Queans Eat Cakes – Cherry and Kim

Authors Note: Let me know your thoughts with comments and votes!


It had been two days since Kim shocked her husband by blurting out her deepest secret. A secret she was ashamed of and never thought she would tell anyone. It was during a Sunday afternoon intense edging session.

Her husband, Kirk, liked to spend one Sunday afternoon a month edging his submissive wife. He liked to deny her any orgasms for about a week prior to the “edging play day”. Then he could spend hours making her squirm and tell him about her torrid fansies. Hearing what thoughts went through her submissive kinky mind when she edged during the week always turned him on.

He would spend the “edging play day” alternate between edging her needy pussy and having her suck his cock. He Liked to cum twice from her mouth or once from her mouth and once jacking off over her face while he watched her edge herself. Always blowing his load on her face to add to the humiliation of having to edge herself in front of him.

He always gave her multiple breaks throughout the afternoon and normally a lengthy break for dinner and maybe even a movie. She had to remain naked during all breaks. Most of the time after the dinner break, he would fuck her into oblivion. After having cum twice that day he always lasted a long time. It was the complete opposite for Kim. Being edged all afternoon after a week of denial she would orgasm quickly and often explosively as Kirk pounded her hot wet depths.

Then came the multiple orgasms as his thick cock continued to pound her. Her body would shake and quiver under him as she moaned and babbled incoherently. He never slowed when she came always powering through as she orgasmed over and over. Her mind blank. Her body just a mass of sexual excitement as she lost control of herself. Arms and legs gripping him tightly toes curling as her body spasmed.

This particular Sunday he decided to edge her a little more after their dinner break. Kim was at her wits end before the dinner break so he knew it would scramble her brain to be put through a couple of more edges. Feeling devilish, he wanted to see his naked wife as a quaking mass of sexual need.

He restrained her spread eagle on the bed. Then brought out her favorite vibrator applying it to her clip instantly. Within moments she was struggling against her bonds. Trying to separate herself from the buzzing toy on her clip. Her efforts were in vain. Her husband was in complete control, and she was under strict orders not to orgasm.

Kirk loved to watch his demore wife struggle in sexual frustration. Letting all of her denial fans play out in front of him. Kim was no prude, but the people in her everyday life, like from work or the neighbors would never guess that she was a kinky woman. She had a reserved type of personality. Warm and friendly but rarely wore anything too sexy. Never said anything controversial or caused any arguments. At 32 years oldshe was a nice, polite member of society.

She experimented sexually in college and discovered she was a submissive. As her thoughts and years growing over the years, they began to include more extreme things. She enjoyed being spanked, which lead to enjoying punishment. The idea of ​​being exposed or caught in the act. That coupled well when she learned of edge. She could edge herself in public or semipublic places with no need for a sexual partner. Edging led her to denial fansies. It took years but she grew into quite a “horny pervert” as Kirk called her in private.

He hadn’t asked his horny wife about any of her recent edging thoughts. Frankly it had been a couple of months since she had shared any with him. It was always more exciting when she was in a mood like today. Her pent-up sexual frustration was evident even during their dinner break. She needed an orgasm desperately.

“Ohhh please, Agggggghhhhhh please please let me cum for you, Sir!” she moaned fastapproaching an orgasm.

“Nah Ah Ah. Not yet.” he whispered in her ear. While pulling the vibrator off of her clip. After several long seconds he tapped the shake of the sex toy on her open, wet womanhood. It was like a soft spanking on her wanton sex. Up by her clip made a “tap” noise. But further down it was more of a “splat” sound as contact was made with her gaping wet hole. TAP, SPLAT, SPLAT, SPLAT TAP.

“I think you should earn the orgasm. Tell me one of those deep dark horny scenarios you think about when you edge for me during the week. One of the ones you are embarrassed to share. Hmmmmm? Seems like a fair trade, right? You share a little dark secret with your husband, and he lets you have a nice BIG orgasm.”

“Ohhhhh, yes Sir. Anything Sir. I need it so bad. Just please let me cum for you.”

Kirk put the vibrator back on her clip and held it down with some force as he turned it up on the highest setting. “ARGHHH GOD, NO!” she groaned as the high-pitched humming of the sex toy on the highest setting filled the air.

