Weekend Work Pt. 02

It had been the longest week ever and Jay had spent pretty much all of it thinking about Mr Evans and work. To be more accurate, he was thinking about what Mr Evans had done last time he was in work, what Mr Evans told him to do next time he came into work and what Mr Evans may want to do to him when he got into work. The idea scared him and excited him, he was a nervous wreck, as scared of doing the wrong thing as he was of doing the right. Mr Evans had told him to wear something special to work, and it had taken a full week of experimenting to decide what would be suitable.

And so, Jay walked to work on another wet and miserable Saturday morning. His feet were cold, the little red canvas trainers he had on, and pretty much lived in, were really not suitable for this sort of weather. He had a pair of black sweatpants on, they were actually his big sisters, she got them for dance classes that didn’t last long. They hugged Jay’s hips, had a wide elasticated waistband with a tiecord, two pockets, a straight leg and the soft, thick, stretchy material they were made of was doing a great job of soaking up all the rainwater around Jay’s feet. Mrs Evans didn’t like staff to wear sweetpants in the shop, but Jay had got away with wearing these once or twice before. He tugged his hoody forward on his head, to keep the rain out of his eyes as he walked.

There were butterflies in Jay’s stomach as he approached the shop. He was early, he just couldn’t wait to get to work today, the door gave him away with a loud beep as he opened it and both Mr and Mrs Evans looked round.

“Hi Jay” Mrs Evans said, then turned back to what she was doing and paid him no more attention.

“Good morning” Mrs Evans said, watching Jay over is glasses as he entered the shop and walked Through to the small staff area at the back.

“Hi” Jay replied to them both, then blushed when he met Mr Evans’ star for a moment before dropping his eyes and walking by. Jay took his wet jacket off in the little staff room and hung it up, then he unzipped his dark blue hoody and adjusted the special underwear nervously through his little blue T shirt and stretchy sweatpants, before heading back into the shop. The day continued like any other Saturday, apart from the looks between Jay and his boss. By lunchtime Jay had got used to the feel of the underwear and had almost stopped noticing it. But he was constantly wondering what Mr Evans had planned for him.

When it was Jay’s turn to take a lunch break, he left Meg and Mrs Evans chatting at the sales counter and walked to the back of the shop. On the way, he looked at the small two way mirror on the back wall of the shop, knowing Mr Evans was behind it. He punched the code into the staff area door and went inside, there was a sandwich in a bag on the table for him, from the bakery up the road. Jay went to the sink and started to make himself a warm drink. The kettle was getting close to boiling when Jay heard someonepushing the buttons on the staff room door lock. He turned to see who it was as the door opened, Mr Evans stood in the little corridor between his office door and the staff room, holding the staff room door open. The two of them just looked at each other for a moment until Jay surprised himself by speaking first, it was just one word, but for the shy, timing Jay it may as well have been a full speech.

“Hi” Jay said.

“Did you do as I asked?” Mr Evans inquired, stirred into action by Jay’s greeting. Jay nodded and shifted a little nervously, turning to face Mr Evans with his back against the counter. Mr Evans looked Jay up and down for a moment, then turned his head and looked out into the shop, checking there was no one around. Then he turned back to Jay and moved into the doorway.

“Show me” he demanded in an urgent voice. Jay’s fingers trembled with nervous excitement as he lifted his T shirt and untied the chord around the wait of his sweatpants. He hooked his thumbsinto the wide soft waistband and eased the stretchy pants down onto his thighs, then held his zip up hoody back out of the way so his boss had a clear view.

Dave (Mr Evans) stood in the narrow doorway, gazing at the little panties that his young employee was displaying for him. Jays flat tummy and smooth thighs were only slightly more cream coloured than the thin white cotton material the skimpy garment was made of. The small triangle of cotton at the front was edged with delicate white lace, which formed a string that ran around Jays shaped hips and also framed the tight little bulge in the front of the panties. The old man stared at Jay’s underwear for a moment, he glanced out into the shop, then turned back to Jay.

“Turn around” Mr Evans demanded now, and Jay did as he was told, turning his back on the doorway and lifting his hoody and T shirt a little to show Mr Evans his bottom. Jay stood for a moment feeling deliciously naughty, listening to Mr Evans breathing and the noises from the shop outside. He could feel the little panties getting tighter as he became more excited. Then he leaned forward, arching his back, pushing out his bottom and resting his elbows on the small kitchen counter. Dave watched the young man as he turned, his smooth shaped bottom was covered in a triangle of thin cotton only a little bigger than the front. The underwear was tucked a little between Jay’s Cheeks but as he bent forward over the counter the material was pulled taught over his bottom. Dave could feel his cock growing hard down his trouser leg. He checked the shop again, then turned back to Jay.

