Welcome to Dallas

John fidgeted impatiently with his car keys while people rushed in and out of the terminal around him. In the early hours of Friday evening the airport was packed with life, some arrival, some departing, and some there to greet a business associate or loved one. John, however, was willing to bet that none of the gate’s other occupations were there for quite the reason he was. He scowled at the large white jet which approached from a far runway. The plane slowed as it rolled towards the gate and its arrival seemed to be taking forever.

“You may as well give up,” John’s wife told him. Half a head shorter than her husband, Lana was by far the most striking woman in the victory. Her chestnut hair rolled in waves down to the top of a thin, white blouse, just opaque enough to make nearby men take an extra hard glance. Lana’s Large, brown eyes gave her a naturally innocent expression and John had already seen a number of men turn away embarrassed as she caught their gaze and turned up.”You can’t will the plane to go faster, you know.”

“Very funny,” John said. He turned thoughtful for a moment. “Of course, I could take it out on our visitor…”

Lana gave him a push toward the ramp. “I don’t think that’s quite fair,” she said. “I seriously doubt that Shannon is flying the plane.”

The jet finally connected to the disembarking ramp and within a few minutes John and Lana found themselves face to face with Shannon for the first time. They recognized her easily from her gif; bright blue eyes looked out nervously from a frame of dark red hair. The girl had an incredibly light complexion. Although being some heavily built, the paleness of her skin almost made her appear delicate. She’d dressed according to Lana’s instructions: A black, sleepless shirt and black skirt. John wondered idly if the 24 year old had followed the rest of Lana’s dress code.

“Hi,” Shannon said, her voice trembling slightly.

“Hi, Shannon!” Lana answered, smiling warmly.She leaned forward and hugged the younger girl tightly. Shannon’s body melted against her and John grinned as her tension drained obviously. Lana tended to have that effect on people.

“I’m John,” he said, kissing Shannon’s hand once Lana had released her.

“I figured you weren’t Lana,” the girl said, then added, “Um, sir.”

Lana laughed and jabbed her husband in the ribs with her elbow. “Why don’t you take this young lady’s luggage,” she said, “and we’ll find someplace to get to know each other.” Nodding agreeably, John retrieved Shannon’s carry-on and the trio made their way out of the airport.


“What would you like to eat, Shannon?” Lana asked. John guided their minivan out of the short term parking, glancing frequently in the rearview mirror at their pretty visitor.

“Oh, just a little something,” said Shannon. “I’m not all that hungry.” John suggested they head for a sports bar near the airport and both women agreed.

“I, uh, followedYour directions when I dressed today, ma’am,” said Shannon.

Lana clapped her hands together and twisted in her seat. “That’s good, Shannon. I think we’re going to really enjoy your visit.”

“Yes ma’am,” Shannon said. “Shall I show you?”

“Oh, no, not now,” Lana answered. In the rearview mirror, the girl appeared puzzled. “We’ll take care of that soon.”

The sports bar soon appeared and they were seated quickly around a high table next to the wall. Instead of chairs the pub used tall bar stools, complete with a brass bar for the diners to rest their feet upon. John and Lana sat facing each other, while Shannon ended up with the middle stool, her back to the wall.

“Before we order,” said John, “why don’t you show us that followed your instructions.”

Shannon’s pale face turned bright red in an instant. “Right here?” she whispered, casting a firm eye around the dining area. The sports bar was just beginning to fill up with the Friday night crowd.

“Lift up your skirt in the back, and tuck it into the waistband,” said Lana.

“But what if someone sees?” asked Shannon, still hesitating. “We could get in serious trouble!”

Lana reached into her purse and withdraw a small notebook. Opening it to the first blank page, she made a notation and returned the book to its place. Shannon watched her and John leaned back comfortably on his stool, trying not to laugh.

“That’s what we call Log One,” Lana said, patting Shannon’s arm. “When we’re unable to administrator punishment right away, I keep track of it there.”

Shannon’s blush deepened and she dropped her eyes to the tabletop. “If that’s Log One,” she said, “do you keep track of the times I please you in Log Two, ma’am?”

This time John did break out in laughter. He and Lana had guessed from their online conversations that they’d get along perfectly with the young woman. Only half an hour into her visit their expectations were nearly confirmed.

“Actually,” said Lana, “Log Two is the one we bend you over when the punishment is actually doled out.” She smiled sweetly, and Shannon hesitantly reached for her skirt. Hands shaking, she grasped the hem and tucked it up into her waistband.

