Weekend in Paradise Ch. 28

I awoke from a peaceful sleep snuggled up to Ice. It was warm and cozy as I looked at the clock that displayed 8:05 am. My computer was on the dresser, the alarm was going off with its being noise. This is unusual I thought, they never wook me unless it was highly important. I put on my robe, sat in the chair and opened the laptop.

“Good morning boss.” came the happy voice of AJ with Mike beside her and Dan standing behind them.

“Good morning.” I yawned my greeting. It didn’t dawn on me that Dan was with them.

“What is up so early in the morning?” I asked still shaking the sleepy cobwebs out of my system.

“Long night Nelson?” Dan asked laughing.

“Actually yes.” I said when realization set in.

“Why are you in this conversation, Dan?” I asked shocked.

“Just getting a feel of the place and people that I will be working with. Quite the setup.” Dan replied happily.

“They took my recommendation to heart, did they?” I said with a smile.

“Yeah, I was approaching this morning after all the activity you initiated. Thank you for that. They didn’t tell me who else was joining me on the board other than the fact she is coming in from the DC area.” Dan stated.

“Just keep your eyes in your head when you meet her.” I said laughing as I already knew who it was.

“Why are you all leaving?” Mike asked. “Tired and burned out. It took me two years setting everything up, making connections and getting funded. Matt, Chelsie and John more or less comfortable me along the way. None of them actually knew the big picture. Though the recent negotiations, John understands the most. John and I reorganized the company to protect every ones job. I am sure John will be stepping down soon also. With his recent marriage.” I said filling them in while I saw them nodding their heads of understanding. Ice had awoken and went to the bathroom.

“I assume you went ahead and nabbed our bad guys?” I asked wanting to know.

“Yes,we moved in at six this morning getting the bank president out of bed. You were right about Heath and Abbey, they were originally planning Lena’s death in the future, money and opportunity changed their minds. We hit Chad first as he was the most isolated. Then Abbey and her room next. The room may be an innocent pawn, they used her to make all the over the counter transactions at the bank. Though her story looks like she might have been the target of a new identity for Suzie Heart. Devon and his sources were right. I got to get to know that guy. We got Heath a little while ago with the USB drive. The locals were happy as they got six from the Eastside Gang. The locals also get to be the major players in the attempted kidnapping of Lena, right about now. She always goes for an early morning jog, we learned. We might be able to round up the entire gang from this.” Dan related with a smile.

“So they were using Lena and her money to cover the tracks of the mob money. Then using a kidnapping scheme to get her money back in place minus the ransom fee to pay for it. Ingenius!” I said thinking about it.

“Just about like we Surmized.” Dan said astonished that we figured it all out.

“That is fantastic! Just think, my entire weekend is a company write-off. Nice profit sharing bonus everyone gets as a good bye present next month. To congratulate everyone for a job well done. Dan, you will get to meet Devon in a few days I am sure. Those circumstances and your new partners will be a surprise that will blow your mind.” I started laughing, knowing what was coming.

“How do you do It?” Dan asked mystified.

“You will learn my friend, you will learn. Just trust your new partners.” I answered knowingly, watching him look dumbfounded by the last statement.

“Dan, did you take care of that little problem with Ella, yet?” I asked earnestly.

“I will very soon. Haven’t had the chance. I’ll also take care of her front door also.” Dan said with a smile.

“Most of us are taking the week off, here in paradise. If you need us, you know where we are. Have a great day.” I said closing the laptop.

“Everything go well, Master?” Ice asked looking a little disappointed.

“Everything went according to plan, Love. Your breakfast desert will have to wait this morning.” I said laughing. Ice smiled and gave me a password kiss.

“I think this would look wonderful on you for breakfast along with those daisy dukes of yours.” I said holding up her t-shirt from yesterday.

“I smell someone cooking and I am starved, will be ready in a minute.” I said going to the bathroom. Pot, hands washed, teeth brushed, put on my robe. Ice was a vision of beauty, she was covered but showing off as well. Wasn’t that bigg on her new tennis shoes but it did match the outfit. Besides her little tootsies might be tired with all the heels she wasn’t used to wearing. I completed her ensemble by adding her leanh. She looked lovely and gave me another lip smacking kiss.

