This is part 2 of the next story involving Judy from my story “Jim and Judy.”
I woke fairly refreshed. I tend to wake several times during the night. I used this time to tease Judy. I bet she didn’t get much sleep. The first time I awoke I had sucked on her nipples and lightly fingered her. I could tell by her breathing when she awoke in the middle of it. About the time I thought I had her worked up good I stopped and went back to sleep.
The second time I awoke I pinched her nipples. She came awake immediately, gasping for air. Mumbling what the problem was, I told her, “Nothing, go back to sleep.” I laid there with my hand on her breast for a time pinching her nipple absently until I fell asleep.
The third time I woke I pulled the covers back and got between her legs and licked her slit, then moved up to her nub and continued until she almost orgasmed. I stopped and gave her a deep wet kiss on her lips with my sticky mouth, pulled the coversback and did off again.
At almost 6:00 I stood, my usual wakeup time, time to start the day. I walked to the foot of the bed and pulled the covers off, onto the floor. She was actually sleeping, still naked, bound hand and foot. As I walked along her side of the bed my hand traced up her leg, across her exposed vulnerable pussy, through her new landing strip and up to those wonderful breasts. She twitched and awoke as my fingers crossed her tummy. It must have ticked. I slid my open palm across both nipples, they hardened at my touch. Her eyes were still mostly closed and she licked her lips as she stood. I bent down and planted a wet French kiss on her, snaking my tongue into her mouth. Judy wiggled her head back and forth trying to figure out what was happening. I held her head in place with my left hand, my right starting an assault on her nipples. She had just started kissing back when my fingers pinched her first nipple. She made a sharp noise into my open mouth.
The she tried to speak into my mouth. I ignored her, until I was finished. She had composed herself and spoke. “Good morning Sir.” she said.
“Good morning slut, how did you sleep?”
“Not the greatest, but a little.” she replied. “Sir I need to use the bathroom, I have to pee terribly.”
“Of course slut, as soon as you earn it.” I said as I moved to put my cock right at her lips.
Her eyes moved to see my morning wood. She turned her head and opened her mouth to take me in. She immediately started working it. I have to give her kudos for getting right to it with her morning, dry mouth. It wasn’t long before her saliva worked up and got my knob slippery as she bobbed on it. When I feel the tightening in my sack I grabbed her head and held her still While I unloaded into her mouth. She kept puffing with her cheeks, sucking with her lips pulling all my seed out. I waited until she swallowed and then I released her.
I unbound her naked form from the bed and helped her stand up. I had my next bondage accesses handy on the night stand. I put a leather collar around her neck, then leather cuffs on her wrists. I had a pair of short chains to connect them. The chains hooked to the front of the collar and allowed each wrist movement downward only to about her waist. She could use her hands but they were now limited.
I walked her to the master bathroom and she stopped at the door and looked at me. “What?” I said.
She said “Aren’t you going to free my hands?”
“No” I replied. “You were allowed your modesty last night, but no longer, slut. You said you need to pee terribly, so please do.”
She entered the bathroom with me right behind her and had to bend way down so that the chain would allow her to reach the toilet lid and raise it. She hesitated, looking at me, then sat. She just sat there for a little while, with her eyes screwed tightly shut. When I finally heard her stream hitting the water her face was beet red. I waitedsilently for her to finish. After it was silent for a bit she opened her eyes and looked at me. Her eyes were big and teary. She wasn’t crying but was on the verge.
I asked her, “Are you finished, do you need to do anything else?”
It took a second to register, then she said “No, god no, I don’t, no.”
I deliberately raised an eyebrow, “No?”
She responded quickly, “No Sir. I don’t need to go poop Sir.”
“Very well,” I said, “stand up. Move over to the sink.” She moved with a puzzled look. “Bend over the vanity.”
I took some toilet paper and pushed her knees apart, then patted her pussy from behind, drying her off. I dropped it in the toilet and flushed. In the mirror I could see her eyes were clamped shut again from both the embarrassment and humiliation of using the toilet in front of me and having someone else wipe her. I reached around her and rinsed my hands under the faucet, then dried them, still reaching around her and pushing my semi-erection into her ass crack.
“Brush your teeth.” “Yes Sir” she chased out. Her chains afforded her enough slack to easily grab her brush and toothpaste and brush. “Come to the kitchen when you are finished.” “Yes Sir.”
