What a Day

As I stepped out the gym after leg day, god I hate leg day and to add insult to injury, as I stepped outside it started to rain. I figure I better head to the grocery store ASAP to pick up some strawberries for my smoothie… I always go after my workout as I find it less packed not to mention majority of the time I find one or two hotties roaming around the store. I Picked up the strawberries and started walking around the store to scout if there was any potential talent roaming around. I saw nothing, just old ladies that let themselves go and women I did not find attractive so I headed to the cashier, purchased my strawberries then Immediately after I stepped out of the grocery store it starts a torrential down pour and of course I just had to step into a deep muddy puddle. Now drenched with soaking wet feet I finally get home. Shivering and wet, I could hear a nice steamy hot shower was calling my name.

I place the strawberries on the floor and begin taking of my soaked shoes, kicking them off once the laces are untied, I’m now walking towards the kitchen in my soaked socks leaving a trail of damp foot pins on my white concrete tile floors in the process. I place the strawberries on the counter and immediately begin undressing, taking off my wet shirt first revealing my chiseled chest, broad shoulders and ripped abs then proceeded to take off every other piece of clothing until I was butt naked. With my wet clothes in hand as I’m walking down my hall way towards the bathroom completely naked with my cock dangling between my legs as I walk, I reach into the shower and turn it almost all the way left and let it run for a min. I head towards the laundry room and put wet clothes in the washer. Heading back to the bathroom, I am greeted with a nice, steamy atmosphere so I pull the shower curtains back, get into the shower and the first splash of hot water that makes contact with my skin feels absolutely amazing. I feel a slight serge of energy vibrate throughout my entire body as the hot water continues to make contact with my skin.

As I am soaping up my toned body, rubbing the soap all over my chest and my arms slowly making my way down to my abs, then slowly soaping and cleaning my semi hard cock. This gets me a little bit more excited as I spent a little extra time making sure my member is all soaped up before moving down to do my legs. Now all soapy and wet I can’t help but touch myself. I reach down with my left hands and take my shake in my palms wrapping my fingers around its thick girl an I slowly begin stroking. I’ve been horny all week and have had no time to get a good dick stroking session in so my cock is rigid at this point and my balls are hanging low as the hot water splashes on my skin while I stroke my cock. I start thinking to myself I need to meet someone new and just fuck the living shit out of them and make them my little slut. The thought alone is driving me crazy, I start breathing heavier simulateneously picking up the pace of my strokes.

I work up a little fantasy in my head of me meeting a red head with perky C cup tits and a nice juicy ass who is in immaculate shape on my way home and her being so attracted to me from our introduction that she wants my cock right there so I pull it out and she drops to her knees and begins sucking it right in the middle of the street. This fantasy starts to drive me crazy as the hot water along with my hot fantasy is making my temperature climb and I feel my balls contracting up towards my shake as I envision her wrapping her lips around my cock so vividly I can almost feel her there now instead of my hand stroking my hard throbbing cock. Then my phone starts ringing and it completely snaps me out of the fantasy fucking up my entire mood as other thoughts start to pop back into my head of what I still have to get done Today. I say fuck it and just finish up my shower with my cock still about 75% hard. Guess I’ll have to come back to this later. Iget out of the sower and start drying myself off with my gold towel as I get majority of my body dry I warp the towel around my waist and my cock is still poking out of the towel as I head towards my bed room to get dressed.

Still having a few things on the to do list today, going to the library being one of them so I throw on some grey shorts with no boxes so my dick print is evident and a plane white t shirt that Complements my upper bodies chiseled physics. Grabbing my keys and my phone, as I was about to step through the door something told me to grab an umbrella… So I grabbed my go to black on black medium size umbrella then I left. Arriving at the library to finish reading a book I selected about business management and dealing with employees as I am always looking for ways to improve my company and become a better leader to my team. I usually devote a few hours a week to reading up on my industry and getting some reading done in general. I am not much of a TV sit onthe couch type of guy, I’d rather play sports than watch them. Funny thing is when I was in my early to late teens if you asked me to read a book I would look at you like you have 9 heads. Back in those days chasing tail, hanging with the boys and dominating on the court were the only things that mattered to me. Fast forward to now in my early 30’s still fairly young while running a multi-million-dollar corporation I don’t have much time for sports or hanging with the boys but I just can’t help it when I see a hot piece of tail I have to shoot my shot. I made a decision to be indefinitely single a long time ago and I think it was the best decision I ever made as I am without a shadow of doubt a slut.

