Author’s notes: I have been struggling to find and keep editors during this story-line so this story has been submitted without an editor going over it. I apologize for any grammatical errors in advance and I hope you find the story enjoyable despite that fact.
Alayna struggled through the rest of the day wondering what the box from Michael contained. She was glad she had Shauna to talk to but she could only lean on her friend so much. Joe E mailed her a few times during the day but he wasn’t going to come into the office. Knowing Michael that box could contain anything. Alayna knew one thing for sure, it would be revealing and make her not only feel like a slut but look like one too. What was worse she wasn’t sure what she dreaded more about her upcoming date with him on Wednesday, the fact that she would be utterly humiliated by his actions and treatment of her or the fact that she couldn’t help but find him incredibly attractive. Alayna barely managed to getAny work done and was somehow still sitting at her desk at 6pm.
“No matter how late you stay,” Shauna said from the doorway, “that box will still be there when you get home.”
“I know it will be Shauna,” Alayna replied looking up, “I don’t even know what I’m still doing here.”
“Let’s go Hun,” Shauna said waving Alayna towards the exit, “I’ll even go in there with you if you want.”
“Promise?” Alayna replied standing up and walking to the office door.
“I promise.” Shauna said taking Alayna’s arm.
Shauna escorted Alayna to the parking garage. The two women parted to their separate cars. Alayna decided to follow Shauna to keep from speeding back to her place. She certainly didn’t want a repeat of this morning! When Shauna pulled into her driveway next door she got out of her car and walked straight over to Alayna’s. They walked into her condo and stared at the box as if it were a demon.
“If there’s something freaky in it,” Shauna whispered, “then we’re going to have to do something. Tell him you have other plans or something.”
“Like I’ll be able to get away with that,” Alayna whispered back, “big brother not only watches but I’m sure he listens too!”
“Oh I know he does,” Shauna replied walking towards the kitchen where the box was located, “but we have to do something.”
Alayna followed Shauna who was walking in a circle far from the box. Alayna walked up to the box and opened it slowly. She reached in and removed a neighborly folded cocktail dress. As she lifted it the dress unfolded. Alayna held it against her body and walked to the full length mirror by her door.
“This certainly isn’t as bad as I thought,” Alayna said looking at her reflection, “it covers my ass, hell it even comes half way down my thighs!”
“It’s really pretty Alayna.” Shauna called out looking in the box.
“Off the shoulder isn’t bad,” Alayna continued, “a little cleavage will show but nothing obscene. Maybe it won’t be that badAfter all.”
“I don’t think it will,” Shauna replied holding up a lace pair of bottoms, “you even get to wear undies!”
“That’s a big start I guess,” Alayna said walking over to Shauna, “maybe he won’t fuck me out of my heels this time!”
“What?” Shauna asked taking the dress from Alayna.
“That time in the parking lot at work pinned against the car,” Alayna said looking at the high cut scallop lace panties, “he had my hand pinned behind my back and lifted my legs in the air. He fucked me so hard one of my heels fell off.”
“Wow,” Shauna replied holding the dress against herself, “how in the hell do you follow that up?”
“By having me suck him off and cumming on my tits,” Alayna replied blankly, “sad he wanted to mark his territory.”
Shauna put the dress aside and leaned in close to her friend so that only she could hear her.
“I don’t see what you see in him sweetie,” Shauna whispered, “you’d be so much better off with Joe.”
“I know,” Alayna replied hugging her friend to cover their whispering, “when I figure it out myself I’ll let you know.”
Shauna hugged Alayna tightly and then left without saying another word. She knew her pressuring her friend wouldn’t help her situation any, plus she had a date with Chris tonight and had to change.
The next 2 days flow for Alayna. She had lunch both days with Joe in his Office but they only had sex one of them. On Tuesday they talked about everything and anything for an hour and a half. By the time they remembered they had food it was cold. Their conversation was only interrupted when Joe’s secretary came in. He said he liked to have her come in when they were behaving themselves so she would think that’s all that happened during all their lunches. The following lunch Alayna found herself Sitting on Joe’s desk with her skirt and blouse on the chair behind her and her legs spread wide apart for him.
