Power Plays Ch. 18

Author’s Notes: Thanks again to TK for the editing job and suggestions. This story is my favorite of the series so far. I spent a lot of time working out the imagery of the scenes, I hope the readers will enjoy them as much as I did when I wrote them.


Shauna and Alayna walked out of the house arm in arm and to Alayna’s car around the corner. It wasn’t easy for Shauna to remain silent. She knew that Alayna would be too tired to have the conversation she needed to have with her. Shauna knew the hold that Michael had over Alayna, she also knew that Michael would be no good for Alayna and she had to find a way to keep them apart.

Alayna drove quickly to her house and pulled in the driveway. Her head was still spinning from the nights events. She was still horny but completely exhausted and wanted nothing more then to crawl into bed.

“Can we talk on Monday,” Alayna said shutting the car off, “on the way into work?”

“Of course Sweetie.” Shauna replied taking Alayna’s left hand in her right. “Have fun tomorrow.”

“Thank you, I will, I promise.” Alayna leaned over and softly kissed Shauna on the lips.

“Good night Alayna.” Shauna said as their lips parted.

The two women exited the car and parted ways without another word. Alayna walked upstairs and stripped in her bathroom. Her red shorts, white top and pale pink bra lay on the floor as Alayna stepped into the hot shower. The hot water felt great and helped to soothe her tense muscles. She had really enjoyed being bound and on display like that, it had left her feeling vulnerable but also incredibly sexy and wanted. Alayna stretched her legs and curled her feet a few times while washing her hair. Her pussy and ass were still a bit sore from the vibes, plug and ropes but she Know she would be fine for tomorrow. The idea of ​​spending a full day with Joe made her completely forget about Michael. Alayna stepped from the shower and brushed out her long blonde hair. The fans which kept the steam from fogging up the cameras in the bathroom also helped to dry her body. When she was done brushing her hair she only needed to pat herself dry before climbing into bed. Moments later she was sound sleep.

Joe sat at his desk staring at the monitor showing the sleeping Alayna. He had an unfamiliar feeling in the pit of his stomach and it certainly wasn’t from the glass of Johnny Walker Blue he was drinking. He didn’t want to admit it but the feeling he was having was jealousy. The entire point of the society was sharing; the women were picked out, groomed, trained and initiated for the soul purpose of sharing them with the membership. Something about Alayna made him not want to share her with anyone. Joe took a sip of his scotch and turned off the monitor. Tonight he could be jealous but tomorrow she would be his and that would have to suffice for now.

Alayna spent a fitful night in bed plagued by her dreams. In them she was caught in a tug of war betwe Joe and Michael, her arms stretching like elastic and twisting wildly. At one point she sat bolt upright in bed covered in a cold sweat with her hear pounding so hard she could hear and feel it rushing through her neck. Alayna collapsed back onto her pillow. She took 2 pillows and lay them vertically in the middle of her bed. Alayna placed her left leg over the lower pillow and her left arm over the top one. She pulled both pillows into her body with her arm and her leg as if she were pulling her body into her lover. Alayna slept peacefully the rest of the night curled up with the imagineary body in her bed.

The following morning Alayna was still clutching her pillowed lover tightly when she woke. She had been dreaming that she was curled up with Joe in his bed, the same way she hoped to be tonight. She slowly crawled out of bed and walked naked to the bathroom. Alayna turned on the hot water in the tub and closed the drain stopper. She sat on the toilet with her heels on theporcelain base and her knees spread wide apart. Her fingers mindlessly rubbed her shaken mound as her bladder emptied into the bowl. Alayna watched the tub full with steaming water.

“Now this should help,” Alayna said walking over to the tub and adding some lavender bath oil, “I need to relax a bit.”

Alayna checked the water’s temperature with her fingers. It was hot but not too hot for her. She slowly stepped into the tub and lowered her body slowly into the hot water. Her skin immediately flush but adjusted quickly to the water as she lowered herself. Alayna placed a folded towel behind her head and closed her eyes inhaling the soft lavender cent of her bath. Alayna used her foot to shut off the hot water when it got up to her shoulders and threatened to overflow her massive tub. She witnessed deeply and let her body relax and soften in the tub. Alayna fell asleep in the tub until the water cooled enough for her body to get cool.

