Weight Loss – How my Dom Helped me


i met the love of my life, Daniel, after giving up on men, having endured one bad relationship after another, including a 10 year long marriage. Our relationship started out mostly vanilla, as we found we had a lot in common, a natural compatibility i had never experienced before, and sex was better than i’d ever imagined. i didn’t share with him that i had a natural submissive side and had as long as i could Remember, because no one had seemed that receptive before, or worse, the men in my life had abused the privilege i tried to give them. He also admired my strength and pride in myself, and i was afraid He wouldn’t understand the contrasting nature of many subs. But i could sense a natural dominant side in Him, and after finally broaching the subject, i was pleasantly surprised at how open He was to the idea. Our relationship developed gradually into more and more of a D/s one that was both exciting and natural to both of us.

Two years later, we still didn’t liveTogether, as we worked 50 miles apart, and i still needed to maintain my own apartment, though we were getting serious enough to discuss my changing jobs to be with Him permanently. In the meantime, we were separated Monday thru Friday, and i stayed with Him on most weeks.

i had always struggled with my weight and had to work hard to maintain it. But recently, i had let stress get the better of me, and about 15 pounds had slowly crept back. i noticed as my clothes were getting tighter and tighter. Daniel was kind and never said anything, but He could hear more and more how unhappy i was becoming with myself and how it was hurting my confidence, something He loved about me.

He asked me one morning, while snuggling in bed, if i’d like Him to help me lose the weight again. He made it clear that He loved me completely the way i was, but that He didn’t like seeing me lose my confidence and pride (except with Him, of course). He also said He was looking forward to a long lifewith me and wanted me to be healthy.

“How can You help me?” I asked.

“Let me take control,” He said.

“You mean make a BDSM game out of my weight loss?”

“It won’t be a game,” He said sternly. “Frankly, I’m not happy with your attitude about yourself, and losing the weight is the only thing that will change it. I will take it seriously FOR you, since you haven’t been taking it very seriously yourself.”

“You’re right. i’ve lost my discipline. If You can help me get it back, when do we start?” i said, smiling seductively.

He said, “I don’t think you get it. If you truly want Me to help you, you need to understand it is not part of our play, and there will be REAL rewards and punishments. It also takes commitment, and it’s too easy for someone trying to lose weight to commit, then lose that commitment in a moment of weakness. If you really want this, I want you to commit to it completely. Make a consciousness decision and promise right now to hand this over to Me, and when you get weak, I will remind you of your commitment, and it will NOT be pleasant. If you want this, you need to give up COMPLETE control of your body and your health to me, accept your punishments and rewards, no arguing or questioning, and no turning back.”

i thought hard about this, about giving this man i loved so much even MORE control over me than He already had. i loved Him so deeply, and more importantly, i trusted Him. It was that trust that made me say, “Yes. i want You to help me with this. i promise to accept everything You say and not ask questions. i trust You and love You and know You only have my best interests at heart.”

“Well, let’s got started then.”

“Now?” i asked.

“No time like the present!”

He grabbed his laptop and brought it to bed, and started making a document. It had 3 headings, “Food,” “Water,” and “Exercise.”

“you’ve lost weight before. you know what you should eat every day. I want you to journal every single thing that goes in your mouth every day. And I want you to document your water intake. you should have a ½ ounce for every pound you weight. you’re 160 pounds, so that’s 80 ounces.”

“Oh my God! i’ll be peeing every 5 minutes!”

“Are you questioning me?” He asked sternly. i said no, and that i was sorry.

“you are to do 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day, 6 days a week. I’ll email you this document template, and you are to fill it out daily, and email it to me at the end of every day by 9:00 pm. Everything should be completed by then. By 9:30, I will send you a text message with instructions regarding rewards or punishments for that day, which you will carry out yourself. I’ll also give you a weekly weight Loss goal. Every Saturday morning, when you’re with me, you will weigh in on my scale. Meeting your weekly goal is more significant than your daily accomplishments or failures, and will determine your rewards or punishments you will receive from me that weekend,which will also be more significant. your first weekly goal is 2 pounds by Saturday.”

“But it’s already Sunday. That’s only 6 days.”

