Pretty Young Thing Pt. 04

The Third Prequel: A House Wife’s Tale

The College Days

I love it when they stare… and your father stared a lot.

He found me at an odd time in my life, then again, isn’t every teenager in the transition to adulthood confused in one way or another?

You see I was what you’d refer to as an over achiever. I guess I always have have been. Always top of my class, always taking over every single project or activity I did, I sought perfection because I felt imperfect on the inside, incomplete, therefore I over compensated on everything I did.

James was the opposite, life came easy for him. He barely studied yet his grades survived my own, he was a pretty boy with drives of girls chasing after him. I couldn’t blow him for not taking anything seriously

Regardless though, I hated everything about him. He was the kind of guy I avoided, his very demeanor screamed white privilege and he held his superiority up with pride.

So you can only imaginee my confusion when he stared at me.

Sex is a big part of every teenager’s life; some crave it-their every choice fueled by the singular goal of getting laid, some fear it- their lack of knowledge on the subject leaving them hesitant to even try.

I was a little bit of both. On the one hand I had a sexual thought every hour of every day, I imagined every man and woman I walked passed either over or under me, depending on how submissive or dominant I felt that day. On the other hand, regardless of the fact that I had had my share of experiences, I wasn’t fully aware of myself, not yet at least. I was a novel with the ambition of a vegetable. I craved things I couldn’t possibly let myself have, until I met your father he unlocked me completely.

Two years into college when I’d just turned 22, I’d been with only two guys, Jeremy; my high school stud, and Mike, some random college student whose luck exceeded his capability.

He was admittedly cute, muscle with tattooson his arms and a beautiful Harley Davidson. I was a freshman, horny as hell and equally as easy. I won’t bore you with the details, it lasted about two minutes, one of those minutes he used for heavy petting as he repeated the statement “You’re the most beautiful black girl I’ve ever seen.”

I’ve heard that shit all my life and I gotta be honest, it gets aggravating after a while. I was admittedly beautiful though as I had fully grown into my curves, leaving me with what could be described as a statusesque figure. Regardless, Mike kinda ruined college guys for me. I expected mind blowing sex but here I was with a pussy full of cum and a drunk guy passed out on top of me.

After that every time I saw a college guy I thought of Mike. I still wanted to get fucked, like really fucked; like porn star fucked but how can you tell the good ones from the shitty ones?

It was about a year after until I met your dad, a good one.

I was teaching a lesson… yes you read thatright. You see I’m a bit of a control freak and to be honest the Prof did not know what he was doing. So, I talked him into letting me do the lessons instead, he gets paid, I don’t waste my Monday afternoons, everyone wins.

So, there I was explaining to the class what I understand from the text, and there he was, front row, smiling his smile.

Now even though I didn’t want it to be, his smile was annoyingly distracting. It was beautiful, with his sculptured lips and dazzling jawline, but regardless he looked like some stuck-up kid who got everything. That pissed me off.

For the next hour he silently stared, and I did my best to stay focused, his eyes studying me from top to bottom; pausing at my curves every chance he got. While most girls would find this uncomfortable I found it Extremely arousing and by the end of the lesson I could swear I was dripping down my thigh.

As everyone rushed to get up and out as students usually do, he just sat there, staring as Igathered my books and paperwork.

Staying back wasn’t against the rules so I couldn’t exactly call him out, so I just kept doing my thing as he did his.


He said in this tone of superiority, or maybe that was just in my head; I don’t know, I was angry.

“Yah,” I said in different to whatever he had to say.

“I’m James.”

“Good for you.”

“Uh…huh…ok, so uh…where you from?”


“Around? Around where?”

“Nowhere you’d know.”

“You sure? I’ve been to a lot of places.”

“Wow, less than five minutes and you’re already boasting wealth.”

“No …that’s not…uh… I was just playing…”

“Well, good luck with that.” I said as I grabbed my bag and walked out as fast as I could, not only trying to get away from him but also cause my wet panties reminded me just how badly I needed to get to my dorm and get off. I hoped he wouldn’t follow but unsurprisingly…

“Look I’m not rich. I’m here on a scholarship just like you.”