“I feel so much better,” Alayna saidstepping out of the tub, “and I even smell good.” Alayna quickly dried her body with a fluffy towel and walked out into her bedroom. “Ten o’clock already,” She said looking at the clock on the nightstand, “and only 6 views. Well that’s disappointing.” Alayna walked over to her large closet and opened it. “Now what to wear?” Alayna asked looking at her selection of dresses. “Oh this one’s nice,” she said pulling a robin’s egg blue sheath dress, “and it will be easy enough to put on in the morning.” Alayna stepped into the dress and zipped the zipper at her back before grabbing a matching pair of sling back heels. “Certainly no need for any lingerie today,” Alayna said looking at herself in the mirror, “it’ll just slow me down.” Alayna turned at herself in the mirror and walked downstairs carrying Her shoes. She only stopped to put her heels on prior to walking out the door.

It was a beautiful morning as Alayna strolled along the sidewalks of the community. She enjoyed walking, even with the 4″ heels she had on, because the landscaping and late summer breeze made everything so comfortable and relaxed. Alayna noticed her neighbors as she walked. All of them were stunning but still had an innocent look about them. Not a one was overtly sexual or looked the part of a slut but they all were. Alayna smiled to herself as she thought of what people might think if they only know the inner workings of their minds Behind their girl next door demeanors.

As she neared Joe’s house her heart began to race. She looked quickly at her watch, she still had plenty of time but decided being early was probably best. Alayna walked up the steering driveway looking at the well manicured front law. Just like the girls appearances no one would guess what went on behind the front doors of these mansions. Alayna could feel the wetness Between her legs growing as she walked up to the front door. Her fingers were electrified as she turned the front knob. Looking down she could even seeher hard nipples through the light dress she wore.

“Today will be a good day.” Alayna remarked to herself as she stepped inside.

Alayna stepped into the tile foyer and felt goose bumps cover her arms and legs. Just being in his house excited her. She quickly walked to her closet and opened it. Expecting to see at least a pair of heels Alayna was near panic when she saw nothing at all! She had been told by Shauna that Joe loved the way heels looked on a woman. Plus he was a ‘leg man’ and loved the way a high heel sculpted a calm. To not at least have a pair of heeled sandals to put on caught Alayna completely off guard. Maybe today would be like the evening of her first night. They had dinner with her wearing a long silk nightgown where she didn’t have to call him Sir and was allowed to sit normally. Alayna quickly removed her dress and heels, making sure to hang her dress up and place the heels neatly on the closet floor before assuming her position on the center black tile. Alayna had removed everything except the necklace that identified her position in the community. The granite floor was hard and unforgiving but cool against her knees. Luckily today, like the other days, Joe didn’t keep her waiting long.

“You’re early,” Joe said as he walked into the foyer out of Alayna’s view, “I like that though.” She could feel him walking behind her. “It shows you’re eager to get started,” he whispered quietly in her ear, “which is good because I have plans today.” Alayna remained motionless but she could feel her goose bumps returning and her nipples hardening as she felt his breath on her ear. “Give me just one minute.” He whispered with his lips practically touching her ear. Alayna felt an electric chill run up her spine from her lower back to the base of her skull and then straight back down to her pussy. “So you’ve learned your lesson I see,” Joe said opening and closing the closet door, “I’m glad; I’d hate to have to spank you before the fun begins.”

Joe returned to Alayna’s motionless body and stood in front of her. She looked at him without looking up, he had on a pair of blue wind pants with a white stripe on the sides of each leg and a tight fitting white t-shirt. She could see the outline of his chest and abdomen in the shirt. Had he lost some weight around his midsection? Whatever he had done he had the body of a man half his age. While Alayna had never been a shallow person she did admit that physical attraction was important and she was very attracted to him.

Joe slowly pulled the strings that held his wind pants up out of the pants and took his time untying them. Alayna could feel her mouth watering as she watched. Joe slowly pulled his shirt upward revealing his tanned skin mesmerizing Alayna with his deliberately slow movements. When his fingers slipped into the waistband of his wind pants Alayna resisted the urge to yank them down herself, instead she clenched her fingers and waited. She licked her lips waiting for Joe to reveal his cock.

“You look anxious Alayna,” Joe said pushing his pants down slowly, “are you?”

