Specs sat staring at Jordyn Von Voorhees, who had just dropped by.
She was very bored looking, fluffy blonde hair, huge rouged lips, almost glossy. Jordyn looked at her nails, and then viewed her phone, and looked back up at Specs.
M. Bradlaugh Stynes, heir to the Stynes Rice Pudding fortune had asked Jordie to marry him, but Brad didn’t hold a candle to Specs, but sadly, Specs was just barely interested…
To get Specs’s attention Jordyn had to fork out, five hundred big ones per session!
“So, why are you here, Jordyn?”
Jordyn talked as if she was being asked to attend a Lawrence Welk music retrospective.
Jordie’s button nose, so tiny! twitched just a bit.
She rolled her eyes, and put her bright red nails in her small purse, and brought out an envelope, and tossed it on the table between them. “I guess you know what that is.”
Jordyn looked a little nervous. She bit her full lower lip, and ached to grab her compact, but Specs had canedher once for primping during a session.
In a session one must be FOCUSED.
Her pretty eyes scoured the room for the big hairbrush that he’d used on her about ten days ago, demanding she wear a schoolgirl dress and bobby socks, Wow.
That had led to an intense masturbation session in Jordyn’s little Miata after the session was done.
She thought of another time when he’d dropped by during her pool party.
Specs had pulled her into the changing room…
He’d pulled her bikini bottoms down and used the hairbrush until she was so red back there it was scary to go back out and see her friends!
But the horrible hairbrush didn’t seem to be out today.
Specs reached for the envelope from the Department of Motor Vehicles. It was open, obviously with a blade-ish letter opener.
“Oh, of course. Two parking tickets and one speeding ticket.” Specs looked up at Jordyn. “A moving violation! Have you paid them yet?”
“Yes, I didn’t want them to double.”
Jordyn looked at her shoes. They had little antique clocks on them. Very cute.
Specs grinned. “A friend of mine got a moving violence, and she was actually put on probation by the state. She had to clean animal cages at the zoo.”
But this wouldn’t happen to Jordyn Von Voorhees.
Daddy had contributed plenty to the Buttermilk Falls’s district attorney so he’d win his race. She looked terribly put-upon right now, and very slightly scared.
But just a little. Jordyn pouted, and looked beseechingly at Specs.
“I was terribly distracted. I hit the gas when I should’ve-“
“I bet there was a sale or something.” Specs put an elbow on one knee and rested his chin on his hand.
“I don’t need sales.” Then Jordyn stopped and put her hand over her mouth.
Specs had almost broken a blood vessel on her shaped rump back in November for the crimes of snobbery and electism.
Another time, Specs had required Jordyn to do a “penance”. The gorgeous23 year old had given her math tutor, and a parking lot attendant head, which probably was the thrill of their lives.
What would happen now? Would Master Specs cane her full breasts? Would he requires that she offer blowjobs over at the Salvation Army?
Specs chuckled. “I’ll give you that one, Jordyn.”
Jordyn rewarded him with a brilliant smile, and then looked at her Iphone 5 studioly.
She witnessed, and her breasts bounced in the cashmere top gloriously.
“Jordyn.” Specs said gently. “We’re in session now.”
“Yes.” Jordyn’s eyes had not left the cell. “I just got a text from Kismet and Madelyn. Specs, will I be able to meet them after I see you, or will I need a rest.”
“What time?”
“I think we’re supposed to hook up at Brewmaster’s at six.”
“You won’t be so hurt that you can’t see them, I’m not a monster.” said Specs reasonably.
Specs cought.” But you might be a little sweety. I would recommend you ask if you can meet them around seven-thirty.”
Jordyn looked a little alarmed. “It’s only four now. How long-“
Specs rolled his eyes behind his tasteless aviators.
Twice Jordyn had offered to take him to get more fashionable frames, or even contacts, but then of course, what would she call him?
“Jordyn, we have the paddle, the strap and some time in the kneeing stocks.”
“Those horrible-my back will be-ugh.”
“That, or a page from the dictionary. Do you want to copy? You said when we began our work that you didn’t want me to spare you.”
Jordyn smiled and ran her pink tongue across the glorious lips. “I thought I could give you a treatment. A long one, maybe.”
“If you like,” Specs said reasonably, “But that doesn’t count as your penance, dear.”
“Specs, I am paying you five hun-“
“And I think there may be an extra-oh, let’s add the dog-whip for your attitude.”
Another huge sight.
Jordyn ran her elegant fingers through her platinum locks.
She always felt better after a session, though sometimes she was a bit sore.
When she went too long without a visit to the dungeon, Jordie was irritable and very pre-menstrual.
It was difficult throwing tantrums when you’d never been denied anything.
The teasing and denial, the severe punishment had done wonders for Jordie’s attitude.
