What a Master is to Her

A Master. First, the question is this. What is a Master? Can anyone be a Master? Is it a Man or Woman who thinks they can control a being simply by being capable of it? Is it One who thinks they are stronger than the other they desire to control? Is a Master one who can control any emotion thrown at them? Emotions coming from them?

A: Anger

B: Violence

C: Love

D: Hate

E: Empathy

F: Contempt

What is a Master? According to the Webster’s Dictionary, A Master is one who: One that has control over another or others. The owner or keeper of an animal. The owner of a slave. A Master to an animal?

I, as a slave, may be considered an animal by the one I would call Master. I would humbly grovel at their feet, beg for scraps of food, if that is what they required of me, crawl belly first to where they desire me to be. So yes, a Master can own a animal, because only a real Master could get me to do so without thinking of what others might think orsee. A slave? Depends on what you think of as a slave, as we all have different ideas on what one is. Another essay perhaps someday.

Now, a Master to me is one who can take control over me almost instantly, demanding the respect that comes with the title. Some say respect is earned. Why? I want respect, even as a slave from those who are Dominant, as well as submissive. A true Master, as well as a true submissive will treat another as they desire to be treated. A Master, requires obedience, loyalty and respect, but they in turn would expect themselves to give those things in return. A Master that owns me would show me how to behave by setting an example to me, showing me in themselves that there is a certain level of respect they demand in life from all those around them.

Can anyone be a Master? Many can call themselves Master, can even own a slave or two or three, ordering them about and even getting them to obey them for a time, but eventually time will show to others if the person is truly who they say they are. Their slaves run around uncontrolled. A person can call them self Master and be only a person who has a thing for kink. To me, a Master is a collection of very few in reality, an elite few, who hold themselves up above the crowd, not by arrogance, but by the respect they have earned and the right to be called Master by those they own and those submissive that know them.

Is it a Man or Woman who thinks they can control a being simply by being capable of it? A Master, in my opinion can be male or female, it does not matter which, they are people who know deep inside they are part of a group of men and women who can control, who can respect someone *less* than themselves. Imagine, if you can, a slave who thinks, not with their heart or mind, but with their soul. Unyielding in their devotion, accepting fully each and everything that is dealt out to them, good or bad, knowing it is their place and what is happening in some way, give the Master pleasure, happiness or satisfaction, thus in turn, giving them pleasure.

Control, does it make a man or woman a Master? No. It takes years to become a Master in my eyes. I know a Master who went as far as to be a slave for a year, knowing he could not truly own a slave if he did not know what it felt like to live as one, to feel as one does. He is one I can honestly call Master and not false in saying it. He knows when to say he is sorry, as so few *Masters* don’t think they have the need to. A Master knows when he or she has erred, take a larger person to admit it, It does not make them less in the eyes of a slave, it makes them more. A Master who can admit when he or she is wrong is remaining in control of their being and in control of their slave.

A submissive, angry at being ordered to scrub a floor while another submissive, throws a tantrum, telling the other she is worthless, not pretty enough. Is she a submissive or is she a person who desires to play on the kinky side of life? A Master has to deal with these things if they live this lifestyle 24/7 in a poly relationship. Personalities clash, not everyone is meant to like everyone else. Does the Master get angry themselves? Do they punish with anger? Do they accept what happens? A Master would answer no to all these questions. A Master will become displeased, unhappy that his life has been unsettled by a squabble. They will find out what caused the friction so they can pass down judgment on a submissive without losing *face* in their eyes. A Master will wait for a certain period of time before he punishments, especially if they feel they might not be able to control themselves enough, ( After all, They are human , as well with emotions and sometimes they can escape) They never accept friction in their homes or presence, though they know it is a given, to accept it, is to not be in control. They might decide to punish all those involved or just the one who created the friction to begin with, their choice, not the submissive. A Punishment dealt with quickly is a kind thing for a Master to do, for to make a submissive wait, it pure torture. ( Remember, my words and thoughts alone, not meant to reflect any others)


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