Power Plays Ch. 19

Author’s note: If you like the story please leave a comment. I enjoy feedback of all kinds and would like to know what your thoughts are. Please keep in mind this is a BDSM story in the BDSM category. If you don’t like them I suggest you stop reading now. This story and my last one are, so far, my favorites in this series as Joe and Alayna finally express their emotions. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it. Thanks again to Tiffany for her editing work.


Alayna was lost in Joe’s warm embrace. She had no idea what was going on around her or that there was even a world outside his strong arms. While she wanted to wipe her tears away she didn’t want to move her arms from Joe’s body. For whatever reason she thought that if she did she might float away. Her body trembled against his.

“What do we do now?” Alayna asked quietly. “I mean with the membership and all…”

“We can talk about that soon enough.” Joe said moving his hand up her back and over her shoulder to lift her chin. “I have a feeling we will have a lot of things to discuss.” He said looking into Alayna’s deep green eyes. “Why don’t we have dinner while we talk?”

Joe took Alayna by the hand and the two of them walked like teenage lovers towards the pool. He led them to the patio area where the large stainless grill and stone counter was located. The patio had several deck chairs and one large chair that looked as big as a bed. Joe led her to that one and once again pulled her body to his. He cupped her head in his hands and kissed her softly.

“Let me get dinner started,” he said pulling back and looking into her eyes, “and we can talk. We have all night you know.”

As Joe turned to the grill their hands met again. Their fingers lingered together and arms stretched as he continued to move slowly away. Alayna sat on the large recliner and silently watched Joe work around his outdoor kitchen. The last time she had been over she hadn’t seen him cooking. That time she had been showing while he prepared dinner. Like everything else in his house the outer kitchen was well organized and maintained. To the left of the large stainless grill was a six foot stone counter with several stainless cabinets underneath, one of which was a refrigerator.

“Beer?” Joe asked holding up a cold bottle in his right hand.

“Oh I’d love one!” Alayna replied with a wide smile.

“Need a glass?” He asked.

“It’s already in glass isn’t it?” Alayna answered with a sly smile.

“A woman after my own heart…” Joe said walking towards her and twisting the cap off the beer.

“Thank you so much.” Alayna said taking the beer from Joe’s hand and sipping it.

“Steak tips and rice pilaf sound good?” Joe asked walking back to the grill.

“Sounds wonderful actually,” Alayna replied getting comfortable on the blind chair, “can you do that all on the grill?”

“I can cook anywhere,” Joe replied winking at her over his shoulder, “even naked!”

“Oh I know you can do anything naked,” Alayna replied squeezing her thighs a bit and loving the sensing it caused in her pussy, “I’m still trying to recover from the last orgasm you gave me!”

“Well there is one thing I won’t do naked,” Joe said tossing the marinated steak tips onto the grill, “I refuse to cook bacon naked so breakfast will require shorts at a minimum!” Alayna laughed and smiled wide. “You know,” Joe said turning and looking at Alayna, “you do two wonderful things when you smile and laugh.” Joe leaned back on the counter and sipped from his beer while looking her naked body over. “Your eyes brighten when you smile,” he said folding his arms across his chest, “and your boobs jiggle when you laugh.”

“JOE!” Alayna said trying not to giggle or blush. “Oh, sorry,” Alayna said blushing anyway; she moved her thighs apart so her knees didn’t touch. “I forget.”

“You don’t have to worry about that tonight,”Joe said casually lifting the lid to the grill to check the meat, “cross your fingers, your legs, your toes or your eyes all you want.”

Alayna giggled again and tried to cross her eyes. She was amazed how comfortable it was to talk to Joe like this. The two of them were in his spatial back yard completely naked and talking as if everything was normal. She wondered if this is what the Garden of Eden was like before Adam and Eve found out they were naked. Everything was comfortable with him.

The two lovers talked for hours. They enjoyed their dinner almost as much as their conversation. The decision was not an easy one but it was what they had to do. Alayna had to remain ‘in service’ for another 8 months, there was no way around it. Joe expressed his desire not to share her any longer but he had no choice in the matter. He admitted that he would be jealous if she were to go out with another member but he knew that it was what she had to do. Alayna actually saw a tear in hiseye as he explained this and she understood just how difficult it would be for him. They would still be together every work day and they would have their Sunday’s as well so her availability was fairly limited as long as no one noticed. That was the big thing; they would have to keep it a secret.

