“I’d love to be your booby-bammer.” I replied.
I continued staring at Joan’s ample tits, as they slowly returned to their normal color. I was still tremendously turned on by what had just happened, and due to helping pull her downward to increase her own pleasure, I had forgone mine. I began jerking off once again, as I kept my eyes glued to her magnificent mams.
“Oh Jack!” she exclaimed. “I’m so sorry! How selfish of me! Here, let me help you with that. Lay down on the carpet and let me finish it for you.”
I nodded and lay on my back, on the plus floor covering. Joan straddled me as if to ride me, but instead gripped my penis firmly in her fist and began pumping it. I reached up and played with her tits, squeezing and kneeing them in my hands, and it wasn’t long before I shot a thick load over my head. It traveled for several feet before hitting the wall behind me, and slowly running down the painted drywall.
“Wow,” Joan marveled, “I’d like to feel that shoot inside of my cunt that hard.”
“It’s a different kind of stimulation so it won’t be quite as impressive as that,” I explained, “but you’ll still feel it, I promise.”
“Mmm,” she responded, “I can’t wait. There is so much I want you to do to me, Jack. I want you to punish my tits. Will you?”
“I will do whatever you want me to, as long as it isn’t dangerous.” I replied. “No choking or erotic asphyxiation of any kind, okay?”
“That’s fair.” she said. “I’m not into that anyway. I just love feeling pain in my titties. It makes me cum so much harder. I don’t know how to explain it, but it just does. I know you think I’m some kind of a freak.”
“Not really.” I said with a shrug, as I stood back up. “We all have some odd things that turn us on. Personally, I’d love to see you hanging by your tits every day. I’d really get off on it.”
“Maybe you can.” Joan responded slyly. “I’m looking for a master. A strong-willed man to tell me what to do and make me do it.A man who won’t hesitate to punish me when I’m bad, or to humiliate me whenever he wishes to. Most of all, a man to viciously molest my titles and get me off. I can’t explain it, but that’s what I want. I like you, Jack. I hope you’re the one that finally comes though for me; no pun intended.”
“I’ll give it my best shot then.” I responded. “No pun intended either. I’ll do my best, but keep in mind; I’m new at this so if I cross the line or even get close, we need a safe word, okay?”
“How about ‘banana?’” she suggested. “It’s not too commonly used in general conversation.”
“I heard somewhere, that’s the most common safe word people use.” I laughed. “How ironic.”
“It is.” Joan agreed. “It just popped into my head.”
I reached out and squeezed her tits; massaging them to help increase the blood flow to both her boobs and my dick. They felt wonderful in my hands.
“Do they hurt?” I inquired.
Joan shook her head.
“Surprisingly, no. I mean thee’s a slight soreness because of the stretching, but nothing I would feel unless I touched them.” she replied.
“Would you like me to stop squeezing them then?” I asked.
“Not at all!” she exclaimed. “It feels good.”
She paused for a moment, and then continued.
“Would you like a drink or something?” she inquired. “We could watch some TV or sit outside in the back yard. It’s private. I told you I love being nude outside, so I have a fence with bushes on the inside. No one can see me laying nude in the sun by the pool, or swimming nude, or mowing the lawn without any clothes on, or just laying out and masturbating to my heart’s content.”
“Sounds good to me!” I agreed enthusiastically. “You also said you were bi. I’d love to hear more about that too. Do you have a girlfriend?”
“Sort of, but nothing steady.” Joan answered. “She comes over sometimes and we have some fun, but she won’t hurt me. She kind of likes being hung by her boobies too, so maybe the three of us could do something sometimes, if you’d like. I think she’d like you, and she’s looking for a steady boyfriend too. We just haven’t gotten too involved yet, because we really want a polymorphous relationship. We both need to fall in love with the same guy before we fall in love with each other, if that makes sense.”
“It does.” I replied. “What’s she like? Does she like being nude outdoors too?”
“She LOVES being nude ALL the time!” Joan giggled. “She’ll even strip in the park if no one is around. She wants to get knocked up too. Imagine you getting both of us pregnant at the same time, Jack.”
“That would be nice,” I agreed, “but spreading it out would be even better. There would be more to share. Either way though, it would be wonderful.”
“Yes it would.” she concurred. “Want me to call her?”
“Not yet, if that’s okay.” I responded. “I’d like to have you all to myself this weekend. Let’s make sure we’re a good fit first. If we are, then we can add herto the mix if you don’t mind.”