Wednesday Alayna returned to her condo and drew a bath, she needed to relax somehow before her date with Michael. Although the fact that he had picked a more normal dress for her she had no idea what he had in store but knew it would be something unexpected. Alayna poured lavender bath oil into the tub, lit several candles, and put on some soft music before climbing into the tub. She slipped under the water up to her chin and closed her eyes. Alayna didn’t wake until an hour later when the water cooled. The candles had burned down to nothing and the CD had long since stopped playing.
“Oh shit!” Alayna said quickly stepping out of the tub. “What time is it!?!” Alayna grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her torso and walked to her bedroom. “Oh thank goodness,” Alayna said looking at the clock, “I still have plenty of time.”
Alayna dried her body with the towel where she stood. She grabbed another one and wrapped it around her long hair. After she retrieved her dress from the closet Alayna placed it on the bed placing the panties next toit a moment later. The box had contained a pair of heels that compiled the dress. Alayna was pleased the heel was only 4″ which was not as high as Michael normally preferred. With her wardrobe laid out Alayna walked back into her bathroom to put on her makeup and do her hair. Alayna decided to wear her hair up and back and put a number of set rollers into her long dark blond hair. She put on a light eye shadow and mascara to bring out her eyes, some blush to highlight her cheeks and a pale red lipstick. Alayna knew that Michael paid attention to little details so she checked her makeup very carefully. She didn’t finish adjusting it until she felt it was perfect. Alayna used a pair of decorative combs to pull her hair back and let the long curls provided by the rollers to hang down her back. With the curls her hair came just below her shoulders meaning that they would ticke her back and neck in the dress she would wear.
Alayna checked her face and hair again in the bedroom mierror before putting on her panties. The high cut bikini bottoms had a Brazilian style back that did little to cover her bottom. They fit snugly but were very comfortable; she liked the way they felt against her skin. Alayna looked at them in the mirror, the front barely covered anything as well.
“They look just how they feel,” Alayna said to herself, “like I’m wearing nothing.”
Alayna returned to the bed and picked up the dress and stepped into it. The outer material was a lace overlay while under it was light black cotton. The black cotton was quite clingy. When Alayna stood in front of the mirror again she saw that the dress was snug but not too revealing. The sides swept off her shoulders and scooped low in the front revealing the subtle curve of her breasts which were pushed up by a shelf bra built into the dress. Alayna zipped the back and grabbed her shoes before heading downstairs. Five minutes before Michael was due at her front door Alayna stood outside waiting forhim in her heels. Michael pulled up a few minutes later.
Alayna immediately had flashbacks to the last time he picked her up in his car. She stood outside waiting for him in a dress and lingerie of his choosing like. That night he made her stand and hold open her dress to show him what she had on underneath. She felt a chill up her spine remembering the feeling of wondering who was looking out their window to see her like that. Tonight she was more comfortable and confident, if he asked she had no problem lifting her dress.
“Good evening Alayna,” Michael said getting out of the car, “you look great. Is that dress the right size? Does it fit well?”
Alayna was completely taken aback by Michael’s actions. This was so unlike him. He walked around and opened the car door for her reaching out for her hand to help her in. Alayna was so shocked she was motionless.
“Is everything okay Alayna?” He asked taking her hand.
“I’m sorry,” Alayna said coming back to her senses, “the dress is lovely and fits perfectly thank you.”
Alayna took Michael’s hand and stepped forward slipping into his car. Michael closing the door made her jump and her hands fidgeted with her dress. Luckily by the time he had walked around the back of the car and opened the driver side door Alayna remembered to move her knees apart. He was catching her completely off guard and she didn’t like it.
They pulled up to an elegant restaurant Alayna had always wanted to try. She waited patiently while Michael came around and opened her door having waved off the valet. He took her by the arm and escorted her inside. Over dinner Michael continued to be a true gentleman, he was polite and they spoke openly. Alayna finally began to relax over dessert. Maybe becoming a member and having the ability to have any woman he could I want had mellowed his over the top cockiness. Maybe he tired of finding new and different ways to humiliate her. Alayna felt her feelings for him growing again.
Alayna glanced at her watch in the ladies room; they had been there for over an hour. It seemed like less than half that amount of time. The conversation had flowed so easily and never lagged. She had always been nervous and meek around him. Her head was swimming with confusion. Alayna left the ladies room and rejoined Michael at the table.
