Nadia had settled in with Jimmy and Lucy, and Jimmy told me that they were very satisfied with her. We were of course well pleased with Katia, who played, by now, an important part in our lives.
But you always want more from slaves — it is in the very nature of things – and, women often being more innovative, Lucy and Sandra, over coffee, had discussed our next project for our two slaves. The next evening, after dinner, Sandra waited until Katia was clearing away the dishes, then said, ‘We think we should have them pierced, both of them.’
‘Oh, where?’ I wanted to know.
‘Well, tongues, at least, and Lucy thinks cliporis piercing would be very exciting.’
‘She should know!’ I had plenty of first-hand knowledge of Lucy’s assorted metalware. Her tongue-stud turned me on at the merest flick of her snake tongue, but it was her clip-hood that wore a ring, as well as one of her labia, rather than her cliporis itself. I said as much to my wife.
‘Her clip is too small, she told me,’ said Sandra, ‘and she wants us to have a “clit-inspection” for the two girls, so that we can see where they can be pierced.’
‘Sounds good to me,’ I said.
So it translated that the next evening, we drove the short distance to Lucy’s and Jimmy’s house. Sandra rang the bell, and Lucy came to the door, dressed as exactly as ever, in a black fishnet cat-suit, and nothing else, so that my eyes were inexorably drawn to the heavy iron rings dangling from her long nipples, which poked through the mesh, despite her tiny breasts. She kissed us all, flicking that tongue-stud knowingly across my teeth when it was my turn. As we walked down the short passageway into their lounge, I admired Katia’s rear view. She wore a backless silk mini-dress, her long back naked right down to the deep brand we had had scorched into her tender flesh some months ago, and which she wore with pride, showing it to all and sundry whenever her clothes permitted. I knew her friend Nadiawas envious of it, but that Lucy didn’t think she was yet ready for branding.
Lucy had placed two armchairs side-by-side, and Nadia was standing beside one of them, wearing just a short nylon robe.
‘If we want to see their clients properly,’ said Lucy, ‘they should be excited, shouldn’t they?’ She had acquired a riding-crop from somewhere as we entered the room and were greeted by her husband Jimmy.
Jimmy embedded Sandra, struggling her bare arse under her skirt for a moment, then she pushed him gently away, and, agreeing with Lucy, said, ‘As we know, there’s nothing that excited Katia like a few strokes of the crop.’
With that, she quickly untied the bow at the back of Katia’s neck, and her dress dropped to the ground in a soft whisper of silk, leaving her stark naked, but for a pair of staggeringly high silettos. Nadia slipped out of her robe, and Lucy bad the two girls knee beside each other in the middle of the floor. They did so obediently, both catching their long hair up in their hands, knowing exactly what was expected of them.
Lucy stepped up behind them, and lashed them, one after the other, hard and dispatchately, across their middle backs. Both girls flinched a little at the ferocity of Lucy’s strokes, but neither cried out, and only after the sixth or seventh sing blow, did Nadia start to moan quietly, whilst Katia remained quite silent, but I could detect her slightest squirming motion — I knew she was getting excited.
I stood closer to Lucy, as always thrilled by her nearness, her musky perfume, the promise of her erotic imagination, and whispered, ‘They are ready!’
‘And you!’ she grinned, and throwing down the whip, took the two girls by the hand, and sat them down, one in each armchair.
She told them to put their legs over the arms, and they followed her instructions. Sandra and I, as we had previously agreed, ‘inspected’ Nadia’s pussy. Sandra ran a hand through the young girl’s soaking crack, and murmured her pleasure.
‘She wants to be fucked, Mark,’ she said.
‘I know, but it’s her clip we are supposed to be looking at,’ I reminded her.
And it was impossible to ignore that organ, which was like a small prick, quite the most prominent I had seen. I knelt in front of the chair, nuzzled Nadia’s sopping cunt, and took the nub between my teeth.
She cried out Instantly, and Sandra, on the floor beside me, by now had my cock deep in her throat.
‘I cum, I cum now,’ yelled Nadia, whose English could just about cope with that much, and she screamed as if she was being tortured as a mighty orgasm wrapped her slender body.
Meanwhile, Jimmy was fucking Katia for all he was worth, pumping in and out as she had her long legs wrapped around his waist, and Lucy’s long forefinger rammed hard up his arsehole.
I came, cruelly, in my wife’s throat soon after Jimmy had shot his load into Katia.
