Wendy Gains Power

After she finished her bath, Wendy dressed in a loose sweat suit without any underwear. She waited to for her brother Ted to return home so she could report how she had been abused by his friend Norm and also Norm’s cousin, Barbara. The phone rang. When Wendy answered it, there was a moment of silence; then a weak, but still recognize voice spoke.

“Please don’t hang up, Wendy; it’s me, Norm.”

“What do you want, you creep,” Wendy replied. “I’m sitting here waiting for Ted to get back from work. Maybe you should use this time to leave town.”

“Please, Wendy, listen to me. Barbara and her family have already gone away. They told my parents an emergency came up. They’re gone, all of them. Barb and her family started this whole business, and I… uh… just got caught up in it. I couldn’t help myself… and… I st-started… t-to… l-like it.”

Wendy could hear his voice breaking up until she was hearing sobs coming from the phone. She was without goal after the treatment she had received from Norm and Barbara. She did, however, enjoy the cringing, service tone in Norm’s voice. She listened as he whimpered and begged once again for a reprieve.

“Wendy,” he while. “I’ll show you. My parents are going out tomorrow for most of the day. If you come over, I’ll let you do whatever you want, but, please, don’t tell your brothers or anyone else what I did.”

“I’d have to be crazy to be alone with you,” Wendy shouted angrily into the telephone. “You are just looking for an opportunity to get me in your power and take your revenge for what I did to you.”

“No, please, Wendy,” Norm begged. “It’s the other way around; I want to be in YOUR power. I want to be your slave.”

“What!” Wendy exclaimed. You want to be MY slave? You must be so whacked out, you jerk.” Even as she denounced the idea, Wendy was attracted to it. He seemed to be truthful, if she could believe his obsequious tone. Maybe this could lead to some fun. She had actually liked him until that afternoon’s events.

“Wendy, it’s the only way for me; I don’t just like it; I NEED it,” he mumbled. “Please, give me a chance, one chance, and I’ll show you. You won’t be sorry, please.”

Wendy, growing up with two older brothers, always felt that she was the lowest on the family totem pole. It did not matter how well she was treated; she Always feel inferior to her brothers and her parents. In her own mind she was the underdog. Even on her dates she usually feel subordinate to her boyfriends. Usually she realized that this belief was irrational and unsupported by any facts. Now she was faced with a chance to be the boss, the mistress, the order-giver, the top dog. “When and where?” she asked calmly.

“Come to my house at noon. You will see right away that I am since. I’ll prove it to you. My parents will be gone, and you can do as you please.”

Wendy slowly pulled up to Norm’s house a few minutes before noon the next day. She was ready toAccelerate away quickly if she saw anything suspicious during her survey. As her car stopped in front of the driveway, Norm stepped out of the shrubbery by the rear of his house. He was nude and had chains linking his hands and ankles. When he saw Wendy had seen this spectacle, he tossed a key down along the pavement towards her. She pulled forward a few feet and parked. Checking once again for the pepper spray and the short metal pipe in her pockets, Wendy got out of her car. She could deal with him if he tried anything.

When she reached the key, she bent over and picked it up. “We’ll stay out of the house for a while, slimeball,” Wendy said. “I want to hear more of your pathetic explanation. Go around behind the house.”

“Yes, mistress,” he mumbled, his head hanging down. She watched as he waddled slowly away from her. Wendy observed that he wasn’t faking; he had chained himself so tightly that he could barely walk. She was still worried about the slack in the arm chains. He might be able to throw a loop around her and tough her or drag her into some hellhole.

“Is this all right, mistress,” he asked obviously as he stood in the grass behind the house.

“Yes, slimeball, stand there now.” Wendy looked around and noticed a stick as thick as a finger lying in the grass a few feet away. She picked it up and waved it around so that it made a swimming sound in the air. “Bend over, slimeball,” she said. Norm bent over. She gave him several moderately hard wacks on his bare ass.

“Thank you, mistress,” Norm cried out at each sharp swipe.

When she was done, Wendy ordered Norm to turn around. As he turned, she could see that his penis had enlarged somewhat and was angled out from his body.

“Jerk off, slimeball,” she directed. “I want to see you do yourself.”

One hand immediately wrapped around his cock, and he began to wank himself first to full erection and finally to ejaculation. Wendy watched Norm’s face as it contorted more and more as he came closer to his climax. He sawed in relief as he squirted white strings of cum onto the grass.

