Power Plays Ch. 24

Alayna stood beside Joe’s desk with 2 eggs buzzing in her leather thong staring at the two controllers on the desk. Part of her wanted to desperately reach across the desk to grap both controllers and turn them off. Another part of her wanted to desperately reach across the desk to grap both controllers and turn them all the way up.

“Oh don’t worry about those,” Joe said following Alayna’s gaze to the controllers, “I’ll be holding onto those today.”

“Whatever you want sir.” Alayna said trying not to whine but crying for relief inside.

“Oh I know Alayna,” Joe said with a smile, “I definitely know. I’ll be around today, why don’t you try to get back to work.”

“Yes sir.” Alayna replied turning to walk towards the door.

Alayna walked slowly towards the door feeling the eggs with every step she took. Working today would be impossible with the egg buzzing against her clip but the one inside her pussy made it even worse because it was pressing against the medium sized plug in her ass!

“Alayna.” Joe called across the office as her hand touched the door handle. “I forget,” he said holding up one of the controllers, “is this one for your pussy or your clip?”

Before she could answer Joe slide the controller from its low one quarter setting all the way up. Alayna’s fingers gripped the door handle turning her knuckles white. Instead of responding Alayna held up 2 fingers.

“So that one is your clip your saying?” Joe asked watching Alayna nod vigorously. “So then this one is your pussy.” Joe said sliding the other controller all the way up.

Alayna groaned clenching her entire body. She didn’t realize it but her hips began moving back and forth humping the air. Joe turned them both down before she could orgasm.

“Okay,” Joe smiled, “I’ll have to remember that for later.”

“Later?” Alayna asked slowly regaining her composure.

“Well if I’m not letting you cum now,” Joe said leaning back putting his hands behindd his head, “I’m definitely going to be around when I do let you cum later.”

Joe had the cocky look Alayna loved with the smile of the Cheshire cat. No one knew Alayna as well as Joe did, she knew he would push all of her buttons and bring her to the very bond of orgasm several times before she even left the building today. It would be an endurance test for her to make it through the day, both of them Know that. Alayna looked at the mirror near Joe’s office door, she looked normal on the outside, a little flush but normal. On the inside her heart was racing and her skin was on fire.

“I’ll hold you to that you know.” Alayna said opening the door and stepping out of his office.

“Oh I know you will.” Joe replied to the closing door.

Alayna made it back to her office okay. She no longer felt as flush as earlier. The eggs were even lower than when Joe originally turned them on. Now they were a mere ticket. She looked at the clock in her office; she still had 6 hoursleft in her day. Suddenly her cell phone rang.

“Hello.” Alayna said putting the phone to her ear.

“I’m just testing the range,” Joe said through the receiver, “tell me when you can feel it.”

“Mmmmmm now.” Alayna replied. “Its low but I can feel it.”

“I can turn you it on high if you like.” Joe said in that bedroom voice that just melted Alayna.

“You know I can not say no to you.” Alayna replied.

“Even if you could say no to me,” Joe said turning the controller up again, “you still wouldn’t would you?”

“Oh God no I wouldn’t.” Alayna said clenching her legs together. “And it wouldn’t matter what you asked.” Alayna whispered regaining her breath after Joe turned the controller down again.

Sometimes during the day Alayna’s cell or office phone would ring. On the other end of the line would be Joe listening to her as he manipulated the controller. After a couple of hours of this anytime Alayna’s phone rang she braced herself expecting the buzzing eggs to increase shortly after she answered. Other times the eggs would just unexpectedly increase and she’d see Joe walk by her office a moment later. It was obvious that he loved every minute of it. Not once during the 6 hours did he turn either egg completely off. Each remained buzzing on low at the end of each call or walk by buzzing he gave her. Alayna thought for a moment that her words Earlier hadn’t been that far off; she was so horny a fire hydrant would look appealing to her on the way home. Then the phone rang again.

“Hello.” Alayna answered squeeze her thighs tightly.

Before she even heard a word both eggs increased all the way. Alayna groaned loudly biting her bottom lip.

“How was your day?” Joe asked, his cocky attitude dripping through the phone.

“It’s a good thing you don’t pay me for the amount of work I actually get done!” Alayna replied lowly while holding her right hand against her abdomen. “Because the only thing I managed to do todaywas created a wet spot to big it’s on the back of my skirt.”

