
“Wow, I can’t believe that you would do something like that to me! Actions like that are going to require severe punishment to make sure you never even think of doing something like that again. The only question right now is what you deserve.

She cowered at his anger. She didn’t dare look at his face. She kept her head down, eyes focused on the floor. She really regretted having looked at His computer files and especially getting caught. The information was so amazing that she just couldn’t look away. She knew there would be hell to pay if he caught her but she didn’t expect him to walk in on her like that. He thought for a few minutes. The silence was deafening. Finally he spoke.

“There’s no doubt about it. You need to be disciplined for actions like that – severely. I’m going to make this a little more interesting though. Right now I’m thinking of a half dozen pretty severe punishments that fit the crime. I’m going to write them each down on a slip of paper and place them all in a box. You will determine what you will get by selecting one of those papers. Give me a couple minutes. I’ll even put a relatively easy one in for you to give you a sporting chance. Go get me a box about this big.”

Angela bit her lip as she watched him scratch out his ideas on the notepad. She searched the office and found a small cardboard box about six inches cubed on top of a waste basket. The locked computer’s screen saver glared in her face. If only it had been timed out before. Angela brought the box to her Master.

“Just hold it for me,” he told her as he continued writing.

She held the box with both hands as she waited. She was concerned about the volume of information that he wrote without needing much time to pause and think. He finished one, tore it from the pad, smiled and Then crumpled up the slip and tossed it into the box. It took him nearly fifteen minutes to fill out seven sheets of punishments. She had no idea what kinds of things he was imAgining but that same sinister grin came across his face several times. He had mentioned “severe” Angela’s flight instinct suggested that she should run but she knew that it would not only be futile but result in more punishment. She nervously rubbed her intertwined fingers together as she fidgeted, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.

“Okay, we’re ready to let you determine what I shall do with you. I have high expectations that you will make a fine slave. By punishing you right away I hope to ward off any future behavior of this kind. I’ll hold the box while you select one of the slips of paper. I want you to take it and read it aloud to me. Choose your poison,” he told her as he extended his arm towards her with the box hold just above her eyes.

Angela’s hand was shaking as she raised her arm to choose one of the slips of crumped paper. Some were crumped tighter than others and she wondered if that was any indication of the severity. She finally chose one that was lightly wadded and opened it. She was afraid to look.

“Read it to me. I want to know what one we’re going to do, “he remarked coldly.

“It says…it says, um…that I must submit to…um…twenty-five lashes with the single tail whip.” She shuddered as she spoke the words.

“Oh, that’s a nasty one, Jack remarked in a shockingly casual manner. Leaves lots of scars and hurts like hell for a long time as well. You might pass out before I whip you that many times too. Well, you choose it. I will tell you that you could have done worse but then again there were others that maybe weren’t as bad. Wad that piece of paper up again and toss t back in the box. We’ll keep this box of punishments in case the need should arise again.”

“Please Sir,” she pleaded as she quicklycrumbled the paper back into a ball and placed it back in the box.

I have another idea, he said with a sadistically excited expression on his face. Do you want to draw again? The risk would be drawing something even worse and there would be no going back…or you might get the easy one I put in the box…or you might draw the same one again. The gamble is up to you. Otherwise we’ll go to the whipping post to get this over in a little while.”

Visibly trembling and chewing on her nails, Angela thought about the offer. She wasn’t feeling particularly lucky and she had no idea of ​​the kinds of things that were written on the other slips of paper – But oh, the single tail whip!

“I am going to give you a few minutes more. I have something else that needs attention right now,” Jack said. “I’ll give you until I get back to make up your mind. It should be within about half an hour. You will tell be your choice then.”

He abruptly walked away, taking the box with him. Angela was so anxious that she couldn’t think. If only she had someone to help her with this decision. One thing was for sure, if she did nothing she was going to be whipped in a little while.

The sudden crack of a whip directly behind her in the room made Angela flinch. She turned around to see him standing in the doorway, grinning ear to ear. He tossed the whip onto the floor beside her. The tail was much longer than she imagined and it looked very frightening. He laughed as he walked away again. She didn’t even want to touch it although the intricately woven leather handle fascinated her as she studied it for a while. Finally she picked up the tail to see what the end felt like in her hands. It was flexible yet hard.

“I see that you’re interested in the whip, Angela. Do you think you’d like to feel it?”

“Um…No Sir” she replied.

“Then you’ve decided to draw again?

“I think so,” she stammered having not reached that conclusion until being put on the spot.

“I’ll need a yes or no on that question, dear.”

“Yes Sir,” she stated more firmly.

