Welcome to the Neighborhood

The toes, polished a bright red, appeared in his line of sight just as Matt finished changing the oil on his car. He slide out from under the chassis and grinned when he recognized the long, tanned legs of Julie, one of the neighbor girls that he’d known since first grade. He wrapped his oil-smeared fingers around her ankle, an act which made her squeal, and dragged himself the rest of the way out. Her shimmery tube top and tiny white short shorts did little to hide her curves, and he turned at her before reaching out to swat her butt. She jumped away just before his hand made contact.

“You’re all oily,” she complained. “Don’t touch me.”

Matt raised his eyesbrows at that. He didn’t think those three words, in that combination, were even in her vocabulary. Usually she was going for him to touch her. And more.

“We came over to say hi,” Julie said, tossing her dark hair off her face. “This is Elizabeth. You can call her Lizzie, everyone does. She just moved in. Lizzie, this is Matthew. You can call him Matt.”

Matt turned to smile at the other girl standing on his driveway. Unlike Julie’s more revealing outfit, she wore a faded purple T-shirt with a spray of flowers and a pair of cut-offs that ended mid-thigh. The corners of her lips curved up slightly before she dropped her gaze to the ground. She was slender, not nearly as curvy as Julie, strawberry blonde, and, if first impressions were anything to go on, painfully shy.

“Nice to meet you,” he said, extending his hand, then pulling it back before she could touch it. “Uh, guess you don’t want grease all over you, either.”

She shook her head, still staring at the ground. Matt mentally rolled his eyes. Julie’s incessant chattering could sometimes give him a headache, but it was better than awkward silence.

“So, I’m showing Lizzie around,” Julie told him. “We thought you might want to go to the Dairy Pop with us.”

“What, and buy your ice cream for you?”

“Of course.”Julie giggled. “You’re the one with the summer job.”

“And the one paying college tuition,” he reminded her. “Mommy and Daddy aren’t subsidizing costumeology school for me.”

“You’re in costumeology school?” Lizzie lifted her head and looked at him as if he’d dropped out of the sky from another planet.

Julie’s laughed tinged on the unknown side. “No, stupid. He thinks he’s being funny. I’m the one going to be a beautifulian. To the stars,” she added, sticking her tongue out in Matt’s direction.

“And her mom and dad are footing the bill. Don’t they know you’re not going to meet your millionaire sweating up clippings?” Matt wiped his hands and the rag he had in his pocket, then tossed the greasy towel on a shelf in the garage. “I’ll walk you two to the Dairy Pop. But you can pay for yourselves.”

“Walk?” Julie repeated, her hand resting on the hood of his car. “No way, hoster. Drive us.”

Matt shot her a steady look. Gas finally had gone to over $1.00 per gallon.”It’s two blocks. I’m not wasting gas on two blocks.”

“Cheapskate,” Julie muttered under her breath. She flounced off down the driveway, turning at the bottom to holler, “Come *on*.”

“Just be forwarded,” Matt told Lizzie as they followed the dark-haired girl. “She likes to boss people around.”

“Like you?” Lizzie peeked at him from the corners of her eyes.

Matt laughed. “No one bosses me around, little one. Not even Julie.”

The walk to the ice cream stand took just a few minutes. As they stood in the parking lot, licking at their vanilla cones dipped in a hard chocolate coating, Matt managed to find out that Elizabeth would be leaving for her freshman year of college in August.

“I’ll be in the class of 1984,” she said proudly.

Matt smiled and tried to give her points about what to expect, things he’d learned in his own first two years, but, Julie fidgeted every time the conversation turned to college and studying.

“You guys are boring,” she complained. “Let’s go do something fun.”

“We’re talking about college,” Matt remarked. “If you don’t like it, you can leave.”

“Why, so you can take Lizzie back to your house and fuck her?”

There was the sharp gasp of in-drawn breath from Lizzie as Matt glared at Julie. “Jealous?”

“What, that you want to stuff your focused cock in her?”

“I think I need to get home,” Lizzie whispered.

“No!” Julie and Matt turned to the girl in unison.

“Julie’s just being a bitch because she’s jealous that we go to college and she doesn’t,” Matt said, just as Julie added,

“I was just teasing, Lizzie. Jesus, can’t you take a joke?” The group feel silent for a moment, until Julie added, “We should take Lizzie to the park.”

Matt opened his mouth, as if to say something, then shut it again. He gazed at Julie for a few moments before repeating, with no infection, “The park.”