“Really?” Joe remarked almost mockingly. “I should do something about that huh?”

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh please!” Alayna moaned. “You have noooo idea how badly I need to cum!”

“Let’s go,” Joe said as both eggs returned to their low buzz, “I’ll meet you in the garage and follow you home. I don’t I might just jump you if you get close enough!” Alayna hissed.

Alayna collected her bag and stood up. When she looked back at her chair she was embarrassed but not surprised, there was actually a wet spot on the chair where she had been sitting. She was happy her skirt was black and it was late enough that no one would be around. Alayna exited her office and waited as patiently as possible for the elevator. Every passing second was another reminder of how excited she was. As each second ticked by Alayna became even more aware of everything occurring in and with her body. Itwasn’t that her nipples ached, her breasts actually ached. She was sure that the slightest touch to her breasts would send her over the edge.

“Are you still there?” Joe asked softly in her ear.

Alayna had completely forgotten that she had the cell phone to her ear!

“Yes,” Alayna replied bracing herself again, “I’m here.”

“I’ll call you again when you reach the parking garage.” Joe said softly.

“Okay, I’ll be there in a minute.” Alayna replied.

There was an air of concern in his voice again. For as much as Alayna loved Joe’s cocky attitude she loved how tender he could be as well. What was often surprising was how quickly he could transition from one to the other depending on what she needed at the moment.

The instant Alayna stepped out of the building and into the parking garage her cell phone rang again.

“Hi again.” Alayna answered unable to contain her smile.

“Don’t take the highway home,” Joe instructed, “take a left out of thegarage and go through town.”

With each step Alayna took to her car the eggs visas increased. When she got to her car she needed to steady herself on the door before opening it. The eggs lowered again when she opened the door and slid into her seat. By not taking the highway and going the long route it added 25 minutes onto Alayna’s drive not including the lights she would have to go through.

“Okay,” Alayna replied, “the long way home it is.”

Alayna started her car putting the phone into the hands free mount she had to the right of the steering wheel. When she took the left out of the garage she saw Joe’s car pull up behind her.

“Are you coming to make sure I don’t crash?” Alayna asked looking in the rear view mirror.

“I thought it might be best,” Joe replied with a smile in his voice, “lord knows I can’t have you show up at a hospital after you get in an accident wearing leather lingerie and eggs!”

“You have no idea how embarrassing that would be.” Alayna replied stopping at a red light.

The second her car stopped both eggs started vibrating on high again. Alayna’s fingers clnched the steering wheel and her foot pressed hard against the brake pedal. When the light turned green the eggs turned almost off.

“Only 20 some odd more lights to go.” Joe informed her following her again.

“Ohhh this is going to be a long ride.” Alayna panted.

“Think you ca make it all the way home without cumming?” Joe asked as they drive through the next too lights.

“Only one way to find out!” Alayna said stopping at a fresh yellow light. Both eggs immediately began buzzing on high. Alayna straightened her arms against the steering wheel pressing herself into the driver’s seat even further. “Ohhhhhh God!” Alayna bellowed.

“Someone might say you did that on purpose.” Joe teased. Alayna is unable to respond. “Halfway through the lights.” Joe informed her turning down the eggs as they start down the street again.

Alayna is happy but some sad that they make it through the next 3 lights without having to stop. At the next intersection there are a large number of lights with right and left turn lanes, it’s a major intersection and they might be there a while. While she knows it’s the next to last light on this route she isn’t sure if she wants to stop at it or not. Alayna knows that she is not far from orgasm but after a day like today she is not going to be able to stop at one. When the light ahead turns yellow Alayna knows she’ll never be able to make it through.

“Looks like you’re going to have to stop.” Joe informed her through the mounted handset.

“Yes it does,” Alayna replied moving her foot to the brake, “I hope you know just how close I am to cumming and this is a very long light.”

“Oh don’t worry,” Joe replied dripping of cockiness, “you are still about 15 minutes away from relief.”

“You love doing this to me don’t you?” Alayna asked looking in the rear viewmirror as she spoke.

“Doing what?” Joe asked turning one egg up all the way.

“Mmmmmmaking me so incredibly horny,” enjoying the egg buzzing full blast inside her pussy, “that I’m putty in your hands.” Joe turned the egg in Alayna’s pussy down while turning the one against Alayna’s clip upwards. “OHHhhhHHH!” Alayna screamed.

