Author’s Notes: As Alayna’s time is coming to an end I find it harder to add more. Time constraints in my life make it difficult to keep adding onto this story. I hope you enjoy it though.
Alayna stepped out of the bathroom with her hair and make up done and walked over to the closet naked wondering what she would wear to work today. Joe had been away this past weekend on a business trip but with it being Friday she was looking forward to another Sunday spent with him. Kenny had called and she had and evening planned with him as well. She had met him at the manor her first night and thought he was a nice guy but it would be interesting to see what a couple months in the community had done to him. All of a sudden Alayna heard her cell phone ring.
“Hi Mom.” Alayna said cheerily into the phone.
The cell phones had been a new addition. The girls had gotten together and asked for cell phones which were unmonitored to be able to have private conversationswith their families. Most of the areas the girls were in were monitored by video and audio so it wasn’t like they could tell their families they were being held as sex slaves, plus in the end all the girls really wanted to be there once they got over the initial shock of it all. The thing with Alayna’s cell phone was just a bit different. Alayna’s mother had passed away years ago and she wasn’t close with the rest of her family so the Only person with her cell phone number was Joe.
“You look particularly lovely this morning,” Joe said sipping his coffee, “I think you should wear that to work today.”
The only downside for Alayna was the conversation was monitored on her end so while Joe could say whatever he wanted to her she had to speak to him as if it were her mother.
“I know I haven’t called in a while Mom, I’m sorry.” Alayna said trying not to blush. “I’m just getting ready for work now so we have time.”
“Actually before that you have a UPS delivery coming,”Joe informed Alayna, “and it’s your favorite delivery guy as usual.” Alayna perked up at the idea of starting her day teasing Tim the UPS guy. “Go to your closet and get that little white babydoll and put it on.” Joe told Alayna.
Alayna knew the exact one Joe means as he had made no secret of enjoying seeing her in it. The underwire cups pushed Alayna’s ample breasts up slightly and were white satin but the rest of the fly away baby doll and matching side string bikinis were sheer white with white ruffles along the edges. Alayna called it the perfect little girl’s nightie with a teenage boys twist. Of course she put the babydoll on while telling her “mother” about work and how she was enjoying it.
“One last thing,” Joe said after watching Alayna dress on the monitor in his home office, “those silly heels you hate with the marabou over the front, put those on too. Hurry up though he’s getting closer to your house.”
Alayna slide in the 3″ heeled mules and walked downstairs carefully. She had always thought these shoes were particularly silly plus the marabou often ticked her toes.
“So how have things been with you Mom?” Alayna asked when she got to the bottom of the stairs.
“They’ve been great,” Joe answered, “I’m planning on bringing my favorite employee into my office today so I can fuck her brains out. Would you like that?”
“Oh that’s great!” Alayna replied wanting to say so much more.
“Maybe I’ll bring Faye and the two of you can have some fun again.” Joe continued watching Alayna’s hips wiggle as she got more excited.
“I’ll bet she loved that!” Alayna answered enjoying the idea very much.
“This morning the delivery guy will have a package for you,” Joe started, “open it up in front of him and show him what’s inside. When you are done looking at it you will see that there is actually 2 of them in the package, feel free to give him one. Got it?”
“Definitely!” Alayna replied. “It sounds like you had a wonderfulerful time.”
“Now I know you will probably be a bit excited when you are done but you will have to put what I sent you face down by the front door so it can’t be seen by the cameras,” Joe told Alayna making her wonder what was in the package that she could share with the UPS guy and not the membership who were allowed to see her anytime they wanted and have sex with her, “and no masturbating until you get to work.”
“Yes Mom.” Alayna said like a scolded child.
The idea that Joe told her that she could not masturbate made Alayna wonder even more what Joe had sent her. She felt herself getting wetter just by his suggestions of going to his office and not masturbating until she got to work. Some days she felt like she was being paid to spend time at work having orgasms more than doing actual work. Just then the doorbell rang.
“I’ve got to go Mom,” Alayna said walking to the door, “someone’s at my door.”
“Have fun Baby,” Joe replied, “I love you.”
“I loveyou too Mom.” Alayna replied smiling wide. She loved hearing Joe says that to her.
Alayna walked quickly to the door and opened it. As usual her favorite deliver guy Tim was there holding a thin and flat package.
“Timmy!” Alayna exclaimed swinging the door wide open and letting him take in the full view of her.