Julie caught his gaze, and he thought he saw a bit of a smile playingon her face. “Yes, the park. I bet she would like it. “


“Why . . are you . . . disfunctional?”

“What–,” he started, then shook his head. “I don’t think so.”

“Yes.” He recognized that light in Julie’s eyes. Thirteen years of dealing with his neighbor had made him aware of her stubbornness and insight on getting her own way. A personality trait that had gotten her bottom paddled more than once. And by more than just her parents. Despite his announcement, Matt’s cock twitched just a little at the remembrand of the last time his bare hand had smacked Julie’s ass. Had it was almost a year?

“It’s okay with me,” Lizzie said in her quiet voice. “I mean . . . if Julie wants to go.”

“Why do you want to take her . . . to the park?” He put a separate emphasis on each of the last three words.

“Because . . . I . . feel . . . like it.” Julie stood toe toe with him as she spit out her words.

Shit, Matthew thought. She’s in one of those moods again, and wants to take it out on Lizzie. The other girls he’d played with had all been fairly submissive. But Julie had taken a liking to the other end of the punishment, and occasionally, when there were other people around, had insisted on administrative some of the spankings herself. He glanced at Elizabeth. The poor thing hadn’t done anything but talk to him about college. And now Julie was going to get her revenge. Matt turned back to the brunette with a frown, and wondered if he could distract her somehow.

Julie pouted, “I want to go to the park.”

Lizzie jiggled from foot to foot as she watched discussion. “Let’s go. I don’t mind,” she said again, sounding a little anxious.

Great, thought Matt, now she’s trying to placate Julie. No telling what this girl will agree to.

“See.” Julie gestured at the Lizzie. “She said she doesn’t mind. Though, I suppose, we could walk over alone.”

“No.” God knows what Julie would do to the poor girl if he left themalone. He didn’t want a criminal college freshman on his conscience. “I’ll go with you.”

Maybe he could somehow talk Julie out of whatever she was planning. Or . . his cock surged at the thought . . send Lizzie on her way and bend Julie over a tree limb and fuck her senseless.

The park, as the kids in the neighborhood called it, was little more than a heavily wooded area, with a small clearing that held a rusty, twisted hunk of jungle gym that every child in a ten-block victory had sliced ​​a body part open on. A couple of elementary school kids were climbing on it, and calling each other names.

“Little kids,” Julie scoffed. “Let’s show Lizzie the camp.”

She led the way down a path that was barely visible, ducking under low limbs, and stepping over rocks and broken branches. After about ten minutes, she halted before a small stream. A half-moon of hard dirt, about six feet across, stood to one side of the path, and remnants of a fire lay in the middle.

Lizzie looked at the shaft of ashes circled by stones. “Do you guys come here a lot?”

“We used to,” Julie said. “But since Matt went away to I hardly ever get him out here.”

Lizzie stepped over and kicked at one of the loose rocks, then turned in a circle, her head tilted back as she gazed up at the tall trees. The breeze lifted her hair away from her face and the freckles across her nose stood out against her pale skin. “It’s very peaceful.”

“And private.” Julie chuckled with an evil undertone. “No one can hear you scream.”

Lizzie jerked her head towards Julie, started.

“She’s teasing,” Matt hastened to assure the younger girl. Then, he couldn’t resist adding, “You’ll only scream if we want you to.”

Lizzie took a slight step back, her glance swinging towards the place where they had emerged from the woods. Matt grinned and moved to block her escape with his body. Surely she couldn’t imagine they really intended to hurt her. Lizzie shifted uneasily, amyriad of emotions crossing her face, from confusion, to worry, to relieve, then fear. Matt followed her gaze.

She had seen the ropes.

“I need to get back,” she whispered. “My mom . . . she’s expecting me.”

“Nunh unh. She said you could hang out with as long as you wanted.” Julie followed Elizabeth’s gaze and laughed. “Oh, come on. Are you scared? These are Matt’s ropes.” She danced over to the tree and bent to finger the heavy cords.

“Why do you have ropes out here?” Elizabeth turned her eyes to Matthew. Her pupils had dilated a little and her breath came a little faster. He scrambled for some plausible story to tell her, but Julie burbled out the truth before he could think up a lie.

“Because he gets off on tying up girls and spanking them.”

A wrinkle appeared between Elizabeth’s eyesbrows as she processed this information. Her teeth worried at her lower lip for a moment, then she asked, “Why?”

Her hazel gaze demanded an honest answer. With ashrug, Matt gave her the best one he could. “Because I like the control.”