“Good thing your windows are up.” Joe chuckled as he spoke. “Or else you’d have terrified those children in the mini-van two lanes over.”

“Fuck them!” Alayna hissed while Joe changed the eggs victorys again. “They have no idea what’s going onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!”

Joe continued to lower one eggs victorys and raise the other alternating back and forth driving Alayna wild without making her orgasm. The light was indeed a long one and they spent a full minute watching lights change before theirs turned green.

“Green light.” Joe said softly after turning the eggs down almost 30 seconds before when the light turned green.

“Oh I know.”Alayna said driving forward again. “I was trying to regain my eyesight before I started driving.

Alayna was thankful that the next light remained green. The eggs were still on low and she knew she couldn’t stand another stop like the last one.

“How you doing?” Joe asked still closely following her car in his.

“I’m OK but God I need to cum.” She replied slipping a hand inside her bustier cup and rubbing her left nipple.

“Are you enjoying that plug with the eggs?”

“It makes me feel like I have a vibe shoved up my ass,” Alayna moaned pinching her nipple between two fingers, “and I love it!”

“I’m glad to hear that,” Joe replied obviously pleased with himself, “I’ll have to remember that.”

“Am I going to your place tonight?” Alayna asked praying he would say yes.

“Unfortunately my dear no.” Joe said crushing Alayna’s hopes. “Your sybian is waiting for you in the living room with your favorite 7″ dildo on it. I’d love to have you stay over but you know we can’t. Someone would notice but I will be watching.” Alayna could hear the sadness in his voice.

“Can you do me a favor then?” Alayna asked as they entered the gated community.

“Of course my dear.” Joe replied wanting to somehow make it up to her.

“Give me a goose before you leave me.” Alayna said looking back at the headlights of his car in her mirror.

“Just a little goose?” Joe asked. “Or a big one?”

“All the way up if you please sir.” Alayna answered already unbuttoning her blouse with one hand while she drove with the other.

“As you wish.” Joe replied turning both eggs up full speed as he pulled into his driveway.

Alayna’s condo was only a two minute drive which she was very happy about. Turning the corner to her place Alayna began untucking her now fully unbuttoned blouse. When she pulled into the driveway she undid her seatbelt and shut off her car almost forgetting to put it in park before getting out. Alayna left her pursuitand keys in the car making a b-line for her front door. She removed her blouse in the driveway barely holding onto it as she reached for the zipper of her skirt. Alayna was a woman possessed and her relief was finally in sight. Just as Joe predicted the moment she opened her front door she saw the sybian complete with the dildo molded after his cock pointed at the ceiling. Alayna pushed the door closed not even bothering to notice if it closed completely. She dropped her blouse and stepped out of her skirt while her hands searched for the thong she had on. Her eyes were locked on the purple shake which seemed to be calling her. Finding the sides of the thong Alayna quickly pushed it down leaving it and the egg it had been holding against her clip on the floor in her wake. Straddling the sybian Alayna reached down retrieving the still buzzing egg from her pussy letting it Fall to the floor as well. Alayna fell to her knees feeling the dildo pressing between her butt cheats. She reachedbetween her legs grabbing the shake and impaled herself on Joe’s cock.

“OHHHHHHHHHFFUUUUCCCKKKKKK!!!” Alayna screamed orgasming hard.

Alayna’s fingers found the sybian controls and began manipulating them. One orgasm wouldn’t be enough after what she just went through. She wanted, no, she needed more! The pad her clip rested against massed and vibrated her while the dildo buzzed and wiggled inside her pussy. Her next orgasm would come almost as quick as the first. Alayna reached between her breasts undoing the front of the bustier which fell off her shoulders. She immediately cupped and squeezed her aching breasts pinching and rolling the nipples between her index fingers and thumbs. Her hands only left her breasts long enough to make an adjustment to the sybian controller. She moaned deeply plunging her mouth to her right breast and sucking it hard.

“OHHHH God!!! OHH GODDDD!!!” Alayna screamed cumming a second time. “OH SHIT I can’t stop!”

Alayna’s hands clamped down on the front of the sybian but she couldn’t bring herself to touch the controller again. It kept mercilessly buzzing and wiggling away inside her. She didn’t care, she wasn’t going to shut it off until she didn’t need to cum anymore. Maybe that would be this orgasm that gave her the relief she so desperately needed, maybe it would be the next orgasm.

