Well Disciplined Husband Ch. 06

“Oh my God!” thought Alfred as he saw the straw-on between Agnes gorgeous thighs. “I can’t believe she is going to use that on me while they watch.”

“Well now, there is my little boy, all cleaned out and ready for a good long hard ass reaming!” cached Agnes. “I know my new friends want to see me bang you silly like a little slut. Don’t you ladies?

The two women couldn’t agree fast enough and Alfred saw the smile on Agnes’ face. He knew there was not going to be any way of out this. He only hoped she wasn’t too rough on him as the large dildo was hard for him to take, although she did have bigger ones. But he fretted in his mind about breaking down into a sobbing little baby if she decided to put on a show for Janice and Brenda.

Walking up to Alfred, Agnes grabbed his arms and handcuffed them behind his back, telling the girls “This makes it harder for him to struggle away from me when I ram my cock home!” So saying she bent him over the end of the couch and fussedwith his position until she had his freshly purged asshole at exactly the right height. Then she made a big production out of greasing up his hole and ass crack explaining everything to her friends, commenting on how she loves getting him ready for what Alfred knows will be a true pain in his ass. Then she positioned the head right against his hole and asked, “Ready Alfred for me to fuck you like a little bitch?”

“Yes Goddess, please fuck my little hole and make me your bitch” was his weakly spoken reply. And upon hearing that, Agnes pushed the head in and let him adjust to it. She kept up her chatter with the girls about how often males should be penetrated, how often they need to be distributed. Then when she felt him relax, she grabbed him by the hips and to Alfred’s great shock she drove the entire cock into his ass in once quick thrust! As she usually worked it in slowly and then built up to the full length thrusts, this not only surprised him but caused him considerable pain as the dildo felt like it was splitting him wide open. Although he tried to be stoic, a loud scream of agony escaped his lips causing the two spectators to grin lewdly at him.

Brenda and Janice started asking Agnes to give it to him harder, deeper, faster, anything to increase his disappointment. Mostly though they spoke only to increase Alfred’s humiliation as they knew Agnes was giving it to him good and hard. As Agnes started to ram her cock in and out faster and faster, the ladies realized she was working herself up to an orgasm. Although they did not realize it, they both had started running their fingers under their panties to get a little relief from their building libidos.

Alfred could feel his asshole being ravaged by Agnes, and he felt her going faster and faster so he knew she thankfully was getting near her orgasm. Janice started egging Agnes on again to do him harder and faster. As Agnes obliged, her orgasm started to overcome her and she rode the orgasmic wavesfor several long minutes, finally slowing down to a slow pace of long thrusts in and out of poor Alfred. Unbeknownst to him, both ladies were masturbating out of his sight. Agnes just smiled at them as she knew they had really enjoyed the show. When they experienced their orgasms, it was almost simulateneous. All Alfred heard was their moans of pleasure and the sound of fingers in wet pussies. As Agnes held him Still impaled on her cock, she teased Alfred that it was too bad he could not see the ladies while they experienced their orgasms which were enhanced by his ass fucking. But a lowly slave such as him was not worthy of seeing such a delightful sight.

Agnes unstrapped her harness but left the dildo in his ass, ordering him to crawl off to the bathroom and clean himself up. As he did so he heard the laughter of the three women and again felt that deep sense of humiliation.

While he was in the bathroom, the ladies chatted and talked about the fun they had and thanked Agnes for the wonderful experience. As much as they wished to stay longer, they had to leave early in the morning for the drive home as they both had to work the night shift. Hearing that, Agnes asked where they lived and they compared addresses and realized they were only a few hours apart.

As Janice and Brenda were leaving, Agnes gave each of them a long French kiss. She smiled as they stepped out the door and she suggested that they would definitely have to get together again, and that maybe she would loan Alfred to them for a long weekend. Their response was most enthusiastic and as Agnes turned back inside the condo, Alfred came crawling out of the bathroom.

“Well wasn’t that a great time, Alfred?” inquired Agnes. “I had so much fun using you in front of them like that. And do you know what the best news is, yet?”

“No goddess, I don’t,” was his reply.

“They only live a few hours drive from us and we agreed to do this again. You don’t mind, do you?”

“Please Goddess, that was so humiliating to be used that way in front of strangers,” while Alfred.

“Well I have already decided that we would be getting together with them again. I even offered to loan you to them for a long weekend!” Agnes said mockingly as she headed off towards the bedroom.

Alfred just knelt there with that familiar sickening feeling of humiliation. “May be she was just trying to get me agitated and it will never happen…” was his last though as he finally drifted off to sleep on the couch.


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