“Good… good morning Alayna.” Tim stammered looking her up and down.
“Oh Timmy you’ve seen me in much less than this!” Alayna replied loving his reaction to seeing her. “You are always such a confidence boost for me.”
“You are always so beautiful.” Tim replied. “I brought this for you.”
“Great, I’ve been waiting for this!” Alayna replied turning it over and beginning to open it. “Got a minute to stay and look it over with me?”
“I really shouldn’t,” Tim replied, “they don’t like us to spend too much time in one spot.” Suddenly Tim looked down and saw a calendar cover with a beautiful bound and blind folded woman with large breasts. “ButI guess I could stay for a minute.”
“Okay great.” Alayna said completely distracted taking a step towards Tim knowing the cameras inside her condo wouldn’t see what she held if she stood further outside.
Alayna immediately recognized the bound and blindfolded woman on the cover as herself. The pictures were definitely taken while she was in the special room in Joe’s basement a couple weeks ago. She recognized the look on her face despite half of it being covered. The picture was taken while she was in mid-orgasm and looking at it made her pussy jump. Alayna opened the cover to the first month and felt her body react to what she saw. The picture was Alayna on the sawhorse just as she had seen herself at the furniture store but with the heels and blindfold looking sexy and vulnerable at the same time. She easily remembered the moment and how exhausted and sore she was but how she still needed to cum. Alayna could feel the goosebumps forming in her arms already.
“Wow.” Was all Tim could muster as the next month was revealed.
Alayna saw the next month was a picture of her bound on the table with her legs strapped together. The camera showed the perspiration which covered her body, Alayna couldn’t believe how sexy she looked. She had never seen herself as being beautiful let alone sexy but she saw it now. Alayna was completely lost looking at the pictures no longer realizing she was standing outside or even next to the UPS guy until he spoke again.
“Do you know who that woman is?” Tim asked Alayna again having to touch her arm to get her attention.
“What?” Alayna asked flipping to the next month.
That month showed Alayna bent forward with her legs tied together. She remembered feeling bent over like that and wondering what Joe was doing before he slipped his cock inside her. Now seeing herself Alayna’s eyes followed the curves of the back of her legs over her but and up her back. She loved how she looked; she looked more like a work of art than like a bound woman.
“Do you know who that woman is?” Tim asked a third time.
“It’s me Tim.” Alayna replied not looking up at him or realizing that for the first time she called him Tim and not Timmy.
“You are so beautiful.” Tim replied briefly looking at Alayna and then back at the calendar wishing she’d flip the pages quicker.
“Thank you.” Alayna replied more as a reaction than a thought while flipping to the next month.
The picture showed Alayna on the saw horse but the camera was more in front and above her. Her head was lifted so the picture clearly showed Alayna’s open mouth as she moaned while in the background an aluminum shake and flesh colored dildo coated in lube showed penetrating Alayna’s ass. With each passing month Alayna thought more and More about that day with Joe and all they had done. Had she was able to think of anything else she would have felt her semi sheer bikinis were now completely translucent after becoming so saTurated and that her nipples were so hard they reached.
“Was this at a photo studio?” Tim asked. “I didn’t know you were a model.”
“No it wasn’t at a studio,” Alayna replied flipping to the next page and feeling her body tremble, “it was at my boyfriend’s house. He brought me to his dungeon and made me cum again and again until he had to carry me upstairs because I couldn’t stand on my own.”
“Holy shit!” Tim said looking up at Alayna for the first time since she opened the calendar. “What a lucky guy.”
Alayna was too busy looking at the next picture which was her in the chair legs and arms spread. Normally Alayna may have blushed about her pussy being so exposed. Her labia was spread open showing her swollen and wet clip and the white cords to the 2 eggs inside her were clearly visible. It was Alayna at her most vulnerable and sexual but once again Alayna saw it more as art than porn. She loved how beautiful and sexual she looked in the picture and for the first tI realized how much her pussy ached to be touched. She flipped through the next few pictures quickly. The next was a close up of her upper thigh, pussy and ass on the sawhorse with Joe’s red hand prints being clearly visible on her butt chef. The one after showed Alayna bound with her feet in the air spread wide open but the picture was taken from over her shoulder showing the curves of her torso ending at the crest of her shaken mound. Her body looked like a country landscape rather than a naked and exposed woman bound for pleasure.