“Not at all.” Joan answered. “That’s fair. I was just kind of hoping we could maybe grill out tomorrow so you could meet her…”
“Okay!” I laughed. “Stop twisting my arm. What’s she looks like?”
“Blonde hair with invisible glasses, and a pair of really firm and round knockers. All natural. She’s really cute. Her name is Celeste, and you’ll love her, I promise.”
“I’m sure I will. Why don’t we pour those drinks and go outside?” I suggested. “I’d love to see your back yard.”
“We can take a dip in the pool too, if you’d like.” Joan suggested as well. “Have you ever gone swimming naked before?”
“Oh yes.!” I exclaimed. “It feels great with the water flowing around Parts of you that normally don’t feel the water. I tied a rope to a tree and waded out into a flooded creek one time. The water was flowing so hard around my dick and my balls, it made me cum. It felt terrific!”
“Wow,” Joan responded, “I might have to try thatSometimes; if I can find a secluded, flooded creek that is.”
“It was behind my ex girlfriend’s house.” I explained. “She was at work and the water had risen to the point it was out of the woods and into the yard. I just had to try it and see what it was like.”
“Seems like you have a few weird things that get you off too. I think we’re going to be a good fit for each other. C’mon, let’s go upstairs and fix us some tasty adult beverages!” she urged. “I want to get tipsy with you, Jack. Then, I want you to fuck me on an air mattress right there in the back yard.”
Having no reason to dispute any of those suggestions, I followed her up to the kitchen to see what she had in mind regarding tasty adult beverages. On the counter alongside the refrigerator, were a few bottles of vodka, bourbon and gin.
“What’s your poison, Jack?” Joan inquired.
“Depends.” I replied. “Whatcha got in the fried?”
“Have a look.” she responded.
“Vodka’s pretty easy to mix with just about anything.” I offered, as I opened the door. “Orange juice, soda, KoolAid; you name it.”
Just then, I spied a container of whipping cream on the shelf.
“Would you by any chance have any hot cocoa mix?” I inquired.
“Sure, right above your head in the cupboard,” she responded, “why?”
“The thing I don’t like about white Russians is that they’re made with Kahlua.” I explained. “I hate coffee, but I like the concept.”
“Me too, on both accounts.” Joan agreed. “What did you have in mind?”
“Let me surprise you.” I said with a smile. “I think you’ll like this.”
“I think I know where this is going,” she smiled back, “and it sounds awesome.”
I mixed up a serving of hot cocoa using lukewarm water. It was just enough to dissolve everything without being hot, and it was more than enough for a pair of chocolate creams. Too bad she didn’t have a bottle of butter shots. That would have been perfect; butter rum candy in a glass!
AnotherThought hit me though, and I decided to poke around her cabinets. To my delight, I found a small bottle of pure almond extract, and added a few shakes to each glass and stirred it all together. I presented one to Joan, and we toasted, before taking a sip.
“Holy shit, Jack!” she exclaimed. “This is good! Chocolate almond cream; I love it!”
“Don’t drink it too fast Though,” I cautioned, “or else we won’t be able to make any more of our fans come true.”
“Good point.” she agreed. “Come on, let’s go outside and enjoy the day!”
I followed her out the sliding glass doors in the living room and into her back yard. It was much larger than I expected; at least an acre, and it was all fenced in and completely private. You could have a swinger party out there and no one would even know.
“This is great, Joani!” I exclaimed. “I had no idea you had so much room, and a pool too!”
“Told you, you’d like it.” she said with a grin. “Wanna take a dip?”
“In thepool or in you?” I inquired. “Because both sound pretty good.”
Joan laughed.
“Both. But for now, I mean the pool.” she responded. “I like the way you think, though.”
I followed her into the pool, and the cool water enveloped us in a weightless, buoyant medium. The drinks were apparently stronger than I realized, as I felt like I was flying, as I swam around the pool with my new love. We met in the middle and embedded, exchanging a very nice kiss as well.
“I could see us doing this every day.” Joan said wildly.
“Me too.” I said in agreement. “There are so many fansies I think you could help me realize. The title hanging was just the beginning. Public nudity, a threesome; even maybe getting you pregnant if it works out between us.”
“That would be the crown jewel, Jack.” she replied. “If things work out like I think they will, I’d love to have your baby.”
We both smiled at each other and kissed again.
“I want to hang you by the tits again,” I whispered in her ear, “and this time, I want to fuck you while you’re hanging. Put your legs around my waist and lay back. Let me fuck you and cum in your cunt while your tits turn purple.”
