Power Plays Ch. 25

Alayna knelt by the front door completely naked waiting for him to come. Her knees ached slightly from the large tiles under her knees but that minor disappoint was nothing compared to the excitement she felt. Two weeks ago she had gone furniture shopping with Joe for a very special room. Yesterday the furniture had been delivered and set up and now she was there to try it all out. The idea of ​​being bound on the furniture they had selected kept her on edge all night. It had almost been impossible for her to sleep knowing that when she she could come here and await his arrival. Alayna heard him in the kitchen moving around, but he wouldn’t come out until he was ready. He would keep her patiently waiting while her heart pounded in her chest and her pussy dripped. It was shortly before eight am, her report time was eight but she was too excited to wait, and she would be here all day. Alayna wasn’t expected at work until the following day at nine. Joe had twenty four hours to do whatatever he wanted with her. Twenty four hours to dominate and control her. Twenty four hours to do anything he wished. Alayna knew for a fact that she would be pushed to the blink of mental and physical exhaustion during those twenty four hours. She knew that tomorrow it would be hard to sit without winning. It hadn’t even started yet, and already her nipples were so hard they ached. That ache would be nothing compared to how they would feel tomorrow. Although all this the only thing Alayna wanted was to start right now!

Relief. Finally! Even with her head turned down she could see him approaching. She could feel him getting nearer, causing her body to quake with anticipation. Then she finally saw him. Well, at least his feet. Her hands trembled and fingers fidgeted, she wanted him more than any other in her life. Joe was barefoot, wearing a long black satin robe. He was still only visible from his knees down when he stopped. Alayna watched as the front of his robe parted. Her mouth began to water knowing if he was naked under the robe soon his cock would be in her mouth. She didn’t want to just suck his cock, Alayna wanted to devour it. She wanted to bring him every pleasure possible with her tongue, lips and throat. Joe often called her his favorite little cocksucker; today, she wanted to earn that title and more… so much more.

“Maybe we should go downstairs first.” Joe said closing his robe.

Alayna was crushed. She hadn’t even began and already she was wrapped around his little finger! By opening his robe Joe knew that she was expecting his cock to be pushed into her waiting mouth. He knew how that excited her, and then he took it away. She was still angry and excited, maybe even more excited than she was just a moment ago, if that was even possible.

“Plus, you’re making a wet spot on my floor.” Joe said softly, extending his hand to help Alayna to her feet.

Without looking up Alayna took Joe’s hand rising on bare feet. Joe’s fingersInterlocked with hers, and they walked down the short hallway towards the kitchen and down the stairs to the basement. Alayna had been in every room of the house except for the basement. The two of them walked down rough wooden stairs barefoot, turning a right at the bottom. In front of them was a normal looking door, with the exception that it was much sturdier than doors normally found inside a house. Joe opened it and walked in with Alayna following closely behind.

“The door is soundproof,” Joe said flicking on the light switches to his side, “as are the walls.”

Alayna looked around the room taking it all in. It was everything she had imagined and more. The walls were all mirrored and the room was lit with a combination of tract and received lighting while the floor was a lightly padded black vinyl type material.

“There’s an intercom in case someone comes to the door,” Joe said pointing to the box on the wall, “and the floor is set up for easy clean up.”

Alayna trembled again looking at the furniture and wondering what she would find herself on first. She hoped it would be the sawhorse but at this point she didn’t care, in plain and simple terms Alayna wanted to be fucked, fucked hard for as long as she could take it, only to be given a moment to recover before being fucked again.

“Don’t move.” Joe said letting go of her hand and walking out of her view.

She didn’t speak; she knew it wasn’t her place right now. She was there for pleasure. To be more exact, she was there for Joe’s pleasure. She would be tied until he was tired of having her tied, she would be teased until he got tired of teasing her, and finally she would be fucked until he was tired of fucking her. She hoped he never tired of fucking her. Alayna watched a black satin blindfold coming over her head and towards her eyes. Joe secured the blindfold behind Alayna’s head underneath her ponytail. The blindfold molded to her face leaving her completely blind. The smell of the wood furniture and leather filled her nose. Alayna felt a leather cuff being fastened to her left wrist. The fleece lined cuff was fastened securely, but not so tight that it would cut off her circuit. She tried to hear Joe’s movements but the flooring prohibited it. A second cuff was fastened to her other wrist just like the first. Alayna was beside herself with excitement and anticipation. Her knees buckled a little when Joe fastened the next cuff to her left ankle and a forth to her right. Alayna heard the click of metal and felt her wrists being moved forward and together. During all of this Joe never touched her body once. He had done it all by only touching the cuffs and the blindfold, which served to heighten Alayna’s anticipation.