‘That settlements it then,’ said Lucy, a little while later, as we drank our coffee, ‘Nadia will have her clip pierced, Katia, her hood!’
‘OK,’ I said, ‘do you have a practicer?’
‘Yes,’ said Jimmy, ‘we know a shop, very clean and professional, where we had Lucy done.’
So it was decided that we should go the following Saturday, and we rang and made an appointment.
That Saturday, despite the fact that she had have been so cruelly branded, Katia was quite nervous as we went around in our car to meet Lucy, Jimmy and Nadia. We all met up in a coffee bar close to the shop, and trooped along to the place accordingly. I thought it looked quite seedy from the outside, but once inside, we were welcomed by a pleasant enough girl, who, oddly enough, seemed not to have much in the way of obvious piercing. She showed us into a waiting room, where we amused ourselves looking at catalogues of various decorations available, and then a door opened, and a different girl, in a white coat, told us all to come through into another room. An older woman, probably about forty, but still attractive, also in a white coat, was perched on a stool, next to what looked like a dentist’s chair, but equipped with stirrups, like those used by gynaecologists, which could be swung into place if needed.
She had been overwarned as to our requirements, and said simply, ‘Right, tongues first, I think!’
Both girls obediently presented their tongues, and, in no time, they were the possessors of little silver barbell studs in their tongues. Both declared that they hadn’t really felt much, but the woman warned them that they should use a mouthwash, and avoid oral sex for four days.
‘OK,’ said the woman, when that was concluded, ‘who’s first for the chair?’
Katia volunteered, and lowered herself into the armchair.
‘Take your panties off, dear,’ said the woman.
For an answer, Katia raised her tiny miniskirt, baring her shamen pussy.
‘Oh, I see,’ said the other, and gently helped Katia place her ankles inthe stirrups. The rest of us stood by and watched as the woman, who now introduced herself as Kathy, stroked Katia’s labia with a tender, almost caresing touch, teasing up her cliporis-hood. We saw the mood glistening in Katia’s pink slide as she became aroused at the older woman’s touch, and when she took hold off the little flap between thumb and forefinger, our slave gave a little involuntary moan. Then she picked up a pointed instrument, and, without further ado, pierced Katia’s delicate flesh in one quite rapid movement.
‘Oh!’ cried Katia, but before she had chance to protest further, she had a silver ring we had already chosen depending from her hood, and Kathy had turned her attention to her left pussy-lip, where we had agreed she should have another, smaller ring fitted. Although this took a little longer, Katia said later that it hurt less, and insisted on having a look at a fine silver chain she would be able to wear, clipped between the two rings, when the sorenesshad subsided ‘after about five days’ according to Kathy.
Then it was Nadia’s turn, and, still testing out her tongue-stud, which must have felt alien in her mouth, she positioned herself in the chair, and raised her skirt, again revealing her naked frame.
‘So this is the one with the prominent clip?’ asked Kathy.
‘Yes,’ said Lucy, ‘You’ll have to stroke her a little, but she excites easily.’
Kathy needed no further encouragement, and, getting down from her stool, knelt between Nadia’s slender legs, and pulled her pussy-lips apart with the fingers of both hands. Nadia smiled and, reaching down, pumped a finger deep into her own cunt, then withdraw it and hold it towards Kathy, who took it in her mouth, then, unable to resist, locked her mouth down onto the Romanian girl’s pussy, and thrust an eager tongue deep inside her. Nadia moaned with pleasure, as Kathy’s tongue made its way upwards, right through her crack. The older woman’s teeth closed around Nadia’s now-erect cliporis, and it took her a visible effort of will to drag herself away and reach for the requestite tool, in order to inflict the piercing on Nadia.
When she did so, Nadia screamed loudly, but told us afterwards that she had experienced a fantastic orgasm as her clip was actually penetrated by the cruel implementation. Then she had the tiny ring fitted, and we chose the further adornment she would eventually wear. For Nadia, Lucy had decided she should have three links of chain hanging loose from her cliporis-ring.
For several days, our lives went on quietly, and our slaves had to get over the trauma of being pierced. Lucy helped a lot, as she herself had the experience, and could assist them in avoiding infection, and advise as to when they could start to do things normally again.
When Katia was back in action, kissing her was a whole new deal, and my first blow job from her was very pleasant, but the real benefit of her tongue-stud was Sandra, who saidthat being tognotued by her was fantastic. When her clip-hood was healed, I gave her the delicate silver chain, a couple of inches long, to clip between her labia and the hood, and it looked wonderful hanging there. When we took her to our favourite restaurant, I made sure another couple sitting across from us got a brief glimpse of her naked pussy, with her new adornment, and enjoyed their curious gaze as we got up and left. They were a good-looking couple, I had seen around the area a few times, and I decided I was going to repeat the procedure the next time we coincided. Sandra was in full agreement.