We arrived and were greeted by Chelsie and Ella fixing breakfast, the table was already set. I sat down as Ice went to the kitchen to help but was told to leave, she did manage to get me a glass of chocolate milk to go with my OJ and coffee, which I drank first. Matt came up wearing his robe also. Matt and I got our omelets first, sausage, mushroom and cheese with toast.

John and Lilly were in the bathroom as I heard the shower running. Ice got her plate next, delivered by Chelsie. Ella and Chelsie came out a minute later with their food and sat down. Chelsie a little glum.

“Nelson, I am sorry I couldn’t be happy for you and Ice on your greatest day. It was my own selfishness that you made me realize with Matt. I see the likeness of me in Ice, she was your dream and I was the replacement. I messed it up long ago, she got what I wanted and I was jealous. You taught me that Matt was the man for me instead of you. I am really happy for the both you. Please forgive me, both of you.” Chelsie said on the verge of tears.

“I accept your apology Chelsie. Maybe Matt and I can determine your punishment before the week is out. Ella can join in, I am sure she will want to be in on the action also.” I said smiling.

Chelsie and Ella both looked at Matt with expectations with that idea in mind. Matt just shook his head while he enjoyed the view of everyone looking at him.

“I was wondering about the room downstairs that I accidentally saw Ice enter last night.” Matt said more interested in the playroom downstairs. He saw Ice go into it last night and took a quick peek inside when he came out of the bathroom. It was a well hidden secret for sure.

Ice and I looked at each other with a knowing glance and a wink. Smiling back at Matt.

“I think that can be arranged easily enough.” I said laughing.

“There is a playroom. I was wondering where it was at. Hidden right under our noses the whole time.” Ella stated gleefully.

John came in already dressed for the day. He had a bright and smiling Lilly in tow on a leash. She was wearing her wedding outfit from the night before and no makeup.

Ella got up. “Please be seated, I will fix your breakfast.” Ella acknowledged. Chelsie got up taking her half eaten plate with her to help Ella. They finished eating in the kitchen, while waiting for the food to cook. Chelsie brought a fresh pot of coffee and filled every ones cup.

“Yes, in my frenzied haste last night, I forgot my bag in the car. Lilly said giggling.

“Millie, the bag you brought is in the trunk of my car.” John stated.

“Ella, please. I think almost everyone knows that is my undercover name.” Ella stated. “I wonder what I could have brought? Hopefully my makeup, that was my one big indulgence.” Ella said thinking aloud.

Chelsie and Ella brought the plates for John and Lilly. “Congratulations to you both, too bad we could not be there for the wedding.” Chelsie said a little dismayed.

“I wish I had a chance to get to know you better before the wedding.” Chelsie said as she gave John and Lilly a kiss.

“Me too. I am sure you understand though. It was totally my fault however.” said Ella in her chipper voice giving John and Lilly a congratulatory kiss in kind.

“We totally understand. It isn’t actually your fault.” John said smiling.

“Lilly, this is my paralegal, Ella.” John said not elaborating on the circumstances but had already explained to Lilly.

“Nice to finally meet you. John speaks very highly of you.” Lilly said being cautiuos.

“Thank you. All good I hope.” Ella stated with a smile.

“Before you all get too comfortable and go different directions this morning. I have something to tell you all.” Ella started.

“I had a dream last night as if by magic. Morgan and I had a chance to say goodbye. He left with me hand in hand but left me behind. My slave name is no longer to be used.” Ella piped up with tears in her eyes.

“Chelsie and I are now sisters.” Ella further stated with a smile forming though the tears were still present.

John, Lilly and I clapped at that news. “Congratulations Matt” John and I said at the same time. Lilly got up and gave Ella and Chelsie a hug and a kiss then sat down and continued eating. Matt looked confused as all get out, started to say something then didn’t. Ice was just as puzzled by the statistics as Matt.

“Don’t worry Matt, Ella will explain, there hasn’t been enough time to talk about the meaning I assume.” I said thoughtfully.

“Simply put, what belongs to one, belongs to the other.” I said looking at Ice.

“I understand, Master. Thank you.” Ice said smiling and winding at the three.

