Well, I Got What I Wanted

We had arrived at Joan’s weekend property a couple of hours outside of town. “Hop out and open the gate” Joan said as she pulled the car off the main road and onto the dirt track. I did as I was told. After all, that was the deal. She drove the car in, stopping just inside. I closed the gate and went to get back into the car only to find that she had locked the doors and was standing beside the car. She had an overnight bag in her hand. As I approached she said “take of all your clothes, you can leave your joggers on”.

I removed my board shorts, T-shirt and underwear and handed them to her. She opened the overnight bag and put them inside. I looked around nervously but there was nobody in sight. We were way out in the country and the road we had just turned off was very quiet. I could see no sign of life in any direction. “Hands behind your back” she said. I turned away from her and did as I was told. She had produced a pair of stout leather cuffs and I felt her apply and lockone to each wrist. A small snap link secured my wrists close together. I couldn’t reach it to free myself. Next similar cuffs were locked onto my ankles but she did not lock them together. Now she produced a small cloth bag and from it took a shiny stainless steel device that I realized to my dismay was a chatity lock. She knelt in front of me and expertly applied first the ring around my cock and balls and then padlocked the short metal cage in place to complete the confinement. It was very snug and obviously secure. “What are you going to do with me? Are these cuffs really necessary?”

“Too many questions – you will have to learn to be quiet if you are going to stay on my good side this week”. With that she roughly spun me back to face away from her. In an instant she had forced a bright red ball gag into my mouth and Strapped it tightly behind my head. She closed the overnight bag and got back into the car. “Follow me” she smiled and suddenly drove off up the dirt track leaving me standing there, gagged and naked except for my joggers with my hands cuffed behind my back. In no time she disappeared around a bend and off into the trees. I set off after her following the track. My mind was racing as I walked along. Joan is about 50 years old, about 10 years older than me and a long-time friend. Over one too many drinks at a neighborhood party, she had confident that she missed the games she and her husband had played before he had his stroke. These “games” she told me involved treating her husband as her personal slave. I was quick to admit to her that similar “games” had long been a fantasy of mine. Before I knew it we had arranged this week away together. I had agreed to be her slave for the week. She had told her husband that she was on a business trip. I was single at the time and had no trouble getting a week of work. So here we were.

Again I looked around, hoping that I couldn’t be seen by anyone. I needn’t have worried as we were miles out in thecountry and the further I walked the thicker the trees became. Finally I turned a corner on the track and there was Joan. She was leaning against the car next to her luckage and a few boxes of groceries she had unloaded from the boot. I noticed that the bag I had packed was nowhere to be seen. Clothing for me appeared not to be an option. The car was parked inside a large shed. As I approached she moved away from the car and came towards me. She guided me by the arm into the shed. We stopped and she turned me around guiding me backwards for a few steps, as if positioning me. She released my arm. A wide belt was buckled around my waist and tightened a little more than I would have liked. I took a deep breath. She disconnected the cuffs and each wrist was refasted by the padlocks to a ring on each side of the thick belt. “Grab these” she said “and don’t let go”. She had pulled a small rickshaw like buggy up behind me and placed the poles in my hands. The poles were then also locked tothe thick belt.

I looked at her and she was smiling to herself as she checked my cuffs and the broad belt. She seemed happy with her work. She turned away and went to a rack on the wall of the shed. She returned with a tangle of thin leather straps which I quickly realized was a bridle, complete with a chrome bit. I was a little worried now and she must have noticed the look on my face. She took hold of my encased cock and balls and squeezed firmly. “You have nothing to worry about as long as you do what you’re told immediately and without question – understanding?” I nodded and groaned over my gag at the same time. She unbuckled the gag. “No talking!” she said, raising a warning finger in front of my face. I obeyed. She took the bridle and in no time had it fitted on my head. It was tight and the bit dug into my mouth. Reins ran from rings on each end of the bit and she took them and tied them to a post a few feet to my right. “The reins will steer you and this will keep you moving” she said as she took a long thin riding crop from a hook on the wall and waved it menacingly under my nose. “All we need now is a means of reining you in if you get a bit frisky”. She took another sticker from the wall. This was about a metre and a half long and had a loop at one end and a snap link at the other. She firmly pushed me between the supposed blades and bent me over at the waist. Reaching in behind me she took the snap lock on the end of the straw and clipped it onto an eyelet that I now realized was attached to the ring around my cock and balls. She took the strap back between my legs and hung the other end over the front of the buggy. “Nearly ready” she said as she untied the reins and led me out of the shed. She closed the shed and locked the car inside.