Somehow I manage to put my business before chasing tail which at times would lead to weeks without cumming due to my schedule and the goals I have in place for myself so as I am here reading this book, on chapter 7 of 13 where it’s talking about sexual harassment, my dick jumps at ever sentence that I read about an attractive employee with voluptuous breast and why not to stare at them, instead look her in the eyes. Which is total bullshit in my opinion, however reading this paragraph about big tits, I can’t help but picture my intern that we recently hired who has the perfect set of C cups that are so perked up you can smack them and they would hardly move but would jiggle just the right amount of times to let you know their real. This creates and instant hard on in the library which is very visible since I have on no boxes and the grey shorts is not helping hide my 9-inch dick print what so ever.

I’ve been reading for close to an hour now so I close the book at this point and try to think of fat ugly old ladies with boils on their faces in order to subside my raging hard on (Don’t know why but this always helps me) before I get up to make my exit.

Walking through the entrance doors of the library as I exit with a semi hard on, I am familiarized. I decide to grab a bite before I head home. I make my way over to a restaurant I frequently called Foxies which is 3 blocks from the library. Once I arrive at Foxies I am greeted by a beautiful short haired brunette with the roundest, tightest ass I’ve seen all day. She doesn’t work for me so flirting was in full effect although, I rarely take servers serious due to the fact that majority of time they only flirt back in Hopes of getting a good tip which I completely respect, anything to get the sale. Every now and then I do end up hooking up with one or two but, my numbers are low in this area, always good practice though. Ms. Juicy ass escorted me to a secluded area in the restaurant, as she was walking in front of me all I could think about was bending her over the table, pulling up her uniform skirt and sliding my hard throbbing cock into that wet tunnel of hers.

Once again the bulge in my shorts was evident and when little Ms. Juicy ass turned around to face me once she arrived at thetable she took a keen notice of it. Her now looking down at my cock poking out of my shorts which I am not even the least bit embarrassed of at this point, she lets out an evil little grin before bringing her gaze back up to my face where our eyes meet for a few seconds of deep staring and eye fucking with her biting her bottom lip at me. I don’t say a word, I move in closer to her, she just stands there not moving an inch as my boss is poking at her. Since we are in a secluded area in the restaurant with no one around us I figure fuck it why not. I grab her and kiss her passwordately and she meeting my password with her own as our tongues dance in each other’s mouths. She lets out the sexiest little moan right before I pull away from her, which causes her to look at me in frustration as a bit of disappointment is now on her face while she’s staring at me biting her lip. At this point I hadn’t even gotten her name, the only verbal exchange we had was when she asked if it was a table for one when I walked in the restaurant. She was first to break the silence by grinning and saying

Ms. Juicy Ass: You are bad mister!

BC: It’s Sir to you, young lady.

Ms. Juicy Ass: (Grinning) Yes Sir. Sorry Sir.

BC: Does anyone come back this part of the restaurant often?

Ms. Juicy Ass: No Sir. Not really… Why do you ask Sir?

Feeling bold at this point and extremely turned on, I reach into my grey shorts and pull my throbbing hard dick out, grab her hand and guide it towards my throbbing cock which she doesn’t hesitate for a second immediately wrapping her warm soft hands around my rigid dick. Pulling her into me as she’s slowing stroke my cock we make out a bit before we hear someone coming in our direction. Quickly putting my dick away into my shorts, I sit down at the table as she steps right in front of me looking down at me with share lust in her eyes but to the average person walking but it would appear as though she is just taking my order.Looking up at her I say,

BC: What time are you finished your shift?

Ms. Juicy Ass: 3am.

BC: You mean 3am Sir…?!

Ms. Juicy Ass: Yes, Sir. 3am Sir.

BC: Looks like I’m going to have to teach you some manners when speaking to me young lady.

She bites her lip and grins at me.

Ms. Juicy Ass: I think so too Sir.

BC: What your number we’ll set something up when I get some time.

