Procrastination Spanking

Standing in her shame corner wearing her knee-length sky blue summer sundress my naughty wife, Melissa, is being punished. I am sitting comfortable in the living room reading my newspaper glancing casually over the top edge at Melissa, making sure she stands perfectly still, nose touching the wall.

‘Melissa Elizabeth raise your sundress nice and high for me,’ I say.

I can hear Melissa groan knowing This will cause her more embarrassment. Even though she is 44 years old; on occasion, I feel that treating her, as if she were a child is the only way to get my point across.

Her short sundress makes its way up her legs exposing her suntanned legs. I can see where the tan line ends at the bottom of her white panties. She decides to stop the ascent of her skirt at the bottom leg band of her panty knowing this will not be acceptable to me, but doing it anyway to avoid embarrassment.

Standing I slowly I walk over to her spot in the corner. I grapsp the hem of her skirtand lift it clear of her upper thighs. Two quick SWATS to each of her upper thighs right at her panty line causes her to jump and squeal.

‘Now lift her skirt where it belongs, young lady,’ I command. ‘No more nonsense out of you.’ I can see two red palm prints glowing from her tanned thighs.

Just as slowly I walk back to my easy chair and sit down. As I sit her sundress is already bunched at her waist. Her white full-cut cotton panties are now fully on display. I can hear a quiet sob escape from her throat. I make her wear little girl panties so she will remember that she can be distributed like a little girl no matter what her age. She has begged me to let her wear fancy grow up undies; however, only on special occasions is this allowed. I even pick out her panties daily, not that there is much difference in the little girl white cotton panties. Some have flowers or balloons as a decoration, but all are white cotton full cut and tight around her buttocks.

‘Lower your panties Missy makes sure they are at her knees and turned inside out,’ I tell her.

‘Yes Sir, ‘ I hear her say quietly.

Taking her thumbs she inserts them into the wide waistband of her panties lowering them slowly over her hips turning them inside out. Her firm backside slowly comes into view. The creamy white skin is in stark contrast to her nicely tanned legs. I watch as her panties lower to her knees and stop. She spreads her legs, so they will not slip any further down knowing I will spank her if they do fall.

Noticing that she has tightened her bottom cheats, I once again stand and walk over to her. I remove a coin from my pocket and place it against the wall, making her place her nose on the coin. I order her to tuck her toes inward, so that her buttocks must relax. I feel her bottom with my right palm to make sure it is relaxing feeling the tautness leave her cheeks. Her nose is flat against the wall with her toes turned in and her panties stretched tight. Itforces her to lean forward and push out her backside towards the center of the room.

‘Now stand there and don’t dare move until I allow you. You should know that I want your bottom cheats relaxed when you are in your shame corner, young lady,’ I say.

I hear you sobbing wishing you had not waited until the last minute to pay the credit card bills causing a late charge to be added to the bill. I have told her repeatedly about her procrastination. I have lectured, scolded and even have taken some of her privileges away from her. It seems to go in one ear and out the other, as the next time she again waits until the final moment before doing some assignment she does not enjoy.

I look at my watch and realize it has been 15 minutes. I have things to do tonight so I feel it is time to get this over.

‘Okay Missy into the center of the room and keep your skirt bunched at your waist,’ I order.

I hear her mumble, ‘Yes Sir.’

She takes the coin from the wall turning to face me. Placing the coin on the nearest table she waddles slowly to the center of the living room not wanting her white panties to drop below her knees. I can now see her naked front.

She is mortified to be standing in this manner in our living room. Her grown up sundress bunched carefully above her waist, legs spread to ensure that her under-things stay at her knees. I walk over to you dominating you with my presence. I inspect you carefully walking in a complete circle around you. I lift your skirt just a bit feeling your firm buttocks, and finally inspecting the sweet sex spot, which is shaken bare. I rub my fingers over your pussy lips feeling how smooth it is from being shaken. I do not allow any public hair to grow in this area, as a reminder that she still can be treated as a child.

Her sex spot is wet, as my finger feels her lips. I take my finger and bring it to her mouth allowing her to suckle her own juices. She moans as she sucks my finger. I allow her toFollow me to the dining room with her mouth still sucking contently.

As I sit on the nearest dinner room chair, I remove my finger from her mouth. She stands obediently at my right side skirt still bunched and panties at her knees. I look at her and nod. Her eyes start to water, as she realizes it is now time for her spanking. She stretches her hands in front and bends at the wait climbing carefully over my lap. Her skirt rises as I flip it high onto her back. Her legs are to my right and she has remembered to keep her legs straight and on her toes. Her head almost touches the ground on my left side.

I lower her panties to her ankles so she is now bare from shoulder blade to her ankles. I can see her bare buttocks start to twitch in anticipation of my palm.

‘Now young lady I do not want any More procrastination from you, Is that clear?’ I scold.

Not waiting for an answer I raise my right arm whacking you fully across both globes.

WHACK! Owww! I hear you cry.

I spank her backside on one cheek than the other over and over. I can feel her jump on my lap, as my palm delivers several spanks in a row.

‘No more nonsense from you Missy,’ I say loudly over her sobbing.

I then start on the thighs right at the cream. I spank one leg than the other until each thigh was a bright cherry red. Lower and lower I go until I reach the top of her knees and than back up the other side. The back of her legs are now bright red and anyone who sees them would know she had just been spanked. She will not be wearing a swim-suit or shorts for several days.

‘Are you going to behave Missy,’ I say as I continue to spank you.

I hear you cry ‘Yes Sir,’ through her tears.

After landing 4 more solid spanks on her firm round cheeses, I finally stop. I allow you to stand. Your face is tear stained from the tanning. I watch as you do your spanking dance trying to rub the sing out of your bottom, not realizing how foolish you look.

Finally after a few minutes, I tell you to stop and hold you close to me.

‘No more procrastination Melissa. You may go upstairs,’ you know what that means and gladly follow my orders for her ‘make-up’ session.


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