“Come here Jay” Mr Evans ordered, and again Jay obeyed, turning to face his boss, then crossing the small room with his sweatpants around the top of his thighs. As soon as he was close enough Mr Evans reached out one big strong, slightly dirty, hand and took a firm hold of the bulge in the front of Jay’s panties. Jay held his top out of the way as his boss groped him, feeling his boyclit throb and grow in response.

“Hands on the wall” the old man insisted, nodding at the wall near the doorway. Jay turned, to face the wall, standing sideways on to the door. He raised his arms and placed his hands, above his head, on the wall. Dave’s hand roamed at will over the young mans cotton clad bottom and smooth round ass cheeses. Jay pushed his bottom out and opened his legs as wide as the sweatpants around his thighs would allow and Mr Evans squeezed, fondled, caressed and gropeed him at will. Suddenly the old man pulled away.

“Stay in the stockroom until I get back” Mr Evans said, releasing the staff room door and quickly turning back to his office. Jay, panties bulging, breathing quickly with excitement, pulled up his pants and went back to the kitchen counter feeling super horny. A moment later he heard the door opening again and Meg came in. Jay tried his best to act normal and hide the front of his pants, until she left, then he ate hislunch, went to the loo and went back to work.

By the time Jay got back into the shop, Mr Evans had left like he always did on a Saturday at this time. Jay helped out around the shop for a while, then at about 3 he told Mrs Evans he was going, and headed down to the basement stockroom under the shop. The warm quiet room looked just like it always had, for a moment Jay wondered why he thought it would look any, though it did feel different somehow since last week. He got on with his work and was soon too warm for his hoody, so took it off. Time seemed to pass slowly, Jay knew Mr Evans had something in mind and he was nervous about what he was getting into. He had butterflies in his stomach again as he watched the clock, waiting for Mr Evans to return. It was approaching 5pm when Jay heard his boss’ voice in the shop upstairs. A few minutes later he heard footsteps on the stairs and backed away, trembling with nerves and excitement, watching the bottom of the staircase.

DaveTurned the corner into the small brightly lit cellar stockroom to find Jay stood, almost up against the back wall,waiting for him. The young man looked nervous, a bit flushed and more than a little scared. He felt a pang of goal for youngster and wanted to do something to put him at ease, but wasn’t sure what. An awkward moment followed as the pair watched each other. What looked like a tea towel from the kitchen and a packet of long black plastic strips in Dave’s hand, made a loud crinkling noise. Jay eyed the items in the old man’s hand and seeing this, Dave turned and put them down on the shelf behind him. Glancing quickly up the stairs, making sure he had shut the door at the top. Only someone who knew the code could get down here now, and both of the people still upstairs who did know it, never came down here. It was all good, lets get on with it, Dave thought to himself, then took a deep breath and turned to face Jay.

“Take off your trousers” Dave demanded firmly, Jay hesitated glancing at the stairs and even up at the ceiling, obviously worried about getting caught, “I said take… off… your… trousers” Dave repeated in a staccato, slightly annoyed voice. This time Jay did as he was told and, with trembling fingers, he lifted the front of his T shirt and untied the bow in the cord of his sweatpants. He pushed his thumbs inside the waistband and slide them round to his hips, where he took hold of the elastic and wriggled the soft stretchy material down over his hips. The trousers fell to the floor around his feet and Jay pulled his red canvas trainers through them before kicking the discarded garment to one side.

Dave could feel himself getting hard already as he watched the young man undress. The tattoo red canvas trainers were nearly always on Jay’s feet, he wasn’t expecting the cute socks Though. They were white, came up to just under the knee, were deliciously ribbed with a subtle flower pattern and had a frilly little lace trim near the top that flared out slightly. Jays T shirt only just covered his belly button. So Dave got a good look at the little bulge in his white cotton panties as Jay pulled his feet free and before he clasped his hands together in front of them.

