“This is just what I need, having to drive to my boss’s house at 11 O Clock at night and now it’s pouring with rain and the car is being pelted with debris.”
Hunched over the steering will, trying to see through the windscreen, Kelly slowed down as she approached a small bridge, it was covered in water but didn’t look to deep. She took it slowly and carefully and made it to the other side without incident.
As she made her way up the driveway to her boss’s huge house, or could it be called a mansion (She really must ask for a pay rise) she thought about the call she had 2 hours ago. “Kelly this is Jenson, I need you to go by the office, pick up the pack for the meeting with Thomas next week and bring it to my house asap.”
“Sure” she said, “No Problem.” She’d only had the job 3 months what was she supposed to do say no.
Kelly pulled up outside the house, turned the engine off and then ran to the front door. Running didn’t do her much good as she still managed to get soaked. Shaking off some of the rain she pressed the doorbell and waited.
She was expecting her very smart, tall dark and ok it’s a cliché by oh so ever handsome boss to answer the door. Instead there stood a woman wearing a thin dressing gown slightly opened and what looked like sexy underwear underneath.
Kelly wasn’t quite sure where to look but she was exactly what Kelly would expect for Jenson and although hadn’t realized her boss was married, she fit, not to tall, blonde and slightly curvy. The sight of this woman standing there obviously quite comfortable in her own skin made Kelly even more self-conscious of the fact that she was stood in Jeans and a T-shirt , wet jeans and T-shirt at that.
Kelly became aware of the fact that she was staring at the woman and the woman was just stood there with a smile on her face.
“Oh I’m …I…” Not knowing what to say Kelly randomly held up the folder that was in her hand to chest height so the other woman couldsee.
The woman laughed, “Hi, you must be Kelly, come in, Jenson said to expect you.”
Kelly walked in and as the woman closed the door behind her glanced around the hallway, the house was obviously very tastefully decorated and had price artwork dotted on the walls.
“I’m Katrina, it’s nice to finally meet you.” She said with a smile.
“Oh yes, nice to meet you to.” Kelly repeated, not really knowing what else to say, looking about the hall way and starting to feel uncomfortable she pointed at the folder again.
“Right let’s go find Jenson shall we.” Katrina took Kelly’s arm, like they were the best of friends and walked her along the hallway. There was a large staircase to the left and doors on both sides, they walked up to one and Katrina gave a light knock.
“Come in.” There it was, that deep gravelly voice, guaranteed to turn her into a bullbling idiot. This man had such an odd effect on her from day 1 and although she really believes at some point shewill become immuno, this has yet to happen.
Katrina gave her a slight nudge as she opened the door for her, retook her arm and walked her in and up to a huge wooden desk. Kelly was sure the room was amazing but she didn’t see anything but Jenson.
“Here she is.” Katrina said giving Kelly one final nudge.
Kelly had never seen Jenson in anything other than an immaculate 3-piece suit, clean saden and even the hair on his head in the perfect place. She really didn’t think any of them would dare move.
But sat before her, with his head down was a very different Jenson, hair dishevelled, 5 O Clock shadow, no tie and shirt unbuttoned at the top. Wow this was a VERY different Jenson, but as he looked up at her, the one thing that had definitely not changed was that dark stare. Oh Yea he had that down, kind of of Clint Eastwood meets Chanum Tatum.
She wasn’t sure how long she was staring but she suddenly realized he was stood there with his hand out and Katrina wasstood grinning at her.
“Uhh um sssorry.” Kelly said handing over the documents, she was sure she saw a knowing look between Jenson and Katrina but dismissed it as quickly as the thought came.
Katrina made small talk while Jenson looked over the paper work, nodded, frowned, tutted a few times and then looked up and said “Thanks for grabbing these so quickly Kelly, especially on a Friday night, I’ll see you Monday.”
Guess I’m dismissed Kelly thought. “Sure, yes, no problem.”, Kelly was quite happy to make a quick exit and started out of the office and turned to the right, only to be grabbed by the arm by Katrina.
