Christian rolled over to avoid the sunlight coming through the blinds, which gave him the perfect excuse to play big spoon to the naked woman laying next to him.
Elizabeth murmured something unintelligible, but burrowed into him. Her hips ground against his, and his morning wood. He smiled as his wife’s butt pressed against him, and he buried his face into her soft hair, kissing the back of her neck softly.
“Good morning, sunshine.”
Elizabeth groaned.
“Why do you always have energy?” she said.
Christian chuckled. “I’m sure I can find a way to work some of it off.”
He ground his erection into her ass.
Elizabeth reached back and slapped at him.
“Where’s the snooze button?”
He laughed. Propping himself up on an elbow, he brushed her hair back and leaned down to kiss her cheek.
“And waste a minute staring at the back of my eyes that could be staring at you?”
“You must be really horny to be using flattery this early…”
She looked over her shoulder, cracking one eye to look up at him.
He grinned, and went in for another kiss.
She let him kiss her lips, then returned it. A moment later she had her hand on the back of his head, pulling him to her.
With her other hand, she took hold of his hard cock and started stroke.
“At least I know you weren’t lying about being excited to wake up and see me,” she said between kisses. “But if you’re going to wake me up early, I get to drive.”
She put a palm to his chest and then pushed him onto his back. Sweeping her leg across his thighs, she straddled him, leaving his cock bobbing straight up in anticipation.
“Of course,” he said. “I would never have it any other way.”
He couldn’t help but admire his wife’s body. Her hair fell in a messy brown veil around her face, but bright blue eyes peeked through. Her breasts hung free, perfect and tempting. All he wanted was to lean forward and kiss and suck on them the way sheliked.
He reached up, but she swatted his hands away. When he started to protest, she put a finger on his lips to silence him, then left a trail of kisses down his chest and abs.
“On your stomach,” she said. “Clearly you can’t be trusted.”
He sent, and she lifted herself up enough to let him flip over. He heard the rustled of a drawer open, then the sound of clicking metal.
Confused, he tried to turn his head to face Elizabeth’s side of the bed, but her weight settled on the small of his back before he could see what she had pulled out. He felt her slim fingers around his right wrist, and he initially resisted as she pulled his arm back.
“Relax,” she said. “It won’t hurt.”
The cool metal of the handcuff went around his wrist with a click that send another pulse through his pinned cock. She pulled the other arm back and cuffed it as well.
His breathing came fast as he tried to twist out of the unforgiving metal, but they held firm like he knew they would.
Elizabeth’s hair teased across his back as she leaned down to whisper in his ear.
“Well, I should say it won’t hurt me. You’re in for a wild ride, slave.”
His cock could have lifted them both off the bed if it had be at a slightly different angle.
She flipped him back over. Her blue eyes were fully awake now, though he wasn’t sure what she had in mind, or how worried he should be.
She raked her nails down his chest, leaving deep, angry scratches. She licked her lips as she looked down at him, pupils dilated and full of wild lust.
Her lips twitched up in an amused smile.
“I think you’ll enjoy most of what I have in mind for you,” she said. “Probably.”
He hissed as she pinched his nipples. He lifted her up as he arched his back, his cuffed hands pressing into the mattress.
She grinned and kissed him again.
“Good boy,” she said.
She released his nipples, eliciting another groan, and slid up his chest. Sherubbed her pussy against his skin, leaving a slick trail from his crotch to his neck.
She resettled herself so her calves held his arms to his sides, not that he’d have been able to do anything anyways. She sat back so her weight was on his collarbone, forcing him to take shallow breaths. As he did, he couldn’t avoid the sweet smell of her pussy.
Elizabeth ran her hands through his hair. His eyes closed in pleasure as her nails raked across his scalp.
Suddenly, her grip tightened, but as his eyes snapped open, she pulled his mouth up and to her pussy.
“You know what to do,” she said with a smile. “Now be a good boy.”
He started licking and sucking on her clip. Her grip intensified on his scalp. His nose was filled with her scalp and he felt her thighs tighten around his head.
He lost track of time as he focused on his task. Elizabeth murmured encouragement and guidance, though before long she was only saying “yes, yes!”
Her body tensed, nearlysuffocating Christian as she pulled his face into her.
Christian was starting to panic, but then Elizabeth relaxed and let his head fall back.
She leaned down against the headboard, eyes closed and breathing heavily.