“Are you ready to go my dear?” Michael asks with a smile.
“Yes I am Michael,” Alayna said placing her napkin aside, “thank you for the lovely meal.”
Michael stood and walked around the table to pull Alayna’s chair back. He took her by the hand and then the arm to walk her back out of the restaurant. Alayna was floating on air as they waited for the valet to bring Michael’s car around.
“Thank you again Michael,” Alayna said softly, “this has been a lovely evening.”
“You’re welcome.” Michael said watching his car come up to them.
He opened her door and once again helped Alayna into the car. Alayna sat nervously waiting for him to get into the driver’s seat. When Michael did he placed the car in gear and pulled forward stopping about 40 feet from the valet stand. Alayna looked around for a moment. The restaurant windows were to their right and she could see diners behind the tinted glass. She looked at Michael wondering what was going on.
“Is everything okay Michael?” She asked.
“Everything is fine Alayna,” Michael said sliding his hands into his lap and looking over at her, “but I need you to do something.”
“Of course, anything.” Alayna replied not wanting to spoil their so far perfect evening.
“Blow me.” He said freeing his cock from his dark gray suit pants.
“What? Right here?” Alayna replied in complete shock.
“I said blow me slut,” Michael said sternly, “now blow me.”
Alayna did as she was told and leaned over the center console taking Michael’s hard cock into her mouth. With her right hand Alayna stroked Michael as well hoping it would bring him to a quicker orgasm. She sucked him hard pursing her lips and sucking in her cheeks on the side of her mouth. Alayna felt Michael lean her seat back allowing her more room to work, she twisted her head from side to side and snaked her tongue along his cock pausing only to gasp for air.
“That’s my slut,” Michael said resting his hand on the back of Alayna’s head, “keep going like that just a bit longer.”
Alayna felt Michael’s hips start to move up and down thrusting his cock deeper into her mouth. Normally she would have been content to have him just do that but she wanted this to be over as quickly as possible. Instead she sucked and circled his head and furiously stroked his cock with her right hand.
“Ohhhhh there you go slut!” Michael moaned as he pushed firmly down on the back of her head and came in her mouth.
Alayna gagged on his cock but held her lips firm around his shake. When Michael released the back of her head Alayna slowly lifted it swallowing as much cum as she could get to the back of her throat. She used her thumb to squeeze and milk the underside of his cock to get the last of his cum.
“Nice job slut.” Michael said straightening his seat back up. “Sit up now, one of the valets is coming.”
Michael quickly tucked his semi hard cock back into his pants and zipped them. Alayna sat up and reached for the vanity mirror but never got a chance to pull it down.
“Is everything okay?” Asked the valet as he leaned down to look into the low slung BMW.
“Oh everything is fine,” Michael replied with a big grin, “isn’t it Alayna?”
“Ye … ahem, yes everything is fine.” Alayna replied meekly.
“Sir, madam, we don’t condone that type of activity on our property.” The valet scolded. “I hope you enjoyed your meal but you should really find a more private spot, like your home, next time.”
“I’ll keep that in mind loser.” Michael said putting the car back in gear and driving off.
Alayna sat silentirely wiping tears from her eyes. She was beyond humiliated. She was sure the people sitting at the table by the window had watched. Knowing Michael he probably waved at them while he held her head down. Finally she pulled the sun visa down and flipped up the cover to the lit vanity mirror.
“Oh my God!” Alayna said looking at her reflection.
Her humiliation hit new levels as she saw several large white drops of cum on her chin and the side of her mouth. There was absolutely no denying whether the valet knew what she had done or not. Alayna quickly wiped her mouth while silently wishing she could just disappear. Over the sound of the road and open windows she could hear Michael giggling to himself.
Alayna refused to speak and luckyly for her Michael didn’t want conversation on the way home. He pulled up to the front of her house in silence.
“Would you like me to walk you to the door Alayna?” Michael asked smugly.
“No thank you Michael,” Alayna lied, “I proMissed Shauna I’d look in on her.”
“Whatever you say.” Michael said as Alayna opened the passenger side door, “Friday night come by my house at 7.”
“Yes sir.” Alayna said stepping out of the car. “Should I wear or bring anything in particular.”
“No slut,” Michael said with a cocky smile, “I have it all set up.”
