It was the worst day of her life – and it wasn’t over yet. As Nancy walked home from the school bus stop, slowly, very slowly, she thought about the terrible things that had happened that day, and what was yet to come.
The day began uneventfully. Out of bed, shower, breakfast, and off to school. Nancy wore a short skirt, the new blue plaid uniform skirt her Aunt Fran bought her, Along with a white dress blouse, white knee socks, and the school tie. Later in the year, when the temperature dropped 30 or 40 degrees, Nancy would wear the dark blue sweater with the school logo.
School was such a pain. Nancy didn’t care for school much when she lived at home in Virginia with her mom and day. And she really wasn’t as “wild” as her parents thought. Sure, she smoked a little dope on weekends, and let the boys touch her perky little tits when they kissed in the back seats of cars on Saturday night dates. Nancy wasn’t a slut like some of the girls in her junior high class. Sometimess she gave a guy a hand job if she really liked him, but she didn’t suck cock or let boys fuck her in the ass. In fact Nancy was still a virgin – but her parents just didn’t believe her.
“And besides, with High School grades like yours, you’ll never get into a good college if you don’t straighten up and get your act together.” That was her dad talking, the broken record every night at the dinner table.
The answer was very simple. Nancy would be shipped off to Arizona, to spend her senior year with Aunt Fran, her mother’s older sister. She would attend a special day school “for difficult children,” and with some lucky she might get into Scottsdale Community College after a year of Arizona residency. So 18 year old Nancy was packed off to Arizona to spend a year of High School prison. Life really sucks!
“It could have been worse,” Aunt Fran told her when Nancy arrived in early August. “Your dad wanted to send you to the local ‘Christian Academy’ back in Great Falls. WhenThey weren’t filling your head with all kinds of Creationism nonsense, they’d be Bible thumbing and threatening you with the fiery pits of hell. It took me a while to talk them out of it.”
‘But not much worse,’ Nancy thought to herself. ‘It’s a fucken’ 112 degrees in the shade at noon, and there’s at least another month of really shitty weather before it even begins to cool off. In case you Haven’t already guessed Auntie Fran, these ARE the pits of hell.’
There wasn’t much that Nancy liked about the school. First of all, there were no boys, which was the general idea of sending Nancy there in the first place. Then there were the dorky uniforms. Next, there was homework every night. Any finally, there were no boys.
High School prison had a ‘back to basics’ curriculum. The emphasis was on the core subjects: English, math, the sciences, and foreign language skills.
“Seniors get to take one elective,” Aunt Fran told Nancy.
“Big fucken’ deal,” from Nancy.
Thwak! Nobody had ever slapped Nancy’s face before.
Quickly, before the shock wore off, Aunt Fran grabbed the young girl by the ear and pulled Nancy into the laundry room, to wash her mouth out with nasty brown laundry soap.
Nancy had taken a photography class in her junior year, and it was the only subject that vaguely interested the pretty 18 year old. So Aunt Fran bought Nancy a digital camera and they agreed the Photography would be Nancy’s senior elective. The rest of the subjects pretty much sucked. The worst of the worst was English Composition, especially because Nancy’s spelling wasn’t too good.
All of the compositions had to be written out in long hand, no computers allowed, and no Spell Checker software. And there were spelling tests. Can you believe that, spelling tests? That was so 7th grade.
Well, Nancy forget there was a spelling test that fateful day. That is, she forgett until she walked into the third period English class. No big deal – she would try to copy off her friend Karen.
The English Composition teacher, Miss Johnston, was not her favorite. Young, tall, blonde, athletic, Miss Johnston also taught the PE class. She was really strict, and Nancy didn’t enjoy her class at all. And when school first started, some of the girls from last year said “Miss” Johnston was really weird, the way she was always coming into the locker room when they were half naked, and slapping some of them on the bottoms as they ran out onto the field.
The spelling test was a disaster. Karen wasn’t in class – her desk was empty. Nancy could only spell half the words, and she got caught trying to copy from Alexandra, the girl who sat on the other side. Allie was such a brat. When Nancy leaned over to copy, Allie moved her paper to the far side of her desk and covered it with her arm as she wrote. What a brat.
Miss Johnston, who was in the back of the room, she saw it all. And she was there immediately. She flew down the aisle andgrabbed Nancy by the ear, almost lifting her out of the desk. Then she shook her arm, and Nan though the bitch would pull Nancy’s ear right off her head.