I put on my boxers and a t-shirt and headed to the kitchen. She was along in a couple minutes. I had just started the coffee brewing. “Your turn” I said. “I want us to be eating breakfast in 45 minutes. I’m sure you know your way around a kitchen.”
“I don’t know what you want, I don’t know what you have.” She said quietly.
“You had better take a quick inventory. I’ll eat whatever you make for us. It’s my kitchen I don’t buy food I won’t eat. You’ve now got 44 minutes to have our meal ready. Every minute after that means Punishment for Judy.”
I came back in 5 minutes to get a cup of coffee, Judy was getting along. Her chains hampered her very little. Reaching the back burners was tough, as were the bottom shelves, she had to knee to reach down to thatse. The upper shelves were no problem. The house was starting to smell like breakfast.
I sat at my dining room table at the 40 minute mark. She silently got the idea and set my place and refilled my coffee. She then brought me a plate of eggs, sausage, and buttered toast. Right on time. There is really nothing more pleasant than to have beautiful, naked, chained slave girl serve you a hot meal. She waited After serving my plate, I said, “Kneel right here.” She kneeeled to the left of my chair while I ate. I absently stroked her neck and wound my fingers through her hair while I ate.
When I finished I told her to take my plate. “That was excellent slut. You may make yourself a plate and come eat while I finish my coffee.” She left with my empty plate and returned with her breakfast. She ate Very lady-like at the table while I drank my coffee. Well, lady-like except that she was naked and had her wrists chained to her collar. The metal links lightly clanked against the table’sedge while she ate.
I asked her what she imagined this day would be like. She looked thoughtful while she chewed, then began to share her thoughts. I had been thinking she was so chatty when Jim was around, and so quiet with me because of their close marriage. Now I was thinking the reason she was quiet with me was because she was usually in her “sub space” taking in all the sensings being played upon her body.
I think she talked non-stop for almost five minutes, describing positions, bindings, feelings, helplessness, humiliation. I broke her continued chatter by asking her. “What is it you want to try?”
“I, I really don’t know.” She said. “You’re so good at reading me, everything you’ve done has pushed me, has scared me, and has thrilled me. You should keep to your plan, I think; Sir.”
“Alright, finish eating and then clean up the kitchen, dishes, everything. Go to the living room and knee in position on the carpet when you are finished and wait for me.” Istood and walked down the hall. I still had to shake and brush my teeth; might as well shower too.
I took my time. I wanted her to wait for me for a real amount of time. It was more than half an hour before I returned. I saw her kneeing in the living room as I passed to inspect the kitchen. Everything appeared to be cleaned and drying in the dish rack. I switched off the coffee pot.
I walked into the living room. She was kneeing, back straight; knees spread wide apart, hands were locked behind her head, elbows pulled back, with the chains hanging down from her wrists. I always liked this position. It was easy to see her freshly sadden pussy and with her hands up and back those magnificent breasts were lifted and jutted out. Her nipples were sticking out straight too. What a sight. “Are you ready to return to the play room slut?” I asked.
Her eyes looked up and replied “Yes sir.”
I slid a hand under hers and lacened my fingers into her hair and pulled her to herfeet. It wasn’t like I’d pull her hair out by the roots, but it did put substantial pressure on her scalp as she quickly rose to her feet. Keeping a hold of her hair I turned her head to face me and kissed her hard on the mouth. I wriggled my tongue in there for good measure then I pulled her head back. My free hand was lightly pinching those hard nipples she now had.
Still gripping her hair, I told her to lower her hands then guided her to the basement. As we made our way across the basement I pulled the cover off the stocks. Being the first time she’d seen it, she just stared. I don’t know if she understand its use, but she didn’t ask. No worries, she’d understand soon enough.
I walked her up to it and slide the panels out of it. This left a half circle below her waistline. I grabbed her hair again and pulled her towards me causing her to bend over with her belly nestled nicely into that half circle. While she was bent at the waist at almost a ninety degree angle I slid thefirst board back in. This one was a half circle facing down and trapped her torso in place.
Next I released her wrists cuffs from the chains and pulled her arms back and up. There were two smaller half circles set wide apart at the top of that newest board. It also had a metal pipe behind it, so she could grab it instead of the hard edge of the board biting her wrists. I guided her hands to the pipe and she grabbed it. Then I slide the top board into place, and latched it, finally trapping her completely into my stocks.