“I have 2 of these,” Alayna said without looking up, “do you want one?”
“Holy shit yes!” Tim replied eagerly. “Thanks so much!”
Alayna handed Tim the top calendar and leaned down holding his chin with one hand and planning a soft kiss on his lips. She had no idea why she did it and didn’t even realize she had kissed him until she drove to work nearly half an hour later. Tim turned and walked to his truck still looking down at the calendardar. He was so enraptured with the calendar he almost walked into the side of the truck instead of the door. Alayna looked down seeing a large yellow post it note on the cover which simply said:
Face down by the front door
Thankfully Joe had reminded her or Alayna would have continued to look at the calendar all the way through the condo! She stepped in and put it face down where she knew it would be unseen before curving upstairs. Alayna needed to cum badly but then remembered Joe’s words telling her not to masturbate until she got to work. It would be a long drive for her and she knew it! Alayna quickly grabbed a dark satin front close bra and stepped into a pair of charcoal 3 ½” heels before walking to the closet and pulling a charcoal gray wrap dress from the hanger throwing it on quickly. Just before walking out of her room Alayna returned to her lingerie drawer and removed a dark pair of lace boycut panties and suntan stockings. Alayna hurried downstairs skipping her morning coffee. Instead she stuffed the panties and stockings into her purse and headed to the door with the two wrap sections of her dress flying open. Alayna didn’t notice she hadn’t bothered to tie her dress until she bent down to pickup the calendar. Undaunted Alayna tucked the calendar under her arm and tied the dress as she walked to her car.
“I can tell I’m already not going to get a thing done today.” Alayna whispered to herself as she tossed her pocket book and the calendar onto the passenger seat and began to slide in the car. “Oh I have got to do this!” Alayna said reaching for the glove compartment and pulling out a small towel. Even before she started the ignition Alayna stuffed the folded towel under her pussy and sat on it. “I can’t have a wet spot on the back of my dress.” Alayna said looking into the rearview mirror. She took a deep breath and held it as she flipped down the vanity mirror. “Calm yourself,” Alayna told her reflection, “how would you ever explainthat your clean underwear is in your pursuit if you get in an accident on the way to work?” Alayna giggled checking her makeup before starting the car and backing out of her driveway.
Alayna barely remembered the drive to work and pulled into her parking space remembering to slip the towel from underneath her before getting out of her car. She made a dash for her office keeping the calendar pressed tight against her body knowing that Now that she was at work she could get the relief she needed. Alayna was followed into her office by her secretary who had a stack of papers Alayna needed to look over and sign. Alayna dropped the calendar under the desk out of view while her secretary waited patiently for Alayna to settle herself. Her secretary wouldn’t leave until all the paperwork was signed which seemed to take forever! Alayna wished she had brought the towel with her but it wasn’t like she could slide it up her dress with her secretary standing right there. Alayna suppressed a giggle when her secretary asked if she had a fever and was feeling okay. As her secretary was leaving the office phone rang.
“Hello.” Alayna answered knowing it was a call from inside the building.
“Good morning,” Joe said with his cocky attitude dripping through the phone, “did you like my gift?”
“Oh my God Joe it’s amazing!” Alayna replied pulling the calendar back out but Keeping it hidden under her desk. “I can’t believe how great the pictures came out!”
“Hide the calendar,” Joe instructed, “take your stockings out of your purse and put them on quickly and then come to my office now.”
“Yes sir!” Alayna replied grabbing her purse and retrieving her stockings. “Is the boss going to take advantage of his favorite employee?”
“It looks like you Really need a good strong orgasm,” Joe replied softly in his bedroom voice, “I have a rabbit vibe here that I want to watch you use.”
“Ohhhhhh very much so Sir!” Alayna replied breathlessly slipping off oneheel and pulling a stocking up her leg.
“Well then get that sweet little ass of yours over to my office,” Joe instructed, “and ill let you earn one.”
“I’ll be right there!” Alayna replied not concerned in the least how she would have to earn her orgasm.
Alayna slide on her other stocking as quickly as possible and did her best not to run across the floor to Joe’s office. She was positive that there were enough rumors circulating as it was about her she didn’t need to add to them. The wrap dress would come off easily which was part of the reason that Alayna had selected it in the first place. She waved to Joe’s secretary on her way past and entered Joe’s office quickly closing the door behind her. Alayna was ravenous and her eyes honed in on the rabbit vibrator on Joe’s desk. She walked forward trying to remain composed and untied her dress. It fell off her shoulders easily. Alayna laid it over the back of one of the office chairs facing the desk and stood patiently waiting for Joe’s instructions.
