Welcome Home Princess

Have you ever had one of those weeks where everything just seemed to go wrong? Well I did and unfortunately, I let it get the better of me. I was out of sorts. These are the times when I need Sir the most. Only tonight I didn’t need kinky sex, spankings or scenes. Tonight, I just needed my sweet Sir to take care of me. I didn’t know what to expect though when I got home from my business trip. I walked through the door and there he was, just standing there with his arms open. I dropped my bags and rushed into his arms. He stood there holding me for the longest time.

“I hated not being with you this week, baby girl.” He murmured into my ear.

“I hated it too. I was so upset this week. So unsettled and anxious all week.” I said on the verge of tears again.

“Sssshhh, I know Princess. I’m here now and so are you.”

I breathed a sight of relief as I retired his strong arms around me. He’s me safe place and in his arms, the tears fell freely. I had been holding everyhing all week.

“That’s it Princess, let it out.”

We stood like that for a little while longer, then he kissed the top of my head and lead me to the dining room. The table was beautiful, but only set with one place setting. I was confused.

“Aren’t you eating with me Sir?”

“Of course, I am.” Upon seeing the confusion on my face, he continued. “You will sit on my lap tonight and let me feed my girl.”

“Oh.” I was surprised. He hadn’t done this before.

“I made us a steak with baked potatoes and sautéed veggies. All your favorites tonight sweetheart.”

“Oh my, thank you Sir.”

“Stay here for a minute.” He instructed.

Sir went into the kitchen and came back with our plate of food and my drink. I had to smile because I knew that he had made my favorite sweet tea. It’s the sweetest thing that he does for me. He doesn’t even drink it, but he always makes sure that I have some in the fridge. I just smile at his thoughtfulness. It truly warms myheart.

“Thank you, my sweet Sir.” I say smiling into his eyes.

“Of course, Princess. I always take care of what belongs to me and you definitely belong to me.” He says back with all the love in his eyes.

There is never a doubt about how much this man loves me and where I stand with him. Life may get crazy and we may get pulled in different directions at times, but one of us is always there to pull us back together and remind the other what is really important. Us. That’s all. Everything else is just stuff.

Sir sets everything down, pulls out the chair and sits. He looks up at me and pats his lap instructing me to sit. I position myself on his lap and he begins the slow process of feeding us. He takes his time in between bites to allow us each to save the successful meat. It’s cooked perfectly. I giggle because It seems so silly to be fed like this, but at the same time it feels so right.

“What are you giggling about Princess?”

“Well I’m sitting hereon your lap and you are feeding me. I don’t know, it seems kind of childish and yet it feels so right. Here I am a full-grown woman, sitting on my Sir’s lap and you are feeding me. I feel like our roles are a little reversed right now. Aren’t I supposed to be taking care of you? Seeing to your needs instead?”

“Well, you are seeing to my needs right now. Right now, I need to be taking care of the most precious person in my life. You. And this is how I am choosing to do that. Do you not like it?”

“Oh no Sir, I love it. I feel so spoiled, that’s all.”

“Well good, but the night has only just started. Tonight, we are just going to spend our time being together and enjoying each other. I know what my Princess needs.”

“You always do and I love you so much for that.”

“Good to know. I would hate to find out that I cooked all this food and you didn’t love me.” He says cheesekily.

“Smartass.” I say with a laugh.

“You bet.” He says back with a chuckle.

I lean in and kiss his cheese. We eat in a blissful silence that to some might have seemed awkward, but to us it was heavenly. I know that Sir talks all day long at work and so do I. We both enjoy our quiet moments together. I snuggle into his chest again and he continues to share bites with me. The food is divine and he won’t even let me get my own drink. He is careful and patient. The entire time is spent not looking at our watches, phones, tv… nothing but sharing our time eating together. It was at that point when I realized that it no longer felt childish, but intimate. An intimacy like nothing I had even experienced and I decided right then and there that I wanted this again … And often.

“Sir?” I ask hesitantly.

“Yes, baby girl?”

“Can we do this more often?” I ask shyly.

“I would like that very much, my sweet Princess.” He says with a gentle knowing smile.

“Thank you for this Sir.” I say as I lay my head back on his shoulder.

“Of course. Have you had enough?” He asks, but I can tell he already knows the answer.

I nod with a soft smile and a sight of satisfaction. He hugs me tightly and kisses the top of my head.

“Okay, it’s movie time.”

“It is?” I say excitedly.

“Yep, I have all your favorites lined up and yes, I am voluntarily agreeing to watch your movies tonight. Just for you.” He says with a chuckle. “Besides, I will own you tomorrow.”

I squeal with glee and hop up to help clear the dishes. Before long, we are snuggled on the couch, dishes of ice cream in hand and all set to watch… Harry Potter…


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