Wendy Needs A Whipping

The day dawned cool and clear but Wendy could not see it for the beauty it beheld. You see, Wendy had a problem. She was the biggest, mouthiest bitch ever to step foot on campus. She never had a nice thing to say to anyone, for any reason. It soon got to the point where her friends hated her as much as the other students in the small college she attended.

On this particular day, Wendy’s friends: Sylvie and Pam had had quite enough of Wendy’s incessant complaining. They took it upon themselves to teach their friend a lesson in manners. And it started out quite innocently enough.

“Oh my God! Can you believe what that trashy whore is wearing today?” Wendy looked over at her friend Pam, who was blushing slightly and shaking her head.

“Damn, Wendy, why do you have to be super bitch every day?” Wendy’s friend Sylvie spoke up.

“You say the most hateful things about people and then have the nervous to wonder why no one likes you.”

“Well, I must not be too bad, you both still talk to me.” was Wendy’s nasty reply as usual.

“Maybe we still do but that will change one day or you will.” was Pam’s soft reply. Of course, that pissed Wendy off to no end, so she flounced away to pout.

Sylvie looked at Pam. “I think it’s time to teach wicked Wendy some manners.” Pam slowly grinned and nodded, an evil grin on her chubby choir girl’s face.

The night was dark, the room darker still when wendy was yanked forcibly from her slumber by her long red hair. “Get up, you bitch.” Wendy tried to fight but got no where. Two strong pairs of arms and hands controlled her quite well. Tugging her to a low black leather stool, her unknown attackers, bent her over it and tied her hands in front of her, attaching the rope to the heavy black leather couch which sat about 5 feet away from the stool.

Next, Wendy’s nightgown was cut off of her and used to tie her feet together. A voice whispered in her ear; “All right bitch we about to give you the ass whipping you deserve.” Wendy

opened her mouth to scream and had her own dirty underwear shoved in her mouth. Then she heard the sound of leather snicking across the floor.

The sound “whoosh” and then fire across her pussy. She screamed but it only came out as a tough cry. Once more, “whoosh” and then singing pain again. The smacks came faster and harder, but it soon got to the point where The pain was subsumed behind a firey rush of pleasure. Wendy began raising her ass , aiming towards the smacks, whimpering and crying. Then, unmercifully the smacks stopped.

“Oh, you like that a little too much. How bout this one?” a different voice whispered in her ear. Then the sound of liquid was heard and then felt, rubbing alcohol poured upon her wounds. The pain was so intense she passed out.

An unknown amount of time passed before she awoke, the feel of soft lips sucking on her pussy. A teasing tongue found it’s way into her cream, licking slowly up and down. An integernse orgasm wrapped her, shaking her entire body from head to toe. She lay there drenched, drained, completely empty. Once more there was a whisper.

“You can catch more flies with honey. We know how to get you and where to find you. There will be no more bitch modes from you. You will go out of your way to be nicer to people. And if you don’t, we will know and we will find you. And next time we won’t be so nice.”

The next day, Wendy met her friends by the cafeteria. “Hey, ya’ll how you feeling today?”

Pam spoke up, “Pretty good but what was all the ruckus last night in your room?”

Wendy smiled. “Let’s just say my consciousness got the better of me. And, of course, if I do begin to backslide I am quite sure my consciousness will kick my ass again.”


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