Joe watched Alayna enter and noticed that after seeing that he was alone her eyes never veered off the rabbit vibe. Even now as she stood there presenting herself to him she was staring at the vibe on his desk. He was sure that she would do anything at all to be allowed to orgasm this morning.
“Take off your bra and … where are your panties?” Joe asked softly.
“They are in my purse Sir.” Alayna blushed as she removed her bra.
“Forget to put them on this morning?” Joe teased noticing Alayna’s eyes still never left the vibrator on the desk.
“Yes Sir.” Alayna replied blushing deeper.
Alayna stood in her stockings and heels staring at the vibe and awaiting Joe’s next command. It was as if she were hypnotized. If Joe had told her to cluck like a chicken she would have done so without a moment’s hesitation. Alayna placed the bra next to the dress and waited for Joe’s next order.
“Go get 2 pairs of cuffs and put them onYour ankles and wrists,” Joe commanded in his soft voice, “put another pair just above your elbows as well.”
Alayna was often amazed how his easy tone of voice commanded her so. She had already turned quickly to the private bathroom he had and was walking towards it even before she realized how gently he was speaking to her. Often he’d use a more intimate tone with her even when he was telling her to do something completely wild. Alayna retrieved the cuffs and fastened them to her ankles, elbows and wrists before heading back. The cool air as she walked reminded her just how wet she actually was.
“Oh,” Joe said stopping Alayna half way back to the desk, “and get the nipple clips and that black silk scarf.”
She turned immediately and returned to the bathroom for the clips and scarf. Alayna wasn’t sure what Joe had in mind but she was positive that before she came he would find a way to make her hornier! Alayna emerged from the bathroom and made it all the way back toThe desk without being stopped. She stood in front of Joe with the clips in her left hand and the scarf in her right.
“You can put the nipple clips on the desk,” Joe instructed in his easy tone, “then tie the scarf over your eyes.”
With a trembling hand Alayna placed the nipple clips on the desk next to the vibe before wrapping the scarf over her eyes. When she was done she lowered her hands and stood perfectly Still awaiting Joe. She didn’t hear his voice but did hear him move out of his chair. The carpeting on the floor hidden the sound of his movement. Alayna almost jumped when he reached out and touched her arm. She followed his guidance and was eventually stopped somewhere else in his office before being turned and then pushed down lightly so that she ended up kneeing. Alayna waited feeling her heart race as she tried to remain calm on the outside.
“It’ll just be a minute.” Joe whispered from behind her.
Alayna felt something being placed behind her but couldn’t tell what it was. Her ankles were spread slightly and Alayna heard the familiar sound of metal snap links. She didn’t have to try to move her ankles in order to know that she had lost that ability. Alayna’s wrists were pulled back to her sides a bit. The feel of smooth wood against her forearms gave Alayna a bit of an idea as to what might have been placed behind her. She moved her fingers slightly and was able to confirm it. Joe was tying her to the back of a wooden chair.
Joe walked slowly back to the desk to keep Alayna from hearing his movements and retrieved the nipple clips. Alayna’s nipples were already rock hard so putting the clips on would be very easy. He watched the uncovered part of her face for a reaction as he fastened the first nipple clip to her breast and then the second. Alayna flinched and moaned slightly at the pinching of her nipples. As she breathed the chain between them would swing, the faster she breathed the faster they’d swing causing her to breathe faster still. It was quite a cycle. Thankfully it was a cycle that Alayna loved.
Alayna heard Joe’s pants being undone which were not an unfamiliar sound to her. Still Alayna waited for Joe not knowing what he had in mind but she didn’t have to wait long. The feeling of the soft flesh of Joe’s cock rubbing against her lips caused them to part instinctively. Her tongue slide out to touch the tip and taste the precum that had formed there already. Alayna’s mouth accepted Joe’s cock taking each and ever inch he had to offer until his lower abdomen rested against her nose. Joe slowly moved his cock in and out of Alayna’s mouth while he removed his shirt and tie. Alayna was unable to move and could only do her best to breathe between the slow thrusts of Joe’s cock while sucking and working her tongue as best she could.
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