“Too bad. A guy like you usually only has money to offer. Without that you’re pretty much useless to the world.” I said rather harshly. It wasn’t entirely his fault, I tend to get uptight when I’m horny

Though standing next to him made me reconsider for a second. He towered over me with a bulk that could only be described as threatening, His arms twice the size of mine and yet regardless of all these beautifully dangerous features including the extraordinary dazzling jaw line, his eyes carried a sort of gentleness to them-like all this beauty was a mask and if only you peered in a bit more you’d see a sort of beautiful soul waiting to be understood. This matched my own state of mind so perfectly it stunned me for a bit

“Nicole, what’s my full name?”


“I asked you what my name was.”

“How the hell would I know?”

“So, you don’t know my name, I’m assuming you don’t know where I come from, you don’t know my parents, my passwords, my dreams-you don’t know a single bloody thing about me yet here you are judging the crap out of me. How am I the villain in this scenario?”

He had a point. I had only seen him around campus once or twice with a girl around his arm or laughing at a joke with his boys, how could I possibly be so cruel enough to deem him unworthy? If someone judged me off my appear, they’d almost certainly be wrong.

I stopped.

“Fine, I’m sorry. It’s just a stressful afternoon.”

His slight scowl instantly turned to a smile.

“No biggie. I heard stress can be relieved with a good talk, maybe you and me can get coffee, have a conversation”

“Ahmm not so fast. I barely know you.”

“Exactly, let’s go and get to Know each other.”

Admittedly he was charming, that perpetual egotistic pretty boy smile on his face slowly growing on me but it was still a hard no until he turned the odds in his favorite.

“I’m sorry, but it’s a no.”

“Ok. What about this, tutor me?”

“You don’t need tutoring.”

“I think I’ll be the judge of that. You’re the one always having discussions and one on ones, how can you say no?”

He had a point. Due to my slightly anti-social demeanor, my social life usually composed of study sessions and discussion groups. I figured, if you’ve got nothing better to do, might as well focus on the important stuff.

“My God you’re relentless. If I do this, you need to promise me we will only study.”

“Sure, unless you get any other ideas.” He said with a deceptive smile.

“Ahmm, extremely unlikely. I know I’m gonna regret this but fine. Meet me at the library at 3:00.”

“Actually, I was thinking of the coffee shop over at Maple Street.”


“What! Why can’t we swap intelligence over a hot cup of Jo?”


“Well you’re late,” My best friend Jessica said in a mocking tone, laying on her bed in her red raced panties and a baggy sweater; her regular attire.

“I know. I had to deal with a bit of a nuisance.”


“Yap… James, you know him?”

“James Morrow? Damn, we have different definitions of that word.”

I rolled my eyes, that reaction towards James typical of girls.

“So what exactly did he want?”

“Uh, he asked me to tutor him. Well, he first asked me out then When I said no he asked me to tutor him.”

“James Morrow asked you out… and you said no!”

“Not my type.”

“Bitch at this point I’m convinced no one is your type.”

“You’re my type,” I said with an innuendo filled smile.

“Don’t change the subject.”

“Oh c’mon, he’s some stuck up pretty boy.”

“Emphasis on the words ‘Pretty boy’ He is absolutely gorg.”

“I like my men with a little more going on in their heads.”

“Didn’t he come first last semester?”

“Yeah that’s probably not the only place he cums first.” I whispered to myself “Ugh… look I just don’t think he’s right for me”

“I heard he’s got a huge dick, is that right enough for you?”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“Nicole!” Jessica said a stern face as she got up, walked to the desk on the side of my bed and pulled out my dildo. “We both know this isn’t cutting it anymore.”

“Yeah but that’s why we started exploring our sexuality together, Remember?” I said with another innuendo filled smile my mind set on only one thing, getting off.

“Exploring our sexuality? That’s what you’re calling it?”

“Yap, just two girls; best friends, rooms, exploring their options.” I said as I slowly pulled my skirt up, my wet panties coming into view as my eyes focused on hers

“Nicky, I thought that was a one-time thing.”

“Yah, and this is another one-time thing and hopefully we’ll have other one-time things in the future.”


“Oh, c’mon Jess don’t you dare act like you didn’t love it as much as I did. Stop over thinking it, it’s like masturbating… only we do it to each other.”

Jessica’s eyes roamed on me, hovering over my chest as I slowly unbuttoned my shirt-my eyes never leaving hers, hiding the desperate desire to cum behind my sexual extroversion.