“It’s sounds like you should worry sweetheart.” he taunted, knowing she wouldn’t last long at all. He expected something really dirty. With Kim this sexually desperate, and no time to think before an orgasm hit her, she would blur out one of her dirty fans to gain the permission she needed.

“Oh god. OH GOD! Too Fast. PLEASE. PLEEEAAAASSSSEEEE.” she twisted her hips, sliding up and down on the bed trying to separate her love button from it’s speeding torque. She had no luck as Kirk kept the vibrator firmly in place.

“Just tell me one. Just one and I’ll let you cum.”

“Oh GOD, OH GOD! I…… UGH…It………It’s……OH GOD NO!”

THEN IT HAPPENED, she screamed out, “I think about you fucking other women. Better women. Making me serve them as your cuckold denied wife! Like a maid or service. Letting them taunt me and laugh at me while I suck their juices off of your hard cock or worse! Please let me cum, PLEASE, PLEASE!”

“Cum for me baby. Cum for me!” came the husky whisper in her ear.

She let out animalistic groans as the most explosive orgasm of her life hit her.

“OHHHHHH Aaaaarrrrrggggggggggggggh. UGH, FUCK, UGH! YES! Yesssssssssssssss. MMMmmmmmmHhhhmmmmmmmm! Uggghhhh. GOD YES!

After several long Seconds her grosses turned to heavy breathing as she started her descent from cloud nine. Only her breathing could be heard in the silent bedroom.

The vibrator had been turned off. And now, Kirk tried to process what he had just heard while his submissive wife was catching her breath and returning to reality.

He released her from the refuges and moved between her legs sinking his flagpole into her warm wet womanhood. Her body was physically spent after such a long day. But it would accept her husband’s hard cock as it had been trained to do. Shame washed over her as she recalled what she had revealed to Kirk. She could never take it back. ButDid she really want to take it back? Would it be so bad if he wanted to try it?

Kirk didn’t last long. Kim could only assume that was from him conjuring up a scenario around her embarrassing admission. Enjoying other women sexually while she watched and was made to do all sorts of disgusting kinky things for them.

Luckily that evening, Kirk had rolled off of Kim and drifted off to sleep. The “edge play day” had taken its toll on him as well. It was for the best as she was too tired to talk about her surprise admission anyway.

The next morning was a chaos Monday morning. They had overslept and were rushing to get ready. Kirk did find time to smack her on the ass and wink at her in the mirror as he whispered, “I LOVE how your mind slips deeper and deeper into the kinky rabbit hole that is slowly consuming our life.”

On her morning break at work, Kim checked her phone to find a text from Kirk.

“Pick a female coworker and make today’s edge at work about the3 of us playing.

I am not interested in the identity of the woman nor what you think about. This assignment is all for you to wallow in whatever demeaning fantasy you have.”

Kim’s thoughts went into overdrive. ‘Oh God, NO! He is going to want me to approach a coworker at some point and admit to them that I….. No GOD no. TOO embarrassing. NOT a coworker. And NOT a friend. I would be too ashamed. A complete stranger would be best. But how do we trust a stranger? UGH! Damn it! Why can’t I keep my big mouth shut! Always spouting off humiliating ideas! Only to have to do them a month or two later. FUCK this is TOO far out there.’

Over the next few hours, she calmed down. Kirk was a good husband and Dom. He would push her comfort zone but never too far. And it was amazing how after her comfort zone got pushed, the things she was required to do became acceptable for her. She even looked forward to some of them now.

She felt the way they progressed sexually was perfect. He only pushed in the directions of her fansies. And he only learned what those were when she shared them with him. Even if some of them were during edge sessions where she got overly excited and couldn’t control herself. Admittedly she knew the edging admissions of her kinky fansies were just an easier way for her to tell her husband. Less embarrassing than sharing them in the bright light of any vanilla setting. Afterall, sharing deep dark sexual fans wasn’t an easy thing to do.

Kim was surprised when Kirk didn’t ask about her edging session when she got home. In fact, he went a few days without mentioning her fantasy of becoming his cuckquean wife. She actually became a little annoyed at him for ignoring her admission. ‘Is he going to ignore it completely? Is he already talking to women trying to find one to bring home? I shared the fantasy. We should talk about it. It’s the elephant in the room every night.’

To make matters worse, she seemed to be consumedd with the idea of ​​being a denied cuckquean wife. Her daily edges had all been about other women fucking her husband and humiliating her. She was really starting to feel like a “horny pervert” as Kirk liked to call her in the heat of edge her. And worse still was that her husband was ignoring the topic all together.

