Well Strapped

As I came into my office and sat down in my desk chair, I got a quick, sharp pain across my butt cheats which almost made me jump back up. I wiggled my butt trying to find a comfortable position before realizing that there wasn’t going to be one.

It’s been two years since my boyfriend Rob gave me my first spanking. We were playing around and I wasn’t sure that he was really going to spank me but he did. And, to my great shock, I liked it. I liked it a lot. When he was done, it let to incredible sex and to the most explosive climaxes I’d ever had to that point. Rob and I spent virtually the whole weekend in bed and, even though he didn’t spank me anymore, the memory of lying across his lap on the couch kept my arousal up and I hit a new personal best for the most orgasms in one weekend.

We both had other commitments and didn’t see each other until Wednesday when we met up for dinner. We started with plain, routine conversation but I finally couldn’t hold it back. “That was one incredible weekend!” I told him.

He gave me a knowing smile. “I enjoyed myself but I don’t think I enjoyed it half as much as you did.”

“Probably not.”

“Want to tell me what it was so we can do it again?”

I stared at him. Was he kidding? Did he really not know? Did I want to admit that being spanked had turned me into an orgasm machine? Well, if he didn’t know, I wanted to make sure that he did.

He stared back and then smiled. “Spanking you was just something I wanted to try and I’m glad that you let me do it. But I wasn’t ready for how you reacted.” Another smile. “You going wild was as much of a turn on for me as the spanking itself.”

Going wild? Well, okay.

“Yeah. The spanking was like a trigger but what came after was amazing. The whole weekend was amazing.” I blew him a kiss and he smiled one more time.

Our meals came and we paused while the server put them down and warned us about that the plates were hot. She refilled our drinks and when she left us, Rob continued. “Can I assume that you probably want to try that again some time?”

“Yup. You certainly can assume that.”

“Good. I do too. But to make sure that we’re on the same page, I’d like to make sure that I understand what you want.”

“I’m not sure what you’re asking.”

“Well, okay. You told me to do it because You thought I was mad about you not using a coaster when you put your drink on the table.” I nodded. “Do you like the idea of ​​being spanked as punishment for doing something wrong or do you just want spankings as foreplay?”

“Hmmm. I hadn’t thought of that.” I really hadn’t. “Maybe both? If you were only spanking me as a punishment, you might find me doing things to piss you off just to make you spank me. Maybe it’s safer if we just thought of it as part of foreplay.” He nodded his acceptance and his smile suggested that he liked that idea.

I continued. “But, on the other hand, if you think I’ve done something thatDeserves a punishment, you could spank me for that too.” Big smile from Rob suggesting that he really liked that idea.

“Okay, another question for you. Just my hand or do you think you want to be spanked with other things too?”

“Other things? Like what?” I admit that I had thought a lot about being spanked since last weekend but I hadn’t thought about this level of details. Now that I was thinking about them though, I wondered if I needed to do some research.

“Hairbrush? Belt? Stuff like that?”

I felt the beginning of some wetness forming below. “Honestly, I’m not sure. I liked your hand and it hurt but it didn’t do any damage. I don’t know what the other things would feel like and if they’d be too much.”

“Well, the only way to find out is probably to try them but I think we need a safe word. Do you know what that is?”

“I do.” I blushed. Yes, I did know what a safe word was. I had never been in a situation where I thought I’d need one but my tri-sexual friend in college had spoken about it and I now remembered her being proud of something extreme she had done but didn’t use it.

“So, before we do anything else, you pick a word and I promise I’ll stop if you use it. As far as other things, let’s think about that.”

I smiled my agreement again and we finished our dinner talking about other things.

* * * * * *

Thursday was a tough day at work, particularly since I was distracted by my conversation with Rob. I really, really, really wanted him to spank me again, at least with his hand, and I was intrigued but sort of worried about the idea of ​​”other things.” Rob had a quick overnight work trip so we wouldn’t be able to get together until Saturday and the wait made me realize how much I wanted it.

