Wet & Soapy

“Strip and follow me.”

How could he even think of protesting, when his Mistress was standing there wrapped in a big fluffy towel? B turned and made sure the front door was securely locked, then hung up his jacket on the coat rack and quickly undressed. He folded his clothes and put them on the bench by the door, with his shoes underneath. When he was finished, he looked to his Mistress only to see her turn and walk away Without a word. Then he remembered he was to follow her, and did so, face slightly flushed with embarrassment.

She led him to the bathroom, which was already steamy from the shower. Puzzled, he paused at the door for a second, then stepped in before she noticed how long he was taking. He had never been allowed in the bathroom with Mistress before, this was definitely something new. The air was so steamy, he could barely see in front of him, but then he saw the fluffy towel hit the floor at his feet and he realized that Mistress had stepped into the shower. Startled, he looked up and she said, “Come on, the water’s going to get cold.” She held the shower door open and beckoned him inside. B took a deep breath and stepped into the shower with his Mistress; she firmly closed the door behind him.

He had shown in this bathroom on previous visits, and he’d always thought the shower was plenty big enough for at least two people, but he never dreamed that Mistress would even let him watch her intimate cleaning rituals, much less participate. He looked around the shower as if he’d never seen it before, and when he felt cool tile on his butt, he jumped as he realized he’d backed up against the wall. He sneaked a look at his Mistress only to find that she was openly watching him with amusement. “Why so jumpy, B? You’ve shown here before…this time I Just happened to be in here too.” B opened his mouth to speak, and Mistress gently touched his lips with a fingertip to stop him. “I decided that you deserved a treatment, so here we are. Now,grab that pearl body gel and the pouf on the shelf to your right so you can scrub my back for me.”

Mistress stepped into the shower spray and closed her eyes as the water cascaded down her curvy body. B hesitated for a split second, then reached for the gel and what he guessed she meant was the pouf. His mind whirled as he squeezed the gel onto the spongy item and placed the gel back on the shelf. This was totally unlike Mistress…she usually was not so gentle and playful, but he found his body responding to her closeness as always when his cock began to harden. She opened her eyes and smiled at him, then turned so her back was facing him and flipped her long hair over one shoulder. B stepped closer to her and tenatively sponged her back, then applied a little more pressure until suds began to form. Mistress murmured appreciatefully, then moved slightly to indicate that he should work on her arms as well.

B could feel his appreciation melting away in the relaxing steam as he continued soaping his Mistress. The pearl-scented gel was obviously her favorite, he realized now that she always smelled like it…he had thought it was some sort of perfume. Determined to please her by doing a good job, he bent down to scrub her legs with the sponge as well, then moved back up her body slowly. He reached around to her stomach with the sudsy sponge, and when she didn’t protest, he began to clean the front of her body as well. Of course, this put him into even closer contact with her soapy body and suddenly he realized that his hard cock was right at the crack of her shapely ass. Her soapy, slippery ass. B took a deep breath and tried to concentrate on the job at hand, but soon realized all that was left to clean were her soft breasts…his brain panicked as he tried to think of anything besides what he was Currently doing. At that moment, Mistress turned around and said, “OK, let me rinse off, and then you’ll wash my hair.” He nodded and just stood there, watching her turning from side to side, rinsing off her body and wetting her hair for the shampoo. The break of contact with her body had calmed him a little, though his erection still felt like a steel bar.

“Find the peppermint shampoo with conditioner on that shelf, please.” B turned to the shelf and scanned the bottles until he found the one she requested. He poured a little into his palm while she turned her back to him again, This time with her long auburn hair streaming wetly down her back. He placed the bottle back on the shelf and rubbed his hands together to get shampoo on both of them, then placed his trembling hands on his Mistress’ hair. He tried to keep some distance between his cock and her body, but it was difficult as he ran his fingers through her hair and massed her scalp. She was practically purring under his hands, and he felt gratified that he was bringing her pleasure, even as he reached to beg her to let him ease his throbbing dick.

“Time to rinse my hair, let me turn around.” Suddenly she was pressed up against him full-length–legs, hips, and breasts crushed against him as he fought to keep his breath under control. He could see the twinkle in her eye that told him she knew exactly what she was doing, and how difficult it was for him. “If you can just hold out a little longer, I promise to give you something extra-special to show my appreciation,” Mistress smiled up at B. Once again he nodded, and she grabbed his arm and slide it around her back. “I need you to hold me stable while I rinse my hair, OK?” With that, she arched back into the water while he stood there holding her closely, desperately trying not to think of how he could feel her soft public hair and pussy lips against his balls in this position. He managed to keep his footing while she continued rinsing her hair until it squeaked, which seemed like an eternity in his current state.

Finally, she was satisfied with her hair and she straightened herself back up. “Now, turn around, put your hands on the wall, and spread your legs.” Reluctantly, he let go of Mistress and moved to do as she said. He could hear her moving and opening things on another shelf and trembled, waiting for whatever she had in store for him. Suddenly she was at his side and spoke softly into his ear, “You were such a good boy, you got your Mistress all nice and clean and you didn’t even beg for release! I’m so proud of you!” Dimly he realized that her left hand was on his chest, playing with his nipples, and before he could wonder where the other hand was…he could feel it, gloved and lubed at his asshole. Slowly and carefully, Mistress pushed one finger into his ass as he arched his back and wiggled for more. “You’re going to come when I tell you to, but not before, understanding?” B groaned but nodded heavily, and then clenched his teeth. She slipped a second finger into his ass and he began to quiver. He could feel her other hand moving around on his chest and then lower, lower…he was terrified that his cock would explode if she touched it, and her fingers in his ass felt so good…

Precisely at the moment that her left hand grasped his cock, and her right fingers began massaging his prostate, she whispered into his ear, “Now.” B felt like his body had been taken over by an earthquake, as he spurted what seemed like gallons of semen onto his chest and the shower wall. He collapsed against the cool tiles as Mistress slipped her fingers out of his ass and striped off the rubber glove. She ruffled his hair playfully and said, “Your turn to get cleaned up now…we still have today’s lesson to go over,” as she handed him the sponge and stepped out of the shower. “Don’t take too long.”

As he put more gel on the sponge and began to clean himself, her words sunk in and terror struck his heart…what would she do to him next, now that her playful side had been sated and her sadistic side returned?


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