“Very good, slimeball; now lick it all up. Don’t miss any.” She had been rather impressed with the size of Norm’s swollen prick. It was really too bad that he was such a weird pervert. Making him come should take some of the steam out of him, Wendy thought.

Norm ponderously lowered himself to the ground, cleaning and straining his chains, and systematically moved from spot to spot, licking up his semen. He didn’t miss a single drop.

“Was that good, you piece of filter?”

“Yes, mistress, it was very good. Thank you so much.”

“Explain yesterday to me, slimeball.”

“Your brother mentioned that he had seen you naked and that you teased him with your tits at breakfast. I told Barbara… my cousin, and she said we should get you alone and punish you for being a slut… I didn’t use that word; she said it. Then, when Ted had to go to work, we knew we had a chance. Barbara told me what to do and say. She and her parents have been telling me what to do and say all week, and I must always follow their orders.”

“What was happening with the parents?” Wendy asked.

“They brought all those sex toys that you saw, and they used them on me and on each other. Wendy and her mom are dominant females and her dad and I were submissive males,” Norm explained. “I had never heard of this stuff before, but it filled a big void, like something I had always been missing in my life. It was very strange; I was suffering, but at the same time, I never felt so much pleasure. I went along with it because I liked it so much. I felt sick afterwards, the first few times, but after that…”

“You are a sick, disgusting piece of shit, Norm!” Wendy shouted. “What happened after I left yesterday?”

“I walked to another cabin and used the telephone. My aunt and uncle came out, packed up their junk, and left with my cousin. They dropped me off.”

“No, slimeball,” Wendy said. “What happened right after I left you two?”

“Barbara cut herself loose and then unlocked me.”

“And then…” Wendy said. “Tell me the truth.”

“We did it, just as you said. Barbara and I fucked.”

Wendy laughed. “You two are so pathetic,” she said. “I bet it was up her tight, little ass too, wasn’t it?”

“Yes, that’s how it finally ended up,” Norm mumbled humbly. He smiled faintly and said with some enthusiasm. “Look on the back steps; I bought something this morning for you to use.”

Wendy carefully backed away from him a few steps and then walked over to the porch. On the top step were a dog collar and a leash. The collar was decorated with metal stus. She picked up the collar and leash and returned to Norm.

“These are so nice,” she said sarcastically.

Norm missed her tone. “Yes,” he said enthusiastically, “I took my time this morning and picked them out especially for us. They were expensive, but well worth it. Quality is so important.”

Well isn’t that so sweet, Wendy thought. What a fucking lunatic! “Yes, slimeball, they’re beautiful,” she replied, not trying to conceal her sarcasm. She walked around behind him and put the collar around his neck. She felt like making it really tight until he choked, but relented so that she could amuse herself further. She attached the leash.

“Thank you, mistress.”

Wendy looked down at Norm’s butt. The red marks were still quite apparent from the caning. She pulled on the leash and made Norm hobble around the yard after her while she surveyed the area. His neighborhood was composed of a few houses located rather far apart. Everything would be very private. She was now determined to have fun, but she knew not to let her guard down.

“What would you like to do next, slimeball?” Wendy asked. “You owe me big for what he did to me yesterday.”

“I want to lick your feet, mistress, if a may.”

Wendy led Norm over to a wooden lawn chair. “Lie down,” she ordered. When he was down on his stomach, she sat and put her hand into her pocket on the pepper spray. “OK, slimeball, get to work.” Norman pulled himself forward and began unlacing her walking shoes. He removed her socks and inched forward so that his face was over her bare feet. Wendy felt his wet tongue began to lick, but it was so light that it was tickling her. “Harder,” she ordered.

Norm cleaned each foot with his tongue and mouth. He licked between each toe; he sucked each toe for several minutes as he laved it with his tongue; and he thoroughly swabbed the tops and bottoms of each foot. When he finished with the second foot, the first was dry, and he put her sock and shoe on. He blew on the second to dry it and also restored that sock and shoe. She felt Another wetness; it was between her thighs.

“Thank you, mistress,” he murmured softly.

“By the way, slimeball,” Wendy asked, “what were you going to do if Ted had comeAlong with us yesterday.”

“Mistress, we would have hiked and picnicked, enjoyed good, clean fun.”

