I stood meekly in front of sir with my friend, his wife standing behind him. I watched him as he considered his words before speaking. I was nervous, and it showed in the slight, constant flush on my face. Conversely, I could feel my panties getting damp just waiting. I looked over his seated form to her, and she smiled gently, encouraging me.
“You come to our house,” he finally began, “we go to yours, we all enjoy each other’s company as friends. Our children play together.” He stopped for a minute, just breathing. “Then I come upon you kissing my wife. I watched you for a minute, sucking her nipples, rubbing her pussy,”
“Only outside…” I started.
“Quiet!” he cut off my protestation. “You will not speak to me unless I tell you to. Understood?”
“Yes, sir.” I answered quietly, dropping my eyes to the floor, my nipples tight and hard with appreciation.
“You know me.” He began again. “You know that if you had come to me, I would have allowed the two of you your petting and your pleasures. Did you come to me?”
“No, sir.” I responded quietly.
“No, you did not.” He continued as if I had not spoken. “I’ll never know why you didn’t. Instead, you chose to sneak around, stealing a kiss here and there, trying to hide your desire like it was something shameful. I know Your husband would not understand, but both of you know that I am more open minded than that.” He stopped again and looked at me. His gaze took in the long, dark hair curling over my shoulders and down my back, the aching hard nipples clearly visible under my lavender blouse, the cream skirt with the tiny purple flowers flowing over my ample hips, and the shaped legs and ankles ending in pretty purple heels. I felt the heat in my cheeks grow as he looked me over.
“As guilty as the two of you have been acting, singing around, I should tell your husband. You should have been honest with me, and now you will both be punished for not doing so.” I looked back at myfriend again, and she smiled again, and looked down at the floor.
“Come here.” He instructed, his voice firm in the heavy silence. He motioned to me to stand next to the chair where he sat. I stepped up and stood where he indicated, heart pounding, unsure whether I was terrified or eager. He took hold of my arm and guided me over his knee. My nipples tingled and ached and my pussy throbbed as he positioned me with my bottom being the highest point of my body and my toes just off the floor.
“Do you have anything to say before I began?” he asked.
“I’m sorry, sir.” I spoke from my very undignified position. ” I should have come to you, I should have asked your permission. I knew you wouldn’t have minded.”
“It’s a bit late for apology, don’t you think, little one?”
“Yes, sir, you’re right.” I admitted dejectedly.
“Surely you didn’t think an apology would get you out of your spanking.” I remained silent. “Very well, no need to count, naughty girl. Just think about how shameful your behavior has been and how a little bit of honesty could have avoided this situation.”
“Yes, sir.” I surprised quietly, defeated already, resigned to my punishment. I could feel the heat of his large hand rubbing my bottom over my skirt. It felt kind of good and warm, but it served to heighten my anxiety. When his hand left my ass, I tensed, expecting the first blow. When it didn’t come, I began to relax.
WHACK! The first blow over my skirt surprised me, didn’t really hurt, but thudded into my flesh solidly. Again and again, his hand rose and fell, heat rising in my upraised bottom, thudding, aching across both chefs and a little lower, where chef met thigh. I squirmed lightly over his knee, my bottom feeling warm and slightly swollen, my pussy throbbing and wet. It was slightly embarrassing to find myself, as a grown woman, in this little-girl position, but I was thankful he wasn’t going to tell my husband that I’d been making out with his wife.
Eventually, his hand stopped striding my bottom, and he rubbed it for a moment over my skirt, as if calming me or maybe he could feel the heat rising from my flesh. When he moved his hands away from my body, I shifted my weight and struggled to put my feet on the floor again and get up. He put his heavy hand in between my shoulder blades and pushed me back down easily. My pulse, only beginning to slow again, sped up and a shadow of fear shivered down my spine.
“Where do you think you’re going, little one?” He asked, his hand still on my back, his voice above me.
“I was getting down, sir, I thought I was done.” He laughed at my response, and my breath caught in my throat a little. It did not sound like a happy laugh.
“Oh no, you naughty little slut, you are not done. When you are done, you will feel thoroughly chatised and punished, and I will tell you that you are done. Do you feel chatissed? Do you feel punished?” I thought about his questions for a moment.
“Yes, sir, I do feel punished.” I answered softly, his hand still firm between my shoulders. “I feel like a little girl who has been caught stealing and has paid her price for it.” He laughed a little again, and stroked his hand down my back to rest on my bottom.
“If you think you have been punished, then you don’t know what punished is. I’m not even close to done with you, little one.” I shivered a little under his words, and I felt his hands grapp my skirt and pull it up to my waist. He tucked the skirt into my waistband and again rubbed his hand over my bottom.
His hand felt warmer through just the thin cotton of my panties, and my humiliation burned brighter. I could feel the weight of his other hand still between my shoulder blades, and I waited for the spanking to resume.
