I am a 40 year old typical soccer mom who leads a pretty conventional life. My stories are based on my fans. Most deal with the humiliation of older women by younger women, in the style of my favorite authors such as Cowgirl, Couture, Phoenix Arrow and Jane Parks. This is my first story I hope you enjoy it. I’m working on further chapters, and I’d enjoy any constructive criticism.
I’d like to thank my friend Kate for her help with this chapter.
“God, I need a cigarette,” I thought absentmindedly for the umpteenth time. It’s been over 3 months since I quit ‘cold turkey’. Sitting in traffic thinking of my snot noseed 20-something boss and what a jerk he is, looking for a convenience store, just one smoke will make me feel better.
Me I’m a 41 old married women with 2 teenage daughters. The ‘perfect’ wife and mother. I’ve been married for 19 years and still look pretty good, although if I’m honest I could lose 10 pounds…oh alright 20 pounds. But myhusband doesn’t seem to mind my large 38d boobs, or my shoulder length blonde hair. These days My life is comfortable, uneventful, maybe just a bit boring.
I work as an executive, at a start-up internet company where the average age employee is about 25. Sometimes I feel like the den mother of a cub scout troup. My boss is a 27 year old asshole who treats me like shit. I’d love to go in one day and smack that stupid smile off his face, but I need the job, so what can I do. But enough about him, this story isn’t about him
As the traffic inches along, I look around for a convenience store or anywhere I can get a pack of smokes. I see a bar called Lace. I remember hearing some of the guys at work mentioning it, so I know it’s what they call a ‘titty’ bar.
Thinking I just gotta get a cigarette, I pull my car into the parking lot. I mean it’s just like I need a smoke, its not like I secretly fantasize about seeing young sexy girls dancing around in next to nothing…right?
I get out of the car, straighten out my clothes, and start walking into the bar, hoping no one sees me. Also thinking what a bit ironic it would be seeing a middle age women, wearing my typical conservative work clothes of a knee length gray plaid skirt, cream colored button front bloom, sensible black flats, and pearls walking into a place like this.
Just get the smokes and head home to the family I tell myself as I enter the bar. It’s a Tuesday afternoon, and the place is dark, and nearly empty. I suddenly feel more nervous and out of place, but trying to look confident, I stride up to the bar.
The barmaid is a tall thin red head dressed in what I call a punk rock outfit. She’s wearing low cut black jeans, a skin tight black tee shirt with some band on it, and black boots. From behind I see she’s got a tattoo of some type of snake. She’s dressed in that slutty way many of the young girls who attend high school with my daughters. I mean I’d really like to meet the moms who let their daughters leave the house in the morning dressed like such sluts….geez.
Although I don’t see a single other customer, or even a dancer (no I’m NOT disappointed that there are no dancers gyrating on the stage.. really I’m not) in the bar, the barmaid doesn’t even acknowledge my presence.
Fighting the urge to turn and run, I clear my throat, and try to say confidently, (but it comes out of my mouth sounding the exact opposite), “Ex …excuse me ma’am.” She turns around with a bored and slightly disdainful expression and looks me up and down.
“You’re a little early the dancers don’t start until 4:00,” she says. “I’m not here to see any slutty dancers,” I say with my best expression of disdain, “I just wanted to get a pack of cigarettes, I’m not into any of the perversion that goes on in here.”
“Whatever you say lady, what kind of cigarettes do you want?” I ask for a pack of Marlboro, and wonder to myself just who I’m trying to convince thatthis isn’t my scene. I mean I’m not a prude or anything, at one time I was a pretty wild “party girl” but now I’m just a loving wife and mother …right?
I hand her a ten dollar bill, she takes the money, says, “I’ll be right back,” and disappears into a back room. Just then the music starts, a dancer walks out onto the stage. She’s wearing a red shear mini dress, through which I can make out a black lace bra and matching black lace thong. She’s tall and she has short brown hair. I feel my cheeks flush and begin to feel uncomfortable.
I look around, thinking where the hell did that girl go for my cigarettes, thinking once again…what am I doing there. As I stand there watching this show, I feel a hand on my shoulder…surprised I almost jump out of my skin.
