Puppy Boy

A perfect drop of my coral nail poisoned landed on the hardwood floor. That would need to be cleaned up before Daddy got home.

I was laying naked in my bedroom with my ass at the edge of the bed, painting my toenails with my feet propped on the back of my subby boy, puppy. When I paused to dip the brush back into the bottle on the nightstand, puppy had fidgeted just a little too abruptly, and a large drop from my freshly anointed nail brush splattered on the ground.

I’m not sure what was bothering him exactly – either his jaw was sore from licking my asshole for the better part of the last half hour or his knees were starting to hurt from the hard floor. Either way, Daddy wouldn’t have me leaving nail polish on His pretty floor.

“Look what you made me do”, I witnessed, exasperated, “Can’t you do anything right?”

My subby boy stopped his pathetic, weak attempts to keep licking my asshole. He’d been so eager the first ten minutes, but had really started to slack afterer that. I suppose it’s difficult to be a good footstool and asslicker at the same time, but I have high expectations for my play toys, and I’d noted his lack of continued enthusiasm.

I carefully swung my feet off of his back, making sure not to smudge my work. I looked down at puppy and could tell he was tired, sore and aching for some affection.

“I’m sorry, princess”, puppy mumbled weakly, “My knees were really starting to hurt.”

“Aw, puppy. That’s okay”, I said while ruffling his hair gently, “Just get down there and lick it up.”

My little puppy leaned his face down to the ground and stuck his tongue out to lick the drop of nail poison off the floor. I got to my feet, still careful not to smudge and stood over him. As soon as his tongue swept up the droplet, I shot my hand out to the back of his head and held him there.

Every time that I challenge my puppy physically, I’m reminded how devoted he is to me. I didn’t choose a weakling – he could definitelystrike me down if he wanted to, but he never will. Even now, with just my one arm holding his face to the ground and his tongue still on the floor, he didn’t move to push up against me at all.

“Lick the floor like you should have been licking my ass the last twenty minutes, puppy,” I said calmly to him. My voice didn’t have the lightness that it normally does, and he knew I wouldn’t accept anything less than 100% effort.

Once he started licking, I took a step back and crossed my arms across my chest as I watched him. After a few minutes of puppy desperately licking the floor, letting drool drip out of his mouth just so he could slurp it back up again, I was content.

“Good boy,” I told him, giggling as he perked his head up to look at me. I couldn’t help but laugh at my little subby boy right then as he knelt on the floor naked with bright red knees, eyes watering and slime all over his chin.

“Get on the bed, puppy,” I cooed at him, “I’ll let you rest for a fewAs puppy crawled onto the bed, laying flat on his back with his head slightly propped on my pillow, I grabbed a bottle of lotion and began rubbing it into my skin.

I started with my legs and slowly worked my way up to my neck, pausing to dispense more lotion into my hand as needed. As I did this, I hummed to myself and thought about the rest of my night. Daddy was taking me out for a treatment and had told me to look my best. Usually when He told me this, my pretty clothes ended up soaked in piss. It would be a good night.

Finished, I finally glanced over to puppy and saw that his dick was hard, his eyes hungry for me.

“Do you want me, puppy?” I asked him, walking over and gently climbing on to bed but careful not to touch him.

“Yes, princess”, puppy Replied in a strained and quiet voice. I knelt on the bed, one of my legs in between his, and hinged forward so that my torso was hovering a few inches above him. I knew he could smell the peach of my lotion as I lowered my lips to almost touch his neck. I pulled my head up so I was looking directly in his eyes.

“Do you ever get me?”

“No, princess.”

“Will ever get me?”

“Never, princess.”

“Why not?”

This was a familiar game, and puppy knew what I wanted to hear, his sad eyes looking up at me and his hard cock still an inch away from my skin.

“Because I’m pathetic and don’t deserve you, princess. I’m lucky to be your bitch toy. Thank you for letting me serve you.”

I brightened at him, smiling.

“You’re welcome, puppy. Now, get dressed and leave. Daddy will be home soon.”


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