Precious Mammaries Pt. 01

While running errands the other day, I stopped by the bank to cash my paycheck and inquire if one of the tellers had any pennies for me. I knew her well, as I did tellers in almost every branch in three counties, because I am all over the place as a contracted driver. Sometimes, tellers I’ve known for years are shocked to learn that I do not live in their small towns, but rather in a metro area a few dozen or so miles away. This is the bond that I have developed with them over the years and it’s great. I never have any issues cashing a large check, even if its from out of state, and the tellers all know I want old style bills, and that I go through rolls of rewrapped pennies looking for copper. Because of this, there is one in every branch who will save either/or for me, and when I stop in I may or may not have a surprise waiting.

The other day I was greeted as usual, the second I walked in the door; I just love the way people still are in small, Southern towns!

“Hi Jack!” a familiar voice called out.

It was Dianna, my number one teller at that particular location. She was married, and a real sweetheart. We had met about a year back when I dropped by just after finishing my route, to cash my check. She had inquired as to how my day was going and I had said it was great! At ten AM, I was already done, and I only work three days a week. She asked what I do, and I told her I deliver the free community newspapers in the small towns. After a brief pause she said, “Do you have a blue car?” I laughed and nodded. It turned out that I delivered her paper as well as countless others, that I have run into over the years. And so began our friend.

“Hi Sweetie!” I called back.

The bank was devoid of customers as it typically is at that time of day, so I headed straight for her. Today, something was a little different. An unfamiliar, heavily-breasted brunette was occupying her chair, and she was standing over her as an obvious trainee.

“Do you have any pennies for me?” I inquired, as I set my check on the counter.

This location hadn’t been robbed yet, so it was still devoid of the heavy polycarbonate shields installed at some of the branches closer to the metro area where I live.

“I do!” she exclaimed. “I have almost a full box, and the wrappers are from Axiom Savings Bank.”

“They got bought out twenty years ago!” I said exuberantly. “Those pennies must have been sitting for quite some time.”

“I know.” she said with a smile. “I’ve been holding them just for you.”

“Aww, you’re the best!” I replied with my own smile. “If you ever get dividendd, you let me know.”

She chuckled and set the box on the counter.

“So what else are we doing today?” she inquired.

“Cash this please, and all in twentyties.”

She nodded, and the new woman took the check. Dianna gave her instructions, and she nodded in reply.

“Should I ask him for ID?” she asked.

“Normally yes.” I interjected. “And then run the name for an account number. In my case, I have an old account card with the number already on it, for your convenience.”

“Jack’s been a member of this bank for forever.” Dianna responded with a grin. “They haven’t issued those cards since 2000. Chances are, you won’t see another one.”

“You’re doing fine by the way, Joan.” I added, looking at her name tag. “And I’m Jack.”

I took the opportunity to offer her one of my business cards, as it has a link to my IMDb page, and every view helps my STARmeter rating.

“Wow, nice pic!” Joan excered loudly.

She immediately clamped her left hand over her mouth and looked around. I took the opportunity to observe she was not wearing a ring.

“Sorry.” she whispered. “I think I’ve seen your headshot before, but not on this card.”

“On the side of the road maybe?” I suggested. “In black and white on a campaign sign?”

Joan nodded.

“Yes! I recognize you now. You look a lot differentnt in jeans and a motorcycle t-shirt.”

“The first time he came in here wearing a suit and tie, none of us recognized him.” Julie, the teller next to us, chimed in. “I was like, ‘Good morning, Sir’ and he was like, ‘Jules, it’s me, Jack.’”

We all laughed over the memory, and Joan handed me an envelope with my money tucked inside.

“Anything else?” she inquired.

“The pennies.” I responded.

“Oops! I forgot, I’m sorry.”

“No, you’re fine.” I said, as I laid a twenty and a five down. “You have a lot to learn, and I’m talking to you like most customers will never do. I’ll talk your damn ear off if you let me.”

I picked the box of pennies up and nodded at Dianna.

“Have a great weekend.” I said, out of force of habit.

“It’s Monday, Jack.” she replied dryly. “You didn’t stop in last Thursday to see me, remember?”

I looked at Joan and shrugged.

“Oops. Hey, it was really nice meeting you Joan, and you have a great trainer. She’s gota lot of patience, and she’ll teach you everything you need to know.”

I headed for the door and waved at Marty, the branch manager, as I passed his glass walled office. I’ve known him since he was in training as a teller himself at my home branch, some twenty-something years ago. Marty waved back, and I reflected on how much time had actually passed in my own life. I shrugged the thought off and continued with my day, until I got a text from an unknown number, around six o’clock that evening.