‘Is he not interested? NOT possible. Every man wants to fuck other women! It’s part of their DNA, right? To spread their seed. To procreate. For survival of our species or some such nonsense.’

The following Saturday morning, after Kim swallowed a massive load from her husband’s wonderful cock, he told her to lay on her back next to him. He turned on his side and propped his head up on one hand while his other hand made it’s way down between her legs finding her wet womanhood.

Kim would have to admit, the daily edges with no orgasms always had her horny and ready for sex on the weekends. Her pussy always got wet when she sucked her husband’s cock. Was itfrom her edging and denial? Probably, but all she knew was hearing him moan in pleasure and whisper things like, “That’s a good girl” or “Yeah slut, work that cock” got her wet! Often the more demeaning his words became the hotter she got. They both knew humiliation was a turn on for her.

“Well somebody enjoyed their morning dose of protein.” he chuckled. “Or maybe it was the method in which you earned the protein that you enjoyed.”

“Yes Sir. I love sucking your magnificent cock.” she replied as his middle finger, wet with her juices, began circling her clip. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensings.

“I think my wife deserves to be taken out to lunch today.”

“MmmmHmmm, she does.” Kim purred seductively.

“But what should I do with my slut? Maybe let her crawl under the table and blow me? Or perhaps cum on her face in the car before we go in the restaurant and make her wear my load until after the waitress has taken our order?”

Kim always enjoyedThis dynamic. As Kirk’s wife she deserved lunch out. But as his slut slave wife she deserved to be punished or humiliated however and wherever her Master wished. She knew he would never make her wear cum on her face into a public place. Or get them arrested by making her suck his cock in public. But the thoughts were a huge turn on for her.

The playful raunchy banter continued as Kirk edged his wife. Finally stopping just short of her cumming. He gave a power smack to the wet cunt between the soft spread thighs in front of him.

“OW!” she yelped as her eyes flashed open. The pain ended the amorous play quickly.

“We leave at 11:00. Dress normal but have your makeup done properly.”

It was 9:30 so no time for questions. Kim jumped out of bed and headed for the Shower. Shaving her legs and pussy would take time and she needed enough time after the shower to apply her makeup properly for him. She found it a turn on, or maybe slightly humiliating to be more accurate,to dress normal but do her makeup like she was going to an expensive dinner. How many wore jeans and a top to lunch while having their makeup done like they were attending a charity gala?

When they arrived at the restaurant Kim recognized the name on the sign. This was Kirk’s favorite lunch place. He ate here two or three times a week as the food was good and it was only a couple of miles from his office.

As they entered the restaurant a young lady greeted Kirk and asked if he would “like Cherry’s section?” He replied, “Of course.” Shortly after they were seated a beautiful dark haired young waitress approached their table. She had large breasts filling the tight tank top she wore. Her wide hips filled the tight and slightly too short skirt.

Kim flushed with excitement as she realized This beautiful full-figured waitress was the reason her husband was a regular here.

“Hi Kirk. A nice surprise, to see you on a Saturday.” she said with a warm smile on her face. “It’s normally so boring on Saturdays.”

“Cherry, this is Kim, my wife.”

“Oh yeah. The wife you mentioned the other day.” her warm smile turning to more of a smile as she greeted Kim. “It’s nice to put a face with a name.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Cherry.” Kim said through a slightly forced smile.

Kim’s face burned crisis as her husband made no attempt to hide his stare as Cherry walked away from their table.

“Now, THAT, is a FINE ass!” he whispered never taking his eyes off of Cherry’s swinging hips.

“Yes Sir, it is.” Kim whispered back. Suddenly feeling a touch in adequate. Her older slender frame providing much smaller breasts and butt than the waitress her husband was watching walk away.

“Those tits are HUGE too.” he chuckled. “I mean can you imagine her naked? What a freakin body. And at 21 there won’t be much sag anywhere.” he turned up.

“Yes Sir. I’m sure you’re right. She is a beautiful girl.”

“She is bisexual too.” Kirk smiled with a wink.

“Whaaat? How do you know that?” Kim breathed with her stomach suddenly in knots. The situation was quickly changing from ‘hey wife, meet the waitress I flirt with and lust after at lunch a few days a week’, to ‘hey slut slave, meet the young woman I want to cuckold you with’.