“I thought you said that Barbara wanted you two creeps to get me alone.”

“My aunt and uncle were planning to stay longer. We would have invited you up another time,” Norm explained.

“What was going to prevent me from having you all arrested?”

“You would never have done that; you would have liked it, mistress.” Norm answered blandly. “Barbara saw that you were one of us.”

Wendy noticed that Norm seemed to have a ready answer for everything. He really believed, it seemed, that she would have gone along with him and his weird family. How could anyone enjoy such nonsense? She was not one of these cuckoo birds, that’s for sure. She noticed a hook on the side of the garage, and rose to lead Norm over to it.

“Wrap the chain between your wrists around that hook, slimeball,” Wendy ordered. Norm did it. “Now, lift your feet off the ground and just hang thee.” Again Norm did as she asked; his weight hung by the metal cuffs around his wrists. Wendy watched for a couple of minutes and saw that Norm’s face was becoming pale. He must be in great pain with the cuffs digging into his skin, pressing on the bones of his hands and wrists. What was she doing to this wretched pervert? She heard him moan softly through gritted teeth. This was becoming too much.

“Norm! Put your feet on the ground right now!” she shouted. She ran over to him and examined the shadows. Big red dents cut into each wrist. “Norm, did this hurt you? Why didn’t you say something?”

“It’s ok, mistress; I didn’t mind it, and I deserve to be punished.”

Wendy took the key from her pocket and unlocked all the femaleters, allowing the chains to drop to the ground. She rubbed Norm’s wrists and saw him wince at her touch. “Come on, Norm, let’s go inside your house and put some ice on you.” She led him by his lean into the house. Wendy took a pot out of a cupboard andemptied an ice tray into it. She filled it with water and made Norm sit at the kitchen table with his hands in the ice water.

“Mistress, you shouldn’t be doing this,” Norm mumbled meekly. “I need to serve you.” He kept his eyes lowered, humbly.

“I’m ordering you to shut up and ice your hands, Norm. Now, does that satisfy your need to be submissive?” He mumbled his assent. “Tell me, was Barbara really going to be a slave for an hour yesterday?”

“No, probably not, she never had before,” Norm answered. “Barbara never is submissive. Maybe she was going to make me do an extra hour, her hour.”

Wendy sat there looking at Norm as he soaked his hands. He was a handsome guy, well built, and nicely muscled, but this submissiveness! She enjoyed making him do things, and she understand that she had power over him, maybe too much power. She had been so attracted to him before the events of the past few days, but it seemed to be spoiled now. Maybe not, she thought; she enjoyd making him do things, but if she toned everything down a little…

“Mistress, may I have a drink?”

Her last thought lingering in her mind, Wendy answered, “Sure, Norm, what would you like? I’ll get it, and from now on you don’t need to ask for a drink or to go to the bathroom, or anything else like that, OK? And another thing; I want you to stop calling me ‘mistress’ except when you know you need to say it.”

“M-mist… uh, Wendy, I should serve you,” he protested, but she had already risen and opened the refrigerator. She poured some lemonade into two glasses and put one in front of him. She sat down and watched him gulp down the drink as she sipped at her own. She poured him some more, and he drank more slowly. Wendy put down her glass and began to unbutton her blouse. Norm’s eyes grew wider when he saw she was not wearing a bra. She lifted herself off the chair and slide her shorts down she legs. Norm’s penis began to swell. Wendy knew that the crotch of her panties was wet and that Norm could probably see her pussy through the thin, translated fabric.

“What do you think, Norm?”

“Oh god, Wendy, I think… you are so beautiful!”

“Didn’t you ever notice that I’m a rather cute girl before now?

“I suppose so, but I was afraid to say or do anything.”

“Would you like to see some more?”

“Oh yes, please.”

Wendy slide her panties down her legs and drew a chair closer to Norm. She feel like a lion player entering the cage without her defending weapons handy, but she was assured by Norm’s previous actions that he was really submissive to her. Wendy lifted one leg up and put her foot on the seat of the chair. Norm’s eyes were bulging as his eyes ran over her body.

“Down on the floor, slave,” she ordered. Norm slide out of his chair and groveled on the floor, but could not help but to fix his eyes on her gaping cunt. “Start licking my pussy, you service wimp.”

