The levels of wickedness I am discovering within myself nowadays astound even me, and that’s really saying something. My name is Wendy Stephania Polydor, a 29-year-old Haitian woman living in the City of Boston, Massachusetts. I’ve lived here for some time, having moved there from my hometown of Jacmel, southern Haiti, in the 1990s.
These days, life is alright. I am Just learning to pace myself. Self-acceptance is key to happiness. I’m five-foot-eight, curvy, with long black hair, light brown skin, wide hips, thick legs and a big round ass. I’m not just a pretty face, folks. I’ve got my Nursing degree, thank you very much. I’m a hard-working sister who takes care of her family. Life is hard but I never give up. That’s just how I roll.
I, Wendy Stephania Polydor, am many things. Not easy being a multifaceted person in this boring world, but I manage just fine. I am a mother, a registered nurse, a happy dividend, and lately, I have become something else. A budding dominatrix taking the Boston BDSM scene by storm. Follow my erotically charged adventures, and let me warn you, it’s about to shock you vanilla readers to your core.
My lover/paramour/victim Steve Valentin has been a big help as I explore my newfound sense of feminine dominance. My wicked alter ego Mistress Steph is in full bloom, and I’m glad I got someone to play with. The big and tall, dark-skinned Haitian stud has been in my life for over a decade. Even when Steve moved to the City of Ottawa, Ontario, for school and work, we kept in touch.
Steve Valentin came back to the City of Boston after a long hiatus. My old buddy and I reconnected after my diploma from one Alan Stephenson, a fool who didn’t appreciate me or the son and daughter I bore him. I was looking for companionship and a chance to explore my sexuality, and Steve Valentin was just what the doctor ordered.
When it comes to BDSM, a lot of black folks, especially black men, are afraid to try that shit. That’s whya lot of black female dominant types gravitate towards submissive white males. Now, I don’t discriminate when it comes to the D, but I do enjoy exploring certain hidden aspects of my sexuality with a black man who understands and isn’t afraid to try new things. Steve is openly bisexual, and totally into me. Is that cool or what?
Steve Valentin is something else, ladies and gentlemen. He’s such a sweetheart. I delight in torturing him. Don’t worry…he actually loves it! I call Steve my little pervert, in the most affectionate way possible. This morning, Steve and I had ourselves some fun before he went off to work. Steve woman up, to find me sucking on his dick without asking for permission because I’m a freaky Haitian mama and definitely don’t apologize for it.
Steve looked at me as my head bobbed up and down his lap. I sucked his long and thick, uncircumcised dick with gusto. Once upon a time, I had an issue with Steve’s Johnson being au nature, but now I don’t care. I take the D any way it comes, as long as it’s hard and can satisfy a sista’s cravings. I got Steve’s dick nice and hard, and then straddled him.
Smiling, Steve gave my big Haitian booty a firm slap and then thrust his hard dick between my legs. I hissed as Steve’s dick went into me. I began riding Steve’s dick and his hands went up to my tits, which he fondled gently while fucking me. We went at it like this for some time, then Steve put me on all fours. I grinned as I felt Steve’s mouth on my ass. This Haitian brother is a butt man, folks. I was in for a treatment.
Every sister knows at least one black dude out there who is simply crazy when it comes to a big, round booty. For me, Steve is definitely that brother. We’re friends on Facebook as well as bed partners, and let me tell you, Steve is obsessed with big-booty female celebrations like tennis superstar Serena Williams, socialite and media personality Kim Kardashian, and Coco, actor/rapper Ice-T’s wife. Steve has been obsessedg over my booty ever since our halcyon days at Commonwealth College in downtown Boston.
Steve spread my thick brown ass cheeks wide open and sniffed my butt hole, and then stuck his tongue up my asshole. I giggled as I felt Steve’s tongue snaking into my butt hole. Steve is definitely an unexpected obsessed brother, in more ways than one. I bought a new strap-on dildo the other day just to Keep up with his cravings. We used my old butt plugs and vibrators so much that they, ahem, got all used up. Out with the old and in with the new, I say.
The night before, I bent Steve Valentin over and gave the burly Haitian brother’s cute, slightly hairy ass a sound spanking. Afterwards, I used Aloe cream to lubricate Steve’s asshole, and donned gloves. Time to go explore the black hole. Oh my, I felt like an astronaut or something. I fingered Steve’s butt hole while jerking him off, and the big brother started moaning because he absolutely loves having his ass played with.
After prepping Steve’s ass, I donned the strap-on dildo and fucked him with it. Steve revealed to me that with his male lovers, he was always the fucker, never the one getting fucked. Well, as a dominatrix, I wanted to fuck his ass harder than any man could. That’s why I crammed the dildo up Steve’s ass and fucked him roughly until he squealed like a little bitch and actually begged for mercy. As a dominatrix, I can be pretty sadistic and I am just getting started, folks.
This morning, though, I was in a receiving mood, if you catch my drift. I authorized Steve Valentin to go to town on me. Hey, even a proud Haitian dominatrix needs to get laid sometimes, alright? Steve licked my asshole and fingered my wet pussy, and then grabbed the Aloe cream. I smiled excitedly as Steve parted my plump ass Cheeks and lubricated it, and then got ready to fuck me.
I pressed my big butt cheats against Steve Valentin’s groin, and feel his dick harden instantly. Like I said, Steve is a butt man and heabsolutely loves my big Haitian booty. Steve put his hands on my hips and pushed his dick into my asshole. I gasped as Steve’s dick penetrated my butt hole. This was the one pleasure I always denied him. I’d done all kinds of wicked, sexy things both to Steve and with Steve. Hell, last week, I made him watch while I fucked my co-worker, Dillon.
This morning, though, I was in the mood for a good ass fucking, and Steve Valentin definitely did not disappoint. The burly Haitian brother smoked my thick ass as he thrust into me. To really shine Steve on, I started to twerk. That’s right, I am that freaky black woman who can actually twerk even with a dick up my ass. This drive Steve absolutely nuts, and he fucked me harder, slapping my ass while plowing into me. We continued with our fun for a while, and then Steve came.
Afterwards, Steve Valentin and I took a shower, and then got dressed. I wished him a good day, and then got ready for work. Just another day in the life of a young Haitian dominatrix and fully fledged registered nurse living in the City of Boston, folks. After a long dry spell, I finally have sexual excitement back in my life. Things are not perfect, but they’re certainly better than they’ve been in years. Follow my adventures, folks. They’re only getting better from this point, I promise.
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