“She’s become more of a friend than a waitress. Telling me about how young people related sexually nowadays. You know, using apps like Tinder to find hookups. It seems casual sex is common with college kids these days.”

Cherry returned with their drinks, “Did I hear you say college kids these days?” her giggle was infectious. And it was obvious she enjoyed engaging Kirk in conversation.

She put the drinks on the table and sat down in a chair across from Kim and next to Kirk. “Saturdays are SO slow.” she said looking around at the most empty restaurant. “Luckily the owner knows the value of loyal customers and let’s us chat with them when things are slow.”

“Yeah, I was just telling Kim how college kids are more into experiences than material things. Like wanting a weekend getaway instead of a piece of jewelry.”

“It’s true.” she beamed, appearing to be excited to be part of the conversation. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, we girls still like jewelry. But most of us would enjoy a weekend at the beach or in the mountains or in Vegas just as much. Nice dinners, partying and hot sex! You know, FOMO. We understand that you only live once.”

Kim was stunned at the young woman’s comment including “hot sex” but chose to ignore her disappoint and ask a question.

“FOMO, what is that?”

“Oh, you know. Fear Of Missing Out. Like missing out on life by being too busy collecting things. New cars, big house, designer shoes or handbags.”

Cherry clearly had a mature understanding of the world. And while her smiles and giggles were infectious there was obviously a more serious woman behind those dark eyes. Kim noticed Cherry’s fingers were well manicured showing she clearly took pride in her appearance. She wondered if the young woman was clean sad between her thighs. She pictured Cherry on her back, soft fleshy thighs spread open, her moist womanhood on display.

‘what are you doing? thinking like a pervert? damn, she is HOT though. womanly curves just aching to give pleasure in exchange for male attention. Kirk’s attention! They are obviously comfortable discussing sexual topics. a woman only gets comfortable with sex talk when she has made up her mind about fucking the guy. if Kirk wants it she will let him have it.’

“Penny for your thoughts.” she says staring into Kim’s eyes as she stands up.

“Her thoughts might shock you!” Kirk says with a chuckle.

“That sounds interesting. I’ll go check on your food.” she says winding at Kirk.

Kim was thankful the young waitress left them alone while they enjoyed their meal. Her thoughts ran rampant as she considered the dark-haired beauty as a potential Cuckcake for them. Would she be the same pleasant college girl? Or would that personality disappear to reveal a complete bitch? Maybe somewhere in between was the most likely. But one can never be sure of anything when it comes to guessing other people’s sexual desires or kinks.

Her husband’s voice snapped her out of her thoughts. “I want you to pay her with this.” he said handing her a $100 bill. “Tell her to keep the change. And invite her to lunch at our house tomorrow. She will probably turn you down, but it will open the door for me to work on her in the future. Hopefully I can talk her into joining us for some experiences she can’t find anywhere else.”

“Ok. But what if she says yes?”

A huge grin spread across Kirk’s face before he answers. “Then she is more into me than I think she is.”

He heads for the bathroom as Cherry returns to the table. Kim hands her the $100 bill.

“No need for the check. You can keep the change.”

“Oh WOW! Thankyou.”

“Cherry, would you like to come by our house for lunch tomorrow? Nothing fancy, just a sandwich and some good conversation. I…… if you are interested.” Kim’s voice trailed off at the end showing the power dynamic between the two women. One hoping for the approval and acceptance of the other.

“Tell me something, Kim. Are you bisexual? Or a voyeur?”

“Uh, I… I don’t know.”

“Well, you have 24 hours to decide. I know Kirk thinks I’m hot. But he sees me as a sweet young college girl. Probably thinks his chances are 50/50 of getting me. Maybe thinks if he ply’s me with alcohol something could happen. But you know better, don’t you? Women can always tell when another woman wants to sleep with their man.”

Kim stands in silence, looking at the floor, in front of the busty vixen.

“What is Kirk’s phone number?”

Kim looks up to see the back of the young woman’s phone between her and the large breasts stretching the fabric of the tight tank top.

“I… it’s…. (xxx) xxx-xxxx.”

“Great. I’ll text him later to get the address. See you at noon tomorrow.”

Kim was astounded at her body’s reaction to Cherry’s assertiveness. She wasn’t moist or damp. Her womanhood was wet! On the ride home she tried to make sense of it.



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