Professor Mistress Ch. 02

I went over my schedule for the sixth time that morning. My nerves were frazzled and my heart was running a race without me. Usually My stomach grumbled for anything to eat but today it was doing somersaults and I couldn’t bear to eat anything. I wasn’t really worried about any of my classes on the first day, most teachers would go over their syllabus and maybe stress the importance of the literature they included in their curriculum. I was only worried about Professor Browning’s class and what she could possibly have in store for me after class. Now that she was fronting the bill for my time off until this other club opened, I was more encouraged to please her. At least that is what I tried to tell myself, although I knew she had given me a new purpose and feeling to serve in my life that I still didn’t quite understand.

I glanced at my phone as it rang an alarm, I didn’t risk being late to class. I arrived at my first class of the day and almost tripped on my way to a seat,I felt the heat and blush reach my cheeks immediately. This wasn’t even a class I was worried about for the semester. I stood and took a deep breath, composing myself and making my way to a seat somewhere in the middle. I didn’t want to be in the front and be made a spectacle of but I also didn’t want to sit in the back as if this class wasn’t important to me.

The professor for this class was pretty basic of all law professors, he spoke with purpose, composition, and command. Although completely monotone and without feeling, if I hadn’t been otherwise than aroused thinking of Professor Browning, I might have had a hard time staying awake and this was just the first class. I made a mental note to make sure I had coffee before this class everyday.

The next two classes passed much like the first, standard introduction, class expectations, and a few harsh questions to remind students that they knew nothing against their teacher. I had a thirty minute break before the only class Icared about now. Usually I would be scarfing down something I had haphazardly made but my stomach wouldn’t allow me to enter the possibility of food. I sat in the courtyard on a benchmark and tried to calm myself down. Moments like this were the times I regretted not developing more friends throughout my time here. I was too focused on being successful and working that I never had time to kindle a good support system.

I spoke and stared up at the sky, there were no clouds in sight and with the afternoon making its department slowly, the blue of the sky was calming. I could feel someone sit down on the benchmark beside me but I paid it no mind. I kept my gaze towards the sky, using it as an anchor to slow my churning mind.

“Rough first day?” I heard the new person beside me ask. I took in a breath before looking at the intruder beside, my eyes took a moment to adjust from staring at the bright sky but when they did, my breath stopped. It was the redhead from the bar, Shawna? I unabashedly stared at her as my mouth part slightly. She chuckled in her flowing long skirt and light colored tunic, her arm perched on the benchmark between us. Her composition was complete ease. Her smile melted my insides, even though my thoughts had been consumed by Browning, Shawna was also there, images of her pleasure herself as I was held against the bathroom sink went through my mind and my cheeses flushed.

“Don’t worry darling, I’m not a professor here,” she chuckled to herself once more, “you will get your assignment after class today, I can’t wait to see what kind of surprises you will bring to the new club.” She turned to face me more and I was still stuck in mouth dropping arousal. “I was really devastated I didn’t get a turn the other night, but we’ll have our fun soon enough,” she chuckled and stroked a single finger down my thigh as she stood and walked away.

I watched her figure disappear, even her walk was entrancing. I my head in my hands, FUCK. I lookd at my phone and realized I was cutting it close to making it to class, I grabbed my bag and practically ran through the courtyard, there was no way I could be late.

As I entered the classroom, I made all effort not to glance at the front of the classroom terrified I would stumble my way to the floor in embarrassment. I took a seat near the aisle in case I needed to bolt in panic and took out a notebook. I pretended my notebook had the world’s secrets in it as I refused to make eye contact with Browning. I heard the door shut quite forcedly and looked to see Browning shutting it and waltzing back to her desk, standing in front of it and leaning back with her hands, sizing up the students in front of her. Her eyes locked onto mine for less than a second but it felt like hours.

“Now first lesson, if you are on time you are late,” there was knocking on the door and she glanced towards the door laughing. “Someone has already had to learn the hard way,” she raised her voice towards the door, “You can listen to the lesson from there.” There was a visceral shift in the room as she made her commanding presence solidify with that statement.

I tried to focus on my notebook and the words she was saying through the class but it was hard to keep a lean on my roaming thoughts. No one had ever made me squirt or moan in uncontrolled password before and I longed to feel that again. Sure I had done Some conservatively kinky things before, but being tied and fucked on a public bathroom sink was no content to the rest.

And all I wanted was more of that, Browning had opened a can of worms in me that paled everything I had been concerned about my life with. Class flew by and before I knew it people around me were gathering their things and leaving. I tried to act as though it was taking me a long time to gather my Things. I didn’t want anyone knowing I was staying after class for any reason. Finally everyone had sauntered out and Browning closed the door and turnedto face the brave gaze I finally allowed myself of her.

“Come here,” she said. Her tone was soft, slow, but solid and demanding. I stood barely registering my legs moving of their own according. I stood a few feet from her shifting nervously and clutching the straw of my messenger bag with white knuckles. She took in my body as I walked towards her causing me to shiver in lust.

“What are your plans after this class?” Her question surprised me. I shifted again, losing myself in her blue eyes for a few moments.

“I…I was going to go home and organize my class stuff,” I barely managed to stutter out.

“Great,” she said, turning and writing something onto a paper on her desk as my eyes wandered to her backside, flushing my cheeks again. “I want you to be at this address at seven tonight, the new club is still under construction but I wanna show it off to you, or show you off there,” she said, licking her lips a little. I stood still, not able to form words, this was happening fast and I didn’t want it to stop. She smiled and chuckled a little, taking my hand and putting the paper into my hand, lingering before sliding her fingers away slowly. The movement made me shudder. I swallowed with a tiny nod and walked out of the class with a fog on my mind.

