My name is Mandy, and I am a professional submissive.
I got the idea from my friend Lina who works by day as a police officer and by night as a dominatrix. When I got laid off from my job, she said that I should try it since I was already into SM and have an insatiable sexual appeal. I didn’t like it, though. I am a naturally submissive woman, any could not be dominant, even though I knew it was only play and that I was getting paid rather well for it.
Then the idea struck me. My mother always told me to do what I loved with my life, so that’s exactly what I did. I decided that instead of pretending to be dominant, I would pursue a career being a submissive. This is a little trickier of a business, though. A sub can get herself in trouble very quickly if she’s not careful, and committing to a scene with a stranger is the least careful thing a sub can do.
Together with Lina’s knowledge of the scene, we came up with a list of rules to give any prospective clients:
1. A safeword is absolutely concrete, and to insure this Lina would be present in the next room during every scene, complete with her gun.
2. No gags or other toys that would stop me from talking.
3. All toys to be used must be available before the scene for me to approve, and use of any other toys during the scene would immediately end the session with no refund of money.
4. If the client desired, Lina would join in any scene, either as a dom or sub, for three times the price, but she would not be restricted from getting her gun if anything got out of hand and still acted as bodyguard. (She assured me that people would pay that much, even though I doubted it.)
5. I must meet with the client in a public place, usually for coffee, before the scene to discuss what would happen, what I should wear, and if he wanted me to bring anything with me. This also served as a way for me to get a first impression of the men.
Nothing was really out of the question.I am an experienced submissive, and have taken part in nearly every sexual practice I’ve ever heard of, as well as something I couldn’t even find on the internet. I love pain, and I’ve been known to orgasm from a flogging alone. This, combined with my ever-present need for sex, was the key to becoming a wealthy woman according to Lina, so under her direction I headed out into the world of S/M for money.
My first partner was a client of Lina’s, and I was incredibly nervous. I met with them both the day before the scene for lunch. His name was Malcolm, a high-profile Wall Street type. Lina says that he’s her typical client, a middle-aged man with too much power at work. He was exceptionally attractive, though. In his forties with salt-and-pepper hair, he still had a nice body – lean but muscular. I trusted her and knew that I would be safe with him, but during the whole meal my heart was beating nearly out of my chest. The next night, Lina and I set out for his house, with her assuring me the entire car ride that I would be fine, and I knew I would.
We arrived at his house, and Lina greeted him with a deep kiss, which he also gave to me, holding me much more tightly than he did with her. I felt the familiar vibe of dominance in him as I did my previous Masters. After a quick glass of wine and exchange of money, we went to his bedroom. On display along the dresser was an Assortment of toys: ropes, handscuffs, floggers, several dildoes, two egg-type vibrators, clothespins, and a new box of candles with matches. I was relieved to see nothing out of the ordinary for my first try at this. I gave Lina a nod, and she closed the door. I could hear her pull a chair up next to the doorway, where she would stay during the scene in case anything went wrong and she had to intervene.
“On the bed, face down,” Malcolm ordered as soon as the door clicked closed. My heart began its escape from my ribcage again. I was actually doing this. I obeyed, laying on the bed,fully clothed in my jeans and tank top, arms at my sides and face on the pillow. I watched him from the corner of my eye circle the bed, seeming to be unsure of his next move. He ran his hands tenatively across my back and on to my firm ass, down my thigh and to my feet, where he began to take off my boots.
“Top off” he ordered. I obliged, and took off my tank top, leaving my black lace bra barely holding in my ample breasts. He approached and took my left breast in his hand, giving it a firm squeeze. I let out the tiniest of moans and one corner of his mouth raised devilishly. I feel a small bolt of lightning in my panties. Roughly, he undid my bra, and my breasts sprang to full attention as he went to the dresser and picked up a pair of handscuffs.