I removed the short chains hanging from her collar and tossed them aside. I walked around behind her and pushed knees apart then wrapped her legs with the Velcro straps attached there. These were a great addition designed to keep her legs spread wide. This gave me an awesome view of her exposed pussy and vulnerable asshole.
“Alright slut Judy, let’s review this morning. You served me a very good breakfast and cleared the dished and cleaned the kitchento my satisfaction. My question is did you start my day with a cheerful greeting?”
She was silent a second, then said “I believe I said ‘Good Morning, Sir’ this morning.”
“No, you didn’t greet me, you acknowledged you slept very little and demanded to be allowed to pee. Isn’t that true?” Actually she had greeted me, but she was getting paid either way. Either for not greeting me, which wasn’t true, or for arguing with me that she had greeted me. Catch 22 and a reddened ass, a nice combination.
“Y, yes Sir. I did have to pee.” She stammered.
“So now you’ll be punished for your failure first thing this morning. You will receive 20 strokes of various degrees with different implementations. As you can tell by this position you will not know what implementation will come across your ass. You’re only responsibility here is to count each stroke out loud. Is that understand slut?”
Long hesitation… “Yes Sir.”
I walked over to my peg board to select my first item.First would be ping-pong paddle, starting light. Walking back, I stood aside her lovely round ass and brought that paddle down on one chef. She jumped and her ass cheek jiggled, after a moment she softly said. “One.”
“Until you address me properly they will not count. You are still at one.” I said sternly.
I struck her other ass cheek. “One, Sir”
“Very good slut.” I hit the other cheese again. “Two Sir.” She said.
After five I switched to my long flat paddle. Now I was getting both cheeses on each swing. She clenched her ass cheeses and her leg muscles tightened with that blow. Surely she could tell the difference with this new instrument. “Six Sir” she said.
Six more blows with the paddle and I exchanged it for a wide leather belt, doubled over, so it would make a loud crack. I’m sure she heard it before she felt it. She all but jumped in her bonds. She loudly sucked in a big breath then said “Thirteen, Sir.” Another full swing of the belt, ‘thwack’, across both ass cheats, her ass wiggled so beautifully. By now her whole ass was pink with two wide red stripes across it.
“Fourteen Sir.” She choked out.
Swish, thwack, “Fifteen Sir.”
Swish, thwack, “Sixteen Sir.”
Swish, thwack, “Seventeen Sir. Sir, please, please, I’m sorry.”
Swish, thwack, “Eight; Eightteen Sir… Please Sir, please, it hurts so bad. Please, I’m sorry. I, I won’t forget again.” She begged.
“You’re at eighteen, only two to go.” I said.
She replied, “Please, no, please I promise.”
“I’ll tell you what, slut. I’ll let you choose. You can have the last two across your ass with the cane, or you can have one on each title with the riding crop.”
“Sir, please, not the cane, but the crop, on my breasts??”
“Choose quickly, or I’ll choose for you.”
Judy replied “Sir, I can’t take the cane, I’ll; I choose the crop on my breasts.”
“On your tits,” I replied loudly “not your breasts, slut, your tits.”
I swapped the belt for my long crop and walked to the front side of the stocks. The stocks pinned her arms behind her causing those lovely, long tits to jut out and put her head right at my crotch level. I stood close with her face right in my crotch looking up at me with those lovely pleading eyes. I stepped to her right side and grabbed a handful of hair and pulled her head back. “Don’t want to accidentally strike you across your slutty face.”
I swung a medium sized wrist stroke, catching her right boob exactly across the nipple, the leather tip striking directly on her title. She let out a shriek but I held her head firmly back. Her breath was huffing quickly as her brain processed the pain.
I asked softly “Are you ok?” Her voice cracked “Yes, yes Sir.”
“Then why didn’t you count that stroke?”
Her eyes darted up to me. I rolled my wrist and landed that crop onto her left nipple.
She shrieked again, but through her panted breathing said “Nine, nineteen Sir.”
Backto her right title, I landed that crop on her right nipple. She let out a groan, and forced out “Twenty Sir!” between clenched teeth.
I dropped the crop for effect and knelt down to kiss her while I still held her by the hair. I told her “Apology accepted. Now we should be able to get back on schedule.”
