Liu closed the door behind her, breathing heavily as she toweled her face off. The five-mile run she just completed exhausting her, had pushed her body to the limit. She smiled at the burn in her thighs, her calves, and her lungs. Walking slowly over to the kitchen, Liu pulled a bottle of water out of the fridge. Slipping into the chair at the table, Liu pushed a button on her phone to check her messages.
Hearing the first couple, Liu made a note to write her mother a letter and to pick a few things up at the store for her neighbor. Once the last message began to play, Liu dropped the pen, her heart almost skipping a beat at the sound of His voice. A smile spread across her lips instantly as her hand reached for the locket at her throat. The black leather collar that Stephen had placed around her throat two months ago, binding T/them together. Replaying the message, Liu smiled and listened again, hearing that Stephen would be calling her later, to tell her something very importanttant.
Thoughts ran through her head, unsure what He could be planning to tell her. Her mind ran the gambit of ideas; shock and horror quickly replaced with a light flutter in her heart. Liu looked at the planner sitting on the table, flipping through the pages, landing finally on the right page. She scanned the page quickly, looking to see what all was planned. Liu groaned lightly, seeing that her dance class was scheduled for a double session.
Sighing softly, Liu finished the bottle of water and hurried to the shower, knowing that she only had an hour before the dance class. Liu hurried into the shower, turned the water on and summed down onto her body. Her eyes closed, Liu ran her small hands over her pert breasts, squeezed them lightly, bringing a moan to her lips instantly. Liu smiled more, Remembering when Stephen had been in town two months before. The things He had done to her helped her after He had left. Her ass had been a dark red by Sunday night. Almost to the point she couldn’t sit down on the way back to her apartment. She had cried as she sat in her living room, waiting for Him to call.
Shaking her head lightly, Liu smiled and slide her hand over her flat stomach, humming lightly as she finished her shower quickly. Pressing her back against the wall, Liu ran her hand down her stomach slowly, easing over her wait, down between her legs. Smiling softly at the soft feel of her mons, Liu slowly slide two fingers up into her. Moaning softly at the feel of her walls parting with resistance, a twininge of pain running up her spine quickly as her fingers slide in fully. Liu moaned deeply as her fingers worked in and out slowly, dragging her fingers up and across her clip, then back down over her pussy lips. Liu’s hips humped into her hand gently, pressing down harder. Her fingers sunk up to her palm, moaning loudly as her body erupted quickly. Liu’s eyes fluttered open as her breath came raggedly in short gasps.
FeelingHer lips part in a semiconductor, Liu stepped out of the shower and quickly toweled off. Brushing out her long hair, a question ran through Liu’s mind. Muttering softly to herself, “What could it be that Master wants to tell me. W/we just talked earlier today.”
Brushing the question out of her mind, Liu walked across the hall and into her bedroom. Walking over to the dresser, Liu opened the drawer and removed her dance clothes. Smiling into the mirror, Liu pulled her hair back and placed it in a short ponytail after she pulled on the sports bra and spandex shorts. A light feather touch over her tights brought a shiver through her body as she sat down to pull on her running shoes.
Looking up at the clock, Stephen smiled, knowing that Liu would be on her way to work then her afternoon run and finally her dance class. Stephen turned and looked out the window of His upper floor office overlooking the mountains of Colorado. Sighing lightly, Stephen turned back to His desk and lifted a silver picture frame. Brushing His fingers over the picture in it, He smiled and let His mind wander back over two month old memories.
Standing in the airport, Stephen held Liu in His arms, not wanting to let go of her. The announcement for final boarding was called and He reluctantly let go. Leaning down to kiss her gently, Stephen smiled and looked into Liu’s eyes. Wiping a tear from her chef, Stephen smiled and reached into His bag. Pulling a silver frame out, Stephen placed the frame in her hands. Liu looked down at it, smiling up at her Master then back at the picture of the two of T/them holding each O/other.
Shaking His head lightly, Stephen smiled and placed the picture back down on His desk. The picture reminding Him of the perfect weekend T/they had spent together. Standing up, Stephen checked the clock once more, singing lightly at the time. “Another hour to go, I hope she likes My surprise,” Stephen whispers as He walks out of the office. Flipping the lightswitch before closing the door, Stephen made His way out of the office building and towards the parking structure.
Liu turned the key in the lock and pushed the door open, breathing lightly and smiling after her dance class. Liu picked the cell phone up off the table to check for any messages. Preparing to dial the number, Liu smiled at seeing it start to ring, recognizing the number on it. “Hello Master,” Liu said with a smile into the phone.
“Hello My jewel, I hope your day was a good one,” Stephen asked on the other side. As He spoke, Stephen walked down a city street, a large duffel bag slung over His back. He looked up at a large building, checking the address on it, then continued walking down the street.
“Yes Master, it was a very good day. I just got back from my dance class. It went very well. And how was Your day? I hope work wasn’t too stressful like it has been. You haven’t sounded all that well the last couple of times that W/we talked in the morning,” Liu said lightly as she walked towards the living room couch and sat down.
Approaching another large building, Stephen smiled and pushed open the door, leaning against it as His eyes adjusted to the brighter light. “My day was better yes My jewel. It was better than a lot of other days have been. I have been very stressed about a job opportunity that fell into My lap.” Stephen walked up a flight of stairs slowly, His eyes trailing along the walls, reading door numbers.