“Lie down.” He was a man of few words, but it Surely worked for him. I put my head back on the pillow and he grabbed my arms with one hand and held them above my head while he put the handscuffs on with the other, securing my arms to the headboard. Now I felt a new level of fear. I was chained to this stranger’s bed with the understanding that I would be his slave for the night. It terrified and aroused me equally. He took my breasts in his hand and roughly squeezed them up and together, with the reward of another moan from me.
He then went back to the dresser and grabbed the thin rope, which he used to put my breasts in tight bondage, looping Around each breast until they were painfully erect with much of the blood flow restricted. He then moved to my pants, which he removed with little ceremony, disgarding them on the floor in the corner. With one finger, he tested the mood in my crotch, bringing another of those devilish smiles that for some reason turned me on like nothing else. I bucked my hips to meet his hand, but he took it away. “No. You have to work for it now, bitch.” With that, he landed a flat, open-handed slap right on my hot cunt. I let out a small groan, not expecting that.
From the dresser he brought over another piece of rope, and something else he hid that I could not see. He turned from me and tied my legs together tightly from the feet to the knees. Stopping there for a moment, he turned to face me, grabbed me roughly by the hair and grew in my ear “Don’t you dare fucking cum until I tell you to” then shoved a vibrating egg into my wet hole. I moaned and compromised a little, mostly for show, as he continued tying my legs together with the rope to the waist. My feet were then tied to the end of the bed, making my body a single line, with a very wet, very horny pussy in the middle. When he finished, I could hardly move, except for my head.
I was scared, completely vulnerable with this stranger, which only added to my arousal. He admired his handiwork for a moment before moving to suck on one bound breast, biting the nipple hard enough to make me to yelp in pain. He brought over the clothespins next, and I tried to pull away as he put the first one on my nipple, but I was bound too tightly. Before the pain could fully register, he put another pin on my second nipple. I whimpered a little, but the pain was far from unbearable. “Not enough for you?” God, that voice. I squeezed my thighs a little against the egg, waiting for release but knowing it would not happen soon. “Answer me bitch!” He slapped me across the right breast, causing the clothespin to painfully pull from the nipple.
I yelped no. He did not seem to like that, and the devilish grin got wider. He picked up a small leather riding crop from the dresser and began to hit me across the breasts and abdomen with it, accenting each of his words with it as he spoke. “No WHAT? You call me Master, bitch, or you will be sorry.”
“No, master.” I moaned. He wasn’t hitting me as hard as my past partners had, and I felt slightly bad calling him Master, but figured I would need to get used to that. With one last slap from the crop across the top of my thighs, he went backto the clothespins and proceeded to put them in two lines leading from my breasts down to my things until he couldn’t get enough skin to pinch onto near my knees.
My nipples were aching by this time, but he picked up a short whip and soon my mind was no longer on my nipples. He proved to be much more masterful at the whip than I’d anticipated, and he began to use it to pluck off the clothespins one by one, starting at my knees. It hurt, and I let out a little yell at each impact, getting louder as he got closer to my breasts.
The last two he took off were on my nipples, and by this time they hurt so bad that my groans had turned into since full-volume screams. That didn’t stop him, though, and he immediately began whipping my abused tits. Between the tight rope around them and the sore nipples from the clothespins being ripped off, even the lightest of whippings would have been painful, but he wasn’t gentle about it. I was screaming at each stroke, and after twenty or so, he stopped. “You like that, bitch?” he said quietly into my ear, leaning over me and holding me by the chin roughly. I could feel the hardness in his pants, which proved to arouse me even further.
“Yes, master.” It wasn’t a lie either. I wanted him to fuck me then and there. I needed to come. Instead, he rolled me onto my back, making sure my head was not facing the dresser so I couldn’t see what he would get next. I found out in a second when I felt the cool, hard tip of one of the dildoes press against my ass. I instinctively tensed and stiffened, making it near impossible for him to get it in. Still holding it there, he put one hard stroke of the whip across my ass cheeks.
