Wendy's First Job

Wendy sat quietly in the front row listening to the speaker. She was mesmerized by him, yet her mind wandered. The speaker was giving a short symbol on business ethics. Wendy had just completed her MBA, and the school was offering this before they all found their way in the world.

The speaker was tall, athletic, 50ish, a little gray at the temples. He was not particularly handsome, but he was imposing. Then she understand, he reminded her of her father. Her father had been stern, strict, very demanding. Wendy could remember him yelling at her or taking time to turn her over his knee, bare her bottom and spank her. As she thought, she could not remember a tender time, a soft touch, all she knew was the stern look on his face, her eyes downcast and then the punishment. Then when she was sixteen he was dead and she had a void, an empty she couldn’t fill

Wendy attended a small private girls school, then a small private college. She got her MBA from a prestige institutionion, but the classes were small and she did little with any of the students. Yes Wendy was alone, she missed her father, but when her mother died several months ago, she accepted it.

Wendy has long golden hair, big soft green eyes and a figure women pay thousands to try for and not attain. Her breasts were small and firm, her tummy flat, the ass round and absolutely the most dynamite legs anyone has ever had. And yet with her brains and her beauty, she had no close friends and no boys she dated. Most she found sniveling, spoiled little brats, all but one. He had been “the catch”, the one boy every girl wanted and he asked her out.

It had been kind of bust of a date until it was time to go home. They ended up in a wooded area, alone and he proceeded to rape her. She fought at first, then the rougher he got the more docile she became. When it was over she cried, she felt dirty and humiliated but it was different. She was not disgusted at what happened, but that she had enjoyd it, her body responded to being treated roughly, to being called names. It reminded her of her daddy and she thought it was just wrong.

There was clapping. He had finished his talk, she knew it was time to focus. When she stood up her cotton dress clung to her body, conservative as it was, she did it justice. Wendy felt dampness in her panties and flushed a bright red. What if someone knew she was excited?

Then he was talking to her, asking her about the lesson. Quickly her mind raced and soon they were in a deep discussion of some obscure point. She was bright and quick, then he challenged her. Immediately she became quiet, her eyes downcast. The man was perceptive. Look at me, he commanded and she raised her head. Do you feel you did something wrong? Wendy bit her lip and nodded. Are you afraid I will punish you? She just looked at him, tears welling up in her eyes. Do you want me to like you? She nodded, a tear running down her cheek.

He took a thumb and wiped the tear away. Little one, you will go down to the cafeteria and buy me a black coffee, then you will come back have a seat in the hall and wait for me. Do you understand? Wendy looked at him, wanted to tell him to go to hell, but only nodded.

Wendy got the coffee and took her seat, it was 11:30 when she sat on the benchmark. Her mind raced, it covered all of the rational things to do, but she sat, holding the coffee. Finally at 1:45 he came to her. She immediately lowered her eyes, and handed him the coffee when he asked for it. Then she heard him say, Wendy, look at me, “This coffee is cold, it is unacceptable.” She thought of course it is cold, I have been waiting for over 2 hours, but she bit her lip and tears streamed down her cheeses, and she murmured, “I am so very sorry, please forgive me.”

He had her, he knew he had her, such a gullible, inexperienced little girl. “Wendy it is your fault, you did wrong, and you should be punished.” For an instance she was prepared to fight back, she looked up at him, her mouth open, then quickly dropped her eyes and nodded.

He looked at her, “Do you have a business suit Wendy?’

“Yes sir, I do.”

” Wear it tomorrow, be at this address at 9:00, we are interviewing for new associates and bring your resume. I do believe I can use you.”

Chapter 2

At 9:00 Wendy sat in the waiting room with 33 other people. She wore a tan suit, a white bloom, nylons and sensible heels. She was usually pretty good at judging people and this was a cutthroat arrogant group. There was a prize to be had and they were going to fight for it. Just then an attractive middle-aged woman walked in. “In a minute we will be going into the lesson room, where you will complete the application and write the required essay. You will attach your resume to the application when you are done and after we review the applications we will begin the screening process. Any questions? Good, is there a Wendy Miller here?”

Wendy feltHer knees buckle but she stood up, “Yes I am Wendy.”