“Hi Jack. Its Joani from the bank. It was nice meeting U 2day n thx 4 making my first day so fun.”

I couldn’t help but smile. I was amused by the spelling error, but also intrigued that she had texted me at all. She was obviously feeling me out, so I took the opportunity that was presenting itself to reach back.

“It was very nice meeting you as well.” I texted back. “Ill have to make sure i stop in more often now :-D.”

There, it was done! The flirt was complete. Now,it was just a waiting game and I didn’t have to wait long at all.

“Id like that!” along with a smiley face, came within thirty seconds.

Since I was in the middle of my four day weekend, I was already through a few pitchers of vodka-laced KoolAid at this time of the evening, so I was a little more relaxed than I should have been to reply professionally. That meaning, I said what was on my mind without any thoughts of ramifications if I said something stupid.

“I didnt see a ring. R U single?” I inquired casually.

“Yes. U?” she responded.

As it turned out later, she already knew full well I was single, because Dianna had told her as soon as I walked out the door! It was Dianna who suggested she text me in the first place. I would have to do something nice for her, for Christmas.

“Yes. Maybe meet for din soon?”

And that was how it began. We continued texting through the rest of the week, and come Friday evening, I called her. We talked for five hours before my battery died. Saturday morning, she called me and we continued. We talked about everything! Our childrenhoods, where we had been and what we had done, and finally, it turned sexual.

I confirmed in her, my affinity for tits – most especially saggy ones – pregnant women and milky tits and it went on. Joan told me about her turn-ons as well, which included public nudity, getting pregnant herself and being bi. All were intriguing to me, but then she dropped a bombshell on me.

“I’m really into title torture.” she stated. “I love pain in my boobies. It turns me on.”

“I like watching breast suspension.” I admitted. “It’s really hot to watch a chick hanging by her tits.”

“I love hanging by my titties!” Joan exclaimed. “It pulls on them so hard, making the skin so tight. My boobs turn purple and my nipples feel like they’re going to split! Sometimes it even makes me have an orgasm without even touching myself.”

She whispered the last part, as though it was adirty little secret. I was getting really aroused and we were way past the part of speaking freely.

“I’d love to see you hanging by the tits!” I burst out. “I’d love to jerk off in front of you while you’re hanging there, twisting back and forth, or even stand on a chair and fuck you while you’re hanging from your titties. That would be so fucking hot, Jo!”

“How soon can you be here?” she whispered hoarsely. “I can’t take any more of this. You can help me with so many of my fansies, and I am so ready to go right now.”

Thirty minutes later, I was knocking on her door. Joan opened the door a bit and smiled, before opening it all the way, but staying behind it and out of sight. Once I entered her house, it was obvious as to why she was hiding. She wasn’t wearing any clothes! Joan closed the door behind me and smiled.

“I’ve missed you!” she exclaimed, and opened her arms.

I gladly held her and pulled her close to me, inhaling the cent of her vanilla perfume.

“You smell great!” I compiled her, as we parted. “And you look even better!”

I finally took her entire form in, and she was perfect! Double D-cup tits that were slightly drooping, with nipples pointing straight down, and a nice brown bush over her pubes.

“Come on!” she urged. “I want you to see my dungeon!”

“Dungeon?” I repeated, as I followed her down into a fully-finished basement with a walk-out door to the back yard.

It wasn’t really a dungeon per se; there were no bars or torches, or wall chains or anything medieval, but there were a few odd items that caught my eye. The first was a length of chain suspended from a large beam in the ceiling, with an open hook on the end. Underneath was a chair, and I assumed that was where she hung herself by the tits. It wasn’t long before I had my answer, either.

“This is it.” Joan explained. “This is where I like to get off.”

She pointed to a huge TV against one wall.

“I can watch porn while I title hang and masturbate.” she said coulddidly. “I have to be careful though, in case I get stuck. I need to be able to touch the floor, so I’ve never actually hung fully before; just with my knees pulled up. It still feels great, don’t get me wrong, but I want to really hang by my big titles, with my feet kicking around and get the full feeling.”

“Let me help!” I offered. “You’ve never had a boyfriend to do this with you?”

Joan Shook her head.

“No. They all got scared when I tell them what I really want to do.”

“What’s that?” I asked curiously.

“Do this with me and I promise I’ll tell.” Joan answered. “Just do this with me first, okay?”

“Okay. That’s fair enough.”

Joan smiled broadly.

“Good! Take your clothes off while I tie my titles up then, okay?”

I nodded and began removing my clothes, while Joan took a length of soft nylon rope and began winding it around her ample breasts, knotting here and there, until they were completedy tied up and turning purple.