“Then you’d better make today count as well. Now spread your legs.”

i did as i was told, and he started playing with my pussy, inserting a couple of fingers to get them wet, then circle my clip. Of course, i started to squirm, and he told me to be completely still and spread my legs as wide as i could. i compiled, as he continued going from clip to inside and massaging my G spot, and back again. It got harder and harder to stay still, and soon i was moaning and squirming again, close to cumming. i was just about to ask if i could when, suddenly He stopped.

“you can cum after you’ve had 3 good days, all your water, no food that’s not on your diet, and exercise completed.” i groaned and started to while about it, but His look told me instantly i would get nowhere.

“Yes, Sir,” i said, with eyes downcast. Little did i know that my own disappointment didn’t even compare with His. He loved pleasure me, and holding it back from me denied Him pleasure as well.

i left extremely frustrated but intrigued with how our lifestyle would help me get rid of my extra pounds.


With my new sense of determination, i did well that day, eating right, and i even made time to go to the gym. i felt i was drinking constantly, but noticed as it was approaching 9:00 that i had only consumed 54 ounces. This was going to be harder than i thought! At 8:55, i got a reminder text from Daniel that it was time to submit my journal for the day. i sent a reply that said, “Yes, Sir,” and sent my journal as is. A few minutes later, i received the following text:

“My pet, this is a good start, but you failed to get enough water in. Get your pair of clothespins and place them on those sensitive nipples of yours. you may take them off after you’ve consumed the remaining 26 ounces of water. Let Me know when you’re finalhed.”

Oh no! i HATE the clothespins and can’t take more than a couple of minutes with them! But i desperately wanted to please Him and show Him i’m committed. I quickly measured out 26 ounces of water, surprised, then got the clothespins. i put them on, and they hurt SO much! We’d played with them before, but in a heightened state of arousal, i could take it better. This just HURT! i quickly started drinking. It was so hard to concentrate on drinking and not the pain, but i finished the water in about 5 minutes. Of course, when i took the pins off, the pain got that much worse. And i felt so full of water. I quickly texted Him back and told him i was done. He sent back, “Good job. Now, you may not use the bathroom for the next hour. During that time, you may think about how it might be a good idea to space your water out during the day. After that, use your vibrator on your clip until you are on the verge of orgasm, then stop. NO CUMMING! This will remind you what your next reward is if you follow directions better.”

The frustration was horrible, and i truly considered defying Him. But i thought about how much i loved this man and trusted that He knew what was best. i instantly felt that relief that comes with truly submitting and giving up control to Him.


The next day, i did better with the water, and i even used my lunch hour to go to the gym, eating my small lunch at my desk. That afternoon, a coworker brought in a package of cookies from a trip to the store, and i grabbed one without even thinking! It just happened. It wasn’t until afterwards that i realized what i did and how making these bad choices had become habit. i seriously considered just not reporting it, but i just couldn’t. Daniel was doing this because He wanted to help me, and i owed Him honesty. i included it in my journal, along with an apology and an explanation that it truly happened by accident. He sent the following: “Vibrator on your clip until you’re close to orgasm. Then stop and put a clothespin on that engorged clip for 5 minutes exactly. If you can’t do it and take it off before 5 minutes is up, start over, including the vibrator.”

Oh my God! i couldn’t even imagine that tight clothespin on my clip! i had mixed feelings. The sub, the glutton for punishment in me was getting turned on, but my more sensitive side was truly worried. Could i do this??

The vibrator was heaven, though i knew it would end in disappointment. i was getting so hot with thoughts of Him, i almost said, “Screw this!” and let it happen, but found that i just couldn’t. On the broke of orgasm, i stopped, groaning in misery. Then I looked at the clock, took a deep breath, held it, and put the clothespin on my clip. i knew it would hurt, but i had no idea how EXCRUCIATING this would be, and frustrating too. my pussy was screaming for release. it was getting stimulation, but not the kind that would push me over the edge. It felt like forever when i looked at the clock and realized it had only been one minute!! i really didn’t think i could do this. i was so afraid of disappointing Him and didn’t want to report failure. i sat there, my hands in fists, willing myself not to take it off, yet questioning myself as to why i was doing this. i knew i could just lie or refund to do this and give up, but i just couldn’t. i was discovering what it felt like to be owned. Not soon enough, it was over. i took the pin off, crying out at the pain, and realized my face was covered in tears. i called Daniel to tell Him i did it. He could hear how much in pain i was, but never apologized like i thought he would. He was stern as He told me maybe i’d remember next time. i thought i detected some regret in His voice, but couldn’t be sure.