Ms. Juicy Ass: 555- 555- 5555 Sir.

BC: Your name is Juicy Ass from now on (that’s what I saved her name as)

She giggles. My belly starts growing at this point, might as well get what I came here for.

BC: I want a smoked salmon; what would you suggest I get with that?

Ms. Juicy Ass: A salad mashed potatoes and roasted avocado. Its delicious.

BC: You look delicious are you on the menu?

She lightly hits me on the shoulder

Ms. Juicy Ass: Can you stop being bad Sir.

BC: Impossible!

I respond. She just looks at meand shakes her head.

BC: I’ll take your recommendation with a glass of white wine.

Ms. Juicy Ass: Is that all Sir?

Looking her dead in her eyes for a few seconds and grinning before saying.

BC: For now, …

She smiles at me then say

Ms. Juicy Ass: It will be 10 to 15 mins wait for the food but, I’ll bring the wine Sir

BC: Sounds good. Thank you.

Ms. Juicy Ass: You’re welcome Sir.

She starts to walk away then turn around after a few steps, come back looks at me for a few seconds then plants a wet kiss right on my lips before taking off for real this time. She knows how to get a man going I tell ya.

She comes back 5 mins later with my wine places it on the table in front of me then leans in on the table so our face is about a foot away from each other as she says

Ms. Juicy Ass: Here you go sir. One of the waiters will bring the food for you I’ll make sure it’s done really well and if you have any issues at all I’ll be atthe front. (She leans in really close to me so we are inches away from each other) and I’ll be expecting a call from you Sir, so we can finish what YOU started. This meal is on me since I wasn’t able to be on the menu today.

Looking directly into each other’s eyes for a few seconds, I signal to her with my index finger to come here, so she leans in even closer and I whisper in her left ear.

BC: I am disappointed you are not on the menu today. I would have devoured you like it was the last meal I would ever have, then I would fuck you until I see your soul leaving your body. (Pause for a few seconds) We’ll make that happen soon though, don’t you worry little girl.

She bites her lips at me again, looking into my eyes she says

Ms. Juicy Ass: oh my fucking god who are you? you are driving me crazy over here. How am I supposed to work now without thinking about that huh sir?

BC: You know who I am. To you, I am Sir.

Ms. Juicy Ass: Well Sir, please call me. Ok sir?

BC: Don’t worry little girl you’ll be mine soon.

We give each other a lingering peck on the lips before she walks off smoking and grinning to herself as the waiter arrives with my food seconds later which I completely devoured the second he placed in front of me. I was fucking starving! Although pussy was what I wanted to eat this was the next best thing.

After finishing which was absolutely delicious and since it was free I felt like it tasted even better than I expected it to (Guess the best things in life are actually free after all). I got up from my table and headed towards the exit. I was hoping to see Ms. Juicy Ass at the front but, looks like she was busy dealing with other customers so I left without saying a word to her.

Heading home, feeling relaxed, full and extremely horny, I noticed this cute short, slim, petite little angel with her yoga mat and her umbrella walking towards me. After admiring her physics for a few seconds, I decided tointroduce myself and give her an opportunity to get some of this hard-throbbing cock that I was being stroked not too long ago by Ms. Juicy Ass who unfortunately didn’t make me cum. I walked up to her and stopped her dead in her tracks, then moved in closer to invade her personal space while staring directly into her eyes and her reciprocating my gaze she says with a slight smile on her face

Cutie: Umm HI???…

Still looking into her eyes for a few more seconds with a sardonic smile before saying anything, completely dominating her with my eyes then I say

B.C: You’re cute.

I’ve spoken to so many women over the years, I usually know right off the bat which ones will reciprocate my interest based on their facial expression, the energy they give me, and their body language and she was one of them. She gave me that look and it seemed to me, in her mind, she was saying “wow! You have the balls to say something, finally!” Now smiling at me she said

Cutie: Thankyou. I am Ashley. What’s your name?

At this point our eye contact is unbreakable. In a smooth calm, confident voice I say

B.C: My Name is Black

She was about to say something, then I hushed her by putting my finger on her lips. Why I did that? No fucking clue! It sure felt right though.