“Yes, mistress,” Norm gasped weakly. He pushedhis face into her wet pussy and began to lick her, first tenatively, but soon boldly, swiping her crack with his tongue. Wendy leaned over and gathered in the lean. She gave it a gentle jerk.

“Faster! Harder! Deeper!” she cried out.

Norm mumbled something unintelligible, but obeyed. As he assaulted her with his lips and tongue, Wendy had to brace herself by grabbing his head and Shoulders. He began to rub a finger along her perineum. Wendy closed her eyes and moaned loudly as she experienced the best cunt licking she had ever felt. Norm never paused for a second; he kept delving his tongue into her. Then a finger slipped into her and massed her internally. A flood of pleasure washed over Wendy.

“Ooooooooooooooooooooooo,” she cried out in a primary howl. “Ohhhhhh myyyy goddd!” she finally shrieked. She was becoming dizzy and dug her fingers in Norm. At last, Wendy screamed, “Stop, stop, I can’t take it any more!” The pleasure slowly began to abate. And her mind communced to function again.

She didn’t want to come down all the way. Norm was looking up at her with an amazing look on his face. “Was that good, mistress?” he whispered.

“Yes, slave, it was all right,” Wendy conceded. “Bend over the table; I need to chastise you some more. She quickly moved the glasses and ice bucket out of the way and picked up a wooden spoon from a counter. Wendy gave Norm’s ass I brief examination. The marks of her caning were almost gone, but she was determined to replace them with something new. She paddled his butt with the wooden spoon until each chef had a nice pink glow on it. She enjoyed each stroke.

“Now sit on the chair, slave.” Norm obeyed and sat with his big, thick cock jutting up. Wendy straddled him and lowered herself down, feeding his price into her wet twat until she was seated firmly in his lap. She placed her feet on the chair runs and began to lift herself up and down. Norm’s cock slide in and out.

“Fuck me, pig,” she yelled.”FUCK ME HARD!”

Norm began pistoning pushing himself upward, matching Wendy’s rhythm. The chair began to creak and bounce around the floor. The size of Norm’s cock and her spanking his ass added to the excitement of fucking in the chair, something Wendy had always wanted to do. Norm began to grunt with his effort, and Wendy was gasping for breath as she humped up and down over his fat cock.

“I need to come, mistress,” Norm while.

“No, not yet, slave!” Wendy grunted. “Faster, deeper, harder,” she cried out as she felt a twinge growing inside her. She yanked on his chain to distract him, and she felt her own climax begin. “Ohhhhh… myyyyyy…. godddddd!” she yelled as she came again. She felt her vagina lock around Norm’s cock.

“Ohhhhh, mistress… I can’t help it,” Norm moaned as he began to squirt huge spurts of cum into Wendy’s dripping twat. She was amazed at how many spasms she felt as Norm flooded her pussy with his sperm, especially after making him releas his semen less than an hour before.

They both sat there catching their breath and allowing their sweat to cool down their bodies. The decreasing pressure inside her pussy told Wendy that Norm’s cock was wilting, and she felt his semen oozing from her dripping cunt. This had been the best fuck, Wendy thought, that she had ever had, and that pussy eating! Damn that Barbara for being right about her liking This dominance and subservice crap! No one needed to know the nature of their relationship, if she started dating Norm; he seemed to want to keep it a big secret. She would not be ashamed to be seen with him in public; he was a good-looking guy, and in private, she could make him do whatever she wanted.

“Norm, you service toad, I feel grubby; I need a bath.”

“Yes, mistress, follow me, Please.”

Norm led her to a large deep bathtub and began running warm water into it. He added some redolent smelling salts and stirred the water with his hand.

“Your bathis ready, mistress,” he murmured meekly. “Please step into the water and tell me if it is to your liking.”

Wendy stepped into the tub. The water needed to be warmer. “Add more hot water, serf,” she commanded. This was quite amusing. “And get into the tub and wash me off; be quick about it.”

Norm got in and increased the flow from the hot water tap. He began to wash off Wendy’s body with a soft washcloth as she lay in the warm, fracture water, luxury under his ministers. “Get me some more lemonade, churl,” she said.

Wendy lay there soaking, sipping her drink, enjoying the new relationship with her fine, submissive stud. Every wish she expressed was rapidly actualized by Norm as he sprang first here and then there to fulfill it. Wendy feel content flood through her body. This was the life!


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