I didn’t have long to wait, in the event. Two days later, we were all three of us in a coffee bar quite close to home, when in walking the same couple. Sandra and Katia were perched on high stools, both wearing full pleated miniskirts, with, of course, nothing underneath, their feet, in silettos, hooked over the stools’ footrests. Katia wore a silk jersey top, through which her firm breasts were more than shadows, the shape of her nipples thrusting at the thin material. Sandra wore a peasant bloom, her ample breasts also unfettered. I stood beside them, as there was no seat available.
The young couple came in just as another couple vacated a table neary, and sat down. They were just below us.
The young guy, who was a blond about twenty-five, couldn’t take his eyes off Katia — it wasn’t easy, I knew — and when I whispered to her to smile at him, she did so, and he almost creamed his trousers. She was olive-skinned, with big brown eyes, and wore a classy trouser-suit. Her black hair was swept back in a pony-tail. I saw her look with announcement at her husband — or boyfriend — and thought she was about to admonish him for looking at Katia. I stepped in.
Bending down to them, I said, ‘Excuse me, don’t we know you?’
‘I don’t think so,’ she said, in an accent that wasn’t English.
In for a penny, in for a pound, I thought, and insisted, dredging back memories of where I had seen them. ‘I was sure you worked at the Patents Office, no?’ I had mentioned the biggest employee for miles around.
‘I don’t,’ she said, ‘but Gavin does.’ Phew!
And she was smiling! ‘We haven’t lived here long,’ she said, ‘and don’t really know anybody. We lived in Gibraltar before. I am Spanish, but Gavin is English, of course.’
That she wanted to talk was evidence, and Sandra now joined in, and said, ‘Look, I am Sandra, and this is my husband Mark, who was so rude to talk to strangers — and this is our …er service, Katia. Why don’t you come and have a coffee at our house? It’s just around the corner.’
‘You are not rude at all,’ she said, ‘and my name is Lidia. We shall be very pleased to come with you.’
We finished our own coffees quickly and I left a note to cover the bill, then we all trooped off to our house.
‘Make yourselves at home,’ I said, as they entered our lounge, and I took Katia on one side asshe was going into the kitchen to get the coffees. Gavin sat in one armchair and I sat in the other, whilst Sandra and Lidia shared the sofa. When Katia came back, she put the tray of coffee things down on the low table, and perched on the arm of Gavin’s chair, where I knew her nearness would be intotoxicating, her naked thigh brushing his arm.
‘You know I work at the Patents Office,’ said Gavin, ‘what, may I be cheeky enough to ask, do you do, Mark, to afford a lovely service?’
I laughed, ‘Katia isn’t really a service, Gavin,’ I said, ‘she’s our slave!’
Lidia whistled softly, ‘Does that means what I think it means?’
‘That depends on what you think,’ I said, evasively.
‘She does everything you want her to?’
‘And Katia? What does she think to that?’
‘You must ask her,’ said Sandra.
At that Katia spoke, ‘I am very happy with Mark and Sandra. I am their slave as long as they want me.’
‘I am absolutely fascinated,’ said Gavin,’I’ve read about such things, but didn’t think they really happened. Tell me, do you…..? Do you……? I don’t know how to put this.’
‘If you are asking if we whip her, the answer is yes,’ I said. ‘Show them, Katia, please.’
Katia stood gracefully and lifted her top, showing the fading welts left over from her most recent lashing, and mischievously pulled down the Waistband of her skirt an inch or two, so they could get a brief glimpse of the brand of which she was so proud, etched into the flesh of her lower back, just above the cleft of her buttocks.
I glanced over at Lidia, and she was spellbound, her dark brown eyes never leaving the elegant form of Katia, and I noticed that Sandra had taken her hand in hers, and was gently kneading it.
But Gavin was eager to continue the conversation. ‘Do you have, er…like a circle of friends, or anything, other people, who do this — this sort of …….?’ His sentence tailed off lamely, and I helped him out.
‘We know another couple who have a slave — she is a friend of Katia’s — but they enjoyed our type of lifestyle before they got Nadia.’
Sandra said, ‘Why, you are trembling, Lidia!’