WHACK! I didn’t have to wait very long. I realized within the first three or four swats that I would feel these more than I had felt the previous set. Already, these felt like they had moresing, more heat, than the first part of the spanking. I could feel my body shift slightly ever time his hand landed on my heated flesh. I could feel his hard cock through his pants, brushing against my arm and shoulder as he spanked me. I knew from talking to his wife that he enjoyed giving a good spanking, it did not surprise me that he was aroused. What did surprise me was the extent of my own arousal. I could Feel my wet panties against my sex, cooler now that they were exposed to the air, and I could only hope that he wouldn’t notice. I had no idea what his reaction would be like.
Over and over his thick hand smoked my rump, and it was really starting to sting. My bottom was burning, and he laid on a little more fire with every stroke. I was grunting with the pain of every blow. It wasn’t unbearable, but it certainly was Not comfortable. I brought my hands up to my breasts and was surprised to find my nipples still so hard that it hurt for me to touch them. My breasts wereaching in my bra and swung and moved every time he struck my bottom.
Finally he stopped spanking my pantied bottom and returned to rubbing it once more. The skin there felt unbelievably hot and swollen. As he rubbed my bottom, I begged silently that he would not discover how wet my arousal had made my panties. I had never received a spanking over the knee like this, and I had not expected to be so excited while I was being punished. I long to see the lady I was taking this punishment for, the wife I should have asked permission to kiss, but I had no idea if she had moved since I went over his knee, and was really in no position to look for her.
When his hand left my bottom, he left me alone for a moment, and I had just long enough to think my ordeal might be over. Then I felt his hands grapsp the sides of my panties. As he began to pull my panties down over my hips and bum, I knew he wasn’t done with my ass. He had not told me he was going to spank me without the declineof any clothing!
“Please, sir,” I squealed, “please not on the bare, sir!”
“Quiet!” He demanded, “have you learned nothing? I told you that you will only speak during this when I tell you to.” He emphasized his words with a well placed SMACK! to that tender, sweet spot where thigh meets bottom. “You will be spanked on the bare, because you deserve it. A naughty little misbehaving slut should be spanked on her bare ass. You’re lucky you’re not mine, or that sweet bottom isn’t all I’d be spanking when you were naughty.”
I shut my mouth at his words, fear that he might do as he threatened if I kept protesting. He continued to pull at my panties, and when they would go no further over my hips, I felt him wrap one powerful arm around my belly and lift me up, just enough for his other hand to pull my panties down my thighs. He left them just above my knees, my skirt still tucked into the waistband. The air felt cool on the heat of my ass, and cold against the wetness of mypussy and where that wetness had been smeared down my inner tighs by my panties. I wanted to cry at the feel of being so vulnerable, my burning red bottom on display atop his knee.
WHACK! I didn’t get the benefit of the bottom-rubbing this time. His hand connected solidly with my bare bottom and I jumped and yelped at the feel and the sound of it. The sting of his palm blossomed immediately, and he laid another smack next to it. I squirmed constantly over his lap, in pain from the spanking. Over and over he laid his hand across my ass and I jumped and squealed, trying desperately not to beg him to stop. Tears stung my eyes and ran down my face, and I tried not to cry like the little girl I resembled at that moment. When I thought I could bear no more without begging and screaming, the punishment stopped abruptly. I took a deep breath and tried to compose myself until I heard him address his wife.
“Go get me the belt.” He instructed her. “No, no not that one, the wider one,the brown one.” My heart leaped into my throat and my fear was so thick, I could taste it in the back of my throat. I knew that it would be more trouble, but I couldn’t keep the words from coming.
“No, sir, not a belt! Please please, I can’t handle the belt sir, please!”
“You will be quiet!” He barked at me, and instantly I fell into silence, sniffling quietly. “This is exactly why you will get the belt. You have not learned yet to keep your mouth closed, to speak only when spoken to. One more time and you may find out how I punish a naughty one who is mine and not someone else’s.” I heard his words and felt cold all over, except for my ass and my face. Tears came again as I lay over his lap, waiting for his wife to bring the belt for me. I feel him moving, and heard the sound of the leather in his hand.
“Now these you will count. You will count them and you will thank me for them. If you miss one, I will repeat it. If you lose the count entirely, we will start over. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir, I understand” I whimpered.
“Very well, bad little girl. Count until I am done.” I felt him shift again, and the belt exploded across my ass. I shrieked and grabbed the legs of the chair with my hands. Tears were streaming down my face.
“I said to count, little one. You will take that one again.” CRACK! the belt across my bottom again.
“ONE! Thank you, sir!” I cried out loudly. CRACK! “TWO! Thank you, sir!” CRACK! “THREE! Thank you, sir!” I was starting to cry in between strokes of the belt. I’d never felt burning pain like this before, like this belt across my already well-spanked bottom. I wasn’t sure that I deserved it, but thought that maybe I did. In between the pain of the belt, and crying out the count, I could feel the heat in my pussy build and the wetness starting to run down my thighs. I know that by now I had to have made a wet spot on the leg of his pants, he had to know that I was aroused beyond belief by his rough treatment.