I was glad the address wasn’t too far from school or my small apartment that barely had signs of anyone living inside. I decided to walk there hoping to explore some of the nervous energy that was buzzing inside me. It took almost a whole hour but it was cathartic to be anonymous in the crowds of other pedestrians. I never really felt like I had belonged anywhere and I was ok with that sentiment most days. I never felt like anyone ever understand me, sometimes that included myself. Being alone was just easier, I didn’t have to worry about Disappointing someone again. I did that once already and I was certain I could never handle that again. I deserve the solitude I had admonished myself to. This was just a means to an end.

At least that’s what I tried to tell myself as I arrived at the address on the paper Browning had given me. I glanced up at the tall building that seemed still under construction from the outside, verifying this was the correct address before taking in a deep breath and walking in the door. There were several workers, probably contractors, still working and I scuttled around them trying to make sense of where I was supposed to be for this new job. I kept moving hope to see something I could make sense of when I heard a voice I could never mistake.

“That is not what we had discussed last week,” there was a slight pause, “No, no, that is not what you contract states, do I need to remind you what the penalty is for breaking the-” she was cut off apparently as she looked up and made eye contact with me. She smiled at me and my heart stopped. She waved me forward as my feet stopped in panic and pleasure maybe. I walked closer to her standing across from the counter she had dozens of papers straight across. She continued to smile at me as other workers bustled past me and she finished her conversation. “Of course, I knew I could count on you, thank you,” she ended her call and put the phone down on the table then met my eyes while she placed both hands on the table and leaned forward a little.

“I was hoping you would show, I told Shawna you would, but she doubted me,” she smiled and bit her bottom lip as she took me in again. I shuffled in place and pursued my lips not sure what I was supposed to do. She chuckled slightly, “Don’t worry this will be beneficial for all of us.” I glanced around at the large area we were standing in the progress of. It was almost the size of a warehouse, with all the workers humming about in unison, I felt small and out of place. There were painters, welders, and carpenters who seemed oblivious to our presence. They all know what was going on unlike me. It made my skin crawl that I was on the outsideof whatever this was, my anger came out suddenly.

“What even is this place? Why am I here? And what do you want from me?” I flinched at my own words, I was never one to be so angry, but all of this was quite absurd and the energy inside me from wanting her to take me again was bubbleing near the surface and I wasn’t used to handling that. She took a step back and raised an eyebrow at me, apparently not anticipating my small outburst. She crossed her arms and a small smile slowly spread from the corners of her mouth.

“You know why, do I need to spell it out to you or should I show you again?” Her expression was one that wanted to be challenged but I knew better. I glanced away from her and stuttered out my response, “N-no I just I don’t know what you want from me?” I asked tenatively, questioning myself, and barely above a whisper. No one had ever looked at me with the intensity that was blazing through her eyes. She uncrossed her arms, looking at me a moment longer, then gesturing with her hand to come over to her. I obliged her, anxious for answers.

I stood beside her looking at the papers sprayed across the table, some of them looked like blueprints but they didn’t make sense to me. She shuffled through some of them seeming to know what they all meant until she pulled out a few papers and then grabbed a pen thrusting them towards me.

“This is a typical NDA, being a law student I’m sure you won’t take much time grasping the consequences of breaking this contract. It is your new employment contract to work here and we will not continue until you sign this,” she was poised in her delivery and unshakable. I slowly took the papers from her hand and glanced at them. She smiled without it meeting her eyes, “Take this home, read it and bring it to class tomorrow, signed if you agree, if you don’t agree,” she closed her eyes and obviously told against the table, “then let me know and we will terminate this connection with no consequence to you. The power is in your hands, if you don’t want this, there won’t be any kind of backlash ok?” she asked.

I could feel the regret in her voice as she conceded to allow me to deny the fluttering in my stomach and the want in my pussy at her presence. All I could do was slowly nod as my eyes glazed over at the words on the paper before me. She smiled at me again, and I could sense the pain behind her eyes at my possible rejection, but she knew the ball was in my court. And so did I. I slowly walked out barely missing colliding with a few contractors on my way out. This was a lot to take in. I walked home in a daze, I knew I wanted to do anything to be close to her again, to feel her inside me, but I also knew my entire career was at risk, or the possibility of a career.

I got home and locked my door leaning against the barrier from the real world for a moment. I glanced at the papers in my hand and made my way to the bar taking off my messenger bag and reading the NDA with more itent than I have ever given anything in school. It was a pretty standard NDA, basically outlining that anyone who was involved in the club or its affiliates were bound to secret. No one involved was allowed to speak about it outside of the club. It reminded me of fight club and I chuckled slightly.

There were a few pages at the end that were just for my employment at the club. This page was the most informative and intimidating. It had a list as long as three pages, things listed in a bullet format. It was a list of things that I was willing to participate in. Anal sex, handcuffs, blindfolds, floggers, ice, and a things I had never thought of being in the bedroom. The bottom line asked for a signature and a safeword. I checked off all the things I was ok with and put a dash on things I was ok with trying but wasn’t sure if I would like or not. The paper outlined them as hard limits and soft limits. I had a lot of things under the soft limits category as I had never experiencedthem, but thinking of Dana spanking my bare bottom with a flogger excited me more than I anticipated.

My hard limits were things like choking, double penetration, and blow jobs. I signed the bottom and bit my lip at the thought of a safeword. I wrote down snowman. I had never used a safeword before but the thought made me feel safe.



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