“Cheater, cheater.” Miss Johnston shouted.
Nancy knew what she was in for. Cheating got you a spanking in Home Room at the end of the school day, in front of the entire class. And to make matters worse, you had to wear a sign pinned to Your back which read CHEATER. Everyone knew you would be spanked in your panties, and everyone would laugh at you all day.
It was hard to concentrate all day. Her mind kept wandering. It was so embarrassing. At home her dad still spanked her, but it was in private. And Nancy’s mom told her that if she misbehaved in Arizona, Aunt Fran would spank her as well. Spanking wasn’t allowed at the public school back in Great Falls, so the thought of being spanked in class was totally humiliating.
Finally, the day ended and Nancy went back to Home Room.
Miss Johnston called the roll, and then called Nancy to the front of the class. She made Nancy stand there with her back to the class, and while she took off the sign, announced that Nancy was a CHEATER. That wasn’t fair, Nancy knew. All she wanted to do was copy. Then…
“Over the desk, Missy.”
“I don’t bargain. Over the desk, NOW, or you get EXTRA.”
Nancy bent over the center of the deck, in the front center of the room. She rested her head on her arms and tried to relax. She felt her short uniform skirt, her new short skirt, riding up the backs of her legs. Then Miss Johnston reached for the hem, and pulled the skirt up over Nancy’s shaped bottom.
Her white cotton bikini panties were tight. They didn’t cover much, but at least she was sure everyone couldn’t see right through them. Miss Johnston pulled the skirt over the panties on purpose. When she was finished arranging the skirt, one or two inches of Nancy’s backside showed between the elastic top of the panties and the hem of the skirt.
“This is your first spanking so I’ll use the LIGHT paddle.” Miss Johnston announced. And Nancy was sure Miss Johnston was thinking, “And hopefully, not your last.”
Miss Johnston went around to the front of the desk and took out the paddle. It didn’t look like much. The kind of paddle from the kid’s toy – the one with the elastic string and the ball attached.
Then Miss Johnston was next to Nancy, on her left side. Her arm went up in the air and came straight down. The first stroke caught her high on the waist, on her right side. The second was next to it on the left. Two strokes and her butt was on fire.
“No, please, no!”
“Cheaters always got spanked.” was the icy reply.
Miss Johnston spanked slowly and methodically, from top to bottom, from wait to the backs of Nancy’s knees. The worst was on the backs of her legs. Almost as bad was at the cream, where her bottom met the tops of her thighs. There, Miss Johnston hit up rather than down. The pain was intense, and Nancy was sure all the girls could see her bottom vibrate.
Nancy was crying by the time Miss Johnston got to the tops of her legs and cried during the rest of the spanking. Then school bell sounded and the class filed out of the room. Nancy cried for at least five minutes afterwards.
Then Miss Johnston lowered Nancy’s skirt and told her she hoped she learned her lesson, hoped that she never had to spank her again.
Nancy walked home from the bus stop slowly, very slowly. Her backside was on fire, the heat held in by her new short skirt. The backs of her legs were still red, and she was sure that was the first thing Aunt Fran would notice when she came in the door. She would ask her about it and Nancy would tell her. And she knew the rule: If you ever get spanked at school, you get spanked a second time when you come home.
Nancy walked up the driveway slowly, very slowly. She thought about the terrible things that had happened that day, and what was yet to come…
Aunt Fran had a temperature and she would be really angry. The only time Nancy swore Aunt Fran slapped Nancy’s face. The Nancy thought about the public humiliation she had suffered that day and how all the girls would be laughing at her for days to come. That was terrible, but not as terrible as her Aunt Fran’s anger when he found out about it, and the terrible punishment she was sure to suffer.
Nancy’s idea was to sneak into the house, to get up the stairs to her room as quickly as possible and put on a pair of jeans. That way Aunt Fran wouldn’t see the backs of her legs. Then, after dinner, slowly, carefully, she would explain what had happened. How she hadn’t planned to cheat, all she did was try to copy. How the rest was all a big mistake.
And you know, the idea almost worked. Nancy got in the front door, and Aunt Fran was in the kitchen fixing dinner, so Nancy made it half way up the stairs before her Aunt came into the hall way.
She froze in her tracks. She wanted to keep walking but couldn’t.