“Mmm, you naughty boy, Jack.” Joan said with an evil grin. “You know what I want. I’m glad you want it too.”
“Oh, I do.” I stated. “If you’ll invite me to stay for dinner, maybe I can inflict some real pain on those titles of yours later on, too.”
“I’d love that.” Joan whispered. “I’m a great cook, Jack. I’ll make some real fettuccine chicken Alfredo from scratch if you’d like.”
“Sounds scrumptious,” I responded, “just like you.”
We frolicked around in the pool for a half hour or so, before I started Feeling a little frisky again. I fondled Joan’s tits and squeezed them firmly.
“Ready to hang from these beautys again?” I inquired. “I am so ready to fuck you, Joani.”
She nodded, and we exited the pool and headed down into the cooling of the basement.Once again, she began the laborious task of tying her tits up so that she could hang from them. I love breast suspension, and having a kinky chick like her who adored dangling by her boobs was absolutely incredible. After several minutes, she smiled and nodded, indicating she was finished. She stood on the chair and placed the rope loop over the hook on the end of the chain, and slowly dropped until her tits were taking the full weight of her body. I moved the chair back several inches so she could hang freely, and it also allowed me to stand on it so I could fuck her at a comfortable height.
Joan placed her feet around my wait so they met under my ass, and I slid my cock into her waiting cunt. It was wonderful! The sight of her stretching tits turning purple as I fucked her was such a turn on. I don’t think it took more than three or four minutes before I feel an incredibly powerful orgasm building in my prostate. It contracted, sending waves of pleasure through my loins, as semen spurted from my cock and filled her cunt. After I was finished squirting inside of her, she pulled back and relaxed, hanging freely by her tits once again, as cum dribbled out of her cunt and fell to the carpet below. I moved the chair back, so she could unhook herself, and she grinned at me.
“That was so fucking incredible, Jack!” she burst out. “Oh my god, I loved that! I want to do it again!”
“Me too.” I agreed. “Maybe that can be one of our favorite positions. I just wish it didn’t take so long for you to tie your boobs up like that.”
“I know,” she said wildly, “but that’s the price we’ll have to pay, I guess.”
“I suppose.” I sawed.
I watched as she slowly untied her tits and let the blood flow back into them once again. They returned to their normal color, but left red marks where the rope had been.
“If you keep doing that, the breast tissue will completely break down.” I observed. “They’ll be so soft and saggy. Wow! What a turn on!”
Joan chuckled at my remark.
“I’m glad I turn you on, Baby.” she responded. “I can’t wait to experience new things with you. Come on, let’s take a shower and get cleaned up, and I’ll start dinner, okay?”
“Sounds good to me!” I excusiastically.
We spent way too much time in the shower, soaping each other up and making sure each other was cleaned beyond clean. The hot water finally ran out, and Joan turned the shower off.
“So much for that.” she noted. “I’ll have to turn the setting on the water heater up if we’re going to do this on a regular basis.”
We toweled off and neglected to put any clothes on; instead deciding to spend the rest of our time together in the buff. Joan showed me how to mix shredded Parmesan cheese, butter and cream to melt on the stove to make the Alfredo sauce. Then, she boiled the fettuccine and heated some grilled chicken strips in the microwave. It took about an hour to fix, but it was delicious! It didn’t take much tofill us, and we decided to watch some TV while it settled.
“That was the real deal!” I exclaimed. “I haven’t had that in a long time. Thank you, Joani. It was absolutely scrumptious.”
We snuggled up on the couch, and she flipped through the channels until she found the adult pay per views.
“Knocked Up and Gorgeous 3.” she observed. “How’s that sound?”
“Sounds good to me!” I agreed.
We settled in to watch the video, and it wasn’t long before I found myself aroused again. I was ready for some sort of orgasmic release, but I wanted to inflict some real pain on Joani’s tits first. After that wonderful dinner, she certainly deserved it. She reached into my lap and made a positive sound as she grabbed some wood.
“Are you ready to go back downstairs?” she inquired.
“Mmm-hmm.” I replied. “Are you ready for some pain in those titles of yours?”
“Oh yes!” she asserted. “Definitely, Jack!”
“I was thinking maybe a little punching bag practice.” I suggested. “You could lean over and I can bat them around like little Everlast speed bags while you get yourself off.”
“That’s up my alley.” she agreed. “We can work into the heavier and more painful stuff later on, as we get to know each other better. I really do want you to stomp my titles, Jack. And smoke them with a mallet, and I want you to nail them down too. That’s the ultimate, I think; having my titles nailed to that table. Maybe pour some hot wax on them too.”