“We have to travel the last kilometre or so on foot as the storm washed out the road and we only have a narrow path open that is too small for the car. It will be repaired in due course. We have to leave the car here. When I say we have to travel by foot I mean you“. She smiled again and patted me on the arse.

She then picked up the two suitcases and put them on a tray behind the seat of the buggy. “We’ll have to make a second trip for the groceries” she said, “but it looks as though you could use the exercise anyway”. With that she hoped into the buggy seat and gave the reins a firm jerk in either direction pulling my head from right to left and back again. Happy that everything was in order, she swatted me none too gently on the right cheek of my arse with the crop and said “giddy up”. I got a fright and took off straight away.

The path was fairly flat and even and I was surprised how easy it was to pull the buggy. We were traveling along the narrow path in the morning sunshine and Joan was humming happily to herself. I was quite enjoying my task, even though the bit was uncomfortable and the day was now quite warm. I had long fantasised about being put to worklike this, driven along by a strict Mistress. My cock began to swell as I strained to pull the buggy. It was very uncomfortable in the steel cage. Suddenly Joan spotted some wild flowers and called out “whoa”. Instead of pulling back on the reins, she pulled sharply on the “brake” she had designed. I felt a sharp pain in my balls as the device was pulled back between my legs. I stopped immediately. She jumped down and tied my reins off to a small tree by the path. I don’t know why she bothered – I wasn’t considering going anywhere, restrained as I was. My balls were still aching when she returned to the buggy with the flowers, untied the reins and jumped back into the seat.

And she gave the reins a flick, made a clicking noise with her tongue and delivered another slap with the crop. I grunted over the bit and pulled the buggy on down the path. After about fifteen minutes we came upon a clearing with a low-set timber cottage in the middle. Joan directed me towards the four lowsteps that led to the wide deck. This deck ran right around the house. She hoped down from the buggy and walked around in front of me. Reaching between my legs she took the stick that was snapped onto my chatity ring and slide the loop over a post on the end of the hand rail on the steps. She left very little slack in the lead, causing any movement on my part to pull on my already sore balls.

“Hello” Joan called. HELLO? – who the hell was she calling out to? I didn’t expect anyone else to be here. I was panicking now and looked to the house wide-eyed with terror. The door opened and out came a young woman. She was small in status, perhaps only five feet tall. She had tole length black hair and a beautiful face. Her skin was a lovely olive tone and she had a fantastic figure, barely hidden by the shorts and very tight tank top she wore.

“Hello Mary” said Joan, “have you been here long?”

“No Aunty” she replied. “Mother dropped me off this morning around ten”.

I was still shocked and wanted to run and hide, but tethered by the balls as I was, all I could do was stand by the steps sweating.

“Give me a hand with these will you dear?” said Joan indicating the suit cases in the tray of the buggy. The young woman walked past me, giving me a quick once over. “You were right Aunty, he really does look like a good slave to practice on” she said as she took one of the cases from the buggy.

“Yes, I’m sure he will do nicely” said Joan. “He was very eager to come away for the week. Though I don’t know if he would have been so keen had I told him he would be serving two mistresses. It’s a bit late for him to worry about that now, don’t you think?” They both laughed as they took the cases into the house. Soon they both returned, smiling at me and seemingly enjoying my obvious disappoint.

Joan spoke -“Mary is going to take you back for the groceries and her bags – it will give you two a chance to get acquainted”. Mary unhooked the loopof my ball lean from the post and after feeding it back through my legs, climbed into the buggy and took up the reins. “Right” she said. “Let’s get going”. She pulled roughly at the right rein jerking my head around and pointing me back down the path. Before I had a chance to balance myself she swatted me very firmly across my arse with the crop. I was jolted into action and headed off back down the path.