Christians cock ached. It stood straight up and proud, but also desperate for attention. He bit his lip, knowing better than to disturb her while she enjoyed the afterglow of her orgasm.
Elizabeth witnessed contentedly and opened her eyes. She smiled down at Christian, his head still pinned between her thighs. She stroked his hair, and he nuzzled up into her hand.
“Good boy.”
He smiled, happy he’d pleased her, and hopeful for what that means for the pressure below his wait.
Elizabeth swung a leg over him, and kissed the top of his cock before crawling out of bed and started for the double doors to the bathroom and closet.
Elizabeth stopped and looked over her shoulder.
Christian looked at his cock.
“I just, I mean…”
Elizabeth chuckled and pushed the bathroom doors open.
“Come on,” Christian called out, sitting up as best he could with his hands behind him. “You can’t just leave me.”
Elizabeth ignored him. He could hear his wife rummaging around, pulling things off hangers and opening drawers.
He flopped back, anger and frustration building in his chest.
“Aw, is my boy pouting?” Elizabeth said from the closet.
She came back in, holding something behind her back.
“Are you lying?”
He pressed his lips together, deciding to stay silent rather than put his foot in the snare he knew she’d set for him.
Smart boy,” she said. “Unfortunately, we both know you were. And you can’t be a good boy if you are a pouty and lying boy.”
She shook her head in mock sadness.
“You know I don’t want to punish you, but you leave me no choice.”
She pulled her hands from behind her back. In one hand, she had a blindfold, which she slipped over his head. Before everything went dark, he saw a balled up bit of fabric in her other hand.
Christian parted his lips and felt the fabric press against them. The fabric was lacy, and had a musky taste that Christian recognized. He moaned, his cock’s straining renewed.
“Like my panties, do you?” Elizabeth said with a chuckle. “I made sure to add a little something extra for you, just so you know how wet seeing my good boy all bound and desperate make me.”
Elizabeth kept pushing the panties into his mouth until he felt like a chipmunk.
“Now be a good boy and hold onto those for me.”
Christian moaned again.
Elizabeth kissed his cock again, pinched his nipple hard enough to make him squeal, and then chuckled as she stepped off the bed.
He huffed at her absence, but settled back, trying to get comfortable. The cuffs dug into his wrists, but adjusting them only made them bite into a different part of his skin.
Without his sight, all he had to focus on was the taste of the panties and the noises coming from beyond the bedroom door.
He heard the door alarm beep, the ice maker grind and churn, and the microwave door open and close.
Finally, he heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and the bedroom door open again.
His cock had started dropping a bit, but at the sound of her return, it sprang back up.
“So you did miss me?”
Christian nodded and grunted.
“You’re so sweet,” she said. “But you were a bad boy, and I don’t know that you’ve learned your lesson.”
“Mmph mmf hmpf!”
He strained his neck to face the direction of her voice.
“You think differently?” Elizabeth said.
He felt the mattress press sink down as she put a hand by his head and leaned down to whisper in his ear. “I’ll give you one chance. If you tell me what lesson you learned, I’ll give you what you want.”
She tugged the wet panties out of his mouth. He licked his lips.
“I shouldn’t lie to you.”
Elizabeth clicked her tongue.
“‘I shouldn’t lie to you, mistress,’” she corrected. “And while that is very true. That isn’t the lesson.”
“I shouldn’t pout, mistress” Christian said quickly. “I’m sorry, I won’t-“
His pleasures were silenced as she pressed the panties back into his mouth.
“I said one chance,” she said. “Clearly you haven’t learned anything. So I’m going to go shower, and you’re going to stay here and reflect on your behavior. Oh, and you’re going to hold this too.”
Christian screamed as a freezing bag pressed against the underside of his cock and on top of his balls. He tried to sit up, but a firm palm against his chest pushed him back on the bed.
“Breathe,” Elizabeth said. “Just breathe and accept it. Its not going anywhere until I say differently, so just relax. That’s my good boy. Deep breaths and settle down.”
Christians nostrils flared asthe cold seen into his balls. His cock started to retreat, and he whimpered as much from the cold as the desperate need to cum.
Elizabeth stroked his face with her fingertips.
“That’s good, just keep breathing through it. Good boy.”
His breathing slowed, and the pain became more manageable.
“Because I’m so generous, I’ll give you a few minutes to think about what you should have learned while I take a shower. If you’ve learned your lesson, you’ll get a nice reward. If not…”
She pinched his nipple hard enough to make him buck.