“We have plenty of time to experiment.” I noted. “As we do get to know each other more, we can work into it. You have to understand though, that although I care about you a great deal, this is the first time I’ve ever been asked to do this, so it’s a bit difficult. I’m not used to inflicting pain on someone I care about.”
Joan nodded.
“I do understand, Jack.” she replied. “It means a great deal to me, for you to open up like this, but to also do what I ask you to do to me, even if it hurtsyou to do it. I know it’s not easy for you.”
“It isn’t,” I agreed, ” but I know how much you like it, so I guess that’s the impetus for me. Lean over and put your hands on the table.”
Joan did as she was told, and I squeezed her tits firmly as they hung down. I balled my fists and deliciously punched first one, then the other.
“Harder!” she instructed. “Punch them harder. I want to feel pain, Jack.”
She reached between her legs with her right hand and began playing with herself as she balanced on her left palm. Without warning, I suddenly punched her with a hard right hook to her left title. It made a loud, slapping sound, and Joan groaned pleasantly.
“That’s it!” she exclaimed. “That’s how I want you to do it! Keep going!”
I responded with a series of sharp jabs to both of her boobs, which elicited a loud grunt with each punch. Every time I punched one of her tits, she responded positively.
“That’s it! Oh yes! Do it again! Harder, harder! Punchmy titties, Jack!”
I continued my assault on her breasts, as her groans turned louder and more ardent. Somehow, she was getting off on all this torque to her tits.
“Don’t stop!” she became. “I going to cum; oh God, here it comes!”
Joan tipped her head back and wailed loudly. I continued with my punches, and her whole body shook violently as her orgasm crested.
“It feels so good!” she screamed. “Punch them!”
Suddenly, her body went limp and she dropped forward, falling onto the table. I was afraid I’d really hurt her, and I grew concerned.
“Joan, are you okay?” I inquired with a tone of trepidation to my voice. “Did I hurt you? Oh, I am so sorry!”
I placed my hands under her chest and gently pulled her up. She was breathing heavily, but she smiled at me.
“That was wonderful!” she responded. “Thank you! I’ve always wanted that to happen, but I could never do it myself and no one else would help me.”
“I’m glad I could help,” I replied, “but why didn’t you just put an ad in the paper or something? Surely, there are guys out there who really get off on hurting women.”
“I don’t want someone like that.” Joan said quietly. “I want a man who will hurt me because he loves me; not because he hates me. Most of those guys hate women and get off on abusing them. I want it to hurt you as much as it hurts me.”
“Well, I took no pleasure in hurting you,” I responded, “but I did take pleasure in seeing you taking pleasure in what I was doing to you. Damn, that sounds stupid.”
“No it doesn’t!” she retreated. “Don’t ever call anything you do, stupid. Especially if it involves me and one of my fetishes, okay?”
I nodded.
Joan sat up and smiled at me. Her tits were beginning to swell, and bore several bruises where I’d punched them. Once again I felt badly about what I had done, but Joan as always, had a way of making me feel better.
“You made me feel so good!” she exclaimed. “The painand the pleasure at the same time made me cum so hard. I know my titles are going to be sore for a while, but it was worth it. Next time, I want you to stomp them and then I want you to whack them with a rubber mallet and smoke them flat. Will you do that for me, Jack?”
“Yes Joani.” I replied. “I will do whatever you ask me to do. If it pleases you, I will do it for you.”
“Oh Jack!” she exclaimed, throwing her arms around me. “That’s all I needed to hear! I want you to be the man in my life. I want you to treat me like a lady when I’m good, but punishment me when I’m bad. Will you do that for me?”
“Yes.” I said softly.
“Good!” she said with a sweet smile. “You made me feel good, now I want you to tell me what to do to make you feel good too. Anything you want.”
“Would you jerk me off with one hand and stick your finger up my ass with the other one?” I inquired somewhat promptly.
Joan seemed confused.
“What? That’s all you want? A hand job?”
“And a prostate massage, yes.” I added. “Would you do that for me?”
“Of course!” she responded. “Lay back and spread your legs. I’ll do the rest.”
I nodded, and then laid down on the plus carpet that covered the concrete slab of the basement floor. As per Joan’s request, I spread my legs slightly and she moved in, gripping my cock with her right hand, while she slide her left hand under my buttocks and probed for my rectum with her middle finger. She hit pay dirt and shoved it in as far as it would go.
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