The Spanish girl pulled her hand from my wife’s and said, ‘Was I? Yes, I suppose I was. The idea of the whip excites me, excites me very much.’
Emboldened, Gavin asked Katia quietly if her piercing had been painful, and she smiled back at him, saying, in her accented English, ‘Not really, but I was sore afterwards.’ I think he wanted her to show him her rings.
By the time we had finished our coffees, and took a couple of brands, Sandra had invited the couple to dinner the next evening, and, as she escorted Lidia to the door, she had her arm around the brunette’s shoulders, and was talking quietly to her.
‘What did you tell her?’ I wanted to know.
‘Wouldn’t you like to know?’ she said.
Eight o’clock, and the doorbell rang promptly, announcing the arrival of ournew friends. Sandra, now she had lost a lot of weight, looked stunning as she finished the table setting, dressed in a long black transparent gown with spaghetti straps, through which her rouged nipples protruded invitingly. Her sadra pubes were coyly protected under the sheer dress by a pair of diaphanous panties, tied in bows at the sides by huge black ribbons. She wore black silettos mules.
Katia went to answer the doorbell, wearing a yellow silk halter-neck dress, backless right down to the cleft of her buttocks, where I could see her brand as she walked down the passageway, taking tiny steps due to the extreme tightness around the ankles of her long skirt. Her platinum blonde hair was drawn up into a French knot.
When Katia ushered our guests into the lounge, I saw that Gavin, like myself, had gone for ‘smart/casual’ and was wearing chinos and a button-down striped shirt, whilst Lidia was completely transformed from the ‘businesswoman’ image of yesterday. She was wearing a high-necked, long-sleeved, short tight dress in a shade of pale blue, which may have been silk, but was more likely man-made fibre. It fitted her like a glove, and there was no room for doubt that she had not a stitch on underneath it. Now I know what Sandra had been telling her the day before, as they left the house! I drank in the lovely sight of her. She had also ruined a pair of high heels, and had Draped a thin gold chain around her slender wait. Her long black hair was brushed out to a silica sheen. She had gone to trouble, too, with her nails, which were probably porcelain, and long, long. There and then, I decided I was going to fuck her before the night was through.
Katia served us our meal, which Sandra and she had prepared, and we ate it with lively conversation. I was aware that Gavin had the terrible hots for Katia, and had placed him next to her at the table. He tried hard not to make it obvious when Katia guided his hand to her shamen pussy, with its lewd adornments — she was well-practised at keeping a straight face by now. I contented myself by playing ‘footsie’ with Lidia under the table, and her hooded eyeselids were enough to betray her excitement, when Sandra, beside her, stroked her thigh. Throughout the meal, in fact, Sandra’s nipples had been a focus of everyone’s attention — even mine — so erotic a sight were they under the transparent black material.
After coffee, Sandra announced that we should punish Katia for her brazen attitude the day before. It was obviously a pretext, and Katia did not appear to object, but Lidia had other ideas.
‘Sandra,’ she said, ‘Would you consider whipping me instead? I don’t think Katia deserves to be punished today.’
Sandra agreed, almost too readily, and Lidia stood in front of us, not knowing what was expected of her.
‘Strip!’ I said, and she reached behind her and pulled down the long zipper of her dress, revealing her smooth, naked back. Wriggling it off her shoulders,pert breasts came into view, her nipples hard and excited, perched on big, dark, profilerant aureolas. The dress fell past a young slender wait, and she manoeuvred it past the gold chain which encircled her waist, leaving it in place. Then she pushed it down over her hips, letting it slide to the floor. She had shavled off her pubic hair — later, Sandra told me that she had advised her to do so – and neat dark-coloured labia could now be seen, guarding her secret crack.
‘Now knee,’ ordered Sandra, and fetched the riding crop from its permanent place on the wall above the sideboard.
‘I need you to ask me to hurt you, Lidia,’ said Sandra.
‘Yes,’ she said.
‘No, you need to ask,’ repeated my wife.
‘Please hurt me, Sandra, whip me and hurt me!’
Sandra tested her arm with the crop, swishing it through the air, then told me to hold her hair out of the way. It was an excuse to touch her, and I knelt beside her, whisked up her long mane in both hands, and arranged it down over her breasts, letting my hands linger over her taut nipples. I took her cool, slightly trembling, hands in mine.
I glanced over to the sofa, and saw that Gavin was sat with Katia, both watching as we prepared to punish his wife, but Katia’s hand had already lowered his zipper, an was working to free an almighty erection from his boxes.
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