The next day, i did well, but had such a stressful day that i blew off exercise. Surprisingly, he gave me no punishment, just told me i’d better meet my goal on Saturday. The following day, i didn’t get in enough water, and that Friday, i went out to lunch with coworkers and ate some of the pasta that came with it. As i drove out to his house that Friday night, i was seriously wondering if He just stopped caring about it, or maybe He was giving up on me. It was with trepidation that i knocked on His door.

He opened the door, but didn’t greet me with His usual smile and kiss. He stepped aside so i could walk in, Without saying a word. i stepped in and He stopped me from moving forward, and simply said, “Strip, everything.” i started to protest, but the look in His eyes told me He had not stopped caring. He was stern and clearly disappointed. i did as i was told, keeping my eyes downcast. i was ashamed of my actions and my body. He led me to his scale and told me to get on it. It revealed that i hadn’t lost anything. He looked me in the eye and said, “Not a word. Go, bend over my bed, spread your legs.”

i did and with little warning, he smacked my ass HARD, not like when we played, but truly HARD. It brought instant tears to my eyes. Then He gave me a couple more hard smokes like that. He told me to spread my legs wider and started to play with my clip. i thought i was in for a good night and started slipping into subspace, when He smoked my clip, HARD. i was shocked and started to close my legs. He pushed them back apart and said not to move. He slide two fingers into me and felt my incredible wetness. Then He told me to get up and sit on the bed.

“I suspected this, and apparently I’m right. There’s a pain slut in you, and you’re purposely making mistakes on this weight loss thing so you can find out what trick I have up my sleep next. You actually like the punishments I’ve been handing out to you, don’t you?”

I shook my head, no, but I knew the truth. My curiosity was getting me in trouble.

“Here’s what’s going to happen,” He went on. “I’m no longer doling out daily punishments. You know what you need to do. I still want you to submit your reports, butWhile you’re here on the weekends, I control every aspect of your diet and of you. I will control your meals, your water, your pleasure, and your pain. You will be used for my pleasure in ways that allow Me to get off as necessary, but you will NOT cum until you earn it by meeting your weight loss goals. Do you understand?”

i nodded.

“Now, this weekend, you need to learn some humility, since you thought you could control me through your disobedience. You are My pet, but you have misbehaved. Your breakfast and your dinner will consist of one cup of dry dog ​​food (i gasped). you will finish your breakfast completely before being allowed to have a slightly more palatable lunch of a grilled chicken salad with lowfat dressing. Then More dog food for dinner, and it must be finished completely before you can have a piece of fruit in the evening. you may have all the water you want. I’ll be measuring to make sure you have enough, and you will exercise on my treadmill naked while I watch. you will raise your hand to speak and wait for permission, and you will ask permission to use the bathroom. Because i don’t trust you not to sneak in some snack or not to touch yourself inappropriately, i will also supervise all bathroom breaks. you can count on being used for my sexual pleasure often during the weekend, but it will be in ways that will not result in orgasm for you. At my whim, you will also be brought to the compromise of orgasm several times, but you will not cum. The scale next week will determine your next chance at orgasm.”

i was shocked, but i raised my hand. He nodded, and i said, “You can’t be serious about DOG FOOD, please?! Isn’t that harsh for the first week? i agree to everything You’ve said, but please not that! There’s no way . . .” He stopped me with a finger to my lips.

“It’s not up to you to agree to what I’ve said. you did last weekend when you gave me control over this. you asked me to help and you made a promise. Don’t lose my respect for you by backing out now. Do as I say, do better next week, and this doesn’t have to ever happen again. Now go and make me some baked chicken with steamed broccoli for dinner, just enough for me. you’ll be starting your new dinner regimen tonight.”

He went and sat at the dinner table and read a book, but was at such an angle that He could easily supervise me. i feel tears start to fall as i contemplated walking out right then and there. But i loved this man so much. i’d asked for this, though i hadn’t known He would show how hard He could be when tested. i didn’t know how i would make it through the weekend.