I then leaned in close to her left ear and whispered

B.C: Ashley, I really want to bend you over in a downward dog position, on your yoga mat and slide my hard throbbing cock deep inside your wet little pussy and fuck the shit out you.

She gave me the naughtiest look I’ve ever seen in a while. She licked her lips, then bit her bottom lip before she saying

Ashley: You are so bad.

Honestly I was expected a little more resistance but, to my surprise her and I seemed to be on the same page so I said

B.C: I know.

We looked at each other for a few seconds then I said

B.C: Do you live alone?

Ashely: no I have a roommate

B.C: So my place it is.

Ashely: and what makes you think I’m coming back to your place?

AHH there it is. I know she would give a little resistance. Leaning into her left ear again, I whisper

B.C: that wet little pussy between your legs, that’s begging to have a hard-throbbing cock, preferably mine, slide into it and fuck shit fucked out of it.

Ashley: OMG! You are terrible you know that?!

B.C: Yet you’re going to be the one getting spanked

Looking at me like I had four heads and lust in her eyes, I took her by the hand and started walking, she compiled with little to no hesitation.

Ashley: OMG, I can’t believe you. You’re so crazy.

B.C: you need a little crazy in your life from time to time.

She giggles as we interlock our hands and head towards my place. I don’t do much talking along the way, I let her mind wonder and work up her own little dirty scenes to get herself even more turned on. I know she feels safe and can trust me because I am not only leading her but I’m making sure she’s safe in little ways like telling her to make sure her room knows she’s going to be out for a bit with a friend and to call her in a few hours if she doesn’t hear from here to put her mind at ease because I know she is a woman and even though this is exciting it can be scary due to the fact that I am a stranger. She looks up at me and smiles then say

Ashley: Ok. Done. And thanks.

I know why she said thanks, it eliminated majority of the worry so now she can focus on her fantasy about what is to cum. So, I turned at her as she did her thing, and she grabbed my hand once she was done texting as we continued walking back to my place.

Arriving at my place, to my surprise, she was all over me. She must have worked up some fantasy. I sat down on my sofa she sat right beside me, I mean literally leg touching, arm touching beside me.

So, I did what I was supposed to do. I lifted her up and put her on my lap. I was hard as a rock and she could feel my erection. She then adjusted herself so she was in a cowgirl position as if she was riding my cock. Then she put her arms around my neck and we began the heavy make out session which she seemed really into as she was grinding her pussy on my pole through her yoga pants. She whispered in my ear

Ashely: You get me so wet.

B.C: repeat that for daddy.

She complies and says

Ashley: Daddy, you, get me, so, wet. I really want your cock inside me

B.C: you really want what inside of you?

Ashley: Your cock daddy

B.C: Repeat it

Ashley: I really want your cock inside of me daddy

I grip her ass, spreading her ass cheeses apart through her yoga pants while kissing on her neck. I life her up, then make her stand on her feet while looking up at me and in a demanding dominating voice I say

B.C: Get on your knees bitch

She complies obediently.

B.C: Take my cock out of my shorts

She does it withouta second’s hesitation. I then tell her

B.C: Now take off your shirt so I can see those tits,

While on her knees she proceeded to take off her shirt, revealing the perkiest set of tits I’ve seen, they looked so delicious I say

B.C: ooooh… You have nice tits

She looked up at me and smiled then said

Ashley: Thank you daddy.

Ashely: Daddy…Can I please suck your dick?

B.C: Can you what?

Ashley: Daddy, Can I please suck your juicy dick?

B.C: Say it louder bitch

Ashely: Daddy, Can I please suck your juicy Hard DICK?

B.C: Stick your fucking tongue out you sexy bitch.

I then proceed to tap my now throbbing hard dick on her tongue a few times and then smoother her face with my man hood intotoxicating her with its scent. I then tell her

B.C: only the tip. You have to earn the rest. Now slowly lick the pre cum off the slit of my dick and start sucking bitch

She bites her bottom lip.

Ashely: Yes, daddy.

B.C: Since you’re such an obedient Bitch. Daddy likes that.

From the look on her face, she’s loving this, she looks me in the eyes.

Ashley: Yes, daddy. I was hoping you would dominate me.

B.C: I don’t care what you were hoping for. Put those lips to go use on my cock bitch.


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