Pussy Leash

Your pussy tingles and you smile mischievously, whenever you recall this story…

The FedEx man is at your door, requiring your signature, while holding the odd package. The package is flat, in shiny red paper wrapping, and as the driver turns it over while handing it to you, you see it is scripted in silver and labeled, “Your Pussy Leash Is Enclosed”.

You wish your Angorra kitten would suddenly appear, as your burning and probably very red face suggestions perhaps another interpretation about the contents of this package. Near to death from embarrassment, you accept the parcel, at the same time becoming very excited for what is about to unfold.

Almost forgetting to latch the front door, you rush to your bedroom to open the package. There are instructions. The instructions require you to attach the enclosed red silk braided lean onto your pussy by its three gold clips, the two heavier ones to your labia major, and the third tiny one to be attached to the top of thehood concealing your cliporis. Almost breaking into a run to reach your vanity, you undertake to do so immediately, using your hand mirror to accomplish just the right placement as you squat before the full length mirror. This having made you aroused and wet, you can’t resist the call to indulge yourself some BOB (battery operated boyfriend) while wearing your new pussy lean for the first time.

You began by applying a silk scarf as a blindfold, to make all the more real the fantasy, that you are about to be successfully entered and mercilessly pumped by several strange but handsome men that are gathered around to initiate you. Rolling onto your belly your hand pauses briefly to twist and pull at your nipples a moment, this, a liberty the gentlemen have afforded you, for these men are here to penetrate you only, and will not concern themselves whether your cunt is slippery enough, or not. Before too long the impatient anxious probing fingers are soon wandering down your taught belly and into your tuft of fur, parting it as they proceed in search of your already hardening cliporis. You feel the foreign metal tugging at the sheath of your clipit, and the cool sensing of the air as your cliporis exposes each time you tighten the leash bitten in your teeth. Pressing into the base of your cliporal shaft yields a sensing that could be warmed a honey flowing along an imaginey “Y”, that extends from the Clitoral shake buried inside you, each fork seeming to run along and into the left and right depths of your vulva. You swat the exposed end of this delicate ridge of pleasure with your fingernail, causing shifts of sharp ecstasy to radiate into your belly and thighs. With every flick of your cliporis, your anus involuntarily pinches then dilates loose, as an image of two shafts of hardened cock flesh filling your body cavity overtakes your vision. It is just then that the dildo withdraws, almost shooting out from your cunt as you rush it into your waiting ass. Theenergy builds as you picture your orifices tightly gripped about the vein ribbed cocks that reciprocate in perfect complete rhythm, one pulling out as the other glides in. Grinding your exposed clip into the hard mattress, you burn from the extreme friction, sending delicious waves of electric sensing into your pelvis, causing your cunt to gain open wide enough for the tree-sized cock of a snorting calmion that you caught in the corner of your mind’s eye lofting from the loins of the third man…

STOP– STOP- stop now.. lest you violent your instructions, and bring the wrath that the letter promises will visit without fail.

Shaking your mind back to reality, you awaken to the all too real fact that from this moment on you are bound by your oath, that your leash now belongs to two total strangers that you will soon be meeting… this Friday night.

On your initial presentation, you will wear a see through red blouse, and a yellow chiffon skirt, nearly transparentt, from under which the red leash will emerge.

The sheer yellow chiffon may be lifted by either of the strangers whenever they wish to admire your bare ass, and to assure the pussy leash has remained firmly attached despite the occasional tugging it has poorly been given. Sometimes the leash will lead you along from the front, other times it is passed between your legs and ass to be used for walking you Along from behind.

Upon first meeting your Masters, you will stand attentively, feet planted apart, offering your Pussy Leash from your right hand. As the light passes through the skirt it reveals the outline of your pussy cleavage, and the sometimes curious glint of gold from that place.