Joe excused himself for a moment after getting Alayna another beer. They had easily gone Through a six pack by now and both were feeling very relaxed. Joe walked around the back of the grill area and wheeled out a large silver kauldron which he placed within a few feet of the foot of the blind chair. The kauldron was stuffed with wood. Joe removed a lighter from one of the cabinets and lit the fire in several places before putting it back. He must have packed the bottom with paper because it began to slowly burn and spread. Joe opened another cabinet are removed a large blue comfortableter which he carried over to the blind chair. He placed it next to Alayna before moving behind her and lowering the back of the large chair until it was almost flat.

“This is quite a chair.” Alayna said as she leaned up and watched Joe intently.

“I had it made,” Joe said returning and opening up the comforter, “just for tonight.” Joe flung one end of the comforter up in the air causing it to land on Alayna and the mattress. “I thought we could spend the night sleeping under the stars.”

No sooner had the comfortable landed on the mattress then Joe slide under it and next to Alayna. She felt the warmth of his body next to hers as well as the heat of the growing fire by their feet.

“No pillows?” Alayna asked teasingly.

“I figured you could just use me as your pillow.” Joe said softly as he pulled Alayna’s body tightly to his.

Alayna’s body was half on top of Joe’s and half on the bed. She moved her left hand up his side to his neck and pulled him into her for a lingering kiss. His hands moved over her back and sides as he allowed himself to be pulled into her.Alayna enjoyed her brief moment of control, just as she was wondering how long it would last Joe rolled over on top of her pinning her body under his. His body fell between her legs and his face directly over hers. She loved the feeling of his body weight on top of her.

Joe stared into Alayna’s eyes and moved his hands down to her waist. His hands moved slowly upward while his eyes never moved from hers. Alayna found it exciting, it was as if he knew his way around her body so well he didn’t need to look to see where his hands were going. They continued up her sides to the sides of her breasts. Alayna lifted her arms so her hands were on his shoulders allowing him better access to her breasts. Instead his hands continued up to her arms pushing her arms up above her head. His hands followed underneath her upper arms between them and the mattress before gliding over the top of her lower arms pulling her hands into his. Their fingers interlocked above her head. Joe shifted his lower body spreading Alayna’s thighs further apart.

“Now how are you going to get that magnificent cock of yours inside me with your hands busy?” Alayna asked coyly.

“You don’t think I know my way around your body enough,” Joe said shifting his hips to his right slightly, “to get inside that wonderful pussy of yours?” Joe pressed his hips forward slipping the head of his now swollen cock between Alayna’s pussy lips. “I’ve had my cock in your pussy almost daily for the past three and a half months,” he said slowly working his cock in and out coating it with her wetness, “I could practically claim residency!”

Alayna moaned softly and closed her eyes, when she opened them Joe was still staring directly into her eyes. Alayna lifted her thighs letting Joe penetrate her deeper. With the exception of the quick blink they continued to look into each other’s eyes as they slowly made love. Alayna’s knees spread wide and her feet moved between Joe’s legs, she wanted him as deeplyinside her as possible. Even without using his hands he was stimulating her breasts. His chest hair rubbed against her hard nipples tickling each one as he moved slowly back and forth.

“Lower your legs.” Joe said evenly.

“What?” Alayna asked surprised by his statement. If anything she wanted to lift her legs higher to get him even deeper inside!

“Lower your legs so they are flat against the mattress.” He said patiently.

Alayna lowered her legs so they lay outside of Joe’s. He stopped moving for a moment and moved his legs outside of hers and then pulled them together. Alayna’s thighs were now touching with Joe’s cock still inside her pussy. The feeling was incredibly different. Alayna was bound without actually being bound; she could not move her body, arms or legs as they were either pinned or held by Joe’s body.

“Roll your hips up and squeeze your thighs.” He whispered with his eyes still never leaving hers. She followed his direction unquestioningly. “That’s perfect,” he said moving back and forth faster, “now tell me how that feels…”

“That feels amazing,” she said returning his gaze, “I never expected it to feel that good!” The thrusts were nowhere near as deep but with her thighs together and his cock grazing against her clip Alayna was not going to complain. What really affected her was the fact his eyes never left hers, she felt as if he were actually looking inside her.