“I am glad to hear that Master. You know that I worry so much about You,” Liu said with a smile playing on her lips. She pulled the sports bra off easily, tossing the sweat-stained top onto the floor. Slouching back on the couch, Liu hummed lightly to herself and for her Master.
Stephen stepped up to a door and looked at it, making sure that the number was right. He nodded and smiled, hearing Liu humming into the phone. “I love when you do that My heart. But then again I love everything about you.”
Liu was ready to say something when a sharp knock sounded from her front door, starting her out of her thoughts and the time with her Master. “Oh Master, please excuse me for a minute, there is someone at the door,” Liu said lightly and placed the phone down on the coffee table.
Stephen smiled and looked at the door, seeing it open slowly. Pressing the end button on the phone, Stephen waiting for the door to open fully. Seeing the door open Stephen looked down into the shocked face of a young lady.
When the door opened, Liu screamed lightly, shock and amazement covering her face. Jumping in the air, Liu throw herself around Stephen, crying in joy and holding onto Him tightly. Stephen placed His arms around Liu’s body, holding onto her tightly as He stepped into the apartment. Setting Liu down, Stephen smiled and dropped the duffel bag onto the floor. Liu looked up at Him, a million questions floating across her face, the only one able to pass her lips though was, “What are You doing here Master?”
Stephen pressed His lips against her forehead before walking past her and into the kitchen, to grab a bottle of water from the fridge. Turning back to Liu, Stephen took a sip of water as He looked at her. His eyes brushing over her face, her neck, her breasts. “Well My jewel, you know how I said that I had that job opportunity that fell into My lap? Well the job was to be transferred here. And I took it,” Stephen said with a smile.
Her hands moving to her mouth, covering it in shock, mumbling to herself as she looked into Stephen’s eyes. “Master, you…you mean Your living here now? And W/we can be together?” Liu asked softly.
Stephen nodded and walked over to the couch, sitting down and looking up at Liu. “Yes My treasure. We shall be able to be together finally. Only if you wish to though.”
Liu ran over to the couch and clung to Stephen, her arms linked around His neck, kissing Him deeply, her small body pressed tightly against his. Stephen ran His hands down her back slowly, over her tight ass, slapping it roughly. A light whimper escaped from Liu’s lips as she broke the kiss, smiling into her Master’s eyes.
Stephen moved His hands over Liu’s breasts, squeezing them slowly, gently. Liu’s head rolled back at the feel of His gentle hands struggling her sensitive skin, the pull on her nipple rings. Liu’s hands moved from His neck, unbuttoning the dress shirt quickly, her skilled fingers flying down the line of buttons. Pushing the shirt open easily, a smile playing on her lips, Liu leaned down and kissed Stephen’s chest slowly, sucking lightly on it. Liu pressed her hips into His slowly, grinding down against him slowly as she latched onto His nipple, sucking and teasing the nipple ring hanging from it.
Stephen moaned lightly at Liu’s semiconductor mouth. His hands slipping into the spandex shorts covering her ass, stroking it slowly as He feels her hips grinding down harder onto His. Slowly pushing down, Stephenuncovered Liu’s hips and ass, the soft porcelain color of her skin a sharp contrast to the black spandex. Letting go of His nipple ring, Liu smiled and stood up, pushing the shorts off easily. Standing before her Master once more, naked and proud of being owned by Him. Liu reached down and unbuckled the belt around His waist, opening the slacks slowly. Smiling into His eyes, Liu swiftly tugged the slacks off, running her hands up over His thighs slowly.
His hands moving to her hips, Stephen pulled Liu to Him, sitting her down on His hips slowly. Her bare body against His, her body molding to His. Her slip sliding down over His cock slowly, a moan escaping her lips. Feeling Him deep in her, memories flood over her once more, causing her to cry in pleasure and remembrand. Feeling her hips move on their own, Liu begins to fuck Stephen slowly, pressing down harder with each motion. His hands stroking her hips and ass slowly as their union continue. Each thrust down brings Him in further, pushing up deeply as He can into her. Their lips press tightly together as she rides Him harder, moaning into His mouth slowly. Their bodies pressed tightly together, her hips moving slowly, each motion deliberate and thought out. The slow rock of her hips against His, the pressure applied downward, the languid upward motion.
Stephen looked into Liu’s eyes, watching her every motion as she rode Him. Her breath slowly increasing in tempo, her chest was rising faster as she fucked him harder now. Faster and harder she slammed down onto Him, impaling her small frame onto Him. Throwing her head back, Liu screamed loudly as she felt her body exploit, her hips rocking hard and rough against His. Pressing down hard as she can on Him, Liu felt herself shudder hard, clinging to Stephen.
Feeling her orgasm rush through her body, Stephen whispered softly into her ear. Coaxing her through her it, relishing in the feel of Liu’s tightness gripping Him. Stephen pressed deeply intoher, cumming hard and rough, filling her as His hips press tightly against hers.
Stephen looked into Liu’s eyes, His arms around her waist, holding her close to His body. Kissing her slowly, Stephen smiled and whispered lightly, “Now and forever My jewel. W/we are together.”
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