What she didn’t know is Joe had taken two metal clips and attached They to the D rings on the wrist cuffs. His not touching her was all part of his plan. He wanted her wondering and aching for his touch. Joe moved her wrists forwardby the two clips and then put them together.

“Come with me.” He whispered from so close to her ear that Alayna could feel his breath.

Alayna felt a light tug on her wrist cuffs and began following. She tried to remember what the room had looked like before the blindfold was on, but she couldn’t. She thought she remembered, but they seemed to be weaving through the various pieces of furniture. The Confusion only added to her excitement. He was in complete control. She not only had no idea where in the room she was, but she also had no idea where they would end up or what piece of furniture she would be on. Her heart pounded faster and her breath shortened, growing more rapid.

Joe walked Alayna around the room and then back through some of the furniture until he was sure she had no idea where she was, then he stopped her by releasing the clips and letting her arms fall in front of her. Joe looked at her and watched her reactions. He could already see a light amount ofperspiration on her chest, which was rising and falling rapidly.

“You need to calm yourself,” Joe said softly, “I don’t want you passing out on me before we even start.”

“Yes sir.” Alayna responded quietly.

Alayna took a deep breath and held it before exploring it all in one whoosh. She did it once more as she felt her hands being lifted again. As Alayna went to move forward she felt her hands being moved back down and stopped.

“Turn to your left.” Joe whispered from right next to her. “That’s good,” Joe instructed, “now back up just a bit and sit down.”

Alayna backed up until she felt the molded wood behind her. She wiggled her butt and slid backwards until she found that she was completely seated. Immediately she knew that Joe had put her on the chair. The chair was a wooden throne with one very large difference, the base of this chair separated so that the person sitting in it could have their legs spread and be completely exposed underneath. Most of ther weight would be against the backs of their thighs and outer part of their butt leaving Alayna’s pussy and ass completely exposed. The back of the chair could also lean back to a forty five degree angle. There were separate pieces to bind a person’s arms. Basically once they were in the chair they were powerless to do anything and open for everything. Alayna felt straws being placed over her thighs before her ankles were Secureed; she didn’t try to move them because she knew she couldn’t. When they had gone shopping for the furniture she had sat in the chair and been measured for it. She wasn’t going to be moving anytime soon. Alayna inhaled deeply when she felt her legs being spread apart until her inner thighs stretched and strained. Just as she had expected she felt nothing under the center part of her ass, as a matter of fact when her legs spread she Felt her ass cheats being spread apart as well. She was open with no way to cover herself. However despite the fact that she was so open as well as blindfolded Alayna could not have felt more comfortable.

“Sit back.” Joe whispered from so close she could feel his body heat.

Alayna leaned back until she felt her back press against the back of the chair. A metallic click signed that her wrists were being released from each other. Her right arm was lifted and secured straight out from the side of her body. A second strap was placed around her forearm and a third around her upper arm. Alayna struggled to control her excitement as her left arm was similarly strapped, but when another strap was placed around her lower rib cage Alayna surprised both her and Joe.

“Oh my GOD I think I’m cumming!” Alayna screamed as she experienced a small orgasm.

Joe stood back and watched as clear fluid poured out of Alayna’s body. He had known she was more than excited but he hadn’t expected her to cum before he even touched her! He stopped and let her relax to catch her breath for a moment. Actually it worked outwell for him; he still had a couple things to set up for her anyways.

Alayna felt two quick aftershocks rip through her body, they were heightened by the fact that she couldn’t move. She knew that this was nothing compared to what she would be feeling soon. Joe still hadn’t touched her and she had orgasmed already.

“Need something to drink?” Joe asked in a low voice from behind her.

“Yes,” Alayna answered breathlessly, “I do. Please, sir.”

“Open your mouth just a bit and bring it forward.” Joe instructed.

