Princess Ch. 02

I am a 40 year old typical soccer mom who leads a pretty conventional life. My stories are based on my fans. Most deal with the humiliation of older women by younger women, in the style of my favorite authors such as Cowgirl, Couture, Phoenix Arrow and Jane Parks. This is my first story (part 2), I hope you enjoy it. I’m working on further chapters, and I’d enjoy any constructive criticism.

(This a continuation of the Princess story, where a 40 year old woman gets used and humiliated by a young stripper. I advice you to read the Chapter 1 first).


Sitting at my desk going over the budget figures my mind began to once again wonder to the events of the past week. My mind was filled with shame as well as revolution. How did I, a respected middle aged woman let those vile things happen to me?

I thought of my shameful drive home, my expensive bloom ruined …covered in my own cum. Spending god knows how much money. How I stopped quickly, picked up some pizza and arrived home. I couldn’t bare to face my husband, and my 2 teen daughters Megan and Sue, I thought they’d take one quick look at me, and they’d know what a depraved slut I was.

Instead I plopped a pizza on the counter, announced I was feeling ill, took a long bath and went right to bed.

But as the days passed, I couldn’t get the events of that Tuesday out of my mind. Someone must have drugged me. I would never have acted like that on my own according. Another thought nagged me as well, but I tried to keep it out of my mind. Even though I spent over $1,000 I never actually got to see Princess’s sexy young body.

As I had done countless times before I took Princess’s card out of my wallet and stared at it. It had her schedule on it, which by this time I knew by heart. I’m not going back there EVER again I thought. I should just throw this card away.

“Princess the exotic dancer, private parties available, call for details,” the card stated. No, I don’t want a private party (at least that’s what I told myself), but she took advantage of me…drugged me, how else would I have acted like that. I should call her and give her a piece of my mind.

I dialed the number as I had several times in the past week, only to hang up before the phone was answered. The phone began to ring. This time there was an answer, “Hello,” I heard her sweet angelic voice.

I couldn’t talk, I couldn’t say a thing, and my tongue was tied. Once again I heard “Hello, who is this.”

Finally I screwed up the courage, “This is Cheryl.”

“Cheryl who?” I heard her say. “You know who, I was in your club last week, for cigarettes.” “Sorry, I don’t remember, I talk to a lot of people at the club,” Princess stated.

“Do you drug them and take and take advantage of them,” I answered. “You must have slipped something in my drink, and then you made me pay for a private dance.”

“Listen I didn’t drug anybody, but yes now I do remember you, you are thathorny old mommy who was absolutely drooling over my young sexy body,” she retreated.

“Listen you bitch, you took advantage of me; I should call the police on you.”

“You seemed to have quite a bit of fun then, but now you’re acting like a rude child. Don’t call me again, you did what you did of your own free will, no one drugged you or forced you to do anything. You were just such a slut willing to do anything for the treatment of seeing my sexy body.”

“Now leave me alone and don’t call again Cheryl Masters, or I’ll call the police. How would you like the police to come to your house and arrest you in front of your family for harassing a barely 18 year old girl,” and just like that she hung up the phone.

A chill ran up and down my spine, my head felt dizzy, and I almost voided. How did she know my real name? Could she, would she really call the police on me? I’d be disgraced; I’d never be able to face my husband or daughters again. What was I going to do? Oh god I had to do something.

I redialed her number, but this time her answering machine picked up, “This is Princess the entertainer…I’m featured at Lace gentleman’s club. If you’d like to arrange a private party please leave a message.”

“Princess please pick up the phone,” I gulped almost gasping for breath. “Please, I’m sorry for my bad attitude,” but there was no answer. I called 3 more times that day but each time there was no answer.

I couldn’t get her out of my mind, part of me was scared as hell she’d send the police to my house, and another part of me, was just desperate to hear her voice again.

The next morning at work, it took all my self control not to dial her number. The morning wore on and on, but I was getting nothing done. As my boss left the office, he told me he would be out the rest of the day. I could no longer control myself. I dialed her number, and once again got the recorded message. “Princess, please pick up.” I could tell my voice sounded likea whining school girl but I couldn’t help myself.

Just as I was about to hang up I heard, “Didn’t I tell you to lose this number Cheryl?” in an irritated voice.

“Please don’t hang up,” I said in a desperate tone.

“Well what is it…I don’t have all day…what do you want?” Princess said impatiently.

“I…I just wanted to talk…I …I’m sorry for being so rude yesterday.”

“That’s fine Cheryl but I don’t have all day, if you want something let me know, otherwise I have a busy day, I don’t have time for idle chicken with some old slut.”

Ignoring her insult, I blurted out, “I want to see you.”

“Well sorry that’s impossible, I’m taking some time off from work, and besides, you seem so unappreciative of me, so goodbye.”

“Wait pleeeeaaaaaaaaase,” I couldn’t believe the words were spilling out of my mouth.

“I see my slut can’t get enough of me is that what it is?” “Yes,” I admitted.