“Oh,” Lana said, leaning over on her stool. “What a beautiful ass our Shannon has!” She reached over with one hand and squeezed the girl’s nude rump. “Check her out, John!”

John was more than happy to oblige. His fingertips grazed Lana’s as the two of them kneeled their sub’s backside for a moment. The girl’s breath quickly auditively and her eyes darted about the crowded sports bar. As a waiter approached, John and Lana straightened.

“Are you ready to order?” the waiter asked. He’d obviously missed the display and, standing across the table from Shannon, he couldn’t see her exposed skin.

“Definitely,” said John. Lana turned at Shannon as they each ordered. When the waiter departed the redhead managed to bring her respiratory system back under control.

“Now,” John said, “Lift up your shirt for a second so we can make sure there’s nothing under there.”

Shannon’s eyes closed halfway and she moaned slightly, but as Lana reached for her purse the girl’s hands flew to her waist. She scanned the crowd, trying to choose a moment when nobody was looking in their direction. While John watched expectedly, Shannon lifted one corner of her shirt and exposed one round, full breast. Her large, stiff nipple pushed into view for a brief second before Shannon pulled the garment back down.

“Is that all right, sir?” she asked.

“Oh,” said Lana, doing her best to sound disappointed. “I didn’t get to see!”

“Yes ma’am,” said Shannon, and pulled her shirt up again, exhibiting the other breast to her mistress.

“Much better,” said Lana. She leaned across the table and set one hand on Shannon’s leg before brushing her lips briefly across the girl’s. “I’ll bet you just love to have your nipples sucked, don’t you?” she whispered.

Shannon simply whimpered in reply and shut her eyes. For a moment John feared that the girl was actually scared out of her mind and ready to go home. He gave Lana a questioning look.

“It’s okay,” Lana said. “She’s just incredibly turned on and having a hard time controlling it, aren’t you Shannon?”

“Yes ma’am,” the girl whispered.

“Hey, are ya’ll having some kind of party?” A tall, skinny man with a cowboy hat and the unmistakable outline of a tobacco can pressed up against his breast pocket was standing in front of their table.

“What makes you think that?” asked John. His voice had gone flat and he stared at the newcomer unwelcomingly.

“Well, I caught that little flash over here and thought you folks might be looking for some fun,” the cowboy said. He leered at Shannon and smiled, gaze shifting between the girl and Lana.

John smiled abruptly. “Actually, we ARE having a party. I don’t know if you’d be interested, though.” Shannon glanced over at John, a horrified look on her face.

The cowboy snickered. “I could probably get interested in anything this one wants to do,” he said, shaking his head towards Shannon. He turned away for a moment and spat his tobacco into a paper cup. “What’re you folks looking for?”

“Well, I guess we’ve found it,” said John. “What we usually do is have Shannon here show Some flesh, get some guy to follow her home. Then, once she’s got him naked and ready to go, Lana and I like to carve him up with little carpet knives.”

The cowboy stopped smiling and looked back and forth at Lana and John, who both smiled coldly. “Maybe some other time,” the man mumbled before anxious off.

Shannon and Lana burst out laughing and John grinned. “Probably going to vote for Buchanan,” John said as the waiter brought their food. The trio ate a quick dinner and Lana allowed Shannon to drop her skirt once again as they left the sports bar and drive into the fading light.


“All right, young lady,” said Lana as they drove down the freeway. “Are you ready for your first round of punishment? You racked up quite a few points back there in the pub.”

Shannon swallowed hard, her hands folded in her lap. “Yes, ma’am,” she said. “I apologize.”

Lana crawled out of her seat and into the back of the minivan. The middle bench had have been removed, leaving a great deal of room between the back bench and the driver’s seat. A large duffel bag rested on the floor directly behind John.

“Turn around and get on your knees,” Lana ordered. Shannon obeyed without hesitation, climbing up to rest her body across the back of the benchmark. Lana rooted around in the duffel bag until she came up with a long, leather strap. Meanwhile, John steered with one hand and adjusted the rearview mirror until it was filled with the image of Shannon’s skirt and the tops of her thighs.

“Ooh, it’s perfect,” excerpted Lana, pulling Shannon’s skirt up to her waist.The pale globes of her ass glowed in the streetlights as the older woman stroked her hand across them. “Poor John, having to keep his eyes on the road! I’ve just got to kiss this beautiful young woman.”