“This way dear.”
She said a hastily goodbye and breathed a sight of relief as she heard the door close behind her.
Back in the car she just sat there for a second, inhaled, exhausted. “Ok, get a grip girl.” She started the car and headed down the long driveway, past the line of trees and to the bridge. Which was now underwater! What was she going to do, she really didn’t want to go back but had no other choice, she turned the car around and headed back up the driveway.
Back at the house she explained to Jenson and Katrina and asked if there was another way out or would they have a larger vehicle that could take her over the bridge, or even a boat she half joked.
Jenson explained that this happens from time to time. “You’ll have to spend the night and we can see how things are in the morning.”
It wasn’t what Kelly wanted, in fact anything but, however she couldn’t see a choice. “Katrina can you take her up to the guest bedroom please” Jenson instructed.
Katrina lead her up a curved staircase along the corridor and towardss one of the many doors. “There are toiletries in the on suite, plus towels etc etc . Hmm I’ll go grab you something to sleep in.”
Left alone Kelly looked around at the tasteful well decorated room, it was kept simple but tasteful with a big double bed, small side table and a dressing table with mirror near the window. The only other door in the room led to an on suite, Kelly opened up the cupboard above the sink and sure enough there was brand new toothbrush and small bottles of various shampoos. They obviously were used to having guests. Kelly turned as she felt a presence behind her and sure enough Katrina was back.
“Now, I wasn’t sure what you’d be more comfortable in so I’ve brought you a selection, I’ll just pop them down here on the bed. Can I get you anything else?” Katrina talked as she laid out the clothes.
“No, that’s great thank you.”
“In that case I’ll say good night.” Katrina shut the door behind her and Kelly turned to see what clothes choices she had picked out.
There was a baby pink negligee which was as fair from Kelly’s idea of comfortable as you could get, or a white long sleepe shirt, which looking at the style was obviously Jenson’s. Kelly walked over to the mirror with both items and held up the negligee in frontof her, pulled a face and decided to go with the white shirt.
It was late but after such a hectic evening and feeling soaked through to the skin, Kelly was desperate for a hot shower.
Kelly pulled her T-Shirt up and over her head and caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. She faced the mirror as she undid the button and zip on her jeans and slide them down her legs. She stepped out of them and laid them over the chair- in the hopes that they would be dry by morning.
She stood in front of the mirror and just stared at her body, her long hair came down over her shoulders, she was slightly overweight but not massively so, her breasts were full and round and didn’t look to bad in the bra and matching underwear she was wearing. She wasn’t the girly or sexy type, but she did like nice underwear and today was wearing a matching pale blue lacy set.
Stood there she couldn’t help but compare herself to Katrina. Katrina had one of those figures that women would die for.She was much taller than Kelly, her breasts certainly filled out the negligee she was wearing a lot easier than Kelly could, but it was her confidence that made her so attractive.
Sighing Kelly went into the bathroom and turned on the shower, checked the temperature but putting her hand under the running water and once satisfied took off her bra and knickers, folding them neatly and putting them to one side.
She put her hair up in a clip and stepped under the steamy stream of water, as she felt the water wash over her she thought about Jenson, this wasn’t the first time she had fantasied about him but somehow being in his house, knowing he was just down the corridor made it all the more exciting.
She followed the trickle of water with her fingers, following it over her breasts, down her stomach and into between her legs. She imagined it was his hands caresing her, parting her lips and sliding a finger into her warm, wet, welcoming opening. She teased herself, as shepulled out, making small movements before thrusting back in.
She did this for several minutes before moving up to her cliporis to tease the healthy seeking bud of pleasure. Back and forth with greedy fingers, imagining him in there with her. She felt the gradual increase of warmth, that pulsating feeling deep inside building, getting closer and closer and then… like an ruption pushing her over the edge, leaving her no choice but to let out a little cry of joy. Left shaking, Kelly let the water run over her body and calm her like a warm hold.