Turning I see a young dancer by my side. She laughed, “I’m sorry hon, I didn’t mean to scare you. “
“Its, ok you just started me”. I looked at her, she was short, had to shoulder length jet black hair, a tee sHirt tied at the wait, a red plaid school girl type skirt, and thigh-high black boots with 4 inch heels. She looked like she couldn’t possibly be 18. She’d be so young and innocent looking, if it weren’t for something I couldn’t quite put my finger on….some type of sexy evil glint in her eye.
Even with the heels she was a couple inches shorter than my 5’7″ but somehow I felt intimidated by her. “My name is Princess,” she said. Suddenly at a loss for words, feeling my face turning bright red, I open my mouth trying to speak and finally manage to stammer,”I’m Cheryl”.
Just then I hear, “Here are your cigarettes,” I turn and see the barmaid has finally returned with my cigarettes.
Princess says, “Would you like to buy me a drink Cheryl”?
“I’m… I ah… I really need to go. I was just coming here for cigarettes,” I say unconvincingly.
“Aww come on one drink won’t hurt,” she says as she rubs her hand gently on my back.
“Well ok, I guess a drink won’thurt”, (what did I just say).
I ordered myself a glass of white wine, and Princess ordered championne. We both took a seat at the bar, and watched the dancer who had by this time removed her dress, and was dancing in just the bra and panties.
“She’s sexy isn’t she,” princess says.
“Yes, umm she’s pretty…but umm princess, I have to tell you, I think you have the wrong idea about me…I’m not a lesbian or anything.”
She just gives me a little smile,”Yeah right, you know these girls work on tips don’t you?”
“Well I guess, so,” I replied, looking down and notice the drinks have arrived, although I didn’t pay for it, I take a huge slug on the wine, trying to calm myself down.
“Why don’t you tip her,” says Princess. Not wanting to be rude (or so I tell myself), “OK”.
I Take a $5 bill out of my wallet. The girl makes her way over to me, and I reach out to hand it to her. Instead of taking it with her hand…she moves her breasts to my hand and retrieves the dollar with that.
Looking down again, I notice my drink has been refilled, and I drink some more.
Princess sitting close to me, now rubbing her hand on my leg, I look down and notice I can see her breasts wrapped in a sexy white lace bra under her shirt.
Looking back up at her, I notice I’ve been caught staring, suddenly feeling totally embarrassed…I make another attempt to regain control. “Ummm, I really should get going, my husband is expecting me home to make dinner.”
“Awww, you don’t have to leave, can’t you just pick up takeout on the way home?”
“W…Well I guess, maybe just one more drink.”
Several dancers continued to dance, and I performed the tip ritual several more times, as Princess ‘accidently’ continued to expose herself to me. I don’t know if it was the drinks or what, but I was having trouble hiding my growing lust. (Cheryl what has gotten into you, I kept thinking).
Princess was sitting at the bar stool, with her legsapart, and me feeling a buzz staring at those sexy legs trying to get a glimpse of her panties. “Hey Cheryl…Cheryl,” looking up realizing once again I was totally caught red handed so to speak. “If you’d like to get a better look, there’s a private room we can use.”
“Ummm, no that’s ok, I really need to leave.” “Are you sure?” she says as she spreads her legs and slides up on the bar stool, barely giving me a glimpse of her heavenly white lace panties.
“Well I ..I don’t know,” but my now hard nipples betrayed me, I just had to have a look at this heavenly creativity. Without another word, Princess took me by the hand, and led me towards the back of the bar, where there was an elevator.
As she closed the door and pressed a button for the second floor, she said, “Let me explain how This works. It’s $500 per hour plus tips” “Umm sorry but I don’t have that much with me.” Princess giggled, “Well you do have a credit card don’t you silly?”
We got off the elevator, and to a desk where a big burly guy sat. “One hour Joe,” Princess said, then to me, “Give him your card.”
As I rooted through my purse to get the card, she whispered, “Give him a good tip so he leaves us alone, at least 100 bucks”
After I finished the transaction mentally thinking that I’d need to hide this bill from my husband , Princess guided me into a small room and closed the door. The room had a couch, several chairs, and that was about it, other than a large window that overlooked the bar below.
She lead me to the couch and sat me down. For the umpteenth time, I felt a surge of panic, but I also felt a familiar wetness down below that was too much for me to resist.