I released her hair and softly rubbed her poor nipples. She was lightly sucking her breath in and exhaling loudly while I did this. Her tits were rock hard, it was difficult for me to stop caressing and stoking them. She was just starting to make “Ooooo” sounds and mewling when I stopped.
I grabbed a small can of “body butter” I keep handy on the shelf. When it first touched her ass cheeks she jumped. Again, that made her cheeks jiggle, they are so inviting when They jiggle like that. I messaged the cream into her skin. They were still red and hot to the touch. As I worked the cream into her skin she started rolling her hips as much as the stocks would allow.
After I had her cheats well cared for I took some cream and slide my fingers into her ass crack. She instinctively squeezed her ass cheats together. I slapped her ass with my free hand. She yelped.
“Relax your cheats, don’t try to prevent me access to your ass.” I scolded.
I worked the cream up and down her crack, across her rosebud. I circled her back hole and slowly worked a finger in and out. I used my free hand to message her slit. I curled a finger and let the hard knuckle lightly rub her clip. She was absolutely moving her hips and I could smell her arousal.
I stopped and walked to the bathroom. I returned with my hot water bottle filled with warm soapy water. Still locked in the stocks she couldn’t see me. I hung the bottle on the side of the stocks and inserted the nozzle. I think she thought it was My finger again. I walked around to the front of the stocks and she stared at me, confused. She said “Sir, what is in my ass?”
I reached to the bag and opened the valve. That look of surprise on her face was priceless. I told her again “Don’t you let any dribble out. Take it all in.” I watched her face as the bag emptied into her abdomen.
Just like we did last night, when the bag was empty, I removed the nozzle and placed a butt plug in her ass. Then I went upstairs. I surfed the channels, didn’t really find anything, I stumbled across a James Bond movie so I watched that for about 20 minutes. Then it was back to work.
I walked up to her, knelt down, kissed her and teased with those wonderful nipples. They were still sticking out, begging me to play with them. I continued to kiss her while I pulled lightly and twisted her nipples with both hands. She was whimpering softly.
“Are you ready to release all that fluid,” I asked. She nodded vigorously, “Yes Sir.” I removed the top board of the stocks and she brought her hands around in front of her. Then I removed the second board. She very gingerly stood upright. I unstrapped her legs and grabbed her by the hair.
I guided her by the hair again. This time I guided her right to the toilet. She looked at me for a minute then realized I wasn’t leaving this time, plus her abdomen demanded immediate attention, privacy didn’t. She grabbed the butt plug as she quickly sat on the toilet. I released her hair, took a step back, crossed my arms in a very judicial pose and stared at her.
It was loud and stinky. The splashing of water as she evacuated her bowels was totally humiliating. Judy was nearly in tears from me staring blankly at her during this. It didn’t take long, but I was in no hurry, we had all day, and this worth every second. I stood, she sat. Her eyes were bright and watery. She was trying so hard not to cry, sitting there holding the butt plug. When she hung her head in shame a silent, single tear dripped onto her boob.
“OK, better wipe up. Get cleaned up don’t doddle,” I turned and left the bathroom. I left the door open.
After a bit, I heard the flush, then the faucet running as she cleaned up. Wash clothes and towels hung in there, I’m sure she put them to use. When she came out she was more composed. She walked towards me and I asked her, “Would you like a tour of the playroom? You’ve been down here a couple times.”
“Yes Sir.”
We slowly walked around the basement, showing her each item or area, answering any questions she had. It was like a museum tour I guess. It was after twelve, but I had some other plans to complete before lunch.
“Time to put your slutty ass back into the stocks,” I said. She walked right over to the stocks and bent forward waiting for me to start putting the boards back in. She really was obedient. As I slipped the first board back in she asked “Are you about to punish me again?”
“No, not right now, why do you ask?” I said.
She was quiet, it took a bit for me to realize. “Do you want me to? Did you enjoy that?” I said.
She still was quiet, finally she said”I just, yes, yes Sir. I did, now that it’s over. I didn’t while it was happening, but now I wish I hadn’t pleased. Um, it’s so hard to explain.”
I told her, “I know exactly what you mean. You dread it just before it happens, your hate it while it’s going on, now that it’s over, you’re wondering when you’ll get to do it again. Most of all, you’re ashamed right now for asking me for more of it, right?”
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