“Open,” he demanded in his quiet, sexy way. I tried to relax a little, and he shoved it painfully into my ass in one movement. I screamed yet again into the bedding. It was a large dildo and I was not prepared for it. With one hand, he fucked my ass with the dildo while flogging me with the other, using the riding crop again. I began to moan loudly as he slapped harder, and I moved my hips the little bit I could to meet his strokes. “Oh you like that, you like getting fucked in the ass, don’t you little slut. You dirty little thing, you let me do this to you for a little money. Fucking slut.”
He pulled the dildo out completely and pulled on the wire holding the egg in my cunt, which was so wet that the egg slid right out. He shoved it in my ass, still vibrating, and went back to fucking me with the dildo. The egg made the dildo seem even bigger and more painful and I was screaming with each stroke. “Do you want to come, you dirty fucking slut?”
As I inhaled to answer, he put the dildo so far in my ass that I could feel the egg vibrating against the curve in my intestines. I had never felt a sensation as painful and erotic before. I managed to moan out a “yess” but forget the “master” part. He left the egg deep inside me, but pulled out the dildo.
“Yes WHAT, bitch?!” He was now on top of me, and I could smell myself on the dildo. He shoved it in my mouth and I gagged. “You dumb fucking slut, it’s ‘yes, master’, and if you forget again, you will be sorry.” He fucked my throat with the dirty dildo for a second before taking it from my mouth.
“Yes, master” I gasped. He smiled again, and somehow pulled out all of the knots in the ropes holding my legs together. He flipped me over onto my back again and put the dildo back into my ass, but this time my weight held it deep inside me and I groaned in pain when he sat on my legs, pushing it even farther. The egg was still vibrating in the deepest part of my ass, but he brought another one out and put it square on my engorged clip. I moaned from pleasure finally and could feel my orgasm build immediately, Almost to the point of release, but he didn’t leave the egg there long enough.
He unzipped his pants, and his huge erection stood proud. He pulled a condom from his back pocket and put iton. I could hardly wait for him to fuck me. Again, he ordered, “Don’t you dare fucking cum, slut.” and slowly entered me.
I moaned as he went painfully slow into me, only putting half his cock in me, before pulling out just as slowly. In, out, so slow I could hardly stand it, but couldn’t move since all his weight was still on my legs. Then the egg went back on my clip and at the same time he fucked the entire length of his cock into me. I almost came at that, but tried my hardest to hold back. I was at the edge and couldn’t take the victory and fucking. “Please may I come, master?” I whimpered.
“No.” He thrust again into me. I could feel his cock hitting the back of my cunt, and I knew he could feel the vibrating egg in my ass.
I begged, moaning and panting, “Please master, let me come!”
“No!” In, out, in, out. The egg in my ass, the dildo in my ass, the vibrator on my clip. I couldn’t take it. I exploded in the most intense orgasm ever. His face constructed, “You fucking slut!” He kept fucking me as wave after wave of orgasm rolled over me. “You fucking don’t listen. I told you not to cum, and you fucking came.” He took his cock out of me just as my orgasm subsided, and pulled the dildo out of my ass, then the egg. He left the vibrator on my clip, which was getting more and more painful by the second.
As soon as my ass started to close, he thrust the entire length of his cock into it. The dildo was big, but not nearly as big as him. I screamed again and felt another orgasm began to build. He fucked me in the ass and whipped my clip with the riding crop. The pain was unbelievable, but I came again, which made him shoot into my ass and then collapse on top of me.
Sweaty and smiling, he pulled himself up after a quick rest. I was still trembling from the pain and my orgasms, my breasts incredibly sore from the tight bondage, but when he released them, the pain doubled as the blood began to flow again. He unlocked the handscuffs, andI sat up.
From his wallet, he pulled out the rest of the money he owed me for our session, and got dressed. “Next week?” he asked, pulling on boxes.
“Sure.” I smiled. I had my first repeat customer.
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