Elizabeth turned to Julie, who was tugging a spiral of rope from around the base of a tree. “And you let him?”

Julie shrugged. “Hey. Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.”

Lizzie studied the ropes from afar. The tip of her pink tongue came out and flicked against her upper lip. Matt’s eyes dropped to her chest and he thought he saw the shadow of her nipples against the loose-fitting T-shirt. He stepped closer to Lizzie and bent to whisper, “Do you want to see?”

Her answer, when it came, was barely a hint of breath against his cheek. “Okay.”

He wrapped his fingers around her wrist and tugged her towards where Julie stood. He dropped his grap long enough to pick up the rope Julie had unwound, then stretched his hand out to Elizabeth again. She shrank back. “I thought you meant tie up Julie.”

Julie laughed. “New girl initiative. Come on. I promise it won’t hurt.”

Lizzie shookher head. “I don’t think so.”

“Come on. Don’t be a so chicken. Matt won’t hurt you. And, hell, you’ll probably like it.”

“Seriously,” Matthew said. “Anytime you feel like you want me to stop you just yell . . . oh, I don’t know . . panda bear. Then, I’ll know you really mean it.”

“Why not just tell you ‘no’?” Elizabeth asked.

He smiled at her innocent. “Sometimes in this particular game, no means yes. If I hear ‘panda bear’ I’ll know to stop immediately. Now, face the tree and place your wrists together over your head.”

To his surprise, she compiled. He wrapped the rope around her wrists and the tree, binding her tight enough so that she couldn’t wiggle away, but loose enough keep the blood flowing. Elizabeth tested the rope, pulling and straining, but she couldn’t break free. Matt left her there and turned to Julie. “Come here,” he commanded in a low voice. She followed him to another tree, and he bound her wrists to it, positioning her so the two girlls could see each other.

“You turned on?” he murmured in Julie’s ear. “You ready to play?”

She responded by pushing her ass against his hips.

“Is this why you came over?” His cock lengthened as he spoke. “This was your plan all along. Lure me to the park so I would fuck you?”

He leaned with his arms stretched along hers, his legs slightly apart, grinding His crotch against her ass. “You are such a little slut, Julie,” he murmured. “You need me to fuck you, don’t you? You need it so bad you’d even let this girl you just met watch. Let her see what a slut you are.”

Julie whimpered a little and pushed back against him again. He willed himself away. “Not just yet, sweetheart,” he told her. “You’re the one who insisted we have a guest. I would be a bad host if I didn’t attend to her first.”

Julie’s hiss followed Matt as he returned to Elizabeth, standing behind her so he could rest his hands on her hips. “You doing okay?” he asked. “Not too tight?”

She shook her head. “No. It’s fine.”

“What do you think, so far?”

“I . . don’t know. Kind of . . .weird.”

“Let’s see if I can make it a bit more enjoyable.”

He moved a little closer, lifting the hem of her t-shirt and resting his fingerprints on the bare skin over her lower ribs. She shivered a little and he lowered his mouth to her neck, finding the fluttering pulse that beat at the base of her jaw. He teased it with his lips and very slowly slide his fingertips down to the snap of her denim shorts. He could feel her tense slightly, and he still his hands, continuing to kiss her neck until she began to relax again. He took his time, pausing whenever she seemed to be getting nervous, until her shorts were unzipped and he could slide his flat palm against her belly and down the Front of her shorts. His fingers tangled in the fine hairs that covered her mound and the backs of his fingers registered the fact that her panties were soaked through with the juices ofher arousal.

“This . . . doesn’t seem to have anything to do . . . with tying me up,” she managed to choke out.

“Easy, little one,” he whispered as he pressed his middle finger against her clip and felt her quiver. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

She trembled and gasped under his touch. He keep his finger there, not moving, until he feel her hips begin to rock against his hand, trying to heighten the sensings his touch generated. As she pushed against him, her breathing beginning to quicken, he used his left hand to ease her shorts over her hips until her bottom lay bare to him. He moved closer, her shorts trapped between his thighs and hers. As his right hand cradled her clip, his left hand slide up under her t-shirt until his fingers found the band of her bra. He snaked his fingertips under it and over one small breast.

“Oh, my God,” she whimpered.