I stopped at my favorite taco truck on my way home, then changed my clothes, dumping my bra and replacing my work blouse with a t-shirt. I ate my dinner quickly, then I went on a scanger hunt around my house, looking for things that might be good for being spanked with. I started in the kitchen, looking through the drawers. I pulled out a solid plastic spatula and, feeling brave, I snapped it against my palm to judge what it might feel like on my butt. It wasn’t really heavy and was flexible so, to be honest, I didn’t feel it that much. I put it on the table as my first “maybe.”

When I got my first apartment, my mom had helped me equip the kitchen by giving me her old and duplicate utesils. Some of these were useful and others found their way to the back of the drawer and were rarely pulled out. I pulled one out now. It was an old, wooden stirring spoon. It didn’t seem that heavy but was definitely solid. I gave it the hand test and was surprised by the sting it generated. It was heavy enough that it would probably hurt a lot if I got a long spanking with it. I put it with the spatula and, with my hand still smarting, I finally understand the value of a safe word.

I picked up the spatula and spoon and carried them to my bedroom, dropping them on my bed. I returned to my living room where I have a small desk and opened the drawer to see what was there. I found a standard one-foot wooden ruler and an eighteen-inch metal one. I was going to try the wooden one on my palm first but I decided that if I kept testing things there, the cumulative hitting was going to add up. So, I aimed it at my butt. I was wearing the slacks that I had hurt to work. They weren’t that thin, but they weren’t thick enough to provide protection like jeans would have.

The ruler was fairly light weight and had less give than the plastic spatula. I think with someone else using it, I would probably feel something but maybe not. Another maybe.

The metal ruler though was different. I tried it on my palm and my butt cheese.

On my palm, it didn’t feel heavy but gave me a distinct sting. Then, I tried in on my butt, moving to a new area and it definitelygave more of a sting than a painful spank. I don’t know what gave me the idea but without thinking about it, tried it across each of my boobs. Definitely more sting than pain and my nipples immediately popped up. Hmmmm.

Rob had mentioned a hairbrush so I went into the bathroom to get mine. Actually, I have two of them. One I keep in my travel bag. It’s smaller and lighter. Testing it, I decided that it was pretty similar to the feel of the wooden spoon. Next, I picked it up my regular hairbrush which was sitting next to the sink. It was wider than my travel brush and I immediately noticed how much heavier it was. Playing it safe, I only tried it on my butt chef. I didn’t even hit myself that hard but the impact was certainly noticeable and I suspected that I was gentler with myself than Rob would be.

I went back to my bedroom and added the two hairbrushes to the pile. I looked around but didn’t see anything that would be good for spanking but when I glanced towards my closet, I realized that I had several things there to check out. First, I took a wire hanger from the line of blouses and stretched it out. I swung it back and forth and flinched at the sound of it swishing through the air. When I swatted my butt with it, the hanger was long enough to reach both of my butt cheats and when it hit there, it stung. A lot. Like damn.

Also hanging in the closet was a belt organizer with my collection of belts. Most of them were fairly lightweight, designed to wrap around a dress but not to hold anything up. I also had some heavier belts that I wore with jeans. The experimental swats with the lighter ones confirmed that a spanking with them would be more symbolic so why both? I tried the heavier leather belt and, yeah, I felt it. It hit across both chefs but where the wire hanger stung, it was heavier-thuddy. I realized that the various toys–were they really toys?–now collected on my bed varied not just in how hard they hit but also in the type of feeling they gave me. I wasn’t sure which feeling I preferred so that might take some more experimenting.

* * * * * * *

When I was finished scrounging through my apartment, it was almost time for my planned RocketTalk with Rob; we like to touch bases daily, particularly when one of us is on the road. Thinking about our discussion last night and searching My house for things that we could play with had started to raise my arousal level. It wasn’t unusual for us to tease each other while we chatted but we hadn’t gone into full cyber-sex mode, at least not yet.

Since he had left me home alone and horny, I decided that some teasing was in order. I was wearing a t-shirt without a bra so I tucked the end of the shirt into my pants holding it taut against my boobs. I grabbed my laptop and aimed it so that the camera was focused on me. It didn’t take much but I played with my nipples to make sure that they were standing up. He says that he can instantlytell when I’m not wearing a bra but I’m not sure how noticeable it will be on his screen. I’m sure I can find ways to make sure it is.