“Yes,” Alayna said huskily, “I am sir. I want to taste you.”

“That’s what I like to hear from my favorite little cocksucker,” Joe said obviously smiling, “but you’re going to have to wait.”

“Wha…” Alayna caught herself, “I’m sorry sir.” The disappointment was obvious in her voice. “Have I done something wrong?”

“No matter how disappointed she was Alayna was glad to be off the floor. Her knees silently protected the hard granite tile she had been kneeing on, the longer she knelt the louder their protests became. Joe took Alayna by her right arm and led her through the house to the back yard. Not knowing what Joe had in mind only added toAlayna’s excitement. She wasn’t sure if she should ask of if she should remain quiet. The one part of her body that could not remain quiet was her pussy; she could feel her wetness seeing down her legs as they walked towards the pool. One thing was for sure, today was definitely different. Normally she would still be on her knees right now with his cock pumping in and out of her mouth; she’d also have heels on. Instead she wore nothing, not even sandals, and still wanted his cock in her mouth.

Suddenly Joe stopped and turned to face her. He took her upper arms in his strong hands and looked into her eyes. Alayna felt as if his piercing blue eyes could see all the way into her soul. His face was calm and reassuring which only made Alayna want to give herself to him more.

“Do you trust me Alayna?” Joe asked with a sincerity that melted her. “I mean really trust me.”

“More then anyone I have ever met Joe,” Alayna replied softly, “I trust you more then people I have known my entire life.”

“I’m going to do something with you today,” Joe continued softly, “something that you may have done before but not fully enjoyed so I need you to trust me today more then you ever have. Does that scare you?”

As almost by shear will Joe’s bright blue eyes turned a darker color. She could hear and feel the sincerity and concern in his voice. It didn’t take her long to answer; she knew the answer before he had even finished the question. Alayna would surrender to him totally in every way.

“The only thing that scares me,” Alayna said looking unwaveringly into his eyes, “is how much I trust you.”

“If you want to,” Joe said softening his grip on her arms, “we can use a safe word.”

“You can give me one,” Alayna said boldly leaning forward and kissing Joe softly on the lips, “but I won’t use it.”

“Okay then,” Joe said with a soft smile that melted her heart, “turn around.”

Alayna turned slowly until her back was to Joe. She felt a new level of excitement and prevention that went far beyond anything she’d experienced before. Alayna felt his hands on her arms again and his body close to hers.

“Take this,” he said handing Alayna a small hair elastic, “and put your hair up in a ponytail high on your head.”

Alayna could barely control her fingers as she took the elastic. Once again goose bumps covered her body and her nipples were so hard they ached. Her fingers fumbled with the hair clip. When she finally worked it free of her long blond hair the clip fell to the patio floor.

“Just leave it,” Joe said from somewhere behind her, “I’ll pick it up later.”

Alayna was too excited to respond. Her mind was racing so fast she couldn’t even think of the words to answer him. It took several attempts but she finally got her hair into the ponytail towards upper part of the back of her skull. Any higher and it would surely fall out. She was about to let him know she was all set when she heard his voice again. Thankfully she didn’t have to struggle with her words.

“Are you sure you trust me enough not to use a safe word?” Joe whispered in her ear.

“I am.” Alayna said just above a whisper. “Very sure.”

Alayna felt him move behind her and bring his arms around her front. Out of the corner of her eye she watched his arms slowly move upwards. In his hands was a black silk scarf and when he placed it over her eyes her pussy quivered and her knees went weak.

With her vision gone Alayna’s other senses let her know how her body reacted. She could feel her heart racing as it had during her dream last night. It was actually pounding harder now than before. Her stomach felt as if she were going over that first hill of a roller coaster, as if by g forces it was being lifted up into her chest making it hard for her to breathe. She was breathing though, short quick breaths. Alayna wondered if she might hyperventilate before they even started. She tried to calm herself but whenshe felt his touch against her left arm and lower back it was as if an electrical current entered her body from his fingers.

“Walk forward slowly,” Joe instructed soothingly, “don’t worry I won’t let you fall.” His voice seemed to calm her and after a moment she was able to follow his simple instruction.

Alayna tried to distract herself by remembering what she had seen before she had her eyes covered. She remembered them being by the pool. She remembered the locke chairs they had enjoyed so much her first time over. Other than that her mind was a complete blank, she was far to distracted to concentrate. Suddenly he stopped her.