As I sat on the couch, Princess started dancing in front of me, bending over, so I could see her cleavage, turning and bending in front of me so I’d catch of glimpse of those sexy white panties and shapedly butt.
I fight the urge to reach my hand up my skirt, and finger myself to an instantorgasm, but I could feel my juices flowing freely, and know my panties were probably already sopping wet. I was truly going out of my mind.
She got real close to me, and started rubbing her breasts against my cheeks, I could feel her nipples through her tight t shirt, and at this point I was out of control, I tried to kiss her breast through the shirt.
Princess backed away, “No, no, no…bad girl…no touching. If you want me to dance keep your hands at your side and your mouth closed. Control yourself you slut. This is your last warning. Do it again and the dance is over, understand?”
Ignoring her insult and Feeling like a scolded little school girl, “Yes Princess, I Understand.”
“Good mommy,” she said to me, and rewarded me by removing her shirt, and resumed her dance this time rubbing her bra on my face. This treatment was driving me wild, I was squeezing my legs together, anticipating the pure bliss I’d feel when I finally would have the chance to see her naked body.
She told me, “Close your eyes,” which I did. The next thing I felt she was rubbing her bare breasts against me face. I imagined what those cute sexy pert little breasts looked like up close, and almost came on the spot. She kept telling me to keep my eyes closed. God I was dying to see those sexy breasts.
I could feel her hard nipples rubbing on my face and across my closed lips. I couldn’t take anymore and I opened my mouth just slightly as her nipple crossed my lips.
“Hey what did I tell you, you horny old slut…This dance is officially over.” I opened my eyes and saw she had already put her shirt back on.
I was horrified, and totally overcome with lust, I could feel the juices running down my legs…I just had to see her naked. “No please…please I won’t do it again…I’m so sorry.”
“It’s too late for you, you old cow,” her harsh words stung. “We dancers work so hard for our money; we aren’t whores for old perverted mommies you know. You don’t know what it feels like to be pawed over like that.”
Feeling terrible, and totally ashamed, “Please I’m so sorry, please keep dancing.” She looked at me, and said, “I should really call the bouncer and have you thrown right out of here….but…”
“But what?” I looked at her hopefully.
“You need to understand what its like for us, if you’re willing to do that I’ll continue with the dance.”
“Do what?” I asked.
“I want you to dance for me for a bit, so you can see what it’s like, and if you do that we can forget this happened.”
“You want me to dance?” I asked.
“Yes I do, that’s the deal, dance for me and we continue otherwise we’re done right now.”
I was unable to resist, I lusted that much for her, I agreed.
“OK get up and start dancing.” As I danced in front of her she sat barely paying attention smoking a cigarette. “Take off that conservative blouse that would never do for a dancer.”
I knew I had little choice so I complied. I removed my blouse and tried to dance sexy for her. “Pull your tits out of your bra,” she said. I was about to object, but I looked at her and realized I had little option, if I wanted to see her.
She continued to give me orders, telling me to shake them, jump up and down ect. I felt totally humiliated, but totally turned on at the same time.
“Let me see that fat ass, lose the skirt.”
“B…b…But.” “Just do it, or leave now.”
I slide my skirt off. Standing there, I must have been quite a sight with my large boobs hanging over my bra, panties stockings and shoes. I looked down and was horrified at how obviously turned on I was. The front of my panties were soaked, and I was dripping down to my thighs.
She laughed, “I see mommy really gets turned on by watching young girls huh.” I knew she was taunting me…but what could I do, she was just too sexy.
“OK…You had your punishment now its time for your reward. Come over here.” I bent down to pickup my skirt, but she said, “No stay like that. I want you to remember the rules around here.”
“So you want to see what’s under my skirt?” she asked.
“Yes,” I said.
“Well ask me nicely.”
“P…Please may I,” I asked.
“May you what?”
“May I see what you have under your dress?”
“Sure you can mommy, come over here.”
But as I walked closer to her, she put her boot clad foot straight out. “No closer, you know how much trouble you have controlling yourself.”
“If you want to see my sexy panties, get down on your knees.” I was beyond arguing I just dropped to my knees, and waited for her to spread her legs.