“This may not come as a surprise to some of you. This wonderfully exciting weekend had its price tag. However, that entire price tag will be picked up by the company. Most of it was charged to the company anyway. The companymade a profit somewhere near twelve million thanks to my unwitting bride. They have made the arrests this morning that netted more than we bargained for. I said for starters.

“The biggest of which got the bastard that killed Morgan, Ella.” I said with contempt.

“Thank you once again for protecting me and looking out for my interests. You seem to have a habit of that.” Ella said dismayed.

“Dan will be one of the new board members as he accepted the promotion. What most of you don’t know is Bambi Hightower will also be a board member. Her three infiltrator coins will still work for her. Ed and his boys might be interested in that. The third I have only heard about by reputation. She is very good looking, a real ball buster and smart as a whip. Not sure how long she is going to be here. She is going to learn the setup and make recommendations to streamline the operation before expansion to their existing sites.” I said filling them in.

“I didn’t know Bambi was part of your operation.” Ice said surprised.

“She wasn’t, John and I used her team as undercover infiltrators from time to time. They are very good at what they do. They are members of our club and work for Devon also. They hide themselves out here to remain incognito.” I explained.

“I think I need to know more about this club other than what you have told me?” Matt said interested.

“Ella can fill you in quite well on that matter, I am sure.” I said winding at her.

“John, I think you might want to get with Devon to put feelings out for you. I figure you have time as you will probably want to stay there until your house gets finished. Rollover happens the end of September and that would give you plenty of time.” I said thinking About all his customers.

“Your right, Nelson. I think Bethany, Lilly and Dakota won’t mind overseeing the building operation I have planned. Lilly will need to make sure the playroom remains a secret with the contractor though.” John said with a wink to Lilly.

“I have never seen the playroom here. You can count on me and us of course, my Dearest.” Lilly giggled with a wink to John.

“The playroom In time, Darling.” John said with a smile.

“Things went great with Buck and Cora, might need to get them their own little place on the farm like Lacy, James, Bruce and Deuce here.” I told Ice.

“I thought it strange you went with straight folk for that, Master.” Ice stated in disbelief.

“I don’t think your mom and dad would have approved of my normal approach. Besides, Buck has been very good to all of us over the years.” I said explaining.

“Absolutely.” interjected John.

“Now there is a business opening in town, It seems the coffee shop will need to go under new management rather soon.” I said looking at Matt.

“You just want to keep your friends close. Is that it?” Matt asked.

“Actually yes, I don’t know what I would have done all these years without you. I know it isn’t much, but for someone who needs something to do and doesn’t need the money might find it appealing.” I said hoping Matt would take me up on the offer.

Matt looked at Chelsie and Ella for a little guidance on the matter. They both nodded their heads in the affordable. “I will take you up on that offer.” Matt said smiling.

“John and I have to take care of Dr. Chapman and Sky, Buck and Cora, the coffee shop matter and a few other loose ends as well.” trying to remember if I left anything out.

“Just one little thing that involves Ella.” John said a little glum. “Since I was close to Ella, I also handled legal matters for Morgan. I knew he was going to propose, Ella. I didn’t think it pertinent at the time. His actions didn’t make sense to me. That is why I called Devon instead of Ed. He would have a better understanding of the situation.” John told us.

“I understand John. It actually didn’t. It was his phone that made the difference.” I said knowingly.

“True.I have the Will however and the proposed updates. The updates won’t be valid but a very sizable portion of his estate goes to Ella. The house and its contents including what is in the safe. The house was paid for by the way. His portfolio goes to his brother which is a pretty good chunk of change in itself. I am not sure what was in the safe. John related.

“I don’t know the combo.” Ella stated.

“You do, you just don’t realize it. Your birthday. Everything he did for you was tied to it.” John said knowing it would bring more pain.

Ella started crying again and leaned on Chelsie for support. Who did everything in her power to comfort her. “I knew he loved me, not just Sprite.” Ella sobbed. We were all sad at this revelation.

“Hopefully we can get Some rest and play time in this week as the weekend was sort of a total bust, pun intended.” I finished saying, trying to lighten the sour mood a little.

Stay tuned for book two.


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