Nothing underlines more my subservice to my Mistress and her power over me, than when she is fully dressed and I am naked in her presence. On one occasion last week I was in the kitchen, emptying the dishwasher, when a ring of her electric bell summoned me. She was sitting on the sofa in the sun-room, looking lovely in a light blue satin dress. Her hair was gathered up into a high ponytail, a look which I love, and she was especially made-up, her red lips looking most provocative. Her stocking foot were tucked neighborly under her, revealing the stockings we had bought together in Paris. I could just see the clasp of a white suspender belt alluringly under the hem of the satin as I stood naked before her, head bowed.
“You rang, Mistress?” I asked humbly.
“I did, slave. Move closer”
I shuffled Nearer to her. She took hold of my penis, examining it casually.
“How long is it since this falla had an orgasm, slave?” she asked with a wicked smile playing about her pretty lips.
“It was on Monday, Mistress, after you got back from work. You brought me to orgasm in your mouth.”
“So I did. Highly enjoyable too. That was – let me see – five days ago. How many orgasms would you say I have had since then?”
“I would think between forty and fifty, Mistress.”
She laughed.and grasped my cock more firmly, clearly enjoying the power of watching it grow in her hand.
“It hardly seems fair, does it, slave?”
“It is not a question of fairness, Mistress. I am your slave.”
“Good answer, slave. You are learning. Would you like to cum now?”
“Oh, yes, please, Mistress!”
She removed her hand from my now erect cock and gave it a firm slap, causing it to wobble to and fro in a some what ridiculous fashion. She giggled at the sight..
“Fat chance!” she said with a laugh, “a slave has to earn his orgasms, doesn’t he?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
I stood naked before my Mistress, who surveyed me imperiously fromher sofa. The cleavage of her white breasts was mesmerising.
“Kneel, slave,” she commanded. I immediately obeyed.
“The reason I have called you in here is because I was not pleased with your behavior this morning..”
“Oh, Mistress,” I falsed, “In what way did I displease you?”
“When I was on the patio this morning, pissing on your face, you turned your head away, as if in disgust. You should regard it as an honour and a privilege, when I shower you like that.”
“It is an honour and a privilege, Mistress, and I thank you for that honour. I think some splashed into my eye and that is why I involuntarily turned away.”
“Hmm. So you say, but it is not what I expected from you and I was disappointed and displeased.”
“I humbly apologise, Mistress. I will make sure it does not happen again.”
“I cannot let this go unpunished, slave. You know I expect a high standard of you and it is most upsetting when you let me down like this.”
“I am ashamed of myself, Mistress. In a moment of weakness I put my own needs before yours. It is unforgivable.
“It had better not happen again. And to make sure that it does not, I have designed a little reminder for you.”
“Yes, Mistress?”
“Yes, slave. There is a little present I bought for you some weeks ago. At the moment it is in the middle of the floor in the utility room. It caught my eye in a charity shop and I knew it would come in useful some time. Go and fetch it.”
I rose and walked towards the utility room.
What my Mistress had bought, ‘knowing it would come in handy some time’, was a classic china potty. I could guess at what use it would be put to, but I was far from guessing her exact, imagined plan.
I carried her present into the sun room and placed it on the floor in front of HER. She shifted her position, so that her dainty feet touched the floor
“Kneel and remove my panties, slave,” she commanded. Eagerly I obeyed, very gently easingThe garment down her legs, the satin crackling electrically against the sheer stockings.
“You may inhale my panties’ arc.”
“Thank you, Mistress.”
That divine cent assailed my nostrils.
“That’s enough. Now place them in the potty.”
I obeyed. She rose and stood, legs apart over the porcelain reception. Soon a stream of her warm piss was trickling into the pot.
“I’ve been burning to do this, slave,” she said with a laugh, ” There’s going to be quite a lot.”
When the flow finally reduced to a trickle and stopped, my Mistress sat back on the sofa.
“Dab me dry with your tongue, cunt-slave,” she commanded.
I knelt to obey, gently running my tongue up and down the lips of her divine crevice. My Mistress murmured approval.
“Very pleasant, slave. And don’t stop until I say so!”
My duties had gone well beyond the simple act of dabbing my Mistress dry. She was enjoying things far too much to bring my ‘cleaning’ to an end. Within two or three minutes she was bucking and screaming in the ecstasy of a massive orgasm.
“Very pleasant, slave,” she murmured, when she had got her breath back.
“Now, in order to demonstrate obedience and reverence in gratitude for the honour I have bestowed on you, you will raise the potty to your lips and drain it.”
I lifted the vessel and started to drink. There was indeed a lot to swallow, but I obeyed my instructions and emptied the pot, until only the sodden panties remained.
“And now, slave, to underline your servitude to your Mistress, you will pull those panties over your face, stand up and recite the rules that. I ordered you to learn.”
I placed the dripping satin over my head and started to recite.
“Rule One: I must always be naked, unless my Mistress prefers me to wear her selected panties, or other kinky outfit, deemed appropriate.”
“And you are wearing my ‘selected panties’ now, aren’t you, slave?”
“Yes, Mistress,” I replied as the cold piss trickled down my chest and back. Somehow I managed to recite all the rules without any major mistakes and that despite the fact that all through my declaration, my Mistress was squeezing my cock and balls.
At the end of Rule 15, she declared herself pleased with my performance.
“Well done, slave,” she cried, “As a reward for that I shall fuck you tonight and, if you perform well, I shall allow you to cum in my cunt.”
“Thank you, thank you, Mistress,” I blurted, “Thank you for your generation.”
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