When he came on, I could see that he was lying on a bed in a typical hotel room. I was in a similar position, lying in my bed with some pillows propped up against the headboard. We chatted about work and he suggested that the city he’s in might be a good vacation destination someday. When we ran out of the normal I-miss-you conversation, I changed gears.

“So, I was thinking about what you were saying about other things to spank with.” I brushed some imagine lint off of my boobs and waited for him to respond.

“Oh? And what were you thinking?”

“Well, I was wondering if this is the type of thing you were talking about?” I picked up one of the hairbrushes and showed it to the camera. “Or maybe this?” I suggested showing him the spatula. “There are always these.” I picked up a couple of belts and held them up.

The expression on Rob’s face is priceless. It’s a bit stunned but he looks like he wants to jump through the screen to me. It might be wishful thinking on my part but I think his expression was also “what did I ever do to deserve this woman?”

I continue with my show and tell. “Or do you prefer this one?” The wooden spoon. “I’m not sure if it would work.” I rolled over and making sure that I was visible on the screen, swatted myself with the spoon on my panty covered butt. “What do you think?”

It took him a bit before he responded. “I think that looks like it would work great and I can’t wait to try it out.”

I gave him a grin and we confirmed that he’d be coming by for lunch on Saturday. I’m pretty sure that by Saturday night I’ll have a sore butt but I’d also have had at least one climax.

We signed off but my tension was high enough that I wasn’t going to try to go to sleep without doing something about it. I suspected that Rob wouldn’t sleep either and I hope that someday we can watch each other on RocketTalk.

* * * * * *

Rob knocked on the door and when I opened it to let him in, I stood back a bit behind the door. I wasn’t hiding from him but since I was only wearing a long t-shirt that hardly covered my panties, I didn’t want to show too much in case one of my neighbors was walking past the door. When he closed the door Behind him, I grabbed for him and we kissed deeply.

“Do you want to eat lunch or eat me?” I teased. Spanking was fun but Rob was great at cunnilingus and he had told me how much he loved my noises when he licked me. Almost every bedroom session included at least one tongue driven orgasm for me and in exchange I was happy to have him cum almost anywhere he wanted.

“Is it either or? If not, I’m ready for lunch first. I’ll probably need the energy.”

“Lunch it is.” I had made sandwiches and salads before and took them from the refrigerator, putting them on the table. As he sat down, I got him a beer and poured some white wine for myself. “Sure is getting hot out there already” I commented putting the wine back in the refrigerator and walking over to the table.

It was warming up but it wasn’t close to summer yet so he gave me a weird look. “I guess so.” I sat down at the table and started eating my salad as if nothing was amiss.

Well, it was an interesting meal. Rob really tried to prepare that there was nothing strange going on but I tried to make it hard for him. My nipples were visible against the thin material of my t-shirt and I kept brushing imagine lint off my boobs to keep him focused on important things.

We finished eating so I got him another beer and topped off my wine as we moved into the living room and sat together on the sofa. As I sat, the hem of my shirt pulled up. I’ve always Thought of my eyes as my best point but I know that few guys star into my eyes. Rob was a boob guy for sure and I’m not sure that I’ve ever noticed him chcking out my legs. Until now, that is. As my shirt inched up, his eyes were drawn downward so I helped him by tugging up the hem to give him more to look at.

I slid over so that we were snuggling up together and kissed. Rob reached for me but, instead of his normal target, my chest, his hands went to my legs. He ran his fingers up and down over the outside and top of my right leg until I separate my thighs to give him access to the inside. He slide his hands up and down not reaching to my knee but stopping before touching my panties. I had been pretty aroused from the minute he walked in and teasing him during lunch only increased this. I felt wet down there and Rob’s touch made me wonder if he could feel it on my thighs.

He broke the kiss and with his fingers resting lightly on my leg, he stopped his up and down movement. “Can I ask you a question?” he asked.

“Of course.”

“When you showed me your collection the other night, were you serious about wanting to trythem?”

I nodded. “Yup.”

“Then tell me more about what you are looking for.”

“I don’t know if I know what I’m looking for. When you spanked me, that was incredible and what came after was totally amazing. So, I know I want to do it again and maybe more but I don’t know for sure what. I think I’d like to experiment to find out though.”

“Yeah, me too. I just thought spanking you would be fun and I wasn’t sure if you would let me.”