John said something not very nice and his wife laughed, blowing him a kiss in the rearview mirror. Then, as John glanced between the mirror and the highway, she leaned over and brushed her lips against Shannon’s left buttock. The redhead moaned from behind the seat and her skin jumped obviously as Lana trailed her tongue lightly across the tender flesh.

“You keep that up and I’m going to have to pull over,” John called. Lana reached around the seat and squeezed his hardening crotch area before returning to Shannon.

“You’re right, I’d better get started. Let’s see, our little slave took too long pulling up that skirt earlier. I’d say that’s worth about ten lashes, wouldn’t you?”

John agreed and Lana wrapped her left arm around Shannon’s waist, bracing herself. Without ceremony she cracked the thick leather across the girl’s undefended ass. Shannon yelped and pushed up against the seatback, wiggling in Lana’s grapsp.

“I think I’m in love,” teased Lana. “Just look at this beautiful body!” John watched as best he could in the mirror, cursing the heavy traffic silently.

Holding on tight, swaying slightly as the minivan changed lanes, Lana smacked the strap across Shannon’s ass three more times. The girl cried out again on the second strike, then gave one continuous moan through the third and fourth.

“Now, how many was that?” asked Lana, feigning ignorance.

“Four ma’am,” Shannon answered promptly. Her rear was already beginning to redden in the dim light.

“How can that be four? I didn’t hear you count any of them!”

Shannon sucked in her breath auditory. “I’m sure it was four, ma’am. I’m sorry, I’ll count louder from now on!”

“Oh, good,” said Lana. She brushed the straw across Shannon’s ass and the girl jumped as if pinched. “Just to make sure you get enough practice, let’s do fifteen more.”

“Fifteen?” repeated Shannon.

“I’d say twenty,” John said. “A few extra usually helps people remember the proper form of address.” He glanced back and saw Shannon readying herself across the street.

“I apologize, ma’am,” Shannon said, voice shaking. “I won’t forget again.”

The strapping began again and John forced himself to concentrate on the road in front of him. As each blow fell he heard a sharp crack, followed by a whimper, moan or yelp, then the girl’s gasping voice calling out the count. Twenty strokes sounded in five miles and the young redhead never lost count.

“That’s enough for now, I think,” said Lana. She was breathing hard and a trickle of Sweat dripped down her brow towards her neck. “Turn around and sit down. And buckle your seatbelt.”

Shannon did as she was told, setting gingerly onto the benchmark. Her face was covered with sweat and her chest was heaving bEneath the damp shirt. When her belt was fastened Lana leaned over and kissed the girl passwordately on the mouth. Kneeling on the seat, Lana straddled Shannon’s legs and began sucking at the other woman’s neck and ears between bouts of dueling with her tongue. Shannon hesitated at first, then her response grew more and more impactionate. When John looked back to find the two making out the minivan nearly shot off the edge of an overpass.

“You’ve never kissed a woman before?” asked Lana, still sitting at the girl.

“No ma’am,” answered Shannon. She smiled and gave the older woman a coy look. “I wouldn’t mind doing it some more, though.”

“Hey, no fair,” said John. “It’s my turn with her.” Lana laughed and tugged at Shannon’s shirt, pulling it out of her skirt and lifting it above her head. The young woman closed her eyes and tilted her head back, groaning softly as Lana began to knee her large, heavy breasts and pinch the stiff nipples lightly between her fingertips./p>

“Put your arms above your head,” whispered Lana, tongue flickering out to grazing Shannon’s ears. Her instructions were obeyed immediately, and within seconds Shannon’s hands were cuffed to the garment bar which ran across the width of the minivan. Sliding down to the floor, Lana pulled Shannon’s seatbelt as tight as she could without hurting her captive. This accomplished, she retrieved a long piece of soft black clothes from the duffel bag and climbed back up onto the benchmark.

“I think it’s John’s turn to have some fun with you,” Lana said. She stuck her tongue out and teasingly drew the tip along the length of Shannon’s lips while tying the clothes around the girl’s head. Shannon’s back arched her back, causing her breasts to reach for the front of the vehicle. “She’s all ready for you,” said Lana. The minivan pulled onto an exit ramp immediately. John guided it to a stop in the parking lot of a gas station and he and Lana exchanged places.

“What’re you going to do to me,sir?” asked Shannon as the vehicle pulled into motion again. Her voice quavered slightly, notes of excitement and lust mixed in with her fear.