“Lean forward with your arms out.” He spoke with such tenderness to her. Alayna leaned forward instinctively at the hips keeping her back and legs straight.

Her hands touched cool cotton fabric.

“That’s right!” She said in her head. “There was a mattress of sorts to the left of the blind chairs.” Alayna placed her hands on the mattress and waited patiently. His instructions seemed to come slowly driving her mind wild as she wondered what his next order would be. But he wasn’t ordering her; he was speaking to her quietly, as her lover, as her friend.

“Carefully crawl forward,” he said in his soft voice, “until I say stop.”

Tentatively Alayna moved her hands forward on the mattress until she was able to put her right knee on it as well. She slowly worked her way forward. Alayna knew that Joe was going to take his time today and she wanted to follow his lead.

“Right there is good Alayna;” Joe said from her right side, “stay right there.”

Alayna arched her back a bit and spread her knees. She began to imagine him crawling up behind her. She had never had anyone do anything like This before and the idea was amazing and scary and more exciting then she’d ever imagined. Her pussy was now aching to be touched; she hoped that he would soon. Alayna jumped when she felt his hand on her right foot.She wasn’t expecting him to touch her and certainly not on her foot.

“Just relax,” he cooed, “we have all day.”

Alayna’s body shook at the thought. She felt him place a leather cuff around her ankle. He put it on tightly but not too tight. Alayna ignored the fact that he had obviously done this before and chose to think of it as him not wanting to hurt her. Joe placed a second leather cuff on her other ankle and Alayna felt her anticipation growing even more. She discretely took several deep breaths and held them for a minute before exhaling. The last thing she wanted him to think was that she was already panicking.

“Spread your legs just a bit further,” he said softly from behind her. Alayna moved her knees further apart and turned her head wondering if she could catch a glimpse of What he was doing behind her. It was no use; the scarf covered half of her nose and went up well onto her forehead. “That’s good,” Joe whispered, “now don’t move.”

Alayna could feela cool breeze move over and around her body. It also reminded her just how wet she really was. The thoughts distracted her and she lost track of Joe for a moment. She almost wondered if he might have left. A moment of panic over came her as she thought she was alone in the back yard naked, partially bound and blind.

“Don’t worry,” he said almost as if he read her mind, “I’m right here. Now crawl forward with your hands and lay down on your stomach.” As Alayna crawled forward leaving her knees in place she felt something against her tighs. “There’s a pillow between your body and the mattress,” Joe whispered, “keep moving and I’ll make sure it’s in a comfortable spot for you.”

Alayna lowered herself onto her elbows as Joe positioned the pillow around her hips. From the feel of it the pillow was round and firm but not uncomfortable. Having the pillow on her hips caused her back to arch and her knees to lift off the mattress slightly which in turn pushed her ass and pussy high into the air behind her. Alayna tried to picture what she must have looked like when Joe interrupted her thoughts.

“Now put your hands out above your head,” he whispered almost in her ear, “and hold them there.”

Alayna stretched her arms above her head. Her body weight was now distributed to the pillow and her upper chest only. She couldn’t just feel her hard nipples drag against the heavy fabric of the cotton sheet she could feel each individual thread as it moved over each nipple. Joe fastened two more cuffs to her wrists and locked them together. Alayna turned her head to the right and laid it on the mattress eagerly awaiting whatever was to come. While her heart was still beating hard enough for her to feel it against the mattress Alayna couldn’t have been more relaxed. She felt Joe adjusting the position of her legs and spreading them even wider. Alayna guessed that he had placed a spreader bar between her ankles and was locking it in place.

Joe looked down atAlayna after tying the spreader bar to the base of the mattress. Her long lean figure was spread on the bed open and awaiting him. Any other woman would have been terrified by now having been blindfolded and tied in such a vulnerable way. Alayna almost had a tranquility about her. He knew that she was excited, there was no denying that, she was already leaving a wet spot on the pillow just below her pussy but she seemed to I want to give herself to him. It wasn’t just that she was giving herself, she was surrendering to him completely. No questions. No fears. No complaints or reservations. She was giving everything she was and turning it over to him. Amazingly, to him, she looked not only beautiful but strong.


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