“And now the T shirt” Dave continued after taking a moment to enjoy the view. Jay did as he was told and crossing his arms over he took hold of the hem of his T shirt, then lifted it off over his head in one quick movement. Dave’s eyes opened wide when he spotted the little white cotton bra. The tight little item pretty much matched the panties Jay was wearing, with a wide, lace trimmed elasticated strip around Jay’s chest two little lace trimmed cotton triangles covering Jay’s titles and thin lace straps going over Jay’s shoulders. In the middle of each triangle was a small bump and a dark circle where Jay’s nipples showed and pocked through the skimpy material. Dave looked Jay up and down hungrily, drinking in her smooth, slender, sexy body.

Feeling suddenly exposed, unsure and uncomfortable, Jay wrapped one arm across her chest hiding her bra and taking hold of her shoulder, while the other hand hung down and covered the little bulge in her panties. There was an awkward silence as Mr Evans just stood and watched her and Jay worried about Mrs Evans and the shop upstairs, wondering what the fuck was going on. Gathering all her courage Jay opened her mouth to speak, but no sound came out. She cleared her throat with a little cought, then tried again.

“S… so… what now?” she stuttered.

“I’ll show you what now” Mr Evans replied in a voice so loud it made Jay jump, and picking up the stuff from the shelf, he crossed the room in just a few steps and took a firm hold of Jay’s arm, just above the elbow. Jay looked down at the slightly grubby fingers of the old man’s big hand as they pressed into her milky white arm. She was guided to the back of the room where a small arched opening lead through into the smaller and darker back stockroom. Old wooden shelving went from floor to ceiling and from the back of the room almost to the front. The room was lit by one weak light mounted on the front wall. Jay’s boss pushed her through the arch and along the wall towards the farthest set of shelves.

Dave stopped Jay by the last set of shelves, turning her to face the back of the room between the two racks of shelves. He put the tea towel down on a neary shelf and ripped open the packet of cable ties (also known as Zip Ties). Standing close behind her and working quickly, Dave took hold of Jay’s wrist and wrapped a tie around it, pulling it tight enough not to fit over her hand, but not so tight as to dig into her skinny wrist. He passed another tie through the first, then held her arm up, close to the low ceiling, and fastened the second tie securely to the top of the wooden shelving.

“Oh my go…” he heard Jay whisper as the realization of what was happening sank in. Dave took hold of her other wrist, there was just a hint of resistance, but he attached the tie with ease. Again he lifted her wrist, Jay tried to pull her hand away, but Dave just tightened his grip, holding her arm still until she relaxed and gave in. Then he raised her arm to the ceiling and fastened a tie to the shelving rack on the other side. So Jay now stood between the two racks of shelves with her hands above her head, and her wrists firmly attached to each rack.

“Ohmygaw.. Oh fuck…” Dave could hear Jay muttering to herself as he knelt down behind her and wrapped a tie around her slender white cotton clad ankle. He passed another long tie through the first then quickly dragged her foot close to the shelving and secured a second tie to it. Jay lost her balance a little, leaning backwards and taking some weight on the ties around her wrist for the first time. She hung from them a moment, then tugged once or twice with each arm, testing the ties. Unable to move her arms or one leg she started to panic and pulled her free leg away just as Dave attached a tie to it.

“Nooo… nooo… please don’t” Jay mumbled as she fought unsuccessfully, and unconvincingly, to free her leg. Dave held onto her ankle and watched as Jay squirmed and wriggled trying to free herself, her little bottom wriggling deliciously in those tiny panties just inches from his face, her slender shaped back arching and twisting, the dark bunches of hair behind her ears flapping around. He held onto her and let her struggle until she calmed down, wishing he had a camera with him, then he dragged her foot close to the other shelf and fastened it securely to the bottom of the wooden framework.

“There now, not so bad is it?” Dave asked as he got to his feet and stood close behind Jay. He could feel her body against his, still Pulling and wriggling, testing the security of her ties. Dave picked up the tea towel and, holding diagonally opposite corners, let it fold in half. Then he rolled the clothes up untilhe had a cotton band about two inches thick. He quickly reached over Jay’s head and placed the clothes over her eyes, wrapping it around her head, above her ears but below her bunches, then securing it with two knots at the back.

“Someone will be down to deal with you later.” Dave whispered into Jay’s ear standing close behind her again.

“No, no, please don’t leave me here… no…” Dave could hear Jay muttering and whining as he left the small dark room, switching of the solidary light as he went, and even as he paused to adjust himself at the bottom of the stairs. His cock was so hard by now, he had to put his hands down his pants just to position it so it wouldn’t show when he got upstairs. With the less than convincing complaints of Jay just about audible, Dave headed back up to the shop, switching off the lights in the other room as well as he left.