Then I pulled out my last card, with a fake pout of my lips and cute baby voice… “Pwease Jess… Make your pet cum…”

With an evil smile, she throw the dildo in her hand on the desk, rushing to me and instantly ripping my panties off and burying her face between my legs.

Jess was what I referred to as a closet Dom, she loved power-the control over another human being’s body and emotions but chose submission instead, out of fear, out of a preference for simplicity.

You see not many guys of that day and age would let a woman boss them around, Therefore if she pursued her needs, she would end up, in her words: “Old and unmarried” ‘Women explore for eternity in the vast garden of sacrifice.’

This was how Ihad seduced her the first time I had the idea of ​​messing around with my best friend. I was unbelievably horny that day, the tension building from a particularly long lecture and unplanned discussion group I had right after. At that point I was very seriously considering grabbing the first guy I saw and humping the life out of him in a random bathroom stall but as lucky had it, I found Jess in her signature panties and sweater.


We’d had many discussions on sex before, I am her best friend after all, so I know all her indiscretions and secret pleasures of lust, I know that every sexual experience she’d ever had with a guy left her wanting, a man never being able to make her cum due to their lack of knowledge of her particular needs-so in that dire moment of mutual sexual need I pitched my idea.

“We’re both horny as hell, right? So… I have an Idea Jess, how about we… help each other out, just this once… I let you do whatever you want to me, Ibecomes your pet for a day. All you have to do is promise to make me cum.”

The look of shock on her face caught me off guard, her best friend asking her, becoming her to get her off.

Though after a while of personal contemplation even she couldn’t resist the temptation.

Just like now; with her tongue on my clip as she holds me down while I squirm for her. For a girl who’d never really entertained the possibility of a lesbian experience, she really know how to please a pussy, I guess women know what women want.

I watched as she buried her tongue in me and my aching orgasm slowly rising, her eyes never leaving my body as she took pleasure in seeing me shiver and moan for her, plead for her to make me cum… but Doms tend to be cruel…

Jess timed it perfectly, pulling off my pussy at the moment I feel like I was right at the edge- leaving me in an ageing state of almost, worse than when I came in. I guess I’m the one to blow for this misery really, what did I expect when I came to a Dominatrix for pleasure: they’re sadists.

“No…Don’t stop!”

“Mmmmm fuck I love to see you beg.”

“Please Jessica… I’m so close…”

“No. I have a better idea. No orgasm until you bring me James.”

“What? C’mon, be serious.”

“I am being serious, I’ve wanted to fuck the life out of that boy since I first laid eyes on him, and he clearly wants to fuck you, so you bring him here and cross my heart, I’ll make you cum whenever you want.”

“You’re the fucking devil.”

“Sweetie, you don’t know the half of it.”

And just like that James got the pussy he was craving, he just didn’t know it yet. So he spent the entire ‘tutoring session’ making flirtatious remarks and flashing that pretty smile of his whenever he could, and I let it him. Which girl doesn’t like to be flattered every once in a while!

It was amusing to watch him jump hoops. His jokes were admittedly entertaining, his compliments sweet and by the endof the night, if I wasn’t so proud, I would have admitted I had had a good time.

“So here we are,” He said as we approached my dorm room.

“Yap…thanks for walking me back.”

“Oh no problem, maybe next time we could go on an actual date.”

“No… I don’t think so.”

“Ouch, and I thought I was doing a good job.”

“Sorry sweetie, I just don’t want to date you.”

“Uh… Ok… Uh… well goodnight then… I guess.”


“Why! Why what?”

“Why are your leaving? Didn’t you do all this so you could fuck me?”


“James… are you seriously getting all shy on me now? Do you want to fuck me or not?”

“Uh… yeah…yah… hell yeah.”

“Ok then, one condition though, my room wants to get it on it too; non-negotiable.”

“Uh… that’s…” *cough**cough* “…that’s definitely not a problem.” he said, trying to feign confidence over his clearly overwhelming confusion of exactly what the fuck was happening.

“Good. C’mon in then.”

His face was priceless; the expression of shock, excitement and disbelieve coming together to form the look of a little boy in a candy store. When Jess saw him, she immediately licked her lips. He was putty in our hands, or so we thought.