“And if this,” she patted the bag of ice on his cock. “Isn’t right where I left it… let’s just keep it in place so we don’t have to worry about that, ok?”
Christian swallowed and nodded. He pulled his legs together so the bag couldn’t fall between them.
“Good boy,” she said and kissed his cheese.
She stepped off the bed, once again leaving him in a dark limbo.
He heard the shower start, and he triedto focus on anything except the cold ache on his cock and balls. His erection was long gone, and now his manhood just tried to retreat away as much as it could.
The shower finally stopped, and a few minutes later, he heard the bathroom doors open.
The mattress sank, and he felt a tug on the now soaked panties in his mouth.
Before he could say anything, her lips were on his and her tongue danced into his mouth. He felt his cock stir again, despite the ice.
“Now, what have you learned?” Elizabeth whispered. Her breath tasted minty, and he reached for more.
“That I shouldn’t pout, mistress.”
Wet strands of hair, brushed against his chest, and Elizabeth let out a dramatic sight.
“Oh, my good boy… I wanted so badly to make today enjoyable. But you just don’t learn..”
Panic rose in his chest.
“Mistress, I’m sorry, please, help me. Tell me what you want me to learn and I’ll-“
She put a finger on his lips to silence him.
“I’m nota complete monster,” she said. “Ill tell you in a moment. But first, we have to make sure you understand the consequences of your actions, or you’ll just forget again.”
Dispite the implications, Christian realized he was relieved, because even if there was punishment, he would still be the recipient of her attention.
“I’m sorry, mistress,” he said.
She touched his cheek.
“I Know baby,” she said. “Trust me, I only wanted the best for you today. Stay here.”
She kissed his forehead and patted the bag of ice as she stood.
Christian groaned as she left him, but she was back a moment later.
He told in relief as she picked the ice up and dropped it on the bed beside him. He felt her tug on his balls, but they were too cold and numb to fully enjoy the sensing.
As he started to get feeling back, he felt an odd pressure around the base of his scrotum. Then her hand gripped his cock gently, and he felt something slick and warm surrounding it. Herhair teased the skin of his legs and pelvis, and he felt himself starting to grow again.
But then her mouth was gone, and he felt her tug at his balls. Then something else cold and hard grabbed his cock.
There was a click, and as his cock tried to grow, it hit against something solid.
Elizabeth pulled the blindfold off, and his eyes darted down.
A black cage surrounded his cock.
A hand on his jaw pulled his gaze away from the black plastic and up to her. A small smile danced across her lips.
“You thought I didn’t see the new toy you bought?” she said, amused. “Lucky for you, I found it last week. Your closet shelf really isn’t as discrete as you think it is. Unlucky for you, you forget the most important lesson.”
She leaned closer, her blue eyes burning into him.
“You exist to please and serve your mistress,” she said. “You do not get to pout, or lie, or do anything except what I want you to do. Unless you use a safeword, you don’t tell me what I should do, what you don’t want me to do, or what you want me to do. All you will do is exactly what I tell you, quickly and with enthusiasm, while saying ‘yes mistress.’ Do you understand?”
He looked up at the love of his life. The sweet, strong, and, at the moment, powerfully dominant woman that he would do anything for.
“Yes mistress.”
Her smile was both loving and predatory. She grabbed the back of his head and pulled his lips to hers.
His cock strained against the cage painfully, but he didn’t care as she kissed him. It wasn’t her normal gentle, soft kiss, but a password and possessive claiming of his whole body and soul. She left no doubt in his mind that he belonged to her, whether he wore a cage or not, and he wouldn’t trade the feeling for anything in the world.
When she finally released him, he felt a pang of longing for more, but the sight of her wild blue eyes and parted lips only made him smile as well.
“Let’s get these cuffs off and some breakfast,” she said. “You have a big day ahead of you. And if you want any relief later, you’d better stay focused.”
He smiled and dipped his head before rolling over so she could get to the cuffs.
“Yes mistress.”
Elizabeth unlocked his wrists, and carefully moved his arms back to a more natural position.
Christian winced as his muscles protected, and Elizabeth massed his shoulders a bit, and despite the pressure of the cage beneath him, he witnessed in pleasure and thanks.
She leaned down and kissed his ear before climbing off.
“I’m going to dry my hair,” she announced, walking into the bathroom. “Bring breakfast up when its ready.”