Should you arrive displaying any nonconformity whatsoever, any carelessness, or show any hesitation for this encounter, discipline is promised to be swift. There at the hallway entrance of their hotel suite on the thirty-third floor, you will be cross-shackled, left wrist to rightt ankle, right wrist to left ankle, and your skirt pulled up over your ass, bared to be mercilessly reddened. With your nose to the floor and your pussy-ass in full display, you will be publicly marched away towards the elevator for possible dismissal and abandonment.

However, providing you cooperate unerringly as we march you away slapping your ass, you might earn an opportunity for redemption. If so fortunate, you will be taken about face and led back the same way you were escorted off.

When you are taken out into public, you will know your command by your Pussy Leash. When you feel one tug at your pussy, your command is to give the Master a tonguing kiss, twice pussy yanked, and your command is to kiss Mistress, with your tongue if tugged firmly, but only softly with your obedient lips, if tugged gently. Do not confuse these commands.

And when your pussy is jerked three times, know your command is to immediately bend over, straight-legged, placing your palms flat toThe floor, to be inspected for any wetness or vaginal dilation, wherever we might be at the moment, and despite who may be there to witness your spectacle. The inspection may consist of a simple stroke or two of a finger within your slit. If any wetness is found, of course a more through inspection will be necessary. Two fingers will be inserted into your pussy to detect any dilation and to determine the amount of wetness. If only wet, the examination has concluded. But if there is dilation, and no clenching of the vaginal walls upon the probing fingers occur, then it is understood that you have become significantly and irreversibly aroused. Because your masters are merciful and kind, you will then be gently penetrated by one or both of us with the 9-incher, a vibrating dildo that we carry just for this event, which will be held fast within you until your squirming stops completely. Should this require more than 30 seconds, the dildo will be suddenly withdrawn. This will alert you that it will quickly be replaced by stiff natural cock, Master’s, or any other cock in proximity that can provide the needed stiffness and girl to satiate your cunt. (no doubt from having observed your pussy-ass displayed and your vagina being finger probed and dildoed for the last few minutes)

When taken out for dining, you will attire yourself in the silk wait-jacket issued to you. Underneath you will be nude, the jacket unbuttoned revealedly low to expose the sway of your gorgeous breasts when you move or turn. Once seated between us in our booth, either of us may loosen the remaining button or two to give full freedom to your breasts for the gentle breeze of the room, treating us (indeed, all) to admire your shaped tits with your full and erect nipples exposed to grace our table.

At any time Throughout the evening, perhaps while standing at the wine bar, and also later at the Club, either of us that may possess your Pussy Leash might decide to offer it to a new acquaIntance to supervise you while we are dancing, or otherwise busy. Or, for instance, if you happen to feel the need to urinate, we may delegate the honor of conducting you to the rest room to someone we have probably already singled out to have custody of you for that purpose. And if that happens to be a gentleman, hopefully you will have already mastered the skill of feminine stand-up pissing, lest he return you to us with piss-drenched legs.

Later, as the night brings our return to the hotel, all that happens will be captured to video from the moment you are pussy-dragged into the suite. The person (or persons) inside that greet us with the camera rolling may be someone you’ve met this evening, or just as likely several you’ve never seen before. But you may be assured, that for this first time you will be ours alone. Both of us have rehearsed before what you are to experience next, both of us at once seducing you to elicit your predictable responses for the taping. We both suckat your erogenous zones, your nipples, your underarms, kissing the back of your neck, licking behind your knees, between your toes, inside and along your ass cleavage, tongue-flicking your perineum, and tongue-flicking your clit and inside your burning wet pussy to reveal at its pinching against our toungues. And when the bucking of your pelvis and the shuddering of your body has become truly unbearable for us, Your pussy will finally be penetrated and cock-fucked mercilessly until the palpation of your G spot has you gasping breathlessly, if you’ve been a good pussy-girl all evening.

However, if you’re judged to have been a Bad Little Bitch, then you will be vibratored in the ass and pussy sucked until you beg to stop cumming, and next cock-fucked by every available hardened schlong that has been observing you, as you suck your Mistresses sweet pussy, until both of you are done, well.


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