There’s no way she could have known how incredibly painful this was for Me. I wanted to wrap her in My arms and tell her I was sorry, make love to her and pleasure her. But I knew she needed this from Me. She needed hard discipline to reach her goals and didn’t have the strength herself. And I knew if I sent a strong message from the very beginning, she would snap to it faster and experience success and, therefore, happiness about her accomplishments that much faster. This KILLED me, but I knew she needed it. And it was important to her submission to Me for her to give in and do this. I knew she thought I was being cruel. I just hoped and prayed she would get through it without hating Me and see I did it for her.


Baked chicken and steamed broccoli had never looked so good as it did next to a bowl of Dog Chow. Watching Him enjoy normal food that i sometimes turned my nose up at because it was too plain while i faced something so disgusting was the hardest thing. But i became determined to show Him i could do anything He demanded of me.

“Oh. I almost forgot. Put this in you while we eat.” It was a remote control bullet vibe. Just when my pride started to surge, He again put me in my place by reminding me i was His to play with, and despite my disgust and even anger at Him, He could cause my own body to betray its true desires.

i held up the first pellet, smelled it, and almost gagged. i looked at Him pleadingly, He gave me a stern look, and proceeded to take the first bit of His meal. i put the nugget in my mouth and chewed, quickly. It didn’t really hit me until i swallowed it. It was absolutely disgusting. i grabbed my water and washed it down as best as i could. He then turned on the vibe. i was so torn between arousal and disgust, but ultimately, i felt absolutely controlled, which was both exactly what i needed but what my instinct said to rebel against.

i think i drank about 4 ounces of water with every pellet and realized i was getting nowhere. So i started taking about 6 or 7 pellets, chewing up as fast as i could, then washing it down with water. i kept looking at him pleadingly, but he kept on eating his dinner, a dinner which now looked delicious. He also kept turning the vibe up. i started to squirm and moan a bit, and He told me to stop, that i need to learn better self control than that.

Somehow i finished, and i felt so sick, yet so hot. He asked if i wanted dessert. i raised my eyesbrows questioningly, and He said to get on my knees and open my mouth. His cock had never tasted so good after what i couldn’t believe i’d just eaten. He let me suck on it awhile, then he grabbed the back of my head and started to fuck my face. i never actually LIKED the taste of cum, but compared to my dinner, i was so happy to have it to wash down the taste! i raised my hand afterwards, and when He nodded, i said, “Thank You, Sir. May i use the bathroom now?”

He said, “Sure.” Then He followed me. i’d forgetten about his rule about not having privacy for bathroom visits. As i pulled down my pants and prepared to sit on the toilet, i realized he was standing right in front of me, arms crossed. i was quite embarrassed, but sat down anyway, knees tightly closed.

“Open your legs as wide as you can while you pee for me.” Oh no! This was so humiliating! I did it, with head down, and it took me awhile to relax enough to do it. i cleaned up and quickly got up.

He took me in his arms, kissed me, and told me i did well following all the rules. Now for my reward. “Go lie down on your back and spread your arms and legs.”

He quickly restrained my arms and legs to the corners of the bed with the restraints he keeps there. He got down between my legs, spread my lips apart, Then start kissing and sucking softly on my clip. i immediately started squirming, and he smacked my inner tigh in a gently warning. He increased intensity until i started moaning, resulting in another smoke. i was forced to break the speaking rule and said, “i’m so close, may i please cum??!”

“No!” He said, and smacked my clip. He then inserted a vibrator into my ass and left it on, while He straddled my wait. With one hand, He played with my nipples, and with the other, He played with Himself. With the vibrator in my ass, my sensitive nipples getting played with, and watching His beautiful cock, it was absolute torture. As He got close to cumming, He was pointed right at my face. i opened my mouth to receive His load, but He told me to close my mouth. i could tell what He intended, and got irritated because He knows i hate cum in my face. It feels so demeaning. When He started to cum, i cringed and closed my eyes. He made sure to spread it all over my face when He unloaded. He then pulled the vibrator out of my ass and told me i should feel honored to wear His cum. He then removed my restraints and told me to go clean up and come to bed.


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