Alayna moaned loudly making slight adjustments to the knobs controlling the sybian. She could feel her next orgasm approaching. Clenching her legs and kicking off her heels Alayna concentrated on the intense feelings of pleasure in her crotch. The butt plug buzzing all day had practically made her asshole numb but its constant pressing against the wiggling and buzzing cock was more than enough to make up for it.

“Ohhhhhhh! OOOhhhhhhhhh! OOOOHHHHH!” Alayna cried out arching her back and driving herself down onto the sybian. “OHHHHHHHH JEEEESSSUUUUUSSSSSSS!”

Alayna orgasmed with such intensity she almost lost consciousness. Thankfully she was able to nudge both controllers down when she collapsed forward.

“Oh what the hell,” Alayna said leaning up again, “one more should do the trick.”

Alayna leaned up slowly, not lifting her head, and turned the knobs slowly upwards. Finding the setting she wanted Alayna lifted her large breasts again pulling one and then the other to her mouth. She flicked and teased each nipple first before sucking each softly increasing her intensity as she needed it. It wasn’t long before she could feel her next orgasm building. Unlike the others Alayna did her best to hold this one off by adjusting the knobs down to tease herself. She knew that her next orgasm would certainly be the last of the evening and she wanted it to leave her tingling straight through until morning, but there was only so long she could hold the beast at bay.

Eventually Alayna had to turn both knobs all the way up and lean back fully on the machine. Alayna’s eyes focused on the ceilingg opening both them and her mouth wide. Her orgasm was announced with more of a howl than a moan. She couldn’t help but scream with the release. Alayna collapsed forward onto her elbows lifting her body off the sybian which still whirled and buzzed slightly behind her. Alayna slowly returned to her senses and realized something was different. She reached back with one hand and turned the controller for the sybian off completely but the feeling remained. Too tired to lift her head Alayna listened. She could hear the two eggs she had just removed still buzzing on the floor near, but there was more. Alayna lifted her head looking towards her front door which was still open, just inside the door to the right stood Faye.

Faye was leaning against the wall wearing a short pink nightie with spaghetti steps. The left strap had Fallen off her shoulder and she was cupping her breast with her right hand. Faye’s left hand was inside the front of the matching string bikinis. Alayna didn’t move, instead she watched Faye bring herself to orgasm. It was intense watching Faye touch herself; she had never watched another woman like that before. Alayna watched how the muscles in Faye’s legs twitched, particularly between her thighs, and how her body moved. When Faye slumped against the wall and lowered her head Alayna knew she had just had an amazing orgasm.

“Oh,” Faye said lifting her head, “I’m so sorry. I heard you scream and your front door was open.” Faye removed her hand from her panties and fixed the front of her nightie. “Then when I walked in and saw you,” Faye said looking beyond Alayna to the sybian, “on that thing I just couldn’t help myself.”

“How long were you there?” Alayna asked crawling over and collecting some of her clothes.

“At least one,” Faye said moving sideways still staring at the sybian, “maybe two. Alayna what the hell is that thing?”

“It’s a sybian,” Alayna replied slowly getting to her feet, “want to try it?”

“Is it okay?” Faye asked anxiously. “I mean it doesn’t hurt does it?”

“Not at all,” Alayna replied with a warm smile, “you’ll love it I promise.”

Alayna moved over to the sybian removing the dildo she had just used and replacing it with another as well as replacing the front piece. Just the simple act of bending over caused Alayna to have an aftershock that took her breath away. The ever present pressure of the plug added to it as well. Faye tenatively stepped towards the sybian still not sure what to make of the device on the floor. Never the less she removed her bikini bottoms before slipping out of the short nightgown.

“Do you need any lube?” Alayna asked as Faye stood over the sybian.

“No,” Faye answered just above a whisper never letting her eyes leave the pink dildo pointing skyward, “I’m soaked already.”

Faye lowered herself slowly until her pussy hovered just above the dildo.

“This knob controls the dildo,” Alayna instructed, “and this one the clip massager.”

“So I just sit back on it then?” Faye asked nervously.

“That’s it,” Alayna answered, “and prepare to hold on.”

Alayna watched Faye slip her hand between her legs and work the dildo inside her. Faye’s body tensed for a moment and then relaxed as she lowered herself completely. After a moment Faye took the controller from Alayna’s hand and turned one knob up slowly.


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