Problem Sleeping

This memory happened back when I was working nights and you were working days, in the home office. One morning when you got home from the gym you found me already sleep in our bed. My schedule was a little off kilter, I usually wasn’t sleep this early. We went out yesterday afternoon with friends and then played that night before I went to work. Because of all that I was exhausted this morning and had gone to bed before you’d gotten home. You checked in on my sleeping form in the bedroom, drop off your dirty gym clothes, and then went downstairs to start your day. I was awake though. I couldn’t get my mind to shut down and now you were in the house. But I knew you’d want me to get my sleep, whenever I could catch it, because you cared about me like that.

I made myself lay in bed for What felt like twenty minutes but was probably more like five. Trying to stay still and will myself back to sleep but my pussy keep making me remember last night. We went over to our friend’s house and then went out to dinner with them. You helped me pick out the outfit before we left. The skirt, blouse, and heels accented my assets and when not entertaining our friends, you sent me horribly different looks that stole my breath away. Apparently I looked too good and needed to be tortured for being so. So when we got back to the house you prepared to lay down with me for a nap before work. I think that you really just wanted to tease and play my body for your own enjoyment though. Which you did… of course. Finally when you allowed me to cum, it felt utterly fucking fantastic and then you started slapping hard on my flushed, soaked cunt lips and kept me cumming long after I’d started weeping with the intensity of it.

While remembering last night I wanted to play with myself, but now that we were living together you forbade me from doing that. I should seek you out, and if it was an appropriate time I was to ask you for permission. My tightened around a pillow and Itried to steady my breath as I kept remembering. . .

While I came down from my multiple orgasms you held and murmured to me, soothing my trembling body and mind. The aftershocks and quivering faded and I calmly settled into your warm embrace. I felt your hard, unspent cock between us and hooked a thigh over your hips. I couldn’t cum again but I wanted to give you pleasure. You didn’t do anything besides stroke my thigh, so I took a chance and with my palm I stroked your cock.

“Not now baby,” you said while pulling my hand away. I must have moaned in disappointment because you chuckled, kissed my temple and patted the still warm curve of my ass. You know that I was physically and emotionally spent and still had to work tonight. You felt a little bad about pushing me so hard Just hours before work, but you needed that from me and I rarely denied you. Also, you wanted this time just to be for me. You’d get yours soon enough, you knew full well that my willingness to please you was never ending.

So you held my cooling body as I took a brief nap before work. I pressed my body to yours once more, witnessed deeply, and was sleep in moments feeling cherished, desired, and loved.

That was last night before work. I grinned reflecting how sometimes you were so sweet with me, like last night, and how other times you were simply evil with me. I loved you both ways. … Anyway, I was still alone in bed and knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep without seeing you. We made love or played almost every morning, so it was also a little habit I was missing. Also I knew you hadn’t cum last night and I was hankering for a taste of your dick and essence. I got up and found one of my favorite teeshirts to wear (one of your old ones) and pulled on clean cotton panties and some socks. I paddled around the house to find you in the garage. You were starting to get stuff together to plant the seedlings I’d raised for the garden. I tried not to pout because I wanted to do thistogether. I’d forgetten to do it over the last week and you said they needed to go into the ground now. I hit the button for the garage door so the neighbors wouldn’t see me without pants on. You turned at the noise and smiled, taking in my cute outfit.

“G’morning babygirl.”

“G’morning Sir, I couldn’t sleep.” I shuffled over to you and asked, “May I please have a kiss?” We both knew one kiss wouldn’t help me get to sleep, in fact it would probably hurt my chances of sleeping. You smiled at me and gathered me close to your body. You pressed your lips to mine gently at first, and then as I teased your back with my lips and tongue, your tongue swept into my mouth and took bold possession of my mouth. My arms reached up around your neck as I pressed my sensitive breasts into your chest. You stroked one hand around my waist and hips. Then it slipped into my panties to cup my ass, massaging the bruised chef and pulling me closer to your hips. The other hand cupped a full breakfastst through the teeshirt and worked on a pumped nipple. I gasped and then whimpered into your smiling mouth.

Here I thought I was going to have to seduce you and it seems you were ready to pick up where we left last night before my nap. You pulled back, sucking my bottom lip and letting it pop out of your mouth with a smack. You loved how my lips were now wet, flushed, and open, just like how my lower lips looked last night… You suppressed a groan and looked down into my curious eyes, glazed with sleepiness and password.

“Mmmmmn, thank you Sir.” As I said this I couldn’t stop from rubbing my hips against yours.

You scratched my ass and I bit my lip, grinning up at you as I stopped my hips’ rotation. You tried not to growl, tried to be under control but you knew full well I was more than primed for the taking and suddenly it felt like you hadn’t cum in months instead of days.

“Do you want anything else this morning baby? You know you need your rest.”

My head was putty. Goddamnit, you loved to tease me. I tried to put together whatever the hell I came in here for, while ignoring my simmering cunt. “Ummmm,” more lip biting drew your attention to my full bottom lip that you wanted to nibble on and then felt stretched around the steel of your cock.

“Ummm, Sir please, I… I know I need my rest but I umm… I missed you in bed and couldn’t stop thinking about last night after dinner and I couldn’t sleep.” Score a point for me, I actually found the right words!

You just looked at me in return, making me answer the question directly.

For fucks sake…

“I would like to please you Sir.”

You grinned that devilish grin again that sent my blood boiling.

“Holding you this way doesn’t please me girl?” You tweaked my nipple to punctuate your point.

I gasped. “I think so but …” I got quiet and looked down, my heart beating quickly against your straining body. You dragged your nails across my warm ass and I whimpered and shuffled against you.

You surprised. Thank God we had found each other; we fit so well it seemed sometimes. You took my chin in your hand to bring my eyes up to yours.

“Good girl.” A simple kiss to my lips. My eyes reflected brightly in yours.

“On your knees dear slut.”

I grinned and licked my lips as I lowered myself down to the cold concrete and happily unzipped your tented jeans.


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