“Okay, I’ll go get the box. You wait right here,” he ordered as he left the room again and quickly returned with her options still in the box. “You understand that the whip punishment goes away unless you re-draw it and you get whatever you select next?

“Yes Sir,” she said, nodding her head to reiterate her decision

“Geeze, I almost wish I hadn’t put some of those horrible things in there, He said. “I feel kind of sorry for you but you did a very bad thing and need to be punished. So Now is the moment of truth. Please choose your punishment.”

He held the box out towards her again. She looked at it then back at him. His face was solemn and showed no emotion. She raised her trembling right hand into the box. She stirred the crumped slips of paper, trying to identify the one she had just put back and stalling for time. At last she took hold of one that was more tightly wadded and pulled it out. Turning away from him she spread it out against the wall to read her fate. She placed her forehead against the wall and stood silently.

“Read it please,” he demanded.

“It says that you will let me go free this one time, she replied.

He had to laugh. “We both know that wasn’t a choice,” he said calmly. “Nice try though.”

“It says that you’re going to cane me – twelve strokes,” she read from the paper.

“Still pretty harsh but I’d say you got off a little better with that one,” he assessed. “Congratulations. I think you’ll recover better from that punishment. Twelve should be enough to leave some marks but not break your skin. I will even let you select the cane to be used from what we have here. Let’s take a walk together.”

She just stood with her head against the wall and crumpled the paper back into a tight ball. She was not very familiar with the concept of caning either. She knew that it was used in some Asian countries as punishment for common crimes but didn’t know what that many stokes would do to her. She didn’t want to think about it.

“Come on,” he repeated as he headed for the door.

She reluctantly followsd as he walked as a brisk pace out the door and towards a shed out in the yard. He opened the door to the shed and pulled out a 5-gallon bucket full of sticks that appeared to be about two and a half feet long. The diameters and lengths varied a bit. She noticed that the bucket contained water as well.

“Okay, a little background on these canes. They are made from a special type of rattan that comes from Singapore. As a general rule, the thinner and shorter they are, the less damage they will do. I keep them wet so they won’t splinter when using them. Go ahead and pick one.”

Angela sorted through the canes, noticing bumps on a few. She finally chose one of the shorter ones that was about as thin as any and smooth over its entire length. Some were obviously much thicker.

She pulled it from the bucket and announced. “This one.”

“Hold on to that one while I get things ready.”

Jack put the bucket back in the shed.

“Come with me onto the patio,” he directedas they walked towards the house. “Since I don’t have a formal caning restraint we’ll improve for that too. I want you to get undressed and knee at one end of this coffee table with your body laid out on the glass top. I am going to get some rope. If you aren’t fully naked and laid out on the table when I return I will double your punishment. Here, give me the cane.”

He whipped the cane like a sword a few times in open air to demonstrate the technique. It made a whooshing sound as he swung it though the air.

“It’s mostly in the technique,” he explained. “You’re lucky it’s just me and not someone who is trained in the martial arts. They can cause unconsciousness in just a few strokes.”

Angela shivered again. She was already unbuttoning her blouse when he did his demonstration. If he was trying to scare her it worked, she thought to herself. She quickly removed everything as ordered and laid her clothes on a wicker chair near the table. The concrete pavers were roughas she gingerly knelt down at one end of the table. Where there wasn’t any furniture near by. She needed to adjust her position relative to the table because she quickly found that her knees needed to be planted farther away so she could lie on the table. The glass was ice cold on her chest as she lowered her torso. She could feel her breasts being flattened against the table top. She re-arranged them to minimize the disappoint, and then placed Her head on the glass as well. Her mind wandered to imagine what the view from beneath the glass-topped table would be. She realized that she was looking towards the building and not where the master would approach so she shifted her head to face the opposite direction. Once settled, she stretched her arms above her head as he had instructed. She didn’t have to wait long before she saw his return with a hand full of ropes. Some were different colors than others. Her stomach tightened as she waited. She hoped she had done everything correctly.

“Good girl,” he compiled her. “You are in just the right position.”

He laid the ropes down on another chair and ran the palm of his hand over her quivering bottom.

“It will be a shame to leave all those welts on your perfect skin, “He remarked.

She wondered if he really felt remorse or if he was just trying to make her feel more nervous.

“I’m going to tie you to This table to hold you still and to protect your hands from getting hit by the cane if you were to instinctively put your hands on your bum or try to feel the welts while I am still working on you. Stretch your arms out a little more.”