Alayna began to moan louder as she felt her orgasm growing deep inside her. Usually she would close her eyes and concentrate on the feeling of Joe’s cock inside her but not tonight. Tonight she wanted to look deep into his eyes as they came together. She could tell by Joe’s breathing that he was getting close as well.

“Joooeeeeee,” Alayna moaned loudly, “I LOVE YOU!”

“I love you too!” Joe grunted.

The two of them came in unison, only then did their eyes separate. Joe leaned forward kissing Alayna deeply. He buried his cock as deepinside Alayna as possible while plunging his tongue into her mouth. The two of them moaned into each other’s mouths as they kissed. Alayna squeezed her pussy milking the hot cum from Joe’s cock. Their fingers clnched each other’s hands as turning their knuckles white. They didn’t stop kissing until their orgasms passed.

Joe released Alayna’s hands but didn’t move. She lowered her arms and put her hand on the side of his face. The exchanged no words, there was nothing more to say. Alayna’s arms coiled around Joe’s body pulling him into her. They lay motionless in their embrace saving each others touch.

“Joe,” Alayna said quietly after several moments, “I have to get up.”

“Well that’s too bad,” Joe said looking up into her eyes, “I was hoping to stay like this.”

“But I have to pee.” Alayna replied in a whisper.

“Well then,” Joe said moving slowly, “I’d better get off your bladder. Actually I have to go too.”

The slowly crawled off the bed still keeping contact with each other’s bodies. In a moment they were at the bottom of the large locke chair next to the warm fire. Alayna moved into Joe’s body pulling her arms into her chest and feeling the warmth of his arms around her back. They looked down at the burning eggs and crackling logs.

“Why don’t you use the bathroom in the house,” Joe said resting his head on hers, “and I’ll use the one in the pool house.”

“Okay.” Alayna replied without moving.

“That does mean we have to move though.” Joe said softly.

“I’ll meet you back here in a minute.” Alayna answered still not moving.

“Is this the real life version of a phone call where neither person wants to hang up?” Joe asked picking his head up and looking down at Alayna.

“I think it is.” She answered looking up into Joe’s eyes.

“Well the good thing with this is,” Joe said leaning back a bit, “after we hang up and go to the bathroom we can meet back here under the covers naked.”

“Now that you put it that way,” Alayna said standing on her toes and kissing Joe’s lips softly, “we’d better get going!”

Joe let Alayna go and watched as she practically skipped towards the kitchen. Her long legs were magnificent as he watched her bounce forward on the balls of her feet. She looked back as she got to the large sliding door half smile on her face until she almost tripped going inside.

Alayna’s head was still spinning and the intensity aftershocks she was experiencing weren’t helping. She cleaned herself up in the bathroom. Seeing herself in the mirror she realized what an incredible mess she really was. Her hair had been wet and dried without being brushed out and she looked just as she felt, completely drained. Her face beamed with the realization that Joe would be waiting for her in the bed beside the pool and she would spend the night in his arms. She steadied herself and walked back outside.

Joe had the fire glowing filling the immediate area with light. Alayna watched him slide naked under the blue comfortabler. She woke confidently to the bedside, her body lit only by the flickering fire.

“You look amazing.” Joe said looking Alayna up and down.

“I’m a mess,” Alayna said making a vain attempt to fix her hair, “and you know it.”

“Well then,” Joe said pulling the comfortabler back, “climb into bed with me then my beautiful mess.”

Alayna giggled and climbed into the bed next to the man she loved. His left arm slipped easily around her shoulder and down her back positioning her head on his chest. As she lay her head down she could hear the steady beat of his heart. Alayna pressed her body into his and dragged her left leg over his body pulling him even closer. Joe’s arms coiled around her body holding Alayna as if he would never get to again. Their legs intertwined like the ends of a pretzel. A moment later Alayna was dead sleep and didn’t wake until morning.

The rising sun woke Alayna. She moved slowly feeling thesoreness of her body as she did. Her pussy and ass felt fine as she expected they would but her legs and shoulders were sore from being bound for so long on her belly. Alayna quietly slipped out of the bed, giving Joe a light kiss on the forehead, before walking inside. She made her way to the shower in the master bathroom and stepped in.