With that she pushed the bathroom doors shut.
Christian rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling for a minute. He wasn’t sure what he’d expected when he’d woken up this morning, but he certainly hadn’t planned to have his cock locked up tight before breakfast.
The hair dryer clicked on, and he knew that he probably had about twenty minutes before she was ready, and he didn’t want to make her wait.
Climbing out of bed, he throw on a pair of gym shorts and a t shirt and headed down stairs.
Ten minutes later, he was back upstairs with two plates of toasted waffles and some fresh cut fruit.
He pushed the doors open with his hip and entered the bathroom. The howl of the hair dryer almost drowned out the sound of the door opening.
Elizabeth stood in front of her mirror, naked and gorgeous. She glanced up as he came in and set the plates down on the counter, then started to take pick up a waffle from his plate.
Elizabeth raised an eye browser.
Christian frozen.
She glanced down at this tshirt and gym shorts, her lips pressed together in a thin line. Switching off the hair dryer. She looked up at him.
“If I wanted you to look like you were about to go play racquetball, I’d have said so,” she said.
He set the uneaten waffle back down and hurried to strip. She smiled at his haste, enjoying his disappoint as the shorts caught on the cage.
“Get that bathmat,” she said, nodding backward.
He obeyed.
“On your hands and knees,” she said. “I’m tired of standing.”
His jaw dropped as she turned on the hair dryer again.
“I’m going to sit down in about five seconds,” she said. “If I Fall, you’re not going to be getting out of that cage for a week.”
He quickly got on his hands and knees, and she settled down on his upper back. Most of her weight was over his arms, so it wasn’t uncomfortable, but he wasn’t sure how long he could actually hold it.
She dried her hair for a few more minutes, then turned the dryer off and set it on the counter. She picked up a waffle with her right hand and took a bite. With her left, she gently petted Christian’s head.
Chewing thoughtfully, she glanced down at the man beneath her. The hours at the gym, and the jiu jitsu studio, had served him well, and she could feel the firm muscles under her. And while these games weren’t normally her cup of tea, she had to admit that having him at her beck and call had a certain appeal that she couldn’t deny.
She curled her fingers in his hair and tugged his head back so he was facing the wall instead of the floor.
“Eat, baby,” she said, bringing the waffle to his mouth.
He obediently took a bite.
She smiled and took another herself. Setting the pastry back on the plate, she grabbed a strawberry, and took a bite, then held it out for him. This time, he nibbled it out of her hand without being prompted.
She smiled and started to do her makeup, occasionally pausing long enough to feed him a bite of waffle or fruit.
He didn’t say anything, and she had to admit that she enjoyed the submissive silence. When she was half way done with her makeup, she stood. Turning she stroked the back of his head and let her fingernails drag down his back. The small shiver made her smile.
“Thank you, baby,” she said. “Now you may get up and get dressed.”
He sat back and started to stand. She helped him up but put a hand on his chest as he tried to turn.
“The grey suit you wore for our wedding,” she said. “The purple dress shirt, no tie. Clear?”
He smiled.
“Yes, mistress.”
She nodded and turned to finish her makeup.
She looked back and raised an eyebrow.
“May I kiss you?”
She smiled and turned back to him. Reaching up, she grabbed the hair on the back of his head again and pulled him down until their lips were an inch apart.
“No,” she said. “But thank you for asking.”
Then she pulled him closer and claimed him again.
When she relaxed her grip and broke contact, his eyes were dazed.
“I thought-“
“You may not kiss me,” she said. “But I will use you, all of you, for whatever pleasure I want. And I wanted a kiss. So I took it.”
She twisted his head toward the closet then gave him a soft shove, and a hard slap on the ass for good measure.
“Now get dressed.”
“Yes, mistress,” he said with a smile.
Ducking into the closet, he quickly found the suit and shirt, and headed into the bedroom. Opening his dresser drawer, he grabbed a black pair of briefs and pulled them on over the cage. It pressed the cage uncomfortable against him, but with a few minor adjustments, he was able to get dressed.
Elizabeth hadn’t wasted any time finishing her makeup and pulling on a loose dress with a plunging neckline that showed off enough cleavage to cause the dull ache in his manhood return. It was brightly colored, and with enough blues and purples that while they wouldn’t be accused of dressing alike, a casual observer wouldn’t doubt that they were a couple either.
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