“The guard will take you to the penthouse to meet with Mr. Ryan. Now if the rest of you will follow me.” Wendy heard the mumbling as the others left and she followed the guard.

The entry was magnificent. A receptionist sat at the door to the left and to the right was what looked like conference rooms and private offices. The receptionist offered a coffee or a soft drink, took her resume and briefly disappeared into the office. After only 10 or 15 minutes the receptionist took a call then led Wendy into the private office.

It was huge, magnificent. Thick lush carpet, beautiful furniture and a view that took your breath away. “Sit Wendy” and she felt his power. “I have read your resume, top or near the top of the class in every subject and glowing references from Your summer internship. I need someone on my staff, someone like you.”

“I want someone bright and capable, and I think you qualify. I would like someonee young and beautiful and you definitely qualify. I need someone that will follow orders – no matter what they are, and I sense you can do that. That will take training and discipline.” She looked up at him and visions of her father flooded over her. “Wendy I will be offering you a job here, you will have real work to do, it will be important and necessary, but… you will also do my bidding, you will belong to me. I will train you and you will serve me.”

Wendy looked at him. She saw her father, a stern protector, someone to keep her safe, even if he did punish her for stupid little things. “Do you want the job?” Wendy nodded.

“Okay little one, ground rules. You always dress in a professional manner, suits preferred. The skirt can be above the knee, but modest and nylons, I detest panty hose. You will wear heels, but they can be of a comfortable height. You will keep two changes of clothes at work, one business and one eveningwear and I will pick that for you.”

“You will be part of team with a team leader, but you are mine. You will report to me everyday when you arrive and every day before you leave. You will be among the first to get here and the last to leave. You will be at my call at all times.” Wendy looked at him, not quite sure what to make of it but she nodded in agreement.

“Come over here, get on your knees, and show me what you can do.” As she covered the short distance between them her mind raced. I can’t do this. I don’t know how to do this. This is wrong, I’m not that kind of girl. But she closed the distance her face red and then she was on her knees and she heard him softly speaking. “I will help you this time Wendy, but you must learn what to do or you will need to be punished – later you will be punished, how can it be gnorent, if you don’t know what it is.”

Wendy watched it come into view, she thought it was huge, but then she had only one first hand experience with which to compare, and that was a rape. She touched it, the skin was so soft, almost velvety, and as she ran her finger over the length and held in her hand, she could feel it swelling, becoming hard and pulsating. At his urging, she kissed it, she ran her tongue over it. She closed her eyes and licked if from base to tip, her lips wrapping around it, then kissing the tip. Her lips moved over it as she held it in her hand, stroking it. She took it deep her in mouth until it hit the back and with her hand she could tell there was so much more. She took it from her mouth and kissed the length, staking, licking, sucking … she could feel her panties getting wet, very wet.

He took her head in his hands and tilted her head so she was looking at him and quietly told Wendy to take it in her mouth. Her lips closed over the shake, he grunted and moved as it slide deeper inside her until it filled her. With his hands in her hair, he pulled Wendy forward forcing the tip into her throat. Wendy gagged, she fought him as he pushed deeper, tears inHer eyes, she couldn’t breathe. Then he pulled back, removing the tool and she gasped for air. She heard him say relax, then his hands were pulling her towards him, his tool hit the throat, hesitated and rammed deeper, deeper, filling her, hurting. He spoke softly to her, “relax little one, breathe through your nose, be calm.” It hurt, it filled her, yet she tried to listen, to understand to follow directions.

The pain was easy, she was getting air and he was rocking slowly. Pulling out some then pushing deep, and with each push she felt her nose against him, deep in the hair around his manhood. The strokes became faster and faster, then she felt him stiffen, then the gush. She was going to drop. It was warm, it was acrid, it was exciting. He moved in and out and she was filled with his juices. It came so fast and so much that she could not swallow it all. It ran out of her mouth, down her chin and then he pulled from her mouth and rubbed his wet penis over her face leaving atrail of white gooey substance over her. Wendy sat on her knees and he relaxed. Then he told her to lick him clean and immediately her tongue moved over him, removing all traces of his cum from his rod. Then he took her hair and dried his penis, then stood and made himself presentable.