Mary was much lighter than Joan. Where Joan was a full figured woman of about 65 kilograms, I doubted if Mary was much more than 50. I found pulling the buggy much easier with Mary in the seat and nothing in the parcel tray. We hadn’t gone far when she spoke. “Aunty Joan told me a few years ago about the relationship she has with Uncle Nick and how much she enjoys having him as her slave. She has told me all about the games they used to play and how it helps their marriage. I’m getting married in a few months and Aunty suggested I come along this week so that I can see if I might like the lifestyle. If I do, my hubby is in for a surprise, don’t you think?” I couldn’t answer her with the bit deep between my teeth, but I got the impression that she couldn’t have cared less if I spoke or not.

I was smoking up a fair bit now as the day grow warmer and the bit was starting to become a little more than uncomfortable. Eventually we arrived back at the shed and Mary eased back on the reins as she guided me towards the boxes of groceries. She pulled back firmly on the reins as we stopped by the two boxes. Before she got out of the buggy, she took the leash attached to my chatity and tugged back on it, causing me to involuntarily lean forward as my balls were pulled roughly back between my legs. She tied it off to the rail on the front of the buggy, keeping the pressure on my balls. “Better apply the park brake – we don’t want you moving around as I load the groceries” she said with a laugh as she hoped out of the buggy. She gave me a playful slap on the arseas she walked around me and picked up the boxes. She then picked up an overnight bag from the side of the shed that I hadn’t noticed before. She must have left it there earlier when she dropped off instead of carrying it herself. Why do something yourself when you have a slave to do it for you, I thought.

Once we were loaded up and Mary was back in the seat she undid the strap, easing the strain on my balls. Before I could appreciate my easier predict, she delivered a sound crack of the crop to my arse and flicked the reins. “Let’s see how fast we can get back” she said and struck me again with the crop. I broke into a jog and set off down the path. “Faster” she cried out happily as she hit me another half dozen times. My legs felt heavy and I struggled hard against the weight of the buggy and its contents. I settled into a fairly brisk pace and she seemed happy with our progress. She didn’t hit me again until the cabin came into view about sixty metres away. “One last effortt” she cried and struck me viciously across the lower back with crop and jerked on the reins. I gathered all the strength I could and sprinted the last bit back to the stairs of the cabin. Mary was squealing with delight as we charged towards the house.

Joan was sitting in a large comfortable chair on the deck as we approached and she stood up smiling as I almost stumbled to a stop in front of her. I felt dizzy and I was sweating like I hadn’t done for years. The sweat had run into my eyes and was singing. My mouth ached from the bit and my arse and back felt as though they were on fire from the prompting Mary had given me on the way back to the house.

“I hope you haven’t overdone it Mary” Joan smiled as she took the reins from her and tied them off to the railing. “He has plenty of work ahead of him don’t forget – it’s going to be a long week for him”.

“Sorry Aunt Joan” beamed Mary. “I got a bit carried away. I think I’m going to enjoy myself this week”. They took the boxes and Mary’s bag into the house, leaving me tethered to the rail with my wrists still locked to the belt and the shafts of the buggy. A minute later, Mary reappeared and untied the reins from the rail. She lead me about 20 metres to the corner of the house where she retied the reins to the low branch of a tree.

I was still smoking madly and my breath was laboured when she unlocked my wrists from the cuffs on the belt. I was in no state to struggle and in no time she had securely refasted my wrists behind me. She removed the belt and pushed the buggy under the tree and left it there. She took hold of the lean to my balls and slipped the loop over her wrist. She now undid the bridle and to my relief, she removed it and the bit from my mouth. “Don’t get any ideas about running off” she smiled as she gave the leash a tug. I doubted I was in any state to go anywhere and I didcilely followed her first to the buggy where she dropped the bridle and bit and then around the corner of the house. She led me back to the stairs and up onto the deck. She knelt down and removed my shoes and socks as Joan sat and watched. Mary then locked my ankles closely together. The ball gag that I had forgotten earlier was on the table next to Joan and soon Mary had firmly re-applied it. She released my wrists and retreated them in front of me. A rope with a snap lock attached hung from a ring in the rafters and Mary attached it to my wrists. Taking the other end of the rope, she pulled it until my arms were stretched above my head and she tied it off to the railing. While Mary had been securing me, Joan had gone down the stairs and returned with a garden hose. Without warning, she squeezed the nozzle and a blast of icy water hit me. She gave me a thorough hosting down. I tried to protest over my gag but could only emit muffled grunts. They both went inside leaving me to shiver and dry in the light breeze.