“Yes, Aunt Fran?”
“Your legs, the backs of your legs.”
“They’re all red.”
She wanted to lie, to make up a story about gym class, something about tumbling and mat burns, but she knew Aunt Fran would never believe her. So she turned around and walked down the stairs. She tried to compose her thoughts, to choose her words very carefully.
“Aunt Fran, today in class.”
“We had a spelling test.”
“And I forget to study. I wasn’t prepared.”
“Go on.”
“So I looked at Alexandra, you know, my friend Allie’s paper.”
“You mean you tried to copy?”
“I didn’t mean to.”
“You were caught cheating?”
There was, the second time today she had been called a cheat.
“I didn’t cheat, Aunt Fran, honest, I didn’t, I only tried to copy.”
“And then what happened?”
So Nancy started tosniffle as she told her Aunt the whole story. How she had to wear the sign which said CHEATER, pinned to her back all day at school. How ever one laughed at her behind her back all day, and would do it again tomorrow. And how she had been spanked in front of the entire class at the end of the day.
Once she started telling the story, she couldn’t stop herself. Nancy had to make a complete confession. About how her skirt was raised, how the entire class could see her panties, how she was paddled on her bottom and the backs of her legs. How she had cried for at least five minutes afterwards.
“And you know the rule.”
“Yes, Aunt Fran.”
“And what is the rule?”
“That if I get spanked at school, I get spanked at home a second time.”
“But you weren’t doing to tell me. You were singing up the stairs to put on your jeans so I wouldn’t see your legs.”
“But I was going to tell you, really Aunt Fran, after dinner.”
“I’d like to believe you, Nancy, really I would, but I don’t think so.”
“No, Aunt Fran, really, I was going to tell you, after dinner.”
“Nancy, I don’t think you were going to tell me. And do you know what that makes you?”
“I’m not sure I understand, Aunt Fran.”
“It makes you a cheat AND a liar.”
“No, Aunt Fran, honest.”
Her Aunt Fran went on to explain that this was much more serious than she had though, that she was going to have to spank Nancy twice, once for cheating at school, and once for planning to lie about it.
“But I didn’t cheat, I only tried to copy, and I was going to tell.”
“There you go again Nancy, telling a lie. Do I have to spank you three times? Is that what you want? To be spanked on Your bare bottom twice tonight, and again in the morning on your bare bottom before you go to school?”
“No, Aunt Fran.”
And then Nancy realized, Aunt Fran said she was going to spank Nancy on the bare. She hadn’t been spanked in almost a year, and she hadn’t beenspanked on her bare bottom since she was a child.
“Please, Aunt Fran, not on the bare.”
“Nancy, you have a serious problem, and only a good long bare bottom spanking will cure it.”
“Aunt Fran, please.”
“Nancy, this is for your own good. Now go to your room and wait. When I get up stairs, I want to see you standing in the corner, right up against the wall.”
“Please, Aunt Fran, please?”
“Missy, get!”
So Nancy went up the stairs to her room, and stood in the corner as instructed. Her Aunt came into the room five minutes later. They were a very long five minutes.
First Nancy heard her, and then she told the pretty 18 year old to turn around. Nancy turned and saw what her Aunt had in her hands, and her heart stopped beating for a moment. In one hand she had a strap of heavy leather. In the other she had one of her Tai Chi slippers.
“Nancy, take off your sweater and hang it up. Then take off your new blouse and skirt – they’re new and wedon’t want it to wrinkle them.”
“Aunt Fran, please, not my blouse.”
“Nancy, your whining is getting tedious, do as you’re told, IMMEDIATELY!”
Nancy was all of 5 foot tall and weighed about 93 pounds in her bra and panties. Aunt Fran was 20 years older, 6 or 7 inches taller, and about 30 pounds heavier. There was no way the little girl was going to win This argument. Besides, Nancy could see her Aunt was starting to get really angry, so she did as she was told. Taking off her blouse was the worst part. The pretty 18 year old barely filled an A-cup bra and she was very self-conscious about the size of her tits. Finally, when Nancy had stripped down to her bra and panties, Aunt Fran put the chair in the center of the room, sat down, and motioned for Nancy to come over. Nancy was getting frightened.
“Over my knee.”