He looked down at her, “that was okay for the first time, but you will get better. You will be good, you will become one of the best cock sucking sluts in this place.” She looked at him and he looked at her and said, “Yes Wendy my pet you are a slut, a whose worthless piece of trash to be used over and over again.” He watched her and knew she was getting excited. “Oh yes little one, this will be good. Now go see my secretary, she will help you get cleaned up and show where you will work. Come back here at the end of the day.”

Chapter 3

As the girl led Wendy down the hall she felt like everyone she passed was starring at her, she felt very self-conscious. They entered the ladies room and Wendy looked in the mirror. Her make up was smeared, white cum dried on her forehead, nose and chin, her hair was a mess, it was obvious looking at her what had happened and she turned bright red and began to cry, softly at first then it turned to sobbing. The young girl told her to take her time, fix herself up, then come and get her. It took some time for Wendy to gain her composition, but she did. She wanted to run home, to hide but at the same time her body ached, her panties were wet and she was still excited. She wanted more from Mr. Ryan.

No one spoke of her morning and her team leader began to indoctrinate her into the job. There was a lot to learn and she would have a productive job. The day flew by and soon her fellow workers were leaving for the day. She hung around, wanting them to leave before she reported back to Mr. Ryan.

The secretary was gone when she got to his office and knocked on the door. He made her wait fifteen or twenty minutes while he finished his phone call. Then he led her to a wall closet, unlocked it and opened it. She pulled back and wanted to run. There were crops, whips, straws, handscuffs, clamps, dildos and many things she didn’t know.

In time you will learn to know and love each of my toys, but we will go easy today. He pulled out a 3-inch wide leather strap and length of soft velvet cord. Wendy bit her lip, wanted to run but stood quietly, patiently waiting until he told her to remove her clothes. He led her to an upholstered table about wait high and he had her bend over it, her arms pulled straight out in front of her so she was L shaped. Her ass in the air, her face down, her breasts swinging beneath her.

His hand ran over her soft skin, she quivered, he pinched her, patted her, stroked her and she began to moan. Then the crack, the sound loud, the sing sharp, she cried out. His hand moved over her, softly gently, a finger sliding along the cream, then whack whack, Wendy cried out, tears on her cheeks, her breasts heaving as she tried to get her breath.

His hand slide along her tigh, between her legs, stroking her. “Very nice Wendy, my pet, you are so wet.” His finger slide easily inside her and she pushed against his hand. He could hear her breathing getting faster, he could hear her moans, he could see her excitement and then the strap, once – twice- three times. Her body reacted, she cried out and he touched her. She was wet, she was dripping she was begging him to help her.

“Tell me my pet, tell me what you want.” Wendy mumbled. “Speak up my dear, tell me you want me, you want my cock to fill your pussy, to fuck you, to use you. Tell me you are a slut and whore, a cock sucking no good bitch and maybe, just maybe I will help you.”

Wendy was crying, she was screaming, “I am a whore, I am your slut, please fuck me. Please, please fuck me, use me, but please make me cum, please.” Ryan ran a hand along her cream, he parted her lips and slowly inserted a finger, then a second. Wendy ground herself against his hand, becoming for more, pleading while her breathing increased, she was getting close, oh so close and then.

Ryan removed his hand selected a clamp and fastened it to her nipple. Wendy screamed in pain, then the other one. Wendy had never felt such pain, clamps on her nipples a little chain between them and he was releasing her arms so she could stand, but he used the cord to bind her hands behind her.

Tears were on her cheeks as she felt the pain in her breasts, slowly she was getting use to it as she stood there watching Mr. Ryan makes a phone call. Her mind wandered as the minutes passed and then he was in front of her, a finger on her chain and he pushed down, she cried out and dropped to her knees. Why did he do that, all he had to do was ask. Then he pulled the chain towards the window, stretching her, hurting her as she struggled to crawl after him. At the window he pulled up and she felt the excruciating pain as he liftedHer to her feet by her nipples.

He looked at her, “what do you want little one?” She began to speak and he slapped her breast with a crop, a red welt appearing. “No my dear, it is not about you. What do you want?” Wendy began again and feel the crop twice on her breasts. “Wendy, my dear, this is not about you, think what it is about, now once again what do want?” She bit her lip, closed her eyes, and softly whispered, “To please you Mr. Ryan, to please you.”