Soon they returned with a plate of sandwiches and cold drinks.

“You have done a good job, Mary. Have some lunch while he dries off and I’ll tell you about my plans for the week”.

“By the time we leave here, our slave will have been put through a strict training programme” Joan said to Mary. “He will be obedient, tamed and a pleasure to have around. He will be anxious to do what he is told and equally anxious to avoid the consequences if he doesn’t. It won’t be easy for him but it will be a lot of fun for you and me”.

“Tell me more aunty” insisted Mary eagerly, glancing sideways at me.

“Well, to ensure that he learns quickly, he must be disciplined for any mistakes or disobedience. He must know that behaviour such as that won’t be tolerated. He must also know that correct behavior will be pleasured to us and that small rewards may also be earned.”

“So me must be very strict and punish bad behavior. Right?” said Mary.

“Right” said Joan taking a sip of her drink. “It’s all about setting rules, expectations and boundaries and clearly defining punishments for failing to obey the rules, not meeting the expectations or straying outside the boundaries. If a punishment is set it must be carried out. The slave must not think that you can be swwayed to change your mind about punishment or reduce it. It’s all about him knowing his place”.

Joan stood up and walked slowly around me, the riding crop now gripped firmly in her right hand. “Do you understand what is required of you?” she said as she leaned in and spoke in my ear. I gulped and nodded, unable to answer because of the gag. Joan smiled and cupped my balls in her left hand and squeezed gently. My dick swelled a little in the cage and Joan smiled again as she returned to her seat.

Joan continued. “An effective method of training is to impress upon a slave that they are inferior to their owners or mistresses. Once he thinks this way he is easier to train. He quickly learns that the only way to avoid punishment is perfect obedience. He is reliant on us for food and drink. He also relies on us for creativity comforts that will make his life less miserable. Believe me Mary, one night spent chained to a post on the deck instead of sleeping at the foot of a mistress’s bed does wonders for a slave’s attitude. He is constantly scared that any mistake in carrying out orders or failing to be fully pleasing has consequences.”

Mary was taking all this in as she nibbled away at her lunch. “So Aunty, you say that he must be taught that he is innocent to us. How do we go about that?”

“Many methods are affective. We can teach him by degrading him. Of course he is kept naked at all times. Treating him as a pet instead of a human being is one my favourites, as well as diminishing his masculinity by treating him as a female. It is humiliating for him and I must say great fun for us”.

I gulped again as I listened to Joan outlining her plans to Mary.

“That sounds great Aunty. Will we be using any of these methods this week?”she asked enthusiastically.

“Of course we will. The more ways he is taught his place the better for his training and the more pleasure for us”              said Joan.

This seemed to please Mary no end.

“What about the punishments?” she asked. “How do we discipline him?”

“I have a system I used with your uncle Nick. Each day I administered what is known as a maintenance spanking. This is done even if your slave performed perfectly. It is a milk spanking that is more symbolic than painful but still uncomfortable. It is a constant reminder of his status. Secondly, if his performance is not up to my expectation, instead of his daily maintenance spanking, I increase the intensity to a discipline spanking. This is painful and designed to get him back on track. I Know some mistresses simply tell their slaves that they failed to perform. It leaves them wondering why they were disciplined and they concentrated harder on all their tasks. I prefer to tell my slave exactly why he is receiving discipline so the he can concentrate on his failures and achieve an acceptable level of service sooner. Lastly, there is the punishment spanking. As the name suggests, it is for failure to perform any tasks after being reprimanded for previous shortcomings. It is also for breaking any rules such as speaking without permission, refusal to obey a command or showing even the slightest dissent. This sort of behaviour simply can’t be tolerated if you want a perfect slave.” Joan smiled and continued. “I would have extra fun administratoring your uncle’s daily spanking. I would tie him down on our bed on his stomach, stark naked of course, and gag him securely. Then I’d blindfold him. He’d be spread out with his wrists and ankles tied to the four corner posts. I would then place the implementation that I was going to use on him in front of his face and after a while I would remove the blindfold. Up until this point, he didn’t know if he was in for a maintenance, discipline or punishment spanking. It was great fun watching him squirm in anticipation, waiting to find out his fate.”


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