“I might as well take advantage of this while I’m here.” She said smiling to herself.

Alayna shacked completely allowing her fingers to glide over her smooth skin. She loved having her mound fully bald and knew that after she was done with her ‘service’ she would keep it that way. It was just so much cleaner.

“Maybe I can talk Joe into shaving like this too.” She said smiling. “It can’t hurt to ask.”

Alayna stepped out of the shower and dried herself with a large towel. She couldn’t help but feel giddy and think how things would be when this was her house too. Alayna walked through the master bedroom looking at the bed she would share with Joe one day. She couldn’t help it. Their life may be 8 months away but it would keep her going for those 8 months. She walked out onto the patio off the master bedroom and down the stairs as she brushed out her hair.

“Good morning,” Joe said leaning up on his elbow and looking at her, “you are up awfully early.”

“I have to get to work you know,” Alayna said tugging the brush to undo the knots in her hair, “I wouldn’t want to get called to the boss’ office for being late.”

“And here I thought you liked to be called to the boss’ office.” Joe said looking Alayna up and down greedily. “I was thinking of calling you there later.”

“Oh I’d like that.” Alayna answered feeling a chill run up her spine.

Joe sat up slowly and motioned for Alayna to sit next to him. She sat close to him and leaned into his body feeling his warmth.

“The next few months will be difficult,” Joe said as she leaned her head into his shoulder, “for you and for me. I willneed to keep up appearances as will you; there is no way around it.”

“I understand.” Alayna whispered.

“If I were to all of a sudden to stop dating it would be noticed and people would talk.” Joe said wrapping an arm around her. “Worse yet they would make it uncomfortable for you. It wouldn’t take a genius to figure out that you were the only woman I was seeing and it would be impossible to protect you from them.”

“I know,” Alayna said turning to face Joe, “and I understand Joe, I really do. We share something special and when we are together it will be amazing.” Alayna leaned forward and kissed Joe’s lips softly. “I’ve experienced things with you that I never thought possible and enjoyed things I never knew I would or could. In some ways I feel like you created me.”

“I’m glad you feel that way Alayna.” Joe replied kissing her back. “And we can always expand on those experiences whenever you want.”

“Whenever I want?” Alayna asked raising an eyebrow.

“Got something in mind already?” Joe asked surprised by her reaction.

“I may,” Alayna said leaning back, “but I’d hate to be late for work.”

Joe found himself getting aroused by Alayna’s reaction. Obviously she had something in mind and was pushing her way into the driver’s seat while not so subtly maneuvering him out of it. The idea excited him.

“Don’t worry about work darling,” Joe said shifting his body, “I’ll take care of that for you.”

“And I can do anything I want right?” Alayna said leaning back and staring into Joe’s eyes. “Anything at all?”

“Yes darling, anything at all.” He replied huskily.

“Then let me ask you a question,” Alayna said moving quickly away from him, “ever tie anyone up standing out here?”

“Once or twice.” Joe said picturing Alayna bound again.

“Where?” Alayna asked standing up and looking around.

“Between those two trees over there,” Joe answered pointing at two towering pine trees, “what do you have in mind?”

“Do you have everything you need to tie someone up between them neary?” Alayna said standing and turning towards the trees showing her back to Joe.

“Yeah, they are right where we were yesterday.” Joe answered lying back on the pillow.

Alayna looked over her should turn her body slightly towards Joe. She knew this would give him a wonderful teasing view of her body. Alayna knew that the idea was exciting Joe but the idea wasn’t the same one that she had in mind. He would soon find that out soon enough.

“Would you mind getting them for me?” Alayna said deliberately flirting with him.

“Not at all, darling.” Joe said quickly getting out of bed and heading off.

“And a towel!” Alayna called out to him as she walked towards the two pines.

As Joe walked to get the items he couldn’t help but think that he was not going to be the one in charge. He Shook it off quickly. Alayna was amazing but she wasn’t a Domme by any stretch of the imagination.Joe had often watched her reactions as he tied her or punished her, she thrived in that environment. Just the idea alone excited her and he knew it. Joe collected the cuffs and ropes needed as well as a towel and returned. When he got back Alayna was already between the two pins inspecting them.


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