He started with her legs. Looping the rope around her left thigh and the table leg. Once there were about a half dozen loops he pulled the rope tight, pressing the side of her leg securely against the table leg. Her leg was completely immobilized. She turned her feet sideways to rest the insoles on the ground. He spread her other leg a bit more to line up herright tight with the adjacent table leg and tied it to the table as well. He brought the other two lengths of rope to the other end of the table where her arms laid outstretched. Wrapping some rope around her left wrist nearly a dozen times he fastened it to her arm.

He took the other end and tied it to the corresponding table leg beneath the table top. She watched with fascination as he expertly tied the rope, and then pulled it in such a manner to take out all the slack and tension her arm. He tied and pulled her right wrist tight the same way. Her body was securely bound to the table. She could feel very little give in the ropes. Her pussy was pressed against the wicker edge of the table. He took the opportunity to run his hands over her bare breasts. They were pressed against the glass and clung a bit so he turned them slightly so both nipples were facing outward. He playedfully tugged on her nipples then let her tits rest against the glass. He spied her clothes on the chairand upon seeing her white panties took them in his hand and brought them to her mouth.

“Open,” he ordered.

Angela slowly opened her mouth. Jack stuffed her panties in until just the waistband was left hanging from a corner of her mouth. Taking a short length of rope he forced it between her teeth and tied it around her head, pressing her panties tightly against her tongue.

Picking up the cane with His right hand, he smacked the shake into the palm of his left. She was started and flinched at the sound. He moved into place standing directly beside her feet, poised to begin lashing the cane against her bare bottom. Once again he ran his fingers softly over her trembling cheeses with a light touch. He couldn’t resist running his middle finger with an upward stroke through her slit. Angela shivered.


He landed a solid stroke across both sides. She responded with a loud muffled scream. She wiggled just slightly as the ropes held her firmly. The pain was itent and didn’t subside. . He hit her again in the same place. Her tenderized bottom hurt even more and she responded in the same manner.

“Just ten to go Luv. You are turning a nice color. If I keep hitting the same spot your skin will turn from crimeson to white before it splits.”

She heard the whooshing sound louder than before just as the third stroke struck her skin. She knew that he was swinging the cane harder. He hit her butt a little lower this time but the pain was much greater than the first two strokes. She made a muffled groan again. He body assigned on the table as she dealt with the pain. She could feel the tension increase in her arms as her body seemed to sink towards her knees.

He ran his finger through her cunt again. “Are you getting excited luv?” he asked as he wetted his finger between her lips. He stroked her more deeply as his hand and fingers probed between the table edge and her cunt. The sound of her juices was unmistakable.

Jack removed his fingers from her groin and resumed the caning. He got in a rhythm and smoked her bottom six more times in rapid succession. Several blows struck her thighs. The fresh muscles there raised the level of pain once again. She kept count and knew that made ten. Angela moaned with the pain and the strange sensing of erotic pleasure in her groin. Jack delivered the final two blows with increased intensity, waiting a few seconds between them. He set the cane down and feel the welts on her backside. Nothing too severe. His light touch over her scarred flesh was soothing and helped to relieve the burning and singing. She moaned with approval.

“I’m going to let you rest here for a few minutes while I tend to something,” he finally said as he suddenly departed.

Her butt stung like she had never experienced before. The light breeze on the patio offered some comfort. Angela could see that the shadow of the overhang was getting shorter and soon her body would be in the bright suncle. She hoped he would release her before sunburn set in on her unprotected skin.

She almost went into shock when the ice-cold water ran over her bottom. She had apparently drifted off. He decided to wake her with a bucket of icy water fresh from the tap. She shivered as the water trickled from her body onto the patio. He knelt down beside her.

“I’m going to untie you now Luv. Hold still until I tell you to move.”

Angela waited with anticipation as he loosened the knot that held the rope around her right thigh. It felt good to feel the tension of the rope loosen. She remained as still as she could. Her muscles were too stiff to move without great effort anyway. He worked his way around the table, removing all of the ropes from her limbs. Lastly, he untied the rope in her mouth but left the panties.

“Move slowly now Angela. You will probably be pretty unsteady as you try to rise.”

He helped her to her feel and walked her to a wicker chair where he sether down.

Unable to bring herself down slowly she landed hard in the chair. The cushion made her want to get back up immediately but her legs were too weak and failed her attempt. She leaned back to rock off the sorest spot instead but it offered little relief.

“You’re going to hurt for a while Luv. I suggest lying face down in bed when you get back to your quarters. You can remove the gag Now Luv. We’re done for today. Just remember that I still have your special box of punishments waiting in my office for next time.”

Angela tenderly removed the gag but chose to say nothing. She could already feel that this was going to hurt for a long time. She hoped there wouldn’t be a “next time” but she knew there probably would.

Thank you for reading my story of fantasy. I always appreciate feedback of any kind. Thank you.



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