She finished her shower and with still slightly shaking legs stepped out and wrapped herself in the fluffy white blanket. She took her previously folded underwear into the bedroom and placed it with her other clothes.
She dried off and then put on the white shirt – It had an immediate arousing effect which was obvious from the erect nipples trying to push through the material. Kelly desperately tried to put thoughts of Jensonout of her head by getting into bed and thinking about how she was going to get out of here in the morning.
She lay there for an hour unable to sleep, tossing and turning before finally giving up and getting out of bed. Deciding to go in search of something to read she walked to the door and opened it slowly so as not to make any noises. She took one barefooted step out and then stopped to listen out for any noises. All was quiet and no lights peered from underneath any of the many doorways, presuming that means the house had been put to bed she made her way down the curved staircase.
At the bottom of the stairs there were many doors to choose from, she opened one and found herself in the kitchen, the next took her into the dining room. On the 3rd try she found herself back in the office she was shown into just a few hours ago.
She walked in and Found the switch for the small lamp on the desk. The room was incredible, it was darker than the rest of the rooms she had seen, the desk was old and dark and behind it sat an equally large chair. The desk itself had very little on it, the lamp, a pot of various pens and pencils and a notebook.
Kelly looked around the room admiring the fireplace with a mirror that almost took up the whole of one wall above it. She ran her fingers over the table as she made her way around, feeling very curious about what he may have in his notebook but knowing that she really shouldn’t, Kelly hesitated with her fingers hovering over the book.
She lasted about 10 seconds but the temptation was too much, she lifted the hard-backed book into her hands and held it there. Plucking up the courage she turned the first page and was shocked to find her name at the top of the page, feeling slightly at odds she quickly tried to scan the rest of the page, just as the door banged open.
“WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!” Jenson yelled angrily.
The book shot out of Kelly’s hands, flew across the table and onto the floor at Jenson’s feet.
“I I I …was just, I mean I couldn’t sleep and…I’m really sorry I just. ” Kelly stopped talking as Jenson starred at her. He didn’t break his gaze as he bent down and picked up the notebook. Something happened in that moment, a look of calm seems to come over him. Although this was no less stressful a situation for Kelly.
As he looked her up and down she became very conscious of the fact that she was stood before him wearing nothing but a shirt, his shirt, with the sleeves rolled up and her nipples pushing against the material. Kelly had never felt so at odds with her feelings. How can you be so terrified and so turned on at the same time?
Jenson took a step towards her, that’s when Kelly realized that Jenson was wearing a pair of blue jeans with the top button undone and nothing else. His gorgeous bare chest screamed to be touched, before Kelly could process her thoughts Jenson grabbed her by the shoulders, turned her around and bent her overthe desk.
He used one hand to hold her shirt up against her back and put pressure so she couldn’t stand up. Then he smoked her ass! Kelly screamed out, partly in pain and partly in astonishment, how dare he do this!
“Ahhhh.” The 2nd slap was even harder, on the 3rd slap, Kelly felt something change. She realized had stopped struggle and was pressing her pelvis against the edge of the table, as the 4th slap came down she rubbed her clip against the edge, each slap pushed her clip against the table. She felt that familiar warmth start to build, the tingling feeling hitting the pit of her stomach and then a huge wave as the orgasm hit and her knees started to buckle.
Jenson steadied her and turned her around to face him, then he took her hand and led her out of the room. At this point it didn’t even occur to Kelly to argue.
He led her along the hallway to another door, he opened the door and took her down some stairs and into…what appeared to be…a dungeon.
Gobsmacked, Kelly quickly tried to look at everything at once. In one corner of the room was a desk with various screens on, which Kelly now realizes were camera feeds from around the house. There was what looked like a dentist chair in the middle of the room, a collection of canes, floggers and various other toys hung up on one wall and on the opposite what looked like one side of a cage. Against the far wall was another desk with multiply draws underneath… Looking at what was on display Kelly could only imagine what was in those.
Kelly swallowed as she looked up and Jenson.
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