He removed her clamps, he untied her hands, he ran his hand along her groin. “Do you want something else?” Wendy paused, “Yes Mr. Ryan, I want you to fuck me, to make me cum to help me.” He looked at her, smiled, “In due course my little slut, in due course, but not tonight. Get dressed, go home, but do not masturbate your self. I will see you in the morning.”

With an ache in her belly and a desire in her loin, Wendy put on her dress and shoes and carried the rest of her stuff as she headed to her car.

Chapter 4

Wendy was struggling to learn the job, to keep up. She was able to contribute, but she wasn’t sure she was pulling her weight, at least not yet. But her training with Mr. Ryan was progressing quickly. She was his to command and though he often embarrassed her in public, she never refused him. It was only in private that she would misbehave and that was so she would be punished. Wendy had grown quite fond of the spankings, bindings and pain that he inflicted on her.

The big deal was coming to a conclusion. The presentations were made, the deal discussed and it looked like it was finally to be put to bed. Just one last day of meetings with the senior executives and the contract would be signed.

The night before the meeting, a courier arrived with a package and a note. Mr. Ryan instructed Wendy that she was to wear only what was in the box and nothing else. She opened the box, it contained a navy suit, white nylons, navy siletto heels, two asp bracelets and an aspnecklace.

Wendy got up earlier than usual and prepared for work, this was an important day. The nylons were white, soft and silky and the garter was like silk ribbons. The suit was a navy pinstripe and the skirt was A line but short, well above mid thigh and just barely longer than the tops of her nylons. The jacket was two buttons and the wool material rubbed her nipples keeping them hard. The vee gave more than just a hint of cleavage. The shoes were a 5 inch heel and Wendy wobbled as she tried to walk, she was glad she had time to practice. She put on the necklace and the head of the snake hung down between her breasts, it was pointing to them, drawing attention to them. As she took the two bracelets in one hand the head became entwined, locking one head to the other. Wendy was afraid she broke it and struggled hard to get them apart, had she known their real purpose she would have been more frightened.

She arrived at work early as usual and went into Mr. Ryan’s office.He looked at her and smiled. “You are a slut, a bitch, cock sucking whore.” Wendy turned red; Mr. Ryan only called her names when they were alone or in the evening. It was always a prelude to something embarrassing and then wonderful great punishment and pleasure. Wendy’s eyes filled with tears. Mr. Ryan spoke sternly, “don’t, don’t you dare cry and ruin your make up. Get your act together, go to Your office and prepare. I will call you when I want you.” Wendy headed to her work area, fighting back the tears.

She was under control when the team started arrival. They looked at her and smiled. They had been friendly enough, but no one really became her friend. She was the owner’s pet, keep her happy, keep her out of trouble, let her tag along. At 9:00 most of the team was called in, but not Wendy. Others joined the meeting, team member came and went, and Wendy sat confused, left out.

It was nearly noon and the teams were all headed back to their work areas when Wendy got her call. She grabbed her notebook and headed to the office. Her team smiled at her, shook a head, one gave her hug and said hang in there. She entered the office and all that was remaining was Mr. Ryan and three men and one woman from the other company. “Come here Wendy, you are going to seal this deal. You will be the final touch.” Wendy was standing beside Mr. Ryan’s chair.

He slide his hand between her legs, under her skirt, stroking her bare thighs. She trembled at his touch, turned red from embarrassment, but stood quietly. “This is the bitch I was telling you about. She is a wonderful little slut, she will do anything I ask.” Wendy bit her lip as two fingers were rammed up her pussy. Immediately she could feel the wetness.

One of the men called to her and Wendy walked over to Mr. Butler. He wanted to examine the necklace, sliding his fingers along the chain, touching her skin, sliding his fingers between her mounds. She trembled and he knew it. Slowly he unbuttoned onebutton and played with the bob, Wendy felt her nipples getting harder. Another button and the jacket hung from her, her breasts barely covered. Mr. Butler slid the jacket off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. Wendy stood, eyes down, not looking, not moving, but feeling the gaze and her body reacting.


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