“Honestly, I know that people spank as part of sex but it hadn’t been on my list of things I wanted to try. I wasn’t opposed, I just hadn’t really thought about it. You’re pretty good at making me happy so I’m willing to try stuff you make you happy. So…”

“When you said yes, I really wasn’t expecting how it impacted you.”

“Yeah, that’s two of us.”

“And you want to do it again?”

“Yeah, I do. I want to do it again and I think I want more.”

“More than my hand?”

“Yeah. When you did it over my jeans,I hardly knew that you did it so it was more symbolic. By time you got to my bare butt, I absolutely could feel it and I think that’s what made it so hot.

“I think the same.”

“So, I want to feel it and I think I’ll feel it more if you added something to the mix besides your hand.”

“Where are you hiding your collection?”

I stood up and took his hand, guiding him into my bedroom. Anticipating this, I had left them sitting on my bed and we sat down with them between us. He stared at the pile, picking up a few of them and putting them back down. He took the small hairbrush and slapped it against his palm in the way that I had done the other day.

“Ouch. That could sting.” I agreed and he smiled. “I guess that’s what it’s supposed to do.”

“I guess it is.”

He picked up the wire hanger and swung it through the air then looked at me questioningly. He had identified the one thing that I wasn’t sure I wanted to try. Actually, I was pretty sure that I didn’t want to although if he wanted to, I was willing to try at least a couple of swats with it.

Finally, he grabbed the heavy belt. I’m not sure what it was about it but the belt was the one that I found most intriguing. It wasn’t heavy enough that I was worried about bruising like the wooden spoon or the hairbrushes. It didn’t give me the same fear of cutting me that I got from the hanger. It was a compromise between thuddy and stingy. Rob turned away from me and brought the belt down heavily towards the foot of the bed. When it struck the mattress, I jumped at the sound but it didn’t scare me off. He then looped the belt so that it was only one-third the length but three times the thickness. He brought it down again on the mattress and I stared at it, wanting it but afraid to tell him how much I wanted it.

Rob returned the belt to the pile and got practical. “We didn’t really talk last time and we should. First, you absolutely have to have a safe word.”

“Yeah, you suggested that before. Yellow means slow down and red means stop.” I looked him in the eye to make sure that he got it and he repeated them back to me.

“Second, are you okay with all of these things? Are there ones you want or don’t want?”

“I think there are. Actually, the wire hanger could cut me and that’s scary. I don’t want you to do any real damage and I think it might be too dangerous. If you want to use it, fine, we can try it out but if it’s up to me, I would really rather not.”

“It is up to you so it’s gone.” He picked up the hanger from the pile and tossed it to the chair next to my bed. “What else?”

“The others aren’t as definite. I think the hairbrush and the wooden spoon won’t cut me but they could bruise me. I don’t want to say don’t use them but Please be careful. Maybe just limit them to five each?” He nodded.

“I hadn’t thought of the belt being doubled or tripled up. I think I’d like to try it that way but I’ve also been thinking about you using it without folding it up. So, both?”

“Besides the spoon and the hairbrush, do you have a limit in mind about the total number of spanks?”

“I don’t. In fact, I was distracted so I don’t have any idea how many times you spanked me before. I don’t think I was near my limit. You decide and I’ll use my safe word if I have to.”

“Got it. Anything else? Obviously, you’ve done some thinking about this.”

“Yeah, and some reading online.” I blushed.

As we spoke, he had lined up the individual items between us. “You pick three then I’ll pick two. That should be a good start for tonight.

I looked over the collection. The first two were easy–the metal ruler and the heavy belt. With some hesitance, I handed him the wooden spoon and sat back to see which ones he would pick. He picked up each of the remaining items and swatted his palm with them. Finally, he added the lighter of my hairbrushes and the plastic spatula to my pile and moved the others from the bed to the chair.

I stood up and, without qualification, I pulled my t-shirt and panties off and Rob undressed too. When he spanked me before, I had laid across his lap which somehow seemed traditional for a spanking. I was hesitant about him starting with the hairbrush or wooden spoon since I was afraid that I’d use my safe word too early. I wanted this to last a while, to build slowly build me towards an orgasm that I hoped would top the last one.


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