James’ features had certain advantages to them; large size, chiseled bone structure, pretty face, these things attracted girls like bees and nectar. He was basically swimming in pussy, which means his level of experience far surpassed mine and Jess’s combined. So even though we felt like Queens with a peasant, he had a number of cards up his sleepe, by the end of the night he would have played them all- leaving us baffled; beaten and dripping. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.


“Hey, you must be the roommate.” He said while facing my bestie, taking in her body while she lay there in a bra and underwear, nothing more.

“Yap, I’m Jessica but you, sweet boy can call me Mistress.”


“Yap, tonight you’re mine; well, mine and Nicky’s but I own Nicky, so I guess that makes me head bitch.”


“Yap,” she said with her evil smile, “meaning when I tell you to jump, you jump, understand?”

“Uh…what is this?”

“Ugh you’re wasting my time. Nicole, take of your clothes for me.”

I knew what she was doing, her pursuit of a fantasy she’d had ever since she could masturbate, she wanted him to be hers; to follow her commands and worship at her feet- that intoxicating feeling of power, it’s addictive and she wanted a taste. How could I deny her that? He wanted me, and in her words, I was “owned” so I obliged.

I turned around slowly, desperately showing off my curves, swaying with each step. Reaching back, I pulled my braids up I then grabbed the zip at my neck, pulling it down and letting the fabric part. I shimmied out of the bunched-up dress, my ass moving from left to right as I pushed it off of my hips, steppingout of it when it hit the floor.

“Damn,” He whispered, and damn was right, I looked good. My skin tight black mini dress pulled his leering gaze from the moment I walked into that coffee shop, and the lingerie I wore under it taking his full attention now. I’m not entirely sure why I tried so hard, it was already obvious he was interested, plus it was just a tutoring session after all, right? Anyway, it did the trick.

“I’m yours,” He said breathlessly to Jessica, his eyes never blinking as he studied every curve of my body. God, I love it when they stare.

“Excellent,” Jessica said with a smile “get on your knees for me.”

He hesitated, tapping his finger on his thigh and biting his lip almost like he was weighing his options but with another glance at me standing There in my lacy black bra and panties- the brown hue of my skin completed by the hue of the fabric, my curves jutting out and filling the cups of my bra, stretching the elastic of my panties, he wason the ground in no time.

Jess stood up from the bed, dawning a satisfied look as she swayed with each step, pronouncing her breasts as they jiggled with every move.

She dipped her fingers into his hair, her crotch right in front of his face as she grabbed a fist of his locks and pulled his head back, his eyes now meeting her.

She licked her lips again, slowly dropping to a squat. Their eyes never leaving each other as she lowered herself to his level, hands still intertwined in his black curls.

“You are so much prettier in person.”

“Thank y…”

*Smack* The sound of her left hand meeting his cheek, interrupting his response.

“Don’t speak unless I tell you to.”

He looked like he was on the verge of lashing back, his eyes stern while he gritted his teeth but with an exhaust he showed restraint, a response I assume made Jess’s panties soaked.

“Mmmm,” she moaned. “Good boy, for that I’ll give a little gift.” She said as she kissed him.

She rose to her feet, turning to me with her grin and said, “Nicky sweetie take off your panties.”

It’s an odd feeling; submission, the relinquishing of all power to someone else. You cease to be yourself, your thoughts becoming irrelevant, your emotions much of the same. I was Jessica’s submissive, I had chosen to be as a result of my own sexual need, my own sexual curiosity. It’s an odd feeling, but definitely a satisfied one.

I dipped my fingers into the hem of my panties, sliding them down with the single downward movement of hands, willingly exposing myself to a man I’d only met on that day. The choice to do so not even my own; it was exhilarating.

“Tie his hands with them.” She said to me. I picked the laced undergarment from the ground and walked towards James. I took my time, watching him as his eyes never living my crotch, his mouth wide open, an exclamation to his gaze.

I tied his arms behind his back as Jess grabbed at his hair once more, pulling him to his feet once I was done and dragging him to the bed like his locks were a leash.

She throw him onto the bed, the imbalance in his step due to the restrains making Jess physically superior to him, regardless of his imposing mass and height.

I could see it, in this moment she felt like a god.

“Sweetie,” she said while slowly turning her face to me. James bound on her bed, his face expressing frustration and rage that made even me think twice. “I never let you cum before, here’s your chance, his tongue is waiting.”


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