By the time we reached nineteen and twenty, I’m not sure he could understand the words I was screaming as I counted, but he stopped and listened to them as if he could. After twenty, the belt finally stopped descending, and he left me across his knee for a moment or two, crying, and trying to breathe. My ass felt like it was burning and throbbing, I had never been spanked like that. My pussy was throbbing right along with it, with a different kind of heat. I couldn’t remember ever wanting something inside of me so badly.
“There, now you’re done. Now you will go and stand in that corner until I tell you to come out.” I slip down off of his knee, tears staining my face, and reached for my panties. “I did not tell you to pull your panties up. You’re going to stand in the corner with that naughty punished ass on display until I give you permission to stop. You will leave your skirt tucked up and your panties around your knees. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir.” I sniffed as I shuffled towards the corner, humiliated. As I moved to the corner, I felt my juices trickling down my legs. When I got to the corner, I tried to close my legs to hide this, the last of my humiliations, and I heard his voice again.
“Keep your legs spread, little one. Otherwise your panties will not stay where they are.” Silently, I obeyed, the mood tickling near my knees. I deeply hoped he wouldn’t notice. The next thing I heard was him addressing his wife. “Come here now, it’s your turn.” I heard her soft voice, but could not understand her words, then his stern one again, “Yes, bring them. That’s why I set them out.” I wanted to turn and find out what she was bringing, what torques awaited one who was “his” but I dared not disobey again, for fear of finding out first hand.
Through my pain and humiliation, I heard him lecturing her as he had me. I heard his hand over her clothes, then what sounded like bare flesh. I heard him instruct her to move into different positions a couple of times, and more sounds of punishment, blows on flesh, but they didn’t sound like hand on bottom, and while I wanted to know what was going on behind me, I didn’t dare risk getting caught looking. I heard my friend crying out and then crying through different parts of her punishment, and I heard her counting and thanking him at one point. I tried not to focus on what was going on in the room behind me to lessen the desire to turn around. I tried to focus on the pain in my bottom and the humiliation of standing here in the corner with my reddened flesh in plain view. Finally her punishment came to an end, and I heard him speak to me again.
“Come here, little one, but leave your clothes where it is.” I turned around and shuffled towards them, thankful that the front of my skirt still covered me. I saw my friend lying on her back with her feet on the bed and her knees up and out, exposing her horribly thoroughly. “Now, I know my wife, I know that she would have at least suggested coming to me when you found that you desired each other. I believe you owe her an apology, little girl.” I looked again at my friend, at the position she was in, and I began to realize what he means.
“She has taken her punishment well, and now you will apologize to her and help ease her pain.” He pointed me towards her. “Go and soothe her. Kiss her and lick her and bring her. Show me how you please my wife”
“Sir I haven’t…”
“Don’t speak, just do it. I asked no question.” I turned from him and approached his wife. I leaned down towards her and could feel the heat of her body. I inhaled her delicate muscle as I put my mouth to her for the first time. Yes, we desired each other, but had done no more than kiss and fondle each other.
I licked her from bottom to top slowly, struggling the width of my tongue up her cleft. When I reached it, I flicked my tongue over her clip and kissed it softly before I stroked her with my tongue again. IHeard her sight gently above me, feel her fingers rub the top of my head. I sucked her clip gently into my mouth and teased it with my tongue and the barest edges of my teeth. When her hand left my head, I looked up the length of her body and saw her eyes were closed and she was pulling at her own nipples. I focused again on the tender pink flesh in front of me. I licked once again over her opening and up to her clip, then I pushed two fingers into the wet heat of her body. I sucked at her clip as I moved my fingers within her body, turning my hand palm up and striving the tender places inside of her body.
As I lapped at her clip, and licked the flesh around my fingers, I felt her breathe quicken, and the muscles deep within her begin to tremble. She pushed her hands into my hair and held my mouth against her, crying out with her pleasure. As her hips pushed up into me and her inner muscles spasmed and convulsed around my fingers, I eased the tip of another finger into her anus. It was slick where my saliva and her nectar had dripped down from her pussy, and it slipped in easily. As I continued to lick and suck her clip, I stroked inside of her and heard her screaming her orgasm above me.
I sucked at her gently as she peaked, then began to relax. As she came down with tiny spasms in the muscles in her legs, I withdraw my fingers from her body. Kissing her pretty clip one more time, I slid myself up her body and kissed her with her wetness still on my face, on my mouth. She kissed me back, tasting herself on my lips, and I feel her hand on my breast, pinching my nipple. As our lips moved apart, I opened my eyes and looked at her, her face still flushed from her pleasure. I eased onto the bed with her and curled up next to her, her fingers playing idly with my hair. I closed my eyes again and surprised contentedly. As the world around me became fuzzy around the edges, he covered us with a soft, soft blanket and turned off the lights. I cuddled in a little closer to her and let myself drift off.
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