She was now about to finally graduate from college, craphole state school that it was.
But, Buttermilk State was close to her family, and very close to the amazing Master Specs!
Specs wasn’t Jordi’s first dominant, not by a long shot.
Her desires seemed to have flowered during her sophomore year at Mount Holyoke, after seeing that weird movie about the woman called “O”.
Jordyn had, at the time in the sorority house, a quiet girl named Enid as a roommate. Enid was on scholarship and had been recruited for Kappa Kappa Lambda to keep the chapter’s GPA afloat.
Enid had always been dazzled by Jordyn; she’d tutorialher in three subjects and gone after her dry cleaning. But then, somehow, Enid had ended up giving Jordyn a spanking.
Jordie had dared Enid to do it, and at first it seemed a little weird, as Jordie was a champion lacrosse and field hockey player, and Enid was really just a grind and a bluestocking.
Bu Jordie had thrown a few pillows at Enid, and in an announcement, Enid had grabbed Jordie by the hair and turned her over her knee, and grabbed one of Jordyn’s racquetball paddles…
For the rest of the semester, Jordie had been Enid’s tongue worship slave, and had kept the room clean and been oh so obedient until Enid had transferred to the Sorbonne in Paris.
Smoki, Jordyn’s next room had discovered true amusement in tying Jordie spread eagled to the bed and getting Jordie’s tongue to prime her for dates.
Smoki had been invited by Jordi on a vacation to the beaches in Crete, but Smoki had kept Jordi tied in the hotel room while she herself, Smoki…
Had gone around picking up guys and swimming the ouzo.
Variious boyfriends had happily spanked Jordyn; her first husband, who she’d quit school for and since scuttled was an artist with the belt.
But Jordyn just wanted short sessions, she didn’t want the lifestyle.
The humiliation could be so intense!
“All right, Jordie.” Specs said, standing up. “Prepare for Punishment. This parking ticket thing is very serious.”
Jordyn stood, biting her lip again. She pulled off her top, exposing her full pink 32 C’s in a lace demibra. Jordyn looked a question at Specs.
“No, I’m not going to take you over my knee and pull your panties down. Take it all off.”
Jordie unzipped her skirt, stepped out of it, and folded it neatly, putting it on the chair. The anticipation of the correction made her shake slightly, and her nipples hardened.
Why couldn’t regular life be this stimulating? The nice fellow, the TV producer for WBUT who’d taken her to Sardi’s in New York-they’d flow up-
He adored her. But-meh.
Jordie took off her demibra and stepped out of her panties, and then actively stepped back into her high heels and walked up to Specs.
Specs led Jordyn to a corner of the room, where a long chain hung from the ceiling.
He nodded, and she lifted her arms up (she’d shaken the pits this morning) and allowed him to attach her wrists to cuffs attached to the chain.
Specs reached down between Jordyn’s legs and felt her dampness.
“You’ve been thinking about this all day, haven’t you, dear.”
The contrast between the short, balding zit-faced Master and his glorious female slave was almost starting. Anyone might think he had her captive against her will.
Specs sucked on Jordyn’s left nipple and she moaned. He bit it hard and she gritted her teeth. I’m not going to show any emotion here, I won’t give him the satisfaction.
Specs pressed a button on a nearby control panel and the chain pulledJordyn up so she was hanging up on her tippietoes.
Jordyn had experienced something like this, for a period last year, every Saturday morning, she would be attached to the ceiling chain at the dungeon.
Jordyn would have to figure out a cheap combination lock with her pretty nails, while little bells attached to her breasts tinkled.
Specs would go around doing his errands in other rooms, and Just now and then he would come in and give Jordie a few with a long will switch…
And she’d be trapped until she got the combination!
Upon which she’d be allowed to suck Specs off, which both of them enjoyed immensely, and then she’d go off with her Daddy’s credit card (after paying Specs of course) and go shopping.
But this time there was no combination lock, it was just a straight lock, and Jordie was helpless, and she could barely touch the floor with her toes.
Suddenly, Specs turned around and called “You can come in here, now, Mrs. Butterfield”
The door opened and a no-nonsense black woman walked into the room.
She was clad in a hidden bright green dress, and carrying a purse, which she deposited on Jordie’s chair, wrinkling the cashmere top regrettably.
Jordyn’s eyes were like saucers.
After Jordyn had been explored from Miss Porter’s, Choate and Foxcroft, she’d only had three months before her Graduation.
Her parents had been very exasperated, and they’d enrolled her in the public school, where Jordyn had behaved execratically, and the teachers had not known what to do with her.
Mrs. Butterfield had been one of the most irritable.
It had been worse because Mrs. B’s husband was the Von Voorhees chauffer, and responsible for taking Jordyn around, and Jordie had reminded Mrs.B of this Every chance she got.
