Wellington Experience: Concubine II

Jim is a very close friend of Jessy and Emily. He is single and works as a trucker. Jim often comes over to watch sports and drink beer with Jessy when he’s not on the road. Jim is also one of the earlier views that watched Emily’s first live stream of her erotic public act in the car.

“Good! I want you to go over to Jim’s house and talk to him,” the voice gives her another command.

Emily hesitates since they are very close friends.

“Can it be someone else?” Emily tries to negotiate.

“No! It must be Jim! Do as you’re told!” The voice answered with a stern voice.

Emily makes her way down the stairs to the ground floor. She heads into the living to grab a jean jacket to cover herself.

“I did NOT say that you are allowed to cover yourself up” the voice came out of the camera in the living room.

Emily freezes before dropping the jacket back on the sofa. She walks to her front door and take a deep breath to recompose herself. She is thinking of an excuse she needs to make. Emily looks out the window to make sure there’s no one on the footpath and the road is empty before making her run to Jim’s house.

Cain launched his drone in the air while Emily was in the bathtub. To get a better angle to watch Emily’s interaction than the camera on the porch.

Emily is stunned as she reaches the first on Jim’s porch. Her pussy and ass suddenly vibrated on full power. Her legs are trembling as if they are about to give up. She knows she has exactly 1 minute before she inevitably cums.

Knock! Knock! Knock! Emily made it to the front of Jim’s door. She has 40 seconds left.

“Why is he taking so long?” she murmurs to herself.

Emily’s leg is stiffening up. Her ass clenches squeezing her pelvic floor. She looks up to the ceiling and her eyes are rolling back. Her mouth is wide open in an elongated O shape. Her stromach contracts. Her nipples are erect and stiff.

Jim opens the door.

“ARGHHHHHHH. THIS SOFUCKING GOOOOODDDDDDDDDD,” Emily moans out loud while squirting all over his porch. She thrusts her hip in the air a few more times to shake off the orgasm. Her entire body quivers vigorously.

“WOW! Our bitch really cum in front of him?”


“Look at his faceee”

“I got my money worth it”

“Look at him! He’s loving it. LOL”

Emily slowly opens her eyes. Her legs shiver even more that it becomes obvious. She sees Jim standing in the middle of the doorway staring at her.

“Wow! Nice tits! I know we are close but I wasn’t sure we are this close, Emily. What can I do for you?” Jim tries to play it off as funny. Acting normal.

Now that Emily he saw from the live is standing right in front of him. He is taking his time to appreciate every inch of Emily’s body. Her blonde hair. Her heavy panting from excessive cumming. Her swollen breasts and erect nipples; an unmistakable sign that she is sexually aroused. Liquid dripping down from her chastity belt onto his porch. Her swollen pussy lips that obviously have something inserted between them separating her labia apart. Her glisten inner thighs. Her trembling legs.

Emily’s legs can no longer support her. She leans herself against the frame of the door. from the drone’s perspective it seems as if she is flirting with him.

“Can I borrow some sugar? I’m baking some cookies and I ran out,” Emily asks in a shaking voice.

“Sure. I’ll be right back,” Jim answers before leaving to the kitchen.

Emily’s face is blushed with embarrassment but deep down she is slowly enjoying the exposure more and more.

“URGHHHHHHHH~! Shit! Shi~~t!” She orgasms one more time while waiting for Jim.

Jim returns to the door shortly after. Handing Emily his sugar jar.

“Here you go. Can I ask? What’s with the chatity belt?” Jim asks out of his curiosity.

“Oh this? It’s a doctor’s prescription” Emily replied. Technically she didn’t lie.

Vibration is off.

Emily slowly limps back to her house with her trembling legs. She lets out a big sight of relief as soon as she shuts the door behind her.

“Very well done. You made it look so natural,” the voice compliments Emily.

Emily flips her middle finger to the camera pointing at the front door.

“URGHHHHH” Emily groans.

The victory in Emily’s pussy lasts 10 seconds.

“I want to remind you that you are just a slave. I AM your master. Now, return to your bedroom,” the voice gives her command.