Jay wriggled and squirmed in the pitch black basement, but her bonds were secure. She stood still, listening carefullyy. She could hear the muted everyday sounds of the shop upstairs, footsteps over head, muffled voices then somebody laughing. She couldn’t believe she had let herself get into this situation. What did Mr Evans mean by someone? Were they upstairs laughing at her? She just wanted to go home, this was more than she had bargained for. She started to wriggle again, her hands twisting and pulling, trying to find a way out. The fingers of her right hand came to rest on the tie around the shelves, Jay felt her way around it carefully and found the point where the tie fastened. She continued to explore it, and feel a little piece of plastic sticking out. She pushed on the bit of plastic and felt it move beneath her thumb, then she managed to get two fingers under it and pushed it down again. She felt the tension in the tie holding her wrist to the wooden post release and realized she could unfasten the ties quite easily. Suddenly she didn’t feel quite so scared, the milk panic flowing through her eased a little to extremely nervous, as she considered unfastening the ties.

Dave watched the clock like a schoolboy waiting for the end of class. Time seemed to slow down as he waited for the day to end so he could say goodbye to Meg and his wife and lock up. At last it was time and Dave stood by the shop door letting the girls out.

“Don’t be long Dave…” Mrs Evans said as she left “we are going to that thing at Julie and Phil’s remember.” Dave hadn’t remembered, that was a pain, it means he would have to be quick, or late. He locked the door, turned out some of the lights, and went to his office to get a couple of things. When he reached the bottom of the stairs in the cellar, Dave found it hard to believe what had happened before was not just a figure of his imagination. The room looked just like it Always looked, with one exception, there was a pair of sweatpants and a T shirt on the floor. Dave ignored them and quickly made his way to the small room at the back. He flicked on the little light and saw Jay react to the sound, tensing up and turning her head a little.

“Mr Evans?” she inquired almost in a whisper, Dave didn’t answer “Mr Evans… is that you?” Still he did not reply, but he moved closer and stood against the wall behind her, “who’s there?” Jay went on. Dave took his mobile phone from his pocket, the room felt warm and stuffy and Jays back glistened slightly with moisture from all her squirming a wriggling. Dave dropped onto one knee, turned on his phone and opened the camera, then leaned back against the wall to fit as much of the scene in as he could. Jays panties were a little damp and clung to her cheeses, the thin material had worked it’s way between them and Dave made sure her hot little ass was visible, and took a picture. The phone made a loud noise, supposed to sound like a camera shutter.

“What are you doing?” Jay asked, turning her head to listen more carefully, still Dave didn’t answer “who’s there?” Jay repeated. There was another camera sound from the phone then another, and another. Each time Jay heard the sound it came from a different direction. Then Jay felt someone standing close behind her, their body pressing into her back, arms either side of her, and another photo was taken. This time the noise came from in front of her. Then she felt fingers, lightly placed on her hips, she stood, tied spreadeagled, and the fingers slowly traced a line up her sides, over her arms and along her arms, before slipping back down again the way they had come. Jays skin tingled and she felt goosebumps rising as the strangers fingers caresed her again, and again. Then they moved round to her tummy and sked up and down from her thighs to her shoulders, catching her nipples through the skimpy bra as they passed.

“hhhuuuughhh” Jay moaned softly as the strangers fingers teased her, pausing to pinch her nipples through the thin cotton bra. They moved on down her slippery torso and onto her littlepanties, gently caresing and massaging Jay’s boyclit as it grow inside. One hand continued to cares her panties while the other stroked it’s way back up Jay’s body, tugging her bra up and out of the way before rubbing, pinching and rolling her stiff nipple in it’s strong fingers. Jay felt her knees go weak, moaning and panting softly as she squirmed in the strangers arms, trying to keep her balance. The hands moved away and another picture was taken. Jay felt fingers flicking her clip roughly through her panties, making it push against the thin material more and more. She could feel her panties bulging as her excited clip grow inside, and someone took more and more pictures of it. Suddenly a big strong hand forced it’s way deep into her panties, taking hold of her clip and little sack pulling the whole lot out and over the top her panties in one go. Jay gasped as her clip stood up on display, stiff and excited pocking from the top of her panties. Another photo was taken, and another,and more after that.


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