“Wait my feet are tired, do me a favor and remove my boots so I can rest my feet while you have your fun.” I pulled her boots off.
She playedfully pushed her feet into my face before resting them on my shoulders. “OK, you can look,” she said as she parted her legs slightly.
Kneeling there, with her legs on my shoulders, IJust stared up her dress. Princess for her part ,looked bored with the whole thing. She took out an emory board and began filing her nails.
I couldn’t help myself, I started rubbing my pussy as I stared at her.
As I was looking she started moving her feet from my shoulders to my face, even pinching my nipples with her toes, but I didn’t care I was in heaven and about to cum from rubbing myself.
“Hey stop touching yourself like that, what is the matter with you?” Once again I felt like a scolded child.
“I think your getting too worked up looking at me, turn around and face the other way, and get on all 4s.”
I did what she asked, as she rested her feet my backside, I was on all 4s on the floor, she began teasing me with her foot…rubbing it up and down my ass and across my pussy, but each time I’d try and push against her she’d pull her foot away.
Somehow she managed to get my panties pulled down to my knees, and I was just sitting there like a bitchin heat.
Suddenly the door to the room opened, I turned and shocked saw the barmaid from before, “Umm you didn’t, pay the bill before and I was just about to go home.”
When suddenly she saw me in my naked, and in obvious heat, she cruelly said, “So who’s the nasty pervert now?” I turned a million shades of bright red.
With a nudge from her foot Princess pushed me, I fell flat on my face. “Your purse is over there, get it and pay her,” Princess said.
Sprawled out on the floor and totally embarrassed at my naked condition, I tried to struggle to my feet and use my arm to cover my naked breasts.
“No need to get up…crawl over and get it.”
What I should have done is saved my last shred of dignity and cursed out these 2 young bitches, put my clothes back on and leave immediately. But instead I began to crawl towards my pursuit which was quite difficult with my panties trapped around my knees.
The girls laughed, “She looks like a big cow with those huge udders swaying and that fat ass,” the barmaid said. “You should have seen her Miss high and mighty when she got here looking down on me.”
I finally thankfully got to my purse and opened it to extract my wallet. “Hey stupid get back here, you think I’m going to leave my bare feet on this dirty floor?” Princess said. “A pig like you might like walking in the mud…but I don’t.” I turned and tried to crawl back with the pursuit in my hand.
“A bitch doesn’t use her hands to carry things…she uses her mouth,” Princess said. Reluctantly I took the purse stick in my mouth and began my long humiliating crawl back.
When I got back to Princess, she put her feet back on my ass. The barmaid took my purse. Princess said, “Just open it up and dump it out so she can pay you.” The barmaid took the purse opened it up and I watched all my stuff tumble out onto the dirty floor.
“Pay her,” Princess said as she began to work her foot into my pussy. As I went to grab my wallet, “No hands, do it like a doggie.” As I bent down to the dirty floor and began to struggle to open my wallet clasp with my mouth I could see myself from the mirror of my compact witch had opened up and I felt sick to my stomach.
Princess managed to get all of her toes inserted into my wet slit. She was pushing hard against me which made the task even more difficult. Finally I managed to get the clasp open and my wallet opened up displaying a picture of my 2 teenaged girls. A wave of revulsion swept over me, which was compounded by the fact that my cunt began spasm and I could feel and intense orgasm threatening to overtake me.
I finally managed to get the money from my wallet into my mouth as I began to lift my head up to give the money to the barmaid it happened. I burst into the most earth shattering orgasm of my life collapse down on to my wallet right onto the picture.
My shaking sweating body was sprayed on the floor and on the contents of my pursuit.. The barmaidtook the money from my mouth saying, “What a filter slut you are.” She took the money and exited out of the door.
As I lay on the floor tears formed in my eyes considering the depraved act I just performed. Princess said, “Your hour is up, throw me your blouse so I can clean your nasty mess from my foot.” I throw my blouse to her and began to gather up the rest of my stuff. She throw my blouse on the floor and began to wipe the juices from her foot onto the blouse.
When I finally finished dressing standing there with my ruined blouse, Princess came up to me and kissed me on the cheek, handing me her card. My hours are on the back come in again and you can have your treatment as she quickly exited.
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