Alayna walked as confidently as she could to Shauna’s house. Michael’s car didn’t move until Alayna walked in the door. Luckily Shauna was also in the habit of leaving her door unlocked as well. Shauna wasn’t home though.
“She must still be out with Chris,” Alayna said to herself, “I hope he’s gone.” Alayna peaked out the window to see if Michael’s car was still there. “Shit!” Alayna muttered to herself.
She Thought about waiting him out but knew she couldn’t do that. Alayna got an idea and walked towards the back of Shauna’s condo. She opened the slider and took off her heels. The grass off Shauna’s patio was wet and ticked Alayna’s toes as she walked across it. Alayna kept the condo between her and Michael’s car until she was close to the trees that lined both of their back yards. Once there she slowly crept along the trees towards her yard. As soon as Michael’s car came into view she hunted lower and moved very slowly. She felt like a fool for singing around in the dark in a black cocktail dress. When her condo blocked her view of Michael’s car she knew it was safe to start walking towards her back door. Thankfully it was unlocked as well. Alayna stumbled through her darkened kitchen to look out the front window.
“Thank God he’s gone.” Alayna whispered to herself as she looked out front.
Alayna deliberately left her lights off until she went to bed and then she only turned on the TV. She doubted anyone would notice.
The next morning she woke and bathed. She was far less lively than she had been the previous day. Thoughts of what Michael had in store for Friday night filled her head. He knew no limitsand had proved that time and time again. Alayna dressed and was downstairs making coffee before Shauna walked in.
“So,” Shauna said walking in the front door in a grey pinstripe women’s suit, “how was your date?”
“I’ll tell you in the car,” Alayna replied walking towards Shauna with two filled travel mugs, “but it was what I should have expected.”
Alayna joined Shauna in her car and before long they were speeding down the open road. Alayna told Shauna the whole story starting with how she had been shocked by Michael’s gentlemanly approach. Shauna was shocked by his actions after dinner.
“Giving a guy head while driving is one thing,” Shauna replied upon hearing about the valet, “at worse you’ll end up at a red light and someone will pull up next to you. But that is just over the top!”
“I agree!” Alayna replied. “And now I have to see him on Friday.”
“You’re kidding!” Shauna exclaimed. “Hasn’t he fucked with you enough?”
“I just don’t know whatto think Shauna or what to do,” Alayna responded, “where will you be Friday?”
“John and Janice are taking me to the Bahamas for the weekend,” Shauna said trembling with excitement, “you have no idea how excited I am about that!”
“Rest up Shauna,” Alayna said as they pulled into the parking space, “you’re going to need it!”
“Oh my God I know!” Shauna replied.
The two women exited the car and walked into work. Alayna tried on concentrated on Shauna’s upcoming trip and remembering her own fun with John and Janice. She was going to miss her dear friend when she moved out and wondered if Shauna would talk Chris into having her over once in a while. If for no other reason than to save her from Michael.
Thursday and Friday passed far too quickly for Alayna. Joe had been away on business but promised he would be back on Sunday and make it up to her. He always did manage to make her feel special and that was all he would ever need to do to keep her happy. By FridayAfternoon Alayna felt incredibly alone. She wished for a way to get out of her evening with Michael but she knew it just wouldn’t be possible. He even sent her an E mail reminding her to be to his house by 7. Alayna simply had to resign to her fate and go over.
When she got home she decided against her normal bath. There was no way she was going to relax until tonight was over! She changed out of her work clothes and put on a short white satin kimono robe. If she was going to have to wait until 7 she was at least going to be comfortable. Alayna made herself a small meal and had a glass of wine with dinner. She was feeling some better until she looked at the time.
“Six-thirty already.” Alayna softly while to herself. “Time to get ready.”
Michael had given no instructions so Alayna decided she would go as comfortable as possible. She left her hair down and pulled it back with a headband, she put on no make up as well. Alayna picked out a fairly plain white bra andwore a ribbed tank top over it. It took some digging but Alayna found the pair of panties that matched her bra and put them on next, it was the most boring lingerie she owned. Next she pulled on a pair of denim Capri’s and a blue men’s dress shirt which she rolled the sleeves up on. Alayna topped it off with a pair of sneakers and ankle socks.
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