Now, Mrs. Butterfield gazed at Jordyn with almost pure joy.
“I can’t believe it, Specs. My price pig. Haven’t seen her since she played the graduation day prank on me, the racist little bitch, and got Mauritius fired.”
Jordyn began smoking.
This was not supposed to be part of the session. It had stretched things when Specs had insisted she blow those losses, but it had excited Jordie quite a bit.
But what was sexually arousing about having this gross brown cow staring at her, while Jordie was naked and hanging here?
Really. Jordie could see it if Specs had invited some poor geek in here to appreciate her.
Perhaps witness how Jordie’s glorious breasts were forced up with the rising of her arms, and he could get some jollies but…
What good did this do anybody?
Certainly some of Jordie’s pranks had been nasty, and at one point Daddy had paid to refurbish the school gym to calm the vice-principal down.
But the new physical education attributes had done nothing to charm Mrs. B, who, at five two and 300 pounds, was…something.
Reminiscent of Aunt Esther on Daddy’s old favorites, the “Sanford & Sons” program, Mrs. B smiled rarely, and how could one not make sport of her?
But here Mrs. B was, fully clothed, and picking up a piece of cut off garden hose.
“Specs, I didn’t pay for this.” Jordie said in a shaking voice.
“You want to be let down, Jordyn? No refunds, of course.” Specs smiled, winding at the indomitable Mrs. B.
“So you can’t drive like a normal person? Jordyn Voorhees, you get worse every year.”
This sounded, to Jordyn’s delicate ears as “Yew cain’t draav lak a no’mal pusson, y’ git wuss evr’ah yeah.”
Jordie looked down at her pale whitish pink nipples that had made many a preppie’s mouth go dry. Why didn’t Specs want her?
Still, she had never backed out of a session yet…
Without waiting for Jordie’s decision, Mrs. Butterfield approached.
“You never had a good whippin’ in yo’ life. Spoiled from birth, you’ve been.”
“Except by me.” Specs said, lighting a Lucky Strike merrily.
WHACK! the garden hose landed on Jordyn’s left breast.
Jordyn breathed inwardly. She wouldn’t let this old cow know that it even affected her. She gave Mrs. B a contemporary sniff.
“That’s right, be that way.” The broad black arm swung the hose again and it smacked Jordyn’s belly.
This time, Jordyn moaned. Mrs. B nodded with grim satisfaction.
The embarrassment was killing Jordyn. What would Mrs. Butterfield tell the other denizens of Tillery’s Tenes when she returned this evening?
WHACK! This time the hose went right between Jordyn’s legs. Jordie had shavled her clip before the session in an effort to interest Specs, but now the nude lips had no protection.
Jordie gave Specs a begging look. It was a “I won’t use my safe word, but please oh please.”
Specs covered his mouth to keep from laughing.
“Mrs. B, would you like to sit on Jordyn’s face?”
This time Mrs. Butterfield dropped the hose and walked over to Specs and punched HIM in the chest, and it was Jordyn’s turnto chuckle.
“How DARE you ask a woman of God such an obscene question?” bellowed Mrs. Butterfield. “I am leaving!”
After the door slammed, Specs and Jordyn both laughed for about five minutes, and then Jordyn was released from her ceiling bonds.
“I-I knew she’d say no.” Specs said, crowning, “But I didn’t know she’d be annoyed with me.”
Jordyn pushed Specs against the wall and dropped to her knees, unzipping his pants and dragging them down. Her full lips took his lamentably small cock fiercely.
Specs was in heaven. Whatever he was, he was still a man, and Jordyn was quite a dish.
Jordyn pumped his penis, licking the underside and running her full lips around it.
At the back of her mind she was thinking that she wasn’t all that tired, and she’d not really gotten a full whipping.
And, she knew from past experience, that one of her BJ’s would so distract Specs that he wouldn’t even make her do her time in the kneeing stocks.
He probably would forget she owed him money!
And so she was in prime shape, after fixing her face, to meet the girls at Brewmaster’s.
Suddenly Specs’s eyes opened and he pulled his dick out of Jordie’s pursued lips.
Jacking quickly, he came all over her face.
Then, Specs dragged her, yes, to the low stocks and as she was already on her knees, he was able to swing her around and lock her in.
“I wish I could find a way to have you locked there AND make you do the dictionary copying.”
“Specs please!” wailed Jordyn. “I was so good, didn’t you like your blowjob?”
Specs ignored her and went over to pick up his Spencer paddle, with all the glorious holes.
“So grateful, Jordyn. But it would be a disservice not to give you something to remember. Though going down on Mrs. B. might have been close.”
“Count one to twenty-five.”
“(Sob) Thank you, Master!”
Her twat had never been so wet. Betrayed but God, so excited.
She’d be staggering out of here with bruised knees, a sore bottom and a clip in serious need of diddling.
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