It was a long time since she was in that position. Now, her feet touched the floor on one side, and she could reach down with her hands on the otherr side for support. Aunt Fran lifted the back of her blouse to expose Nancy’s waist and the top of her panties. They were very tight across her bottom and the feeling of humiliation was returning. Then she let Nancy have it with the slipper.
Nancy had seen these slippers for years, but had never given them much thought. Back in Virginia several of her friends took Tai Chi classes, and her Aunt Fran wore them When she did her morning Tai Chi exercise. They were made of black clothes on top, with a white clothes lining. The sole was red rubber in a waffle pattern. These were European size 36, made at the Red Dove Factory Number 1.
Nancy’s friend Karen told her that she usually got spanked with a leather slipper and that it didn’t hurt that much, certainly not as much as the hair brush her dad used when he was really angry. And then the slipper landed on Nancy’s tight little bottom, on the right cheek, very hard, exactly where Miss Johnson had done the most damage with the paddle.
“Please Aunt Fran, that hurt.”
“Of course it hurt, it was supposed to, you little fool.”
Aunt Fran gave her six or seven more, just as hard on her bottom, and before she started on the backs of Nancy’s legs. These hurt more than on her bottom, and she knew it, so she hit harder.
“Ahhhhh. Please?”
Aunt Fran stopped for a moment, and Nancy though she was finished. But she only stopped to lower Nancy’s panties. They were very tight and she had to work to get them over Nancy’s shapely hips.
“Please Aunt Fran, not on the bare.”
“Lift up,” she commanded, and as she smoked Nancy again with the slipper.
Aunt Fran got her panties down to Nancy’s knees, and now she could see how red Nancy’s bottom really was. They she started all over again, working from side to side, slowly spanking her way down her bottom and the backs of her legs. By the time she reached Nancy’s panties, bunched up around her knees, the young girl was crying.
“Nancy, I didn’t think you were a cry baby.”
“Sniffle, sniffle, this really hurts, Aunt Fran.”
“That’s OK, the first part is over.”
The first part. Nancy couldn’t imagine there could be more. Then she made Nancy get up and with her panties still around her knees, hobble back to the corner.
“And put your hands on top of your head,” Aunt Fran ordered.
Nancy had hated to do corner time when she was a child, hated to stand there in only an undershirt after a spanking. But standing there in this ridiculous position, wearing only her bra and knee socks, with her panties down around her knees, was much worse, much worse than the humiliation of the school spanking.
Her back side bottom was burning. That was the only thing she could think of – that her ass and legs were on fire. After ten minutes the pain was still as intense. Then the next command.
“Go over to your desk and lean over it! Rest your head on your arms!”
Again Nancy hobbled over to the new location, her panties still keeping her legs trapped together. Next time her Aunt would make the little girl take off her panties, so she could get a look at Nancy’s pussy. Her niece was a natural red-head and Aunt Fran was dying to get a peak at Nan’s snatch.
“Nancy, I just spanked you for cheating at school today.”
“But I was only trying to copy.”
“Yes, Aunt Fran?”
“You don’t listen. Do I need to spank you with the slipper again in the morning?”
“No, Aunt Fran.”
“I’m going to spank you again, with the straw. In England, a naughty girl like you would get the cane, and in France the martinet. But here we’ll have to settle for the straw. Because you wear short skirts to school, I’ll only give you six, very hard, on your bottom. You have to count the strokes. If you miss a count, it doesn’t count. Do you understand?”
It didn’t do any good to try and explain.
“Yes, Aunt Fran.”
“Before we begin, I think you should thank me. I’m doing this for your own good.”
This was too humiliating. There was a long silence.
“Nancy, do we need to start all over with the slipper?
“No, Ma’am… and thank you, Ma’am.”
“Count, please.”
Nancy could hear the strap as it descended, and Then…
Thwak thwak.
“Two… Three.. Please, Aunt Fran?’
“What is it Nancy?”
“It hurts too much, Aunt Fran, I can’t take any more.”
“Of course it hurts, that’s what a spanking is all about.”
Thwak thwack.
“Four… Five… Please, Aunt Fran, my ass is on fire.”
“Only one more. And watch your filthy mouth.”
“I didn’t hear you count. Do I need to repeat?”
“Six, Aunt Fran, please, six, six, I said six.”
Nancy slumped forward onto the desk, crying profusely. Her Aunt Fran watched for two or three minutes as the pretty 18 year old sobbed uncontrollably, and then she walked from the room.
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