse. I saw her hands relax and a look of utter relief and contentment crept over Virginia’s aristocratic features as she let down her milk and her two babies sucked the milk greedily from her nipples.


Clare and Carol were shackled together on either side of a small cast iron seesaw set in the floor each was seated on a small platform through the centre of which protruded a wooden dildo that extended deep into their vaginas. The slightest movement of one moved the dildo inside the other and it was obvious that they had done plenty of moving. Their breasts brushed togetherer as they sat, sweat was drying on their bodies and they had a glazed look in their eyes above their gags. Although they were shackled to upright iron stanchions behind they were slumped forward in their bonds each head on each others shoulder, black body on white body. Their orgasms were in their own hands and they had obviously used the privilege fully. I left them and went on to the pens.



I walked along to see Trudy, her knees were tightly bound under her arms, her thighs drawn sideways and back. Her arms were also tied behind her back and she was suspended about three feet from the ground from a rope that went under her arms across her back and was tied together. It was passed over a pulley set into the high ceiling and secured to a cleat attached to the wall. I had arranged it so that her cunt was directly above a pressure hose jet set into a grille in the floor. The weight of her body centred her cunt over thejet and consequently the jet tended to push her body to one side or the other, there was a constant swinging set up of an irregular kind so that her private parts were in turn stimulated and spun around in turns. This treatment tended to bemuse her and set her into a distracted mood, half distant and half aroused. Water dripped from the points of her buttocks, her head was thrown back. As I came up to her, she murmured.

-You must fuck me Johnny or I’ll be destroyed.

I swung her away from the jet and buried my penis straight into her and she soon came to an orgasm, these treatments made them all so ready!

The loud hissing of the jet still sounded in my ears as I let her fall back over the jet and saw her form lazily twisting and turning above its power as I left her there.


Virginia was next, I found her kneeing in the corner of the room. Her slender neck and fine wrists were firmly locked in a heavy oak pillory. Her brown straight hair hung down in front of the closed beam.

The weight of the pillory rested on her neck and it was tethered to a wooden platform by a thick chain running to a bolted-in eye. She had been given drugs to make her lactate and her already ample breasts, further inflated with their heavy burden of milk swung heavily below the pillory, milk drops hung from the ends of each large successful dark pink nipple. Her eyes were tightly closed and her captive hands were clenched into fists because her udders were distended and she reached with the need to be milked. Two lambs in a pen were bleating with hunger, I let them free and they trotted over and fastened their lips upon Virginia’s swollen teas. The heights were cleverly arranged so that the lambs were in easy reach of their wet nurse. I saw her hands relax and a look of utter relief and contentment crept over Virginia’s aristocratic features as she let down her milk and her two babies sucked the milk greedily from her nipples.



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