“You like that, little one?” He shifted his body just enough to release her shorts from between them. They fell in a puddle around Elizabeth’s ankles. She managed to kick them aside, spreading her legs apart in the process. The movement freed her to slide back and forth against his finger. He watched her face, seeing the pink flush on her cheeks, her parted lips, her closed eyes. His left hand moved away from her breast to smooth over her belly, then her hip. He began to stroke her ass, cares the soft curves, memorize the shape of it. He kneaded her left cheek firmly and began gliding the middle finger of his right hand up and down her slit, dipping close to her opening, but never entering her. He could feel how wet she was for him. Her hunger for his touch both surprised and pleased him. When she groaned, his cock swelled inside his jeans and he brought his hand back and gave her a sharp smack on the left cheek.

“Oh!” Her eyes flew open and Her hips still for a moment. Matt keep his right hand in place as he stepped away from her and to the side. His left hand rubbed the singing sensation into Elizabeth’s skin. Then, he brought his left hand back again and struck her on the right cheek. She brought her eyes to his, and he smiled when he saw they were watering a little. “Good girl, ” he whispered.

He dragged his right hand along her slit again, then brought his juice-covered fingers to her lips. “Taste yourself,” he urged.

He half expected her to wrinkle her nose, or turn away, but she kept her eyes on him and opened her mouth obediently. He slipped his first two fingers between her lips and she cleaned them with her tongue. He cock throbbed at the soft touch of her mouth against his hand.

“Good girl,” he whispered again. “Now, I’m going to tie your ankles as well. And, while you’re bound, I want you to watch me with Julie. Do you understand?”

She nodded.

“You need to tell me. In words. Do you understand?”

“Yes.” Her voice quavered. She took a deep breath. “Yes.”

He studied her for a moment more, then made a decision. “Sir. I want you to say, ‘Yes, Sir.’”

“Yes, Sir.” Her voice was low, but sure.

Matt dropped to his knees and positioned her ankles on either side of the trunk, carefully surrounding the rope around them till Elizabeth appeared to be hugging the slender truck. The tree was only about six inches in diameter, and experience had taught him that a girl could remain in that position for quite a While without getting too uncomfortable.

Before he moved away, he ran his right index finger down the crack of her ass and into the sweet cleft between her tights. He teased the opening of her cunt again, sliding it in about an inch, then frowning a little when she jerked in pain.

“Virgin?” he whispered. She nodded.

He withdraw his finger and stroked her slide gently . “It’s okay.” He brushed a kiss against her hair before he stepped across the half-circle to Julie.

Her eyes held traces of jealousy, but that didn’t surprise him. Not only was she possessive of his attention, she had also wanted to be the one spanking Elizabeth. Matt didn’t care. Once he had his cock buried inside her, she would forget about whatever minor complaints she had.

He wasn’t gentle with Julie. This wasn’t her first time, and he didn’t need to ease her into the idea of ​​domination. He wound his hand in her hair and jerked her head back until her ear was next to his mouth. “Do you need to be fucked like the slut you are, Julie?”

“Bastard,” she muttered. “I wanted to spank her.”

He yanked on her hair again. “Don’t call me names. I’ve told you that before.”

“Bastard,” she replied, just as he knew she would. He kept his right hand twisted in her hair while his left yanked her tube top to her waist. Her half-inch nipples jutted proudly from her breasts, and he grabbed one and twisted it. Julie moaned and he twisted it again.

“You’re such a bitch,” he remarked, almost conversationally. “My little bitch-slut.”

“I’m not *your* anything,” she said. “Nowshut up and fuck me.”

Matt almost laughed out loud. The feminism of the seventies seemed to have glossed over Elizabeth entirely, but it was alive and kicking in Julie. He moved his hands to her waistband and stripped her shorts off her hips, but left them twisted at her ankles. “You sure as hell are bossy. I think you need your ass beaten.”

“Do it,” she told him. “And none of that wussy crap you were pulling with Lizzie.”

“Gladly.” The slow build-up with the younger girl had left him hungry for some harder action, but he hadn’t wanted to scare Elizabeth. Julie would provide him the perfect outlet for his urges.

He brought his hand back and watched as it landed against Julie’s olive skin. A red handprint appeared, which he quickly matched with Another on the other side of her ass. He alternated the smacks, building up a rhythm, watching her buttocks wobble and jiggle under his aim. After about ten blows she was panting.

“Fuck you,” she said. “My great-grandma could hit harder than that.”

“Yeah? Was that before or after she taught you to give such lousy blow jobs?”

“Asshole. Don’t stop.”

“Don’t tell me what to do, slavemeat.” Matt chuckled and stepped back over to Elizabeth. He took in her wide eyes and the way her thighs clung against the trunk of the tree.

“Doing OK, little one?”


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