“I’m ready.” she said softly. “I’m going to stand on the chair and put the rope over the hook. Then, I want you to take the chair out and let me hang by my tits, okay?”

“Yes.” I replied, as my titty angel climbed onto the chair.

My heart was beating furiously in anticipation of what was about to transpire. Joan let her weight down and lifted her feet from the chair. She was now suspended by her big tits, and I pulled the chair out so she could let her feet down and hang freely.

“Oh, this feels so nice!” she murmured, reaching between her legs and rubbing herself.

Joan relaxed, and tipped her head back while opening her arms and gently swinging back and forth.

“Sooo nice… mmmm, push me, Jack.”

I took her hips in my hands and shoved her like a kid on a swing. Joan let out a yelp as she swung out and then back, twisting around as she did so. I was afraid I’d hurt her, but then I heard her giggling like a schoolgirl./p>

“I love it!” she burst out.

“Me too!” I replied.

I could no longer help myself, and I began tugging radically on my erect cock as I watched her twisting in the air, as she hung suspended by her purple tits. Joan was pleasing herself as well, and it wasn’t long before I was ready to loosen my load.

“I-I’m gonna cum Jack!” she panted. “Pull me down! Pull me so my titles hurt so bad!”

I let go of my dick and grabbed her hips once again and pulled downward, adding to the strain on her stretching breasts. Joan grunted loudly.

“Harder!” she instructed. “More weight!”

I literally was pulling my own feet off the floor, when Joan let out a jowl that survived that of an alley cat getting its tail stepped on.

“I’m gonna cum!” she shrieked. “Oh, Jesus fucking Christ!”

Suddenly, I was shown in a warm mist of cum and urine, as Joan exploded all over me. She twisted and groaned for several seconds as her orgasm climaxed and then subsided.

“Let go.” she gasped.

I released her and she surprised.

“Much better.” she squeaked. “The chair! The chair, Jack!”

I grabbed the chair and slide it back, helping her up to be able to stand on it again. Joan pulled the rope from the hook and tottered back to the floor, now sitting on the chair instead.

“Are you okay?” I asked in a concerned tone.

Joan nodded, but did not reply right away. She was busy untying the rope from her swollen, purple nurses. Once her tits were freed from their nylon nightmares, Joan relaxed and smiled as the blood flowed back into her massive mammaries.

“Thank you.” she whispered. “Thank you so much, Jack! No one has ever done that for me before. It was wonderful! So much pressure and so much pain. I’ve never cum like that before. It feels so good! So good.”

In all honesty, I had never found myself in a situation like this before, so I was a little at a loss for words.

“Glad I could help.” was the dumb-assed reply that came out of my mouth.

Joan smiled weakly.

“Me too.” she told. “You’re the first, Jack. You are the only one who has helped me with this. Pain is so close to pleasure. I need pain in my boobies to really get off. Other guys said they were okay with it and would help, but they cared too much. When I screamed, they got scared. They didn’t understand like you do.”

“It’s hard.” I admitted. “Intentionally inflicting pain on someone you care about or love is hard. I can understand why they couldn’t do it.”

“Why did you?” Joan asked quietly. “Are you a sadist or something? Did you get off on hurting me?”

“No.” I replied.

I smiled, and took her hands in mine.

“You’re a freak and I love that.” I explained. “While it may hurt me to hurt you, if that is what you want, then I care enough to cause you pain.”

“There’s so much more!” she gushed. “So much I want to share with you.”

“You promised to tell me.” I reminded her.

“It’s all about my titles.” she explained. “I don’t know why, but pain in my boobs give me sexual pleasure. The more intense the pain, the harder I climax.”

“Well,” I responded carefully, “I will be honest in telling you that I have never before encountered a woman like you. Yes, I do sometimes get off and cum while watching a woman screaming, but it’s always in conjunction with something else that turns me on, like tit hanging or seeing her tits nailed to a board.”

Joan stared at me for several seconds without saying a word, and for a moment I was afraid I’d crossed the line. Until she spoke.

“That’s part of what I want, Jack!” she exclaimed, as she jumped out of the chair and grabbed me by the arms. “I want a man that will punch me in the tits until they’re sore. I Want a man that will fuck me while I’m hanging by my tits. A man that will walk on my tits; stomp on them. A man that will screw my tits to the floor. A man that will smoke my titties with a rubber mallt until they’re black and blue, and swollen like a blimp.”

Joan looked intently at me, and gently bit the left half of her lower lip seductively.

“Mr. Baby Boomer, will you be my booby-bammer?”


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