Well Disciplined Husband Ch. 01

This is a work of fiction! So please save your comments about him going to the police or getting revenge.


“I don’t ever want to hear you being surprisingly towards a waitress again…I don’t know what gets into you some days! After five years of training I would have thought you would have known better! Now drop your pants and panties and get over my knee!” Without hesitation Alfred did as she demanded as he could tell by his wife’s tone of voice that she was thoroughly irritated with him, and no matter if he thought she was over reacting to his behavior at the restaurant at lunchtime, he did not want to add to his upcoming misery!

As he slowly lowered himself over his wife’s stocking clad legs, she yanked him into position and quickly throw her right leg over his legs, effectively clamping him in place, surely not a good sign he thought. Holding her wooden hairbrush, Agnes started to lecture him about his poor behavior and what she expected, especially whileThey were here vacationing in a beachfront condo. Then she announced his sentence: “You shall receive a good through dose of my hairbrush for the next fifteen minutes! You can cry, sob, and beg all you want, but I will punish you for the full fifteen minutes! But remember the door out onto the balcony is open, so your histrionics may be heard by others!”

With a sinking feeling of dread, he tried to brace himself for the pain he knew was about to visit his ass cheats. Several times before, his dominant wife had given him a fifteen minute hairbrush blistering and he always bawled like a baby no matter how hard he tried to remain stoic. And he was hoping that nobody was around to hear his age. But before he had much time to think any more, the first crack of the brush hit him across both cheats with what seemed to be his wife’s full force! She is not even giving me any warm-up, he thought, and quickly he knew there was little chance he could keep from crying loudly.

As shecontinue to smack the dayslights of his poor bottom, he started to wonder how she could spank so hard. After all she was such a small lady, only 5′ 6″ and hardly 110 lbs. But she had a knack of making him deeply regret his misbehavior every time she distributed him.

“You are just lucky little boy that I did not invite that young waitress up here to witness your little ass being turned such a deep red color! Just think how humiliating that would be, as a grown 45 year old man having to drop his pants and panties and bend over his wife’s knee for nice dose of the hairbrush in front of a young woman”. I think someday I will invite someone to watch you being distributed…that would certainly teach you a lesson.”

As he started to cry from the intense pain, her words just made him shiver with fright as she had never exposed him to anyone else while being punished. The mere thought of it terrified him. What if that person saw him in public after such an event, how could they notsnicker at him knowing how he is treated by his wife? Just then, Agnes announced they were at the halfway mark, and she was going to rest her arm for a bit and enjoy looking at his blistered bottom. And she kept chiding him, asking how he thought the women in his office would think of him if they only knew how his home life was. After all he was known to be most demanding at work, always pushing employees to produce more and better quality research. As a patent attorney the work was demanding, but he often was more demanding than necessary with his wonderful research assistants and office staff. He shuddered to think what would happen if they ever found out.

Then the hairbrush started to fall again, with even more force if that was possible. He couldn’t hold back any longer, the pain was just too much and he started bawling loudly, begging her to please stop, that he couldn’t take any more, all the usual pleadings she hears from him when she is finally getting through to him.

“You have one minute left little boy, and I am going to spank harder and faster just to be sure you understand the gravity of your foolishness today. And tomorrow you will be apologizing to that waitress!” And then Agnes tore into his already swollen cheeses with a fury of full force strokes, almost one every second. It was too much for her beloved husband and she just smiled when she heard him sketch in age! “Now we are getting somewhere! Scream all you want, I am enjoying myself too much to stop before your sentence is completed,” Alfred heard her intone, but what bothered him most was the laughter in her voice.

Finally she stopped and ordered him to put his nose in the corner of the living room with his hands on his head. “And don’t move unless you want some more!” He quickly got into place and stand motionless, fearing her wrath if he disobeyed. As stood dead still and silent, he heard his wife get a glass of wine and return to the living room, sitting across from him. “I need to cool down, and have some wine, hubby. I spent a lot of energy teaching you a lesson. Then we are going down to the beach. I will not be denied my beach time during this week, and since today is our first full day here, I want to enjoy some sun.”

Unbeknown to either Agnes or Alfred, during this entire encounter, two lifelong friends were sitting out on their balcony, right next door! Needless to say they heard everything loud and clear. The two ladies, both in their mid-thirties and dividends, drove down here at least twice a year to enjoy a week on the beach. They both worked as registered nurses in a busy emergency room and truly enjoyed their time away from work and each other’s company.

During the entire time that Agnes was disciplining Alfred for his misbehavior, they both listened intently, and both rather enjoyed what they heard. Janice and Brenda then admitted to each other that what they heard excited them, in a sexual manner, and Brenda said maybe she sWait have done the same thing with her husband. Janice just chuckled and said she was thinking along those same lines while she heard the husband becoming his wife to stop. They quickly agreed that they should go to the beach hoping that maybe they could make friends with the woman who so dominated her husband. Since they were already in their bikinis, they quickly grabbed some towels, sunscreen and cold drinks and packed them all in a Tote. Then they waited to hear the couple next door open their door before they stepped out of their condo. They both were stunned by the beauty of the woman and immediately saw that her husband was staying behind her and was carrying all of her belongings while looking down at the ground as he walked.

As the four of them met on the sidewalk and exchanged pleasuresants, Agnes realized that they likely heard everything that had translated earlier. But before she could raise the subject, Janice asked her if her husband had learned his lesson! If it was possible, Alfred’s face turned even redder than before as he realized they had heard it all. They informed Agnes that they were sitting on their balcony during the whole discussion session and both told her that they admired how she handled her disobedient husband.

Agnes quickly asked the two ladies to join them at the beach and when they both agreed, Agnes ordered Alfred to carry their bag as well, commenting “wives should never to have to carry anything when there is a man available for the task.” As Alfred took their bag from Janice, he heard laughter from all three women, leading him to believe that this day had just gotten worse. Especially as they were walking towards the beach and he heard Agnes telling the ladies that although her hubby’s ass was very red and sore, she was going to give him the rest of his punishment tonight After dinner! His trepidation increased as they reached the beach and heard his dominant wife ask the ladies to join them for the afternoon and then for dinner.

Alfred started to get very nervous as his wife had not said anything earlier about getting more punishment that evening. As he was thinking of how to broach the subject with her, Agnes spoke again, “That’s right hubby, what you got this afternoon was only half of what I think you deserve for the error of your ways at lunch. In addition to another bottom warming, you will be getting cleaned out later, so I can take your back door!” As he set the bags down near where the ladies had decided to sun themselves, he felt a chill go up his spine in spite of the 85 degree temperature on the beach. He was ordered to sit on the beach about twenty feet away so he could be available if anyone needed anything but was out of earshot as the ladies got to know each other better. His anxiety increased as they laughed and pointed at him, knowing all too well that his wife might be sharing intimate details with them. If he only know what they were discussing…


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