Well Disciplined Husband Ch. 02

“Does he always do what you ask of him, Agnes?” inquired Janice. “He seems so docile and almost afraid of you! How did you get him to be this way?”

Agnes sipped her drink and replied, “Well it took a couple of years after we were married to get him fully trained to serve my every wish. That means a lot of trips over my knee having a harsh spanking with my hairbrush or a paddle. Sometimes I use a razor strip to really tan his bottom. Now that we have been married for five years, he seldom gets out of line, but when he does, well you hear what happens!” Pointing at her husband and laughing, she continued, “Even though he is totally in control at work and is very successful, at home he is totally subservient to me. And believe me when I say I get my way on everything!! He lives in fear of my hairbrush and the other tools of discipline that I leave laying around the house, always on display as a reminder to him.”

Alfred looked towards the ladies as he heard some loud laughter and saw his wife pointing at him. This certainly didn’t seem to be a good sign to him. I hope she is not telling them about our lifestyle, it has always been our secret and the thought of someone else knowing how my wife treatments me is terrifying, thought the poor submissive hubby. What if he ever met them again, how would they act towards him? After fretting for a few minutes, he realized that the chance of seeing these vacationing women again after this week was extremely unlikely. Just then he heard his wife call him over.

“Put my sunscreen on me, and be through. If I get any sunburn whatsoever, you know what will happen don’t you?” barked Agnes.

“Yes dear,” was his instant reply, causing some giggling from their two new friends.

“Would you ladies like little hubby to put your sunscreen on you as well? Don’t worry he knows not to touch anywhere he shouldn’t!” cached Agnes.

“I would love that” replied Janice.

“Me too!” chimed in Brenda.

For the next fifteen minutes, Alfred put sunscreen on all three ladies, nervously worried the entire time that he would somehow offend either Brenda or Janice and invoke the wrath of his wife, Agnes. As he attended to his wife’s new friends, he felt his cock try to betray him and swell, but the cock cage his wife keeps him locked in thwarted any possibility of an embarrassing erection. But it was also rather painful as the cage allowed almost no room for him to swell, and massaging the sunscreen in two nice looking ladies was causing him to swell no matter hard he tried not to.

Brenda noticed what appeared to her to be a bulge in Alfred’s speeds and pointed it out to Janice while he was finishing applying the sunscreen to Janice’s back.

“Oh don’t worry about that,” Agnes said to the ladies. “Ever since I caught him masturbating without permission three years ago, he has been locked in a cock cage. It doesn’t allow him to get erect. The bulge you see is the cage.”

With that said, Janice and Brenda broke into fits of laughter at the thought of him cock locked and unable to even get an erection without Agnes’s permission.

Brenda spoke after setting down, “I should have locked up my ex-husband, then maybe he would not have gotten himself into so much trouble!” Janice quickly agreed, saying that if men stopped thinking with their cocks, life for married women would be so much better.

Agnes ordered him back to his position away from them and he was glad to get out of earshot of the ladies. He was feeling horribly embarrassed that someone now knows his locked penis. The continued laughter coming from the women did nothing to relieve his anxiety.

After a couple of hours in the sun, the ladies decided it was time to head back to their condos and Alfred was summoned to pick up everything, pack their totes and lug it all without so much as one of them lifting a finger.

As they strrolled leisurely back to the condo building with Alfred struggleling to carry everything and keeping a proper distance behind them, Agnes invited Janice and Brenda to join them for dinner.

Janice replied quickly, “We would love to join you for dinner. That is so sweet of you to ask us!” As Alfred heard that, he immediately thought that Agnes would have some sinister reason for offering other than to enjoy their company.

As soon as they stepped into their condo, Alfred stripped off all his clothes as Agnes required. She had told him that just because they were on vacation didn’t mean that the rule of staying naked inside the house was not going to be enforced. He joined her in the living room and knelt in front of her, again as was always the protocol.

“Do you have a problem with those lovely ladies joining us this evening for dinner, hubby? You looked a little pale when I invited them!” teased Agnes.

“No ma’am, I don’t mind, but it was unnerving to have someone else find out that you keep my penis locked in a cage” was his reply. He knew better than to object, but was nonetheless concerned about what might happen at dinner.

Agnes continued, “Well don’t worry about that, just be sure to that your behavior tonight is impossible. After all you still have the second half of your hairbrush spanking tonight and I am quite sure that you do not want to add to what you are already going to get.”

Alfred seemed a little relieved that she did not mention getting cleaned out and taken in his back door. Maybe she forget about that part or maybe she didn’t think it would be necessary after the humiliation he was force to endure today. But he knew he certainly wasn’t going to raise the subject!

Standing up Agnes grabbed him by his ear, “Crawl behind me to the bathroom, I want a nice shower before we go meet my new friends for dinner. And I need your tongue to get me off while I am showing”

Alfred did as ordered, crawling behind his wife, dreading having to eat her out in the shower because it always seemed like somehow he wound up with some soap in his mouth. And he was certain that Agnes did it on purpose most of the time, just as another way to use him for her pleasure.

Next door, Janice and Brenda both decided to grab a shower as well and get freshened up for their dinner date. Janice hit the shower first and Brenda laid back on her bed and thought about what she had learned about their new friends and how Agnes blistered Alfred’s ass whenever she thought he deserved it. She started to feel the wetness grow in her pussy and slowly slide her bikini off and started to use her fingers to relive the building desire in her womanhood.

Just as she pitched over the top into a nice orgasm, Janice walked into the room and saw what she was doing. Embarrassed, Brenda tried to explain, but Janice shashed her. “Don’t worry honey I had the same feelings as you did about a man being so severely spanked by his loving wife. I got excited too, and I just did what you did while I was in the shower!”

The two ladies burst into laughter together when they realized how horny they both had gotten over the discipline of a male.

After Brenda finished her shower and they were both dressed, they walked out to the front of the condo to wait for Agnes and Alfred.

Just as Alfred was ready to open the door, Agnes grabbed him and ordered him to drop his shorts and panties and bend over with his legs apart. Fearing her displeasure if he didn’t, Alfred quickly assume to required position with his legs nearly three feet apart and his bottom well exposed.

“Now just to be sure you remember your manners tonight, dear, I am going to give you twenty five quick ones with the bristle side of my brush…right in your ass crack! I’ll even do the counting for you” Agnes told her husband. And then she let him have all twenty five smokes full force mostly landing directly on his little hole, causing him to gasp with every stroke. By the time Agnes finished and let him stand up, Alfred knew sitting tonight would be uncomfortable to say the least.

“Come on hubby, let’s go meet the ladies! I am sure they are waiting on us, since I had to take time to remind you about your manners tonight.”


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