Once Emily is back on her marital bed, it’s open season for the vibrator control clients. Her pussy and ass are vibrating on the highest setting. She squirms, twists and turns on her marital bed. Her tits are red from being constantly squeezed. Her slender body mistakes as she continues to squirts relentlessly. The fluids that she produced slowly fills the gallon below the bed. This goes on for hours.

Most clients would put the victory on full and watch Emily squirms and squirt. However, there is one client who happens to be an ex-military General. He is kind of part psychopath, part sadist. It’s his turn to control her.

“Emily. Get up and stand on the bed,” the voice from the camera gives her order.

Emily abides by the voice command and gets in position.

“Good. Now spread your feet apart.”


“I SAID WIDER!!” The General yelled at her.

Emily spreads her legs as far as she could without falling from her weakened legs.

“Put both of your hands behind your back, back straight and lift your head up” The General adjusts her position.

The General has put Emily in what essentially is an At Ease military position but more sexual with her feet being 4 feet apart.This also deprives Emily of the ability to stimulate her breasts and nipples.

Cain has given hints to the General on how to torture Emily. Emily will be relieved if she cums. It’s worse for her if he denies her orgasm. He also shares his setting with the General.

The vibration in both of Emily’s cavities returns then vanishes when she’s just about to cum.

“oh no nooo nooooo! Please Master! Please don’t do this to me, ” Emily begs.

During each cycle, when the vibration is on Emily’s entire body will judder violently. Her perky tits jiggle along as her body shakes. She closes her eyes trying to focus on reaching orgasm that will never come while struggling to maintain her At Ease position.

“Open your eyes and look into the camera. DO NOT take your eyes off it!” The General orders Emily.

Emily slowly lifts her eyelid and stars at the camera. Her lewd lust-filled face being live streamed around the world.

Without orgasm, there’s no squirt but her pussy continues to produce vaginal lubrication fluid as her arousal level is kept on high along from the victory together with aphrodisiac flowing through her bloodstream (refer part 2 for explanation).

As the edge and denial continues, Emily’s vaginal fluid drops down the openings in the chatity belt before landing onto the hydrophobic sheet below her. The stringy texture combined with an excessive amount of her sweet pussy juice turn stringy drops into a single long clear string linking her pussy to the sheet.

Cain zooms the camera to focus on Emily’s pussy area for his paying audience. The audience is able to see individual beads running down on the string.

“She’s a FREAKKKK!!!”

“I’ve never seen any bitch leaks this much.”


“Let’s not give her orgasm ever again.”

“This is wayyy better than squirt.”

“One super horny slut.”

“What a whore”

“Slave. You are a little too relaxed. CROSS YOUR HANDS ABOVE YOUR HEAD!!!” The General grunts.

Emily abides by his command. The General continues to torque her in this position for another 40 minutes before the live chat has another burst of activity.

“What is that?”


“She’s fullof surprises!”

“Get a close up in on that shit.”

Cain zooms in on Emily’s slender body. This time focusing on her breasts. The audience could see white liquid seeing out of her nipples. However, Emily is not aware that she is lactating since her mind is too focused on making herself cum.

Dr.Alice’s semen accelerates certain aspects of pregnancy. Different patients exhibit different symptoms. In Emily’s case it accelerates her mammary ghosts development. Under normal circumstances it is possible for a pregnant woman to lactate within 1-2 weeks of the pregnancy. With her being constantly aroused combined with excessive squeeze causes increased blood flow to Emily’s enlarged breasts. This accelerates the effect of Dr.Alice’s semen even further.

Cain cuts off the General’s control and live feed to the audience since his promise showtime is reached and Jessy should be arrived home any minute now. Emily sights in relief that the victory in her lower extremes is gone.

“Bring the gallon out and leave it on your porch. Tomorrow morning you will receive a package,” Cain leaves his last command for Emily.

Emily replaces the gallon that contains a mixture of her vaginal fluid, squirt fluid and colostrum with an empty gallon. She leaves the filled gallon on her porch as instructed just as Jessy’s red Honda Accord is turning into the driveway.

Continue Part 8: The Package.


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