“I’m laying here in my bed just wearing a tiny pair of pink thong panties. Are you imagining what it would be like to be laying between my legs licking my pussy?” Princess asked.

The mental image of this sexy girl with jet black hair, slim sexy body, and cute pert breasts overcame me as I groaned, “Yes”.

“Aww are mommy-wommies slut nipples getting all hard and pointy just from hearing my little girl voice, and imagining my sexy body,” she teased.

“Yes,” I groaned almost moaning.

“And is slutty mommy’s big fat cunt getting all wet and juicy for me?”

Shamefully I admitted, “Yes.”

“Say it,” she said.

Quickly looking around the office to make sure no one was within ear shot, I whispered into the phone, “My slut nipples are getting all hard and pointy, and my slut cunt is getting so wet,” turning bright red with the embarrassing truth.

“Awww slut mommy is a horny mommy. Open your shirt, and take those udders out.”

“B…But I can’t …I’m at work someone might come in my office.”

“Ok then bye mommy I have to go.”

“Wait!! Please don’t go,” I pleaded.

“Well…?” she said.

“Ok…Ok I’m doing it,” I captured. I unbuttoned my blouse and pulled my breasts out of my bra.

“How do I know you did it, how do I know you aren’t lying?” Princess said.

“Well prove it to me, take those fat tits and slam them on your desk. Hold the phone near them so I can hear it, and don’t stop until I say so.”

I held the phone out and began to beat my breasts on the desk urgently. I was moaning and slamming my breasts on the desk until everything on the desk was shaking.

Finally, Princess said, “OK slut stop banging.” Relieved I stopped the assault on my now sore boobs. “Pull on your nipples hard till those udders are sticking straight out.”

“Pinch them as hard as you can.” I pinched I could feel the tears forming in my eyes as I let out a sob.

“What’s wrong mommy?” she said.

“Please …your being so mean why must I do this?” I pleaded.

“Your right mommy, I’m being too mean to you. I guess I better leave you alone,” Princess chided.

“No please don’t hang up,” my voice groaned in desperation.

“Well then stop acting like such a damn baby, you know you love it.” And I knew she was right.

“Now slide your panties down to your ankles, and hike that skirt up around your Waist,” Princess ordered. I did as I was told.

“I bet your nasty cunt is dripping wet,” she said.

“Yes,” I admitted.

“Say it,” Princess ordered.

“My nasty cunt is dripping wet,” I replied

“Good” was her smug reply, “You’re such a slut, I want you to cover yourself in your slut perfume so everyone can smell what a slut you are. Start with your face, cover that slut face completely.”

Not daring to argue, I inserted 2 fingers in my very wet cunt and began to completely cover my face with my vile juices. “Don’t forget the hair,” she reminded. I smelled loads of it into my hair. Princess had me smear it all over my body, until I was covered all over. I’m sure I smelled of pure sex.

“Good girl,” Princess said as I competed my task. “Now tell me what toys do you have there?”

“Toys… I don’t have any toys, this is my work office,” I replied

“Well then tell me everything on you desk, don’t leave a single thing out,” she said.

Umm…well There’s the phone, my computer monitor, some pens, pencils, marker, highlighters, a couple of books, a picture, a stapler, some tape.

“Tell me about the picture,” was her reply.

Horrified I stammered, “It’s…It’s my daughters cheerleading picture.”

“Oh my, what would your cute girls say if they new mommy was such a slut. Take the picture and put it right in front of you.”

“Please no,” I whimpered.

“I’m hanging up now,” was her only reply.

“No wait, I’m doing it,” I quickly put the picture in front of me.

“But first,” she said cruelly, “I think you need to be taught a lesson about listenting the first time. Put the photo on your chair.” This time I did as told.

“Now paint it with that fat ugly cunt, sit on it and slide that thing on it till it’s completely covered.” Horrified I looked down at the faces of my daughters as I sat on the picture.

“Keep humping that picture bitch while looking down at those sweet innocent faces.”

In spine of myself, I began moaning.

After the picture was completely juices, she told me to lay it on the desk in front of me, which I did. “Hurry now and shove a highlighter up that fat ass and sit back down.”

I took a highlighter and pushed it up to my butt-hole, and began working it in. I then sat down slowly forcing it all the way up. “God you’re a pig,” Princess said.

“Now I want you to take a black marker and write the word slut on one of those big fat tits. Be sure to look at that picture and imagine your cute little girls are watching their slut mommy.”

After I completed this degrading task sheordered, “Now write pig on the other one.”

“No one would believe me if I told them about you. Thankfully, I’ve recorded this whole conversation, if you continue to both me, I’ll make sure your husband and lovely daughters get a copy of it.” And just like that she hung up the phone.

Sitting there, I was once again filled with shame and revulsion over how badly I degrade myself. I sat there with tears flowing freely down my cheeks.

I looked down and saw my girls’ picture, and performed one final act of depravity. I began rubbing my clip hard and fast, while staring at the photo, I explored into another intense orgasm.

End of Chapter 2.


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