Alayna lifted her head just a bit feeling something very familiar pressing against her lips. She parted her lips further taking the head inside her mouth and sucking softly. As she did she felt ice cold water pouring into her mouth. Obviously Joe had taken a dildo and hollowed a tube on the inside so that she could drink from it. Alayna decided it was a perfectly naughty, but amazing idea and drank and sucked until she didn’t want anymore water.

“Better?” Joe asked as Alayna sat back.

“Yes sir,” Alayna replied with a smile, “what a lovely drinking straw you made me. Thank you.”

“You will find I am full of surprises today.” Joe said moving back around to the front of her. “Like what I have in my hand right now. It’s a relatively small bottle but I think you’ll find its effects are undeniable.” Joe spoke opening the bottle and pouring a small amount just above Alayna’s clip on her sealed mound. “It’s called excite,” Alayna trembled at the words clenching her fingers and toes, “I see you’ve heard of it.”

“Yes sir!” Alayna gasped feeling the small pool of excite begin to melt.

The excite did two things, as it warmed and melted it slid down over her clip causing a warming and tingling sensing. Alayna began to wiggle and squirm as it coated her clip slowly oozing down to her pussy. That wasn’t all she could feel, she could feel her sopping wet pussy dribbling between her butt cheats before dripping on the floor below. She was concentrating on that feeling until she felt an ice cube touch her right nipple. Joe pressed the ice cube against her breast and into it pushing the nipple back into the breast.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Alayna trembled savoring the feeling of warmth and cooling against her body. “Oh so cold!”

Joe pulled the ice cube back watching how hard and puffy Alayna’s nipple got Afterwards. As that nipple warmed he held the ice cube against her other breast flicking the nipple up and down as if it was his tongue. Alayna’s body strained against her bonds as she groaned loudly. When he stopped Joe applied another pool of excite on Alayna’s mound.

“Oh God, MORE!?!” Alayna squealed.

As the excite oozed over Alayna’s pussy she felt two round pieces being wiped up her pussy between her labia. Alayna was almost positive that what she felt were two eggs and waited for them to be pushed inside her. Instead she felt both of them being pressed and rubbed around her nipples as they vibrated on high.

“Mmmmmmmmmmm feels like two vibrating tongues.” Alayna mewed. The eggs warmed her nipples while the excite set her clip on fire. “Is there a way to turn the water off to that dildo?” Alayna huffed.

“Sure,” Joe replied shutting the small plastic valve and lowering the dildo closer to her mouth, “just let me know when you are thirsty.”

Alayna didn’t reply, instead her mouth engulfed the dildo slurping and sucking it for all she was worth. Joe returned the eggs to her breasts driving Alayna wilder as the sensing returned to them. Soon drool was coming down the sides of her mouth. Joe took the two eggs, still holding the ends, and rubbed them around and over Alayna’s clip. Alayna moaned around the dildo in her mouth but didn’t release it; she needed the cock in her mouth as much as anything. Even though it wasn’t Joe’s in her mind it was. She felt her orgasm growing and knew that it wouldn’t be long but she kept sucking and slurping on the dildo in her mouth until she couldn’t stand it any longer.

“OHHHHH FUCCCKKKK!” Alayna groaned as Joe applied ice to Alayna’s clip. “OHHHH Sweet JESUS!”

Alayna had been on the verge of orgasm, the ice had stopped her in her tracks.

“I can’t have you cum just yet,” Joe said softly, “it’s going to be a long day and I don’t want you exhausted too early.”

“Oh my God I hope you are kidding!?!” Alayna squealed.

Joe set the ice aside and picked up a medium sized plug and rubbed it against Alayna’s pussy coating it with her juice to lube it.

“Relax baby.” Joe whispered in Alayna’s ear when he pressed the plug against her ass.

Alayna was tense from being so close to orgasm but was able to relax her back end as she Felt the plug being inserted into her ass. She was so used to have her ass penetrated at this point it was easy to relax for it.

“How’s that feel?” Joe asked adjusting the dildo until it just touched Alayna’s lips.