“I’m going to give you a quick introduction to a few punishments you’ve never felt,” John said, rooting around in his bag of toys.

“That’s a big category, sir. I’ve never been puzzled at all before.” Lana began laughing in the front seat, Then pounded on the horn and flipped off someone in a passing truck.

“Well, you’re definitely in for an experience this week,” John said. “Aha.” His hand returned from the bag with a new toy — a short, flexible stick with a folded-over square of leather at one end. John flicked on the reading light and gave the implementation a quick once-over, making sure that none of the metal fasteners had worked their way loose. Scratching the hell out of the sub with an errant leather staple probably wouldn’t make a great first impression.

“Spread your legs,” John said, kneeing before the blindfoldedgirl. She did so immediately and he lifted the front of her skirt, pulling it up and away from her creamy thighs.

“Did she follows those last instructions?” Lana asked, struggle to see past John to the exposed girl. Her husband didn’t answer right away. He was busy enjoying the sight of Shannon’s clean sad pussy, glistening with excitement as she awaited further orders.

“Hey!” said Lana. “No fair fucking in the back seat! You two’d better wait ’til we get home!”

John surprised and hefted the toy in his right hand, catching the briefest glimpse of a smile on the captive’s face as he did. Reaching forward, he traced the edge of the leather square along the inside of her thigh. Shannon jumped against the tight seatbelt and her knees twitched slightly.

“This is called a tawse,” John began.

“Quirt,” corrected Lana.

John glanced over his shoulder. “It’s a tawse,” he repeated.

“Don’t listen to him, it’s a quirt.” Lana honked again, smiling but refusing to look at her husband. The bound and blindfolded girl giggled.

“It’s called a ‘tawse’,” said John, pushing the flat side against the underside of Shannon’s breast. “And if you don’t shut up up there, I’m going to chain you up with her!”

“Woo-hoo!” Lana replied, then fell silent as she found a particularly thick knot of traffic to weave through.

“You remember the lesson you just learned?” asked John.

“Yes, sir!”

John slapped the leather abruptly against the inside of Shannon’s thigh, rather lightly. She grimaced and said immediately, “One, sir.”

Smiling, John throw a backhand shot at her other leg. Her count followed quickly, and he began to go back and forth between her legs, raising the power in the blows Steadily. Shannon continued counting as the tawse fall upon the insides and tops of her thighs. By the time she reached forty her thighs were covered with bright red patches and her legs were shaking as she fought the urge to clap them together. The soft folds at the juncture of her thighs literally gleamed in the feeble light.

“How do you like that?” John asked, his voice falling to almost a whisper.

“I love it!” excerpted Lana. “I think I’m soaking my own seat up here!”

“Not you,” snapped John, trying not to laugh despite his announcement.

“It’s wonderful, sir,” gasped Shannon. Her breasts rose and fell beautifully as she panted, her entire torso covered with a light sheen. John shot his head forward and lightly kissed the inside of one of her thighs, causing Shannon to shudder violently.

“Sir, I’m not sure that my legs can handle anymore,” the captive sub said. “I’ve never done this before, and–“

“It’s okay,” said John. “We’re not going to push you overboard your first time out.”

“Maybe the second or third,” added Lana.

“Thank you sir,” said Shannon, then sucked in her breath and sat bolt upright as the tip of the tawse grazed her stiff nipple.

“Oh, God,” moaned the girl.

“Ooh, she likes that!” Lana said. John looked over his shoulder again. His wife was steering with one hand; he couldn’t tell where the other had disappeared to. Turning back, he whipped the other nipple lightly with the edge of the leather. Shannon’s stomach spasmed and John reached down to loosen his belt, trying to relieve the incredible pressure in the crotch of his pants.

“Please, may I have more, sir?” the bound girl asked. John thought he heard a groan come from the driver’s seat.

“Start counting,” he commanded, and started raining light blows on the sides of the girl’s breasts. After the first few she was nearly screaming out the numbers; he began alternative between flat blows and light flicks at the tips of her beautiful globes. Within minutes she was bucking against the seatbelt, her ass grinding against the benchmark.

“Oh, God,” Shannon said again. John continued striking with the tawse, then stopped abruptly. He reached up and pinched one of her hardened nipples between his fingers, twisting it slightly.

“Ah! Yes, please, sir,” screamed Shannon, the rest of her sentence fading into something unintelligible. Her entire body became rigid, then a series of shocks seemed to pass from her shoulders down through her toes. John released her and leaned back.


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