“Your cock feels like heaven,” Alayna was enraptured with the viruses deep in her bowels and flinched when the first drop of hot wax landed on her left nipple. Joe turned the candle creating a constant but intermittent drip of wax onto Alayna’s breast covering the nipple fully. Alayna strained and squirmed unable to escape the burning heat of the wax. As the wax on her left nipple cooled Joe dropped more hot wax on Alayna’s right nipple. Alayna sucked hard on the dildo again, moaning and groaning around the head while the wax cooled and hardened around her right nipple.

“Ohhhhh shit!” Alayna grunted around the head of the dildo.

Joe pealed the wax off her nipple slowly letting her enjoy the slight tugging of the wax as it was removed. Now Alayna’s nipples were even more sensitive than normal and her horniness had only increased. Alayna could barely stand it. Then she felt something else flicking across her nipples.

“Remember the ostrich feather?” Joe chuckled flicking her nipple with it. “The one’s I teased your ass with.”

“How could I ever forget sir?” Alayna squealed.

Joe flicked her nipple quickly with the feather turning his hand around to flick it from different angles. He moved to the second one shortly after, doing the same thing to it. Alayna’s body wiggled within her restraints as much as she could. Taking the edge of the feather Joe pressed it against the underside of Alayna’s nipple and slide it across her chest. The edge of the feather worked across Alayna’s breasts like a violinist, going fully across one nipple and then the other never losing contact with them. Joe took the feather in his left hand letting it rub up and down Alayna’s nipple tickling Alayna with the ends of the barbs and picked up the candle with his right hand. He held the candle over Alayna’s nipple dropping hot wax right on her aching breast. The burning wax shot through her body like a bolt of electricity driving Alayna wild. Alayna’s flesh was hyper-sensitive the second time around. When Alayna’s left nipple was again completely covered with wax, Joe switched to the other nipple covering it slowly a second time. This time instead of using a constant stream of drops Joe lifted the candle letting the wax drip at irregular intervals. A drip and then a ten second wait watching Alayna relax as she wasn’t expecting the next one. Then two quick drops and a longer wait alternate back and forth so Alayna never knew what was coming next or when the next drip would happen. To add to her confusion Joe slipped both of the eggs inside Alayna’s pussy but didn’t turn them on. Still Joe had even managed to do that without ever touching Alayna’s body.

“How do you feel?” Joe asked carefully picking at the wax covering Alayna’s nipples.

“Full!” Alayna panted. “And needing to cum desperately!”

“But you just came a moment ago,” Joe teased, “you mean to tell me you need to cum again?”

“God YES!” Alayna groaned loudly squirming as much as she could in her restraints. “If you turn the eggs on it will certainly make it much easier sir.”

“Oh I will,” Joe responded, “but I have just a couple other things to do first.”

“Ohhhhhhhh my!” Alayna moaned feeling a nipple clip onto one of her freshly uncovered nipples.

“Well my dear,” Joe said leaning in close to her to attach the other one, “you seem to enjoy vibrating toys. So I got you something else that needs batteries.”

“Something else that needs batteries?” Alayna asked. “HOLY SHIT!”

Alayna squealed and lurched her body as the two small vibrating nipple clips began buzzing away. She could no longer breathe deeply and only manage to take short heaving breaths causing the clips to bounce and tug her nipples.

“Think that will be enough to make you cum?” Joe asked breathing into Alayna’s ear as he spoke.

He was so close she could feel his body heat against her chest and legs. She wanted to be able to touch him and extended her fingers forward hoping she could reach a part of him.

“N… n…. no sir.” Alayna replied.

Joe slowly increased the two eggs in Alayna’s pussy slowly. Soon the vibrations in her pussy overwhelmed the vibrations in her ass. The eggs in her pussy bounced off each other as well as the vibrating plug, turning her insides into a virtual trampoline. She could feel her orgasm growing deep inside her, and knew it would be massive. Alayna tried to hold it in; to keep the pleasure going, but it was becoming too much.

“OHH GOD NO!” Alayna screamed.

Angain Joe had used ice to bring Alayna back from the edge of orgasm. This time he applied a handful of it to her pussy and clip shutting off the vibrating eggs and plug, but not the nipple clips.

“Pleeeeeeaaaaassssseeeeeeee!” Alayna cried out.

Her entire body was covered with perspiration, her body was flush and her every nerve ending was on fire. Alayna was on the edge and had been for several ageing minutes